Star Trek (JJ Abrams) Out Now

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How is it as a Star Trek movie? I mean more than "fan service" by throwing in some series cliche or some shit, but a real Star Trek nerd's opinion of it as part of the Star Trek franchise rather than just as an action movie. It seems like hardly anyone on here has watched Star Trek before this.
It certainly felt like more of an action film than all the other Trek movies, but it really wasn't bad. The actors played their roles well, had most of the characters mannerisms down. There some references to the old show and movies. Like
Sulu fencing
for example.
IMAX for me was sold out. Not a big deal since the movie was filmed in 35mm and is just being blown up for imax to 70mm.

The first 15minutes are a lot of fun...too bad there is probably 19 lens flare moments which makes u wanna stab your eyes out. The time travel crap annoyed me a bit but im nitpicking. Its a fun action movie there are a lot of cool CG moments which is why I went to see the film in the first place. A few annoying wide angle shots then zoomed in really close. Happens about 3-4times which is overall a horrible effect. Later in the film the choice to film "nero" right up his nose is poor one. I heard in a review where they complained about too many closeups on people...but it really wasn't that noticeable until the end of the film w/ nero.
I am sure Star Trek fans got more out of the film then I did. It has an entertaining story with a few laughs and some good CG. 7/10
[quote name='DestroVega']
The slug doesn't go in through that entrance.

If you're referring the The Wrath of Khan that was a different creature.

[quote name='SpazX']How is it as a Star Trek movie? I mean more than "fan service" by throwing in some series cliche or some shit, but a real Star Trek nerd's opinion of it as part of the Star Trek franchise rather than just as an action movie. It seems like hardly anyone on here has watched Star Trek before this.[/QUOTE]

Well, I've watched Trek for well over 30 years and although I'm not the nerdiest fan I know the canon pretty well. And as a ST fan I was disappointed. As a movie it was a fine summer flick, but the nitpicks I had as a ST fan kept nagging at me. A good example--

Spock and Uhura dating??? C'mon! Totally out of character for Spock, especially a younger one. Most of the characters in the movie were done pretty well, but this would've been SO out of character for Spock that everyone in my group commented on it afterwards.

Anyway, I guess go see the movie for what it is, an enjoyable action movie...but as a Star Trek movie...I thought something
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Yeah, my fiance will hate this. He said we'll probably redbox it.[/quote]
Yea your I think I saw your fiance, he was in this news report:

Saw it, thought it was fantastic. Made up for my brain having to go through Wolverine. I hope they make more.

It also makes me wish they create a device that could cause everyone to completely forget Star Wars Episodes 1 2 3 ever happened and make a proper prequel to the movies. Created by JJAbrams of course.
I liked it. One thing that surprised me was
I hated every moment Leonard Nimoy was on screen. There were other things that bothered me too, but for some reason the thing that stood out the most was I thought his acting was horrible. I think half of it was his lines.
[quote name='headpiece747']Overall I enjoyed the flick and I thought the guys that played Bones and Scotty were on point.[/QUOTE]I was amazed at how much the McCoy actor sounded like DeForrest Kelly at times. Probably the most effective re-casting in the movie, IMO.

I'll definitely have to see it again to form a better opinion of it - I made the mistake of seeing it in IMAX but not arriving early enough to get decent seats. Unlike previous IMAX theaters I've been to, this one actually had one of those dome screens, so if you're stuck near the bottom row the picture is gonna look all bent and distorted the whole time (previous IMAX movies I've seen have just been on a really huge version of a typical flat movie screen, or maybe with just a slight curve to it).

Anyway, as far as the movie's story goes, the main thing that bugged me was that
it got me all psyched to see how all the characters met for the first time. This was exciting for a longtime fan because the actual show never really "introduced" all the characters. But you lose all that once it's established that the film represents an alternate reality. So we haven't seen the "real" first meeting of Kirk and Spock; those conversations with Uhura may or may not have happened; Kirk didn't necessarily listen to the Beastie Boys; etc. You start off thinking that you're getting new insight into these beloved characters, only to find out that none of it actually "counts."

Naturally this would only affect a fan of the old material. I suppose the real point is to be starting over with these versions of the characters, with a built-in excuse as to why anything is "allowed" to happen now. I did like it, I liked it quite a bit - I can only imagine I'll warm up to it more on subsequent viewings, now that I have a better idea of where it's coming from and what it is meant to do.

Since there is no plot point about the timeline being "fixed," I can only assume they plan on continuing the story in the alternate reality (i.e. doing more movies with this version of the cast). And what's the deal with "canon" Spock now - is he just gonna be chillin in this alternate past now? Does the TNG timeline now include Romulus being destroyed (sometime after Star Trek Nemesis I presume) and Ambassador Spock disappearing?
I like star Trek. I've watched all of TNG and DS9, and most of TOS and Voyager.

I wasn't too thrilled about the movie since it seemed like there had converted Trek into some type of MTV X-TREAM version of TOS. But enough people I know said it was good that I went to see it.

I gotta say, there was nothing worth nitpicking. I thought the movie was fantastic. It seems like this is now the "Ultimate" version of Star Trek. And the "real" version still exist.

I don't follow the books at all so I'm not sure how much of the stuff they referance about happening in the "Future" actually happened.
I guess now that there is a seperate star trek universe we can now have a new version of Kahn, the borg, kingon/Fed war. There are a ton of stuff they can play with and not really have to worry about crushing all the cannon from the past TV/Movie matterial. And its good to know that the old "real" versions can meet the alternate versions. I mean you know young krik will meet old kirk somewhere.

I'm sure if they try to launch another TV show it will take place in the alternate universe setup in this movie.

The one thing I didn't fully get was when in Time was Spock suposed to stop the supernova? Where in the trek timeline is that suposed to take place? I know he said something like 130 years, but that seems like it would be around DS9/Voyager time. And not after. So blowing up Romulus seems to be the only thing not to jive with normal cannon.
Not a big fan of star trek. I can not really stand shatner but I did watch the next generation as a kid. I liked it but as I got older I stopped watching it. However as a movie I liked this and think that this is the type of ST for this generation. If I was a big ST fan I don't think I would have liked it much at all. It was worth the price to get it and if I can get a good deal on the BD I will get it.
that movie was awesome. granted i didnt go into it with any expectations and it well exceeded what i was thinking itd be. this movie should do massive numbers and if it doesnt id be surprised. its got enough for the fans of the series and its an easy movie to get into even if youve never watched star trek. this is the first new film in a long long long long long time i enjoyed. i might even buy it when it comes out on dvd or blu ray depending on the extra stuff in it. mind you im a serious movie snob and i hate most new movies. and im very happy matt damon didnt take on the kirk role he would have ruined it not because he cant act but because the film needed a fresh face to carry the role. ill be interested to see where future sequels take the film.
I'm a big Star Trek fan, and I enjoyed this very much. I wasn't expecting much, especially with J.J. Abrams at the helm, even though Hollywood loves him, I'm not too fond of him. This is a fun movie that can be enjoyed by Star Trek fans and non-fans. I wonder where they will go from here, just making more movies or will they try to reboot the series into another television show.
I just got back from seeing it, and I absolutely loved it. In my opinion, it is the best Trek movie so far. I especially liked the scene with a young Kirk driving in the stolen convertible. That was awesome in my opinion. Also
The whole scene surrounding the destruction of the drill over Vulcan.

[quote name='Thongsy']I'm a big Star Trek fan, and I enjoyed this very much. I wasn't expecting much, especially with J.J. Abrams at the helm, even though Hollywood loves him, I'm not too fond of him. This is a fun movie that can be enjoyed by Star Trek fans and non-fans. I wonder where they will go from here, just making more movies or will they try to reboot the series into another television show.[/quote]

I have loved everything that J.J. Abrams has done so far, and I think it would be awesome if he creates a reboot of the Star Trek TV series.
I could definitely get into a "new" or "alternate" Star Trek universe. It's the kind of thing that an OG nerd initially winces at - but when you really think about it, it's the same thing as enjoying both the X-men cartoon and the X-men movies. Or enjoying both the TMNT comic and the TMNT video games. Or enjoying both Mega Man and Marvel vs. Capcom... the list goes on!

Tons of entertainment franchises have more than one "universe"... I suppose there will be more nerd resistance in this particular case because Star Trek has stuck to a single overarching "canon" for so long. Even all the non-canon stuff that came out over the years (books, comics, etc.) had to play by canon rules. Like, the events in those non-canon works weren't "official" but they still had to be written in a way so that they could fit into the canon universe.

It's kind of funny now that I think about it, because
this movie found a convenient loophole whereby it could completely disregard canon, while still following canon rules (via the alternate reality / Spock plot device). The stingiest of nerds can allow themselves to accept this as "real" Star Trek for that reason, and now that that's out of the way I suspect there will be very little (if any) links to the original canon from here on out.
Never seen any Star Trek movie, show, or known anything about the series. Never interested me until I saw the trailers for this one. I saw it this morning and I was blown away, excellent story, excellent actors, super sweet action sequences and special effects...hope to see more in the future.

Only thing I found odd, was Wynona Ryder...I think that they could have cast someone better to fill that minor role.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Uh... it's still spring. :lol:[/QUOTE]

sounds like someone is bitter their finance doesnt want to see it.

ive been a huge trek fan for years (and im a big JJ fan) and i though the movie was great. i thoguht the characters were played well, the story was good, not great, but it was mostly a set up for the next 5 movies or however many they make. the (critical spoiler)
alternate universe thing bugged me for a bit, but i think its a ncie cop out and will work will for moves. after all, its just entertainment.
Yea those Vulcan(?) drills were awesome looking and that scene was awesome.

Anyone else have people cheering in their theaters? Had big cheers like 4 times, it was pretty fun.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Never seen any Star Trek movie, show, or known anything about the series. Never interested me until I saw the trailers for this one. I saw it this morning and I was blown away, excellent story, excellent actors, super sweet action sequences and special effects...hope to see more in the future.

Only thing I found odd, was Wynona Ryder...I think that they could have cast someone better to fill that minor role.[/quote]

damn so that was her. i heard her voice and i was so sure it was her but she looked so realistically old. i didnt liek that tyler perry was in it that just seemed way fucking out of left field. hey im glad hey put a black guy in a role of power but cmon why him ? they should have brought in captin sisko.
I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. My friends and I are going to see it again in Imax. Definitely one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.
Seen it last night, I thought it was a great movie. I've never seen a show of Star Trek in my life, I just wanted to see it because the trailers made it look badass. One of my friends is a Star Trek fan and he said it was great except for
Vulcan getting destroyed, which apparently doesnt happen in the shows?
Saw it last night. I am a Star Trek fan and I loved the movie despite its flaws. Some of my favorite inside jokes in the movie

The red shirt getting killed when sky diving.
The mention of Archer and how his dog (Porthos) got lost in a transport

There are some things I don't get though

Instead of using a dill, couldn't they just transport the red matter into the core of the planet?

Speaking of transporters, couldn't they have transported explosives onto the ship instead of sending Spock and Kirk?
[quote name='ananag112']

There are some things I don't get though

Instead of using a dill, couldn't they just transport the red matter into the core of the planet?

Speaking of transporters, couldn't they have transported explosives onto the ship instead of sending Spock and Kirk?

I don't remember the Romulans having any transportation technology.

Also, the reason Spock and Kirk needed to go on board was two main things. First off, if they blew it up over the earth, it would have ignited the Red Matter and created a black hole that would destroy earth. Also they needed to rescue Captain Pike.
[quote name='ananag112']True. I forgot about that.
But then again, if the shields were down, they could have transported Pike off too.

I don't think they knew where he was at. Because remember that Spock had to access the computer on board the ship to see where they were holding him at.
[quote name='life.exe']Seen it last night, I thought it was a great movie. I've never seen a show of Star Trek in my life, I just wanted to see it because the trailers made it look badass. One of my friends is a Star Trek fan and he said it was great except for
Vulcan getting destroyed, which apparently doesnt happen in the shows?

That's correct, it was a pretty shocking moment as a Trek fan.
Thats because this is a reboot.
going back in time changed things. Nero saw his planet and his people be destroid so he wanted revenge. he went back in time and from what I could tell didn't know and I dont think ever knew he went back to destroy the Vulcan home world and make spock watch his world be destroyed like he saw his. With them both going back in time things have changed and now we have 2 spocks kirk never got to know his father and moved up in star fleet faster then he would have otherwise.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Did you guys catch the Cloverfield reference in the bar scene?[/quote]

On the fly over scene the building in the background was the Tagrauto building. Makers of slusho and the owners of the oil rig in cloverfield that woke the creature up. The same company/drink has been in every one of JJ's productions. Started in Alias, pretty cool.
I did not catch that. I will have to remember that when I pick this up on BD when it hits around 15-20.
[quote name='Lice']On the fly over scene the building in the background was the Tagrauto building. Makers of slusho and the owners of the oil rig in cloverfield that woke the creature up. The same company/drink has been in every one of JJ's productions. Started in Alias, pretty cool.[/quote]

Umm...I didn't catch that and I didn't know Slusho was used on previous JJ Abrams projects before Cloverfield. I was referring to when Uhura is at the bar ordering drinks and she orderes a Slusho among other drinks.
It was a very good movie. One of the best sci-fi movies I have ever seen. I have also never seen the star trek television series, so I appreciated the fact that it was accessible to people like me.
This movie was very good. It was so action pack that you never notice the two hour run time. I had that problem with Watchmen. I really like how the weapons on the USS Enterprise fire. It really gives off the this-starship-got-firepower vibe. Hopefully at some point they add in photon torpedoes. Definitely looking forward to the sequel. And I like it a lot better than any of the comic-base movies or Transformer.

That said, the action to action pace IMO mask a weak story/villain. Honestly, I don't understand Nero and the time traveling part. I know why he is doing what he is doing but the time thing through me off. Also, just how exactly does he get his ship? I may have heard wrong or my member may be off but I think don't he was a soldier. His ship also didn't have any cloaking technology, which makes me think it's not a Romulan ship.
Some other things that I felt was sort of off was Scotty. When he first shows up, I was thinking "whoa! that's kind of left field". The destination of the final battle was underwhelming. It looked so defenseless that I wonder why Captain Pike was even needed.

One other opinion, I think this film will get a lot people into star trek. However, at the same time I don't see them really getting into star trek; if that makes any sense. Basically, I don't think people who will like this star trek are going to like the older star trek. This was like a action-base star trek, while others before this was more of a science-base star trek. Not necessarily a bad thing, just my 2 cents.
[quote name='winterice']This movie was very good. It was so action pack that you never notice the two hour run time. I had that problem with Watchmen. I really like how the weapons on the USS Enterprise fire. It really gives off the this-starship-got-firepower vibe. Hopefully at some point they add in photon torpedoes. Definitely looking forward to the sequel. And I like it a lot better than any of the comic-base movies or Transformer.

That said, the action to action pace IMO mask a weak story/villain. Honestly, I don't understand Nero and the time traveling part. I know why he is doing what he is doing but the time thing through me off. Also, just how exactly does he get his ship? I may have heard wrong or my member may be off but I think don't he was a soldier. His ship also didn't have any cloaking technology, which makes me think it's not a Romulan ship.
Some other things that I felt was sort of off was Scotty. When he first shows up, I was thinking "whoa! that's kind of left field". The destination of the final battle was underwhelming. It looked so defenseless that I wonder why Captain Pike was even needed.

One other opinion, I think this film will get a lot people into star trek. However, at the same time I don't see them really getting into star trek; if that makes any sense. Basically, I don't think people who will like this star trek are going to like the older star trek. This was like a action-base star trek, while others before this was more of a science-base star trek. Not necessarily a bad thing, just my 2 cents.[/quote]

He was a miner and his ship is nothing more than a mining ship that he outfitted to have some weapons.
I wonder what he was doing for 25 years. Romulans don't have the same discipline as Vulcans and I wouldn't have though they could be so focused on a single task for so long. Perhaps they were just getting drunk off Romulan ale the whole time?

[quote name='homeland']He was a miner and his ship is nothing more than a mining ship that he outfitted to have some weapons.[/QUOTE]

Borg weapons
[quote name='winterice']This movie was very good. It was so action pack that you never notice the two hour run time. I had that problem with Watchmen. I really like how the weapons on the USS Enterprise fire. It really gives off the this-starship-got-firepower vibe. Hopefully at some point they add in photon torpedoes. Definitely looking forward to the sequel. And I like it a lot better than any of the comic-base movies or Transformer.

That said, the action to action pace IMO mask a weak story/villain. Honestly, I don't understand Nero and the time traveling part. I know why he is doing what he is doing but the time thing through me off. Also, just how exactly does he get his ship? I may have heard wrong or my member may be off but I think don't he was a soldier. His ship also didn't have any cloaking technology, which makes me think it's not a Romulan ship.
Some other things that I felt was sort of off was Scotty. When he first shows up, I was thinking "whoa! that's kind of left field". The destination of the final battle was underwhelming. It looked so defenseless that I wonder why Captain Pike was even needed.

One other opinion, I think this film will get a lot people into star trek. However, at the same time I don't see them really getting into star trek; if that makes any sense. Basically, I don't think people who will like this star trek are going to like the older star trek. This was like a action-base star trek, while others before this was more of a science-base star trek. Not necessarily a bad thing, just my 2 cents.[/quote]

i think they did all that to change things. now you dont have to worry about the usual that didnt happen in the original series bs. things are the same but slightly diff so now they can take more liberties with the storyline. not to mention with them making such a big change in things it does make you wonder how much of an effect
vulcan being destroyed
will have on the rest of the universe.

you change one thing in a major way everything across the board will be effected. im really curious to see what the klingons will look like and some of the other trek species. also they did a damn good job with the way the tech looks. hell even the sound effects were great as far as weapon blasts go.

they succeeded in this movie in a way the 3 star wars prequels failed. i didnt really dig cloverfield much but the guy won me over with this film.
[quote name='homeland']He was a miner and his ship is nothing more than a mining ship that he outfitted to have some weapons.[/QUOTE]
I thought he was a miner too but I wasn't sure. It would make sense that the ship was his and that it was a mining ship. It looked too fierce to be a mining ship and so I was thinking its some Romulan battleship.
[quote name='ananag112']I wonder what he was doing for 25 years. Romulans don't have the same discipline as Vulcans and I wouldn't have though they could be so focused on a single task for so long. Perhaps they were just getting drunk off Romulan ale the whole time?

Borg weapons[/QUOTE]
They were definitely doing other things. Remember that transmission Uhura decoded/intercepted. The story didn't give a why to what they were doing though. I wouldn't be surprise if at some point they introduce the Borg in these movie. Of course, it'll be "jumping the shark" as they say.
[quote name='lokizz']
you change one thing in a major way everything across the board will be effected. im really curious to see what the klingons will look like and some of the other trek species. also they did a damn good job with the way the tech looks. hell even the sound effects were great as far as weapon blasts go.

they succeeded in this movie in a way the 3 star wars prequels failed. i didnt really dig cloverfield much but the guy won me over with this film.[/QUOTE]
You know, in the bar scene at the beginning where Uhura was getting a drink and Kirk was hitting on her, I was thinking "Is that a Klingon between them?" Anyone else think Nero doesn't look much like a Romulan. They're more human looking as compare to the tv shows.
I couldn't recognize a bunch of people at all.

Had no idea Spock's mother was Winona Ryder, the green chick is the girl playing Scarlett in G.I.JOE, and Karl Urban looks completely different after a shave and a formal/preppy haircut.
I just got back from seeing the movie.


This is how you do a reboot. There was plenty to appeal to old fans and plenty to draw in new fans. I can honestly say that this is the best Star Trek film of all the films. The only thing I could even remotely criticize is Chekov voice. Beyond that I was totally impressed with the movie.
It rather bugs me they changed what Romulans looked like. The deep space 9 Romulans were just fine. When you first see Nero's ship, I thought oh fuck me (not in a good way) they are bring out the borg. Even when nero first talked I thought he was going to be an early borg, but than when I really saw Nero I thought he was Trill. Would never guess Romulan.

what was wrong with this?

Not scary enough?
[quote name='homeland']It rather bugs me they changed what Romulans looked like. The deep space 9 Romulans were just fine. When you first see Nero's ship, I thought oh fuck me (not in a good way) they are bring out the borg. Even when nero first talked I thought he was going to be an early borg, but than when I really saw Nero I thought he was Trill. Would never guess Romulan.

what was wrong with this?

Not scary enough?[/quote]

Well, they are future Romulans though. Also, they might very well be a different race of Romulan, just like there are different races of humans. One of the few things that I thought was odd about Trek in the past is that almost every other race seem homogenzied. But since updates like this had been done in the past with Klingons, Andorians, and a few others, I didn't have a problem with it.

The most surprising things I saw in the movie were
Winona Ryder and Tyler Perry. That came out of nowhere, but I liked it.
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