Star Trek (JJ Abrams) Out Now

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[quote name='winterice']I thought he was a miner too but I wasn't sure. It would make sense that the ship was his and that it was a mining ship. It looked too fierce to be a mining ship and so I was thinking its some Romulan battleship.

They were definitely doing other things. Remember that transmission Uhura decoded/intercepted. The story didn't give a why to what they were doing though. I wouldn't be surprise if at some point they introduce the Borg in these movie. Of course, it'll be "jumping the shark" as they say.

You know, in the bar scene at the beginning where Uhura was getting a drink and Kirk was hitting on her, I was thinking "Is that a Klingon between them?" Anyone else think Nero doesn't look much like a Romulan. They're more human looking as compare to the tv shows.[/quote]

yeah when i saw him in the commercials i thought maybe they were maybe going in a new direction with the klingons but i guess not. i wonder if they will do some kind off mixture of the classic klingon with some of the present day klingon or if they will be a completly new klingon type.

klingons, ferengi and cardassians are what im inerested in seeing in the series. i was surprised with the love story too definelty didnt expect them to go that route but its cool as long as they keep it that way and dont pull a dumb love triangle.
Before this came out, i thought maybe they were using the Remans. Those particular Romulans may just be different, maybe an effect of mining? They easily could have shaved their heads and gotten tattoos too. Though they didn't have the slight forehead ridges either.
[quote name='homeland']It rather bugs me they changed what Romulans looked like. The deep space 9 Romulans were just fine. When you first see Nero's ship, I thought oh fuck me (not in a good way) they are bring out the borg. Even when nero first talked I thought he was going to be an early borg, but than when I really saw Nero I thought he was Trill. Would never guess Romulan.

what was wrong with this?

Not scary enough?[/QUOTE]

Well, here is what Nero looked like before he shaved his head and got tattoos.


Looks pretty Romulan to me
The explanation for the different looking Romulans is that they decided to go to their tribal roots by shaving their heads and applying facial tattoos. If you saw the hologram of Nero's wife then you'd notice she looked like the traditional Romulan from the TNG-era.
I highly recommend the Star Trek trade paperback that serves as a prequel to this new movie. It answers many questions about where, how, why etc. If you have an iPhone all 4 issues are available for $1 a piece in the app store.

I loved the movie. It's extremely entertaining, left me wanting more and ready to see the next movie/episode ASAP.
That being said, I have a few unanswered questions (because I'm a long-time Trek fan) that I'm hoping the novelization of the movie will answer.
I loved this movie AND my gf loved it, I never thought I would get her to see another nerd movie again after I dragged her to Watchmen. Thank you Mr. Abrams.

I loved how
prior to the spacediving scene there was Sulu, Kirk, and Olson. I was thinking who the fuck is Olson? That name does not sound familiar at all. I was laughing to myself when I realized he was the obligatory cannon fodder crew member.
Yeah I have never watched anything Star Trek prior to this movie, but this movie was awesome, and I am definitely interested in the franchise now.
[quote name='Vader582']I highly recommend the Star Trek trade paperback that serves as a prequel to this new movie. It answers many questions about where, how, why etc. If you have an iPhone all 4 issues are available for $1 a piece in the app store.

I loved the movie. It's extremely entertaining, left me wanting more and ready to see the next movie/episode ASAP.
That being said, I have a few unanswered questions (because I'm a long-time Trek fan) that I'm hoping the novelization of the movie will answer.[/QUOTE]

I really want a new Star Trek TV show. It could be more actiony and I wouldn't care at this point. I just need new Trek material to watch.
oh hey maybe they could run into the early gemhadar or at least the founders that could be cool too. theoretically you could take this new movie and do alot of diff spins on the trek shows ( hopefully just tng and ds9). didnt care much for the other shows. maybe do something on the eugenics war.
If they made a new Star Trek TV show chances are it would be a drama. That is what TV seems to be if it is not reality. Hell I would not even care if it was a drama as long as it was done well. Only bad thing is it might end up being more like BSG than ST. I would give it a watch though if they were to come out with another one.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Umm...I didn't catch that and I didn't know Slusho was used on previous JJ Abrams projects before Cloverfield. I was referring to when Uhura is at the bar ordering drinks and she orderes a Slusho among other drinks.[/quote]

You really need to do some internet research. There's a whole backstory to Slusho and Tagaruto. It makes an appearance in Lost as well. I think you took Cloverfield for what it was.. now go research it. Or, if you have it on Blu Ray, watch the movie with the monster tracker feature on.. it gives a lot more information on the origin. It's quite fascinating.

I just got back from seeing Star Trek. It was pretty badass.

I'm going to go see pretty much anything that has JJ Abrams' name attached to it now (After Cloverfield and this. I need to watch Alias and Fringe.. and Lost).
[quote name='Scorch']I'm going to go see pretty much anything that has JJ Abrams' name attached to it now (After Cloverfield and this. I need to watch Alias and Fringe.. and Lost).[/QUOTE]

I think you should start with Felicity.

Have fun.
[quote name='Scorch']

I'm going to go see pretty much anything that has JJ Abrams' name attached to it now (After Cloverfield and this. I need to watch Alias and Fringe.. and Lost).[/quote]

Was thinking the same thing about Alias. Only thing preventing me is not knowing if it had a proper ending... anyone know?
My dad and I saw this film yesterday. He's a longtime casual Trek fan, I'm more of a hardcore fan and we both really enjoyed it.

It did feel a bit more like Star Wars then most of the previous Treks, but I don't really mind that much. The story was pretty good (even though there was a few things I could nitpick being a hardcore fan) and very fast paced. I thought all the actors did an excellent job, especially Simon Pegg and Zachary Quinto.

Honestly my biggest disappointment was that we never got to see a big fleet battle. The battles with the Kelvin and the Enterprise was awesome, but the Earth based fleet was destroyed before the Enterprise arrived the main fleet was never in the film. :cry:
I'm just the type of person that loves fights with big fleets of starships though.

I was surprised the film had so many laugh out loud moments. The Kobayashi Maru test and McCoy infecting Kirk with a virus were definitely the funnest scenes, while Pegg had lots of funny dialog.
[quote name='homeland']Was thinking the same thing about Alias. Only thing preventing me is not knowing if it had a proper ending... anyone know?[/QUOTE]

Alias has a proper ending, its not bad either
Did anyone see Nimoy's appear on Weekend Update on SNL? He was talking about the movie and he said, "If Trek fans don't see the movie, that would make them--" and Seth Myers interrupts and says, "Oh, I know what you were gonna say, highly illogical." Nimoy replies, "No, I was going to say that would make them dickheads."

I laughed out loud.
[quote name='Kaijufan'] I thought all the actors did an excellent job, especially Simon Pegg and Zachary Quinto.

I thought Leonard Nimoy did a horrible job myself. I thought his lines were delivered very flat. I don't remember him being such a bad actor in the other movies, so maybe he was just tired. Or too old.
Yeah i noticed that too, i think he's just getting up in age. He doesn't seem to have a lot of energy anymore, unlike Shatner.
Have to agree about Nimoy, I think he's just getting really old. It was a little sad that it felt like they patronized him as an actor. I can't really put my finger on it, whether it was the lack of "action", the lines they gave him, or his delivery, but he was upstaged by the rest of the cast big-time. His scenes really seemed to upset the flow of the rest of the movie.

Regarding the Star Trek universe:
Are we now to believe that everything from the Original Series happened "first", then Spock and this Romulan guy get sucked back in time and we have now branched off into an alternate universe that one might say happens "after" the original Star Trek? I had a friend who postulated that perhaps the Original Series was the sequence of events that actually followed this movie (In other words, the Old Spock came from a Universe we never saw). This could be confirmed either way if anybody knows whether Kirk's father was a live in the original series and/or if Vulcan existed in the original series.

Here's the problem I see with the current theory that everybody seems to have agreed to on this thread:

Spock shows up in the TNG series. I don't remember the exact plot lines, but I'm pretty sure it happens AFTER Spock would have been sucked into this wormhole with the Romulan. Regardless of alternate unverses, etc - if Spock entered the wormhole he could not be around for the events of TNG (I know nothing about Deep Space 9 or Voyager but would be surprised if he didn't appear in those as well. Does this movie completely invalidate all of the Star Trek series except for the original?
[quote name='JolietJake']Yeah i noticed that too, i think he's just getting up in age. He doesn't seem to have a lot of energy anymore, unlike Shatner.[/QUOTE]

But oddly enough, Shatner is older.
I'm pretty sure Vulcan existed in TOS. Spock going into the wormhole happened after everything else, so long after that TNG episode.

[quote name='Magus8472']But oddly enough, Shatner is older.[/quote]

Heh, wouldn't have guessed that.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Did anyone see Nimoy's appear on Weekend Update on SNL? He was talking about the movie and he said, "If Trek fans don't see the movie, that would make them--" and Seth Myers interrupts and says, "Oh, I know what you were gonna say, highly illogical." Nimoy replies, "No, I was going to say that would make them dickheads."

I laughed out loud.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Thanks I just looked it up!,cNews and Politics,1
They're 2 distinct timelines.

It's like if you took Yesterday's Enterprise and stayed with that warship Enterprise-D Crew after the episode ended. Or if you stayed in the mirror universe at the end of Mirror Mirror. Both happen concurrently (and if you recall in ds9 they went and revisited what had happened after Kirk had left there). There's just a branch from the main timeline when the Narada arrives back and attacks the Kelvin.

Both timelines are still there
[quote name='chosen1s']Have to agree about Nimoy, I think he's just getting really old. It was a little sad that it felt like they patronized him as an actor. I can't really put my finger on it, whether it was the lack of "action", the lines they gave him, or his delivery, but he was upstaged by the rest of the cast big-time. His scenes really seemed to upset the flow of the rest of the movie.

Regarding the Star Trek universe:
Are we now to believe that everything from the Original Series happened "first", then Spock and this Romulan guy get sucked back in time and we have now branched off into an alternate universe that one might say happens "after" the original Star Trek? I had a friend who postulated that perhaps the Original Series was the sequence of events that actually followed this movie (In other words, the Old Spock came from a Universe we never saw). This could be confirmed either way if anybody knows whether Kirk's father was a live in the original series and/or if Vulcan existed in the original series.

Here's the problem I see with the current theory that everybody seems to have agreed to on this thread:

Spock shows up in the TNG series. I don't remember the exact plot lines, but I'm pretty sure it happens AFTER Spock would have been sucked into this wormhole with the Romulan. Regardless of alternate unverses, etc - if Spock entered the wormhole he could not be around for the events of TNG (I know nothing about Deep Space 9 or Voyager but would be surprised if he didn't appear in those as well. Does this movie completely invalidate all of the Star Trek series except for the original?

Vulcan existed and Kirk's father lives in the original series.

The Spock in this movie came from 2387; well after Star Trek Nemesis (which takes place in the year 2379). TNG ended in 2370 so the Spock here is from after he was in TNG.
[quote name='homeland']Was thinking the same thing about Alias. Only thing preventing me is not knowing if it had a proper ending... anyone know?[/QUOTE]

Alias had a very good ending ties everything up well, I always thought Alias got forgotten to fast after Lost came out. Between Alias and Lost I would have to say I enjoyed Alias alot more, it the only show I have gone back and rewatched all the seasons of on DVD.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Did anyone see Nimoy's appear on Weekend Update on SNL? He was talking about the movie and he said, "If Trek fans don't see the movie, that would make them--" and Seth Myers interrupts and says, "Oh, I know what you were gonna say, highly illogical." Nimoy replies, "No, I was going to say that would make them dickheads."

I laughed out loud.[/quote]

I wish I saw that. :lol:
I could honestly care less about the show or the universe, but I must say, I saw the movie and I enjoyed it. Not great not terrible. just a very enjoyable movie. The Russian guy was awesome btw.
[quote name='slickkill77']I could honestly care less about the show or the universe, but I must say, I saw the movie and I enjoyed it. Not great not terrible. just a very enjoyable movie. The Russian guy was awesome btw.[/quote]

You should see him in 'Charlie Bartlett', he's an excellent actor, I notice that more so after his role as Chekov in this film.
It seems to me that people in this movie get promoted a lot faster than in any of the different series. Chekov was only 17 in this movie. How old was he when he signed up for starfleet, 15?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']You should see him in 'Charlie Bartlett', he's an excellent actor, I notice that more so after his role as Chekov in this film.[/quote]

Just watched the trailer. Looks like a fun little flick. Would never guess it was Chekov. Just added it to my queue. Thanks.
[quote name='JolietJake']It seems to me that people in this movie get promoted a lot faster than in any of the different series. Chekov was only 17 in this movie. How old was he when he signed up for starfleet, 15?[/QUOTE]

They made him out to be a boy genius because otherwise Trek fans would be up in arms. He was several years younger than the other bridge officers, I think he was 21 when he appeared in Season 2.
Well they're signed on for 3, then it becomes the budget issue. Namely, they're gonna want a big raise if the movies do well.
[quote name='lordwow']Well they're signed on for 3, then it becomes the budget issue. Namely, they're gonna want a big raise if the movies do well.[/QUOTE]

3 sounds like a good number. lets hope they dont do 6. or do 4 and and kill everyones favorite character at the end.
As long as they don't bring back the Borg or John de Lancie's Q character I'm up for anything from the Star Trek universe. I never watched the "Enterprise" series but i'm curious if that is official canon that J.J must follow since it took place before all of this.
[quote name='homeland']As long as they don't bring back the Borg or John de Lancie's Q character I'm up for anything from the Star Trek universe. I never watched the "Enterprise" series but i'm curious if that is official canon that J.J must follow since it took place before all of this.[/QUOTE]

Well Enterprise had a shit load of time traveling and continuity issues, so I don't JJ has to abide by any rules set by Enterprise.
It may be far fetched - but I can't help but see similarities in LOST and the new Star Trek movie. The whole idea of time travel and alternate realities makes a good parallel. Could the theories be at all linked?
[quote name='ananag112']
Vulcan existed and Kirk's father lives in the original series.

The Spock in this movie came from 2387; well after Star Trek Nemesis (which takes place in the year 2379). TNG ended in 2370 so the Spock here is from after he was in TNG.

Awesome. Thanks for clearing that up. Nerdy as it is, I would have had a hard time enjoying any of it moving forward if there was such a giant inconsistency looming out there. It's a little disappointing that
all future movies or series will likely have no bearing on the "original" Star Trek Universe due to the fact that I really only ever got into TNG, but I have a lot of respect for the way they have been able to re-invent the series and open up an entirely clean slate (they are no longer hand-cuffed to staying consistent with the other series and are also free to re-invent the original crew as they see fit) without having to disregard all the series that came before.

Thanks again for clearing that up. Nerdy as it may be, having all the pieces in place in my mind lets me enjoy the new movie and any subsequent sequels a lot more.

I agree, by the way, with the majority of other people on here. This movie is incredible and way better than I was expecting.
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