Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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So... this MSI laptop is awesome. Once I realized I could plug my Oculus into it.... my office is so small. Now I can do Beat Sabers (in my underwear) right in my living room. God technology is awesome.
I mean, I’m perfectly capable of beating my saber in my underwear without an Oculus or a laptop. I can even do it in bed if I want.

Frankly, kinda surprised you can’t.
If any regulars are interested, one of my nearby Walmarts supposedly has two copies of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire for $9.93. I'll be in the area tomorrow afternoon and can pick one up for you at cost (~$10.50 after tax), so long as the Walmart website isn't a filthy liar about stock. Shoot me a PM or quote me here to get first dibs.

EDIT: Found three copies; Two are spoken for, one remains.

EDIT: All copies gone.

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So... this MSI laptop is awesome. Once I realized I could plug my Oculus into it.... my office is so small. Now I can do Beat Sabers (in my underwear) right in my living room. God technology is awesome.
Where's rcsample when you need him? Isn't VR, like the internet, primarily for beating your saber?

Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk
If any regulars are interested, one of my nearby Walmarts supposedly has two copies of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire for $9.93. I'll be in the area tomorrow afternoon and can pick one up for you at cost (~$10.50 after tax), so long as the Walmart website isn't a filthy liar about stock. Shoot me a PM or quote me here to get first dibs.
I want it

Twitch Prime Members: Select PC Digital Downloads for April for Free.

PC Digital Downloads: (Available for Free through 4/30/19):

Her Story



Keep in Mind: Remastered
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Twitch Prime Members: Select PC Digital Downloads for April for Free.

PC Digital Downloads: (Available for Free through 4/30/19):

Her Story



Keep in Mind: Remastered
Can vouch that InnerSpace is goood

If any regulars are interested, one of my nearby Walmarts supposedly has two copies of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire for $9.93. I'll be in the area tomorrow afternoon and can pick one up for you at cost (~$10.50 after tax), so long as the Walmart website isn't a filthy liar about stock. Shoot me a PM or quote me here to get first dibs.
Quick follow-up: I found three copies in-store. Two are spoken for so I've got one left if anyone's interested.

I bought a bundle FOR YOU

No way did I look at the bundle and think "hmm, some of those look good" buy the bundle and then find out that I owned EVERY SINGLE BLOODY GAME. 

nu-huh, that would never happen.

So enjoy the bundle I absolutely bought FOR YOU

NQLMX-ZY+P+-CXXZH - Time Recoil
HR0NW-BR96M-8Y*IJ - Spellspire
RB8HT-HX!IR-M6FIW - Xenoraid: The First Space War
!8KTT-PTKWZ-HJ5QV - Neon Chrome
ZF7A*-50NGV-DI2XX - Crimsonland
ZKHJ+-+6!9K-PL6X5 - King Oddball
DLA7H-T+GX6-YY67* - Sparkle Unleashed
6H6W0-W0*BV-Y9+RQ - Sparkle 2
DLLQ0-CRA*X-BZ+IL - Baseball Riot
F5MFJ-V7L8*-0EFLK - Tennis in the Face
YJARM-XCRHP-DG*FM - Azkend 2: The World Beneath
* = 4
+ = 2
! = 3
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I bought a bundle FOR YOU

No way did I look at the bundle and think "hmm, some of those look good" buy the bundle and then find out that I owned EVERY SINGLE BLOODY GAME.

nu-huh, that would never happen.

So enjoy the bundle I absolutely bought FOR YOU

NQLMX-ZY+P+-CXXZH - Time Recoil
HR0NW-BR96M-8Y*IJ - Spellspire
RB8HT-HX!IR-M6FIW - Xenoraid: The First Space War
!8KTT-PTKWZ-HJ5QV - Neon Chrome
ZF7A*-50NGV-DI2XX - Crimsonland
ZKHJ+-+6!9K-PL6X5 - King Oddball
DLA7H-T+GX6-YY67* - Sparkle Unleashed
6H6W0-W0*BV-Y9+RQ - Sparkle 2
DLLQ0-CRA*X-BZ+IL - Baseball Riot
F5MFJ-V7L8*-0EFLK - Tennis in the Face
YJARM-XCRHP-DG*FM - Azkend 2: The World Beneath

* = 4
+ = 2
! = 3
I've never pulled an o'fer but I have bought a bundle and realized I already owned the main game I bought it for. I feel your pain.

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The thing that I don't understand is, are they Asians who are "Crazy Rich"? Or are they crazy Asians, who happen to be rich?

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I've never pulled an o'fer but I have bought a bundle and realized I already owned the main game I bought it for. I feel your pain.
I've bought a bundle on one site, forgotten I'd done so, and then bought a bundle with the exact same collection of games on another site.

Looking at my Twitch library from Amazon Prime is like looking at the Epic Games Store.  20 titles that I have no intention of ever playing.

*edit* WTF 86 after counting, good gravy.

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Wow, now this is really something to read...

Jason Schreier of Kotaku on "The Past & Present of Dragon Age 4":

- DA4 (original version) was once code-named Joplin.
- It was built off of DA: Inq's tools and that game's version of Frostbite.
- It was about playing as spies and you could go on heists.
- Joplin was A LOT smaller than DA: Inq and had way less "fetch" quests/MMO style quests/UbiSoft open-world questing.
- Joplin also had A LOT more decision-making, choices, and branching paths...and was definitely built for replay-ability (i.e. purposely built as the OPPOSITE of DA: Inq's Hinterlands area).
- A lot of the team was very happy and proud with how Joplin was going.
- Joplin got put on hold b/c of ME: Andromeda and Anthem, as those were in trouble and needed to be worked on.
- A lot of the Joplin team, they got moved over to ME: Andromeda and/or Anthem.
- EA wanted more "Live Service" stuff, so DA4: Joplin version got canned.
- DA4 got rebooted and they are using the framework and version of Frostbite from Anthem.
- The new DA4 rebooted version that is now currently in development is known as Morrison.
- Shortly after Morrison (the DA4 reboot), this is when Mike Laidlaw left.
- This is also when Mark Darrah became the executive producer for both DA4 (Morrison version) and Anthem.
- Some at BioWare that Jason talked to, they called Morrison basically "Anthem with Dragons".
- Some at BioWare disagree with the above statement of Morrison being "Anthem with Dragons."
- We don't know yet how far the Multiplayer portion for Morrison will go.
- Main quest of Morrison should be able to be done all alone, even if the game becomes online-only.
- We don't know if the entire game will be online-only.
- The next stuff mentioned isn't etched in stone yet.
- Some ideas tossed around for MP include a drop-in/drop-out co-op like the old BG games had.
- Another idea tosses around: some quests in MP could change not only based on what players locally decide, but also based on what players around the entire globe have decided.
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Don't worry about it yet. It's more than 6 months out. Meaning nothing being released exists.
Morrison is supposed be coming around 2021.

Sounds like it's a damn shame, that Joplin got cancelled. Sounds like the morale, team, and that Joplin game was coming along well too.

I bit on both ACO and the Season Pass before I realized I could have gotten it for a dollar cheaper with the "gold" edition or whatever.  Spent the day playing it.

Everything was plausible up until this point. That doesn't sound like EA at all.

It's always the same exact article, too.
Yep, and it's always just routine stuff that happens at any video game company all the time. They just feed on this nerdboy rage against Bioware and EA. Every new game Bioware puts out is not going to live up to the extremely unrealistic expectations and so the nerdboys will rage and then here comes Kotaku with an article showing how this nerdboy rage is justified because X game could have been the best game ever were it not for those meddling companies trying to make money instead of feeding the desires of a few nerds online.

Newsflash, it's stressful working at any company, plans change, directions change, it's just regular course of business and not newsworthy.

Yep, and it's always just routine stuff that happens at any video game company all the time. They just feed on this nerdboy rage against Bioware and EA. Every new game Bioware puts out is not going to live up to the extremely unrealistic expectations and so the nerdboys will rage and then here comes Kotaku with an article showing how this nerdboy rage is justified because X game could have been the best game ever were it not for those meddling companies trying to make money instead of feeding the desires of a few nerds online.

Newsflash, it's stressful working at any company, plans change, directions change, it's just regular course of business and not newsworthy.
Da fuq? That's what you got from all of this shit?
I think the biggest take-away from Schreier's article on BioWare is about Joplin (original DA4 version) for me. Joplin just sounds awesome w/ its premise of spies doing heists in a dark-fantasy world.

I would be curious as to how much of it was finished b/c if there was a fair amount (i.e. 20 hours or so per playthrough), they should've convince EA to let them salvage it (if possible), found a way to try to wrap-up version 1.0 (like ME:A and Anthem), and just kick it out the door.

In a world of "get the game out the door", patches later put out to fix stuff, DLC's, expansion passes, Season Passes, etc - and w/ games like DA2, ME:A and Anthem kicked out the door in "meh" states - yeah, they could always get it out there and they could fix it later; or hope modders can fix stuff like Wesp has done w/ Bloodlines, Xenus 2 and The Precursors.

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We both know that's not even remotely close to what happened. The work was done. EA changed it's mind, it was scratched and rebooted. That's not accomplishing nothing.
One would figure, if Joplin was that close to done - hell, EA would just tell them to wrap it up, kick it out the door, and then tell them to get to work on Morrison ("Live Service" DA).

Why People are So Mad About The Epic Game Store

Here's another interesting Kotaku article, most of which you've probably surmised by now. 

More importantly, this is why I like Kotaku.  They follow industry trends.  Most people on here slam them for various reasons.  It's not like they don't have their flaws and problems.  I get that. Personally I can't stand all the social and political commentary and links to their crappy Kinja network sister sites.  But they are also one of the only places writing about current events and issues which are affecting the gaming community and ecosystems.  They have articles with discussion and personal takes regarding current games and gaming trends that are applicable to my interests. 

There are plenty of other sties to visit for factual press releases, arbitrary review score numbers, and new release announcements.  90% of which are completely irrelevant to me. 

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Kotaku to me has always been a blog more than journalist site,  other that the Jason dude who actually does journalism the rest of the articles seems like fluff pieces with opinions

Kotaku completely missed the entire argument behind why exclusives are bad for consumers.  It was just "Herp derp why oh why is anyone upset about exclusives?
"  They then tried to compare it to EA and missed the point that EA games are sold outside of Origin.  They confuse the idea of competition between stores and competition between clients.  They recite the garbage Metro sales stat as gospel.  Pretty trash writing even for Kotaku.

Kotaku completely missed the entire argument behind why exclusives are bad for consumers. It was just "Herp derp why oh why is anyone upset about exclusives?
" They then tried to compare it to EA and missed the point that EA games are sold outside of Origin. They confuse the idea of competition between stores and competition between clients. They recite the garbage Metro sales stat as gospel. Pretty trash writing even for Kotaku.
Could be that. Or it could be that you're mad about the game you want not being on the client you want and that it wouldn't matter what Kokatu wrote unless it was purely devoted to soothing your outrage. I mean, who could tell?

Well, thinking about it, it's perfectly obvious that everyone here would have flocked to buy games from the Epic store if they hadn't done all of these exclusives and just opened up their storefront and competed on price and service. I mean, just look at the Twitch store and client. I'm positive that you personally have bought almost as much there as you have on Steam in the past year, right? Yup, looking at it like that I'm sure Kokatu just missed the obvious glaring truths on this one.

Could be that. Or it could be that you're mad about the game you want not being on the client...
I'm not sure why that even matters (or why you rush to that point every single time). The fact is that exclusivity is anti-competition. Why people are 'mad' about it doesn't alter that reality. It's not even a counter-argument, its just lazy trolling.

I don't know what the prices were on Twitch's game store but from what I've read it seemed to be more of a gimmick to give a small cut to the e-panhandlers that broadcast there versus offering lower prices compared to Steam or GOG. And, yes, if Epic offered noticeably lower prices -- say $50 instead of $60 for new releases -- you would see people buy games there versus Steam. But it's not about the consumers, it's about the developers. It's leverage at the consumer's expense. I could be mad. I could be sad. I could be dead. I could be a purple colored moon demigod, but that doesn't change the immutable fact that what Epic is doing is not pro-consumer.

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Could be that. Or it could be that you're mad about the game you want not being on the client you want and that it wouldn't matter what Kokatu wrote unless it was purely devoted to soothing your outrage. I mean, who could tell?

Well, thinking about it, it's perfectly obvious that everyone here would have flocked to buy games from the Epic store if they hadn't done all of these exclusives and just opened up their storefront and competed on price and service. I mean, just look at the Twitch store and client. I'm positive that you personally have bought almost as much there as you have on Steam in the past year, right? Yup, looking at it like that I'm sure Kokatu just missed the obvious glaring truths on this one.
Can only speak for myself, but I’m not particularly fussed over Epic exclusives, since they aren’t games I’m interested in. I think Epic’s a little shitty, but I thought that before they opened their own storefront. I think Tencent is really shitty, but then I think almost any Chinese business is. (I’m Chinese, so I get to say that.) And for the record, I’ve only made one more purchase on Steam than I have on Twitch in the last year, and have made immeasurably many times more purchases on Steam than I have on Epic since their store opened.

Also for the record, I’ve made one purchase on Steam in the last year.

I actually haven't bought anything from Steam in almost two years.  Mostly because their prices and sales have sucked for a long time.  It's almost as if another store front could 'compete' with them if they offered better price points and aggressive sales (which is exactly how Steam established itself i the first place).  If only we knew of some up and coming digital store front that's looking to increase its market share that could make use of such a strategy... hmmm...

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I'm so entrenched in having missed the previous Epic Game Store freebies that I don't want to have anything to do with the client now!

I actually haven't bought anything from Steam in almost two years. Mostly because their prices and sales have sucked for a long time. It's almost as if another store front could 'compete' with them if they offered better price points and aggressive sales (which is exactly how Steam established itself i the first place).
Honestly, I think that's because there haven't really been very many good big-budget PC games over the last two years. Certainly not many things that warrant anything close to resembling a full-price purchase. The vast majority of my GOTY candidates from '17 and '18 were all on consoles. Plus everyone knows not to pay full price or even 50% off for the Indie darlings because they often headline the Humble Monthlies. Even the number of noteworthy Indie titles has slowed down quite a bit. One of the biggest Indies from last year was Return of the Obra Dinn and that doesn't even really interest me at all. But the PC gamers I know, talk to, and discussions that I follow haven't been paying for things like Celeste, Into the Breach, The Messenger, Hades, Moonlighter, or Gris. A massive amount of people are even buying those types of Indie games on the Switch now! Nobody saw that magnitude of success coming from that system. Look how awesome Divinity II is, and how many people paid for that? How many of you bought Nier or Cuphead?? Everyone is in a wait and see approach. Fear of buyers remorse runs rampant because any game could become free at any given moment. Games like Fortnite and Apex Legends have risen to dominance in big part because they are free.

Expensive PC hardware and peripherals have also caused things to stagnate a bit in the consumer market. Prices on Intel and Nvidia products have gone through the roof while Moore's Law has significantly diminished (so you are getting less value on cutting-edge tech purchases). We're still recovering from the mining crash. PC new releases are also getting delayed way past the release date of their console counterparts. I think the consumer market is really segmented right now. We're really waiting for that next generation of consoles to come out, to have their hardware specs be released, because that's going to reset the bar for graphical standards going forward. Games are getting delayed and I feel like some developers are sitting on major assets just waiting for the next gen cycle to commence. I mean you've got RDR:2 not even being announced for PC and then Cyberpunk 2077 has no release window yet. So that has really slowed things.

Some of these companies want to see what kind of graphical horsepower these new consoles are going to be dealing with so that they can react accordingly. Sony pulled out of E3 2019 months ago because there aren't going to be many new games to show. It has been a perfect storm of factors that has caused consumers to not buy PC games. Everything feels really fragmented right now. It's going to be a slow year. Then things are going to bounce back in a major way in 2020.

Lately, the story has kind of been the death, or metamorphosis, of the AAA PC game. I think that things are really going to start to turn a corner when Ryzen 2 cpus drop in July and then again when a Cyberpunk release date is announced.

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One of the biggest Indies from last year was Return of the Obra Dinn and that doesn't even really interest me at all.
Damn, was that really one of the biggest indies from last year? It looked too gimmicky at first glance, and after reading some of the reviews it seems like I was right. The one thing about it that seems interesting (the art style) also holds it back by making it difficult to play. If I'm going to buy an indie game, I want it to be a game, not an art project.

bread's done