Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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I've been a little underwhelmed with it, I expected better but all I've really been able to do is turn up a few settings one notch higher than with my 560 Ti. I had this idea that I'd be maxing out most games. Then you have shitty games like Shadow of Morder that can't even run High textures at 60fps cause that requires 3GB vram. :(
I know most PC gamers will hate me for asking this - but will it run at High Textures w/ 30fps on High at 1080p?


The Evil Within is high on my wishlist, but I don't think it's pre-order high enough. I don't know what it is, but I'm both hyped and skeptical about this title.
I want to play it...

...but I think I want to get a 4GB GF 970 first + I think I ain't seen enough coverage of this game to know if I want/need it already.

Plus, I'd likely wait for a good sale on TEW.

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The Evil Within is high on my wishlist, but I don't think it's pre-order high enough. I don't know what it is, but I'm both hyped and skeptical about this title.
I want to play it...

...but I think I want to get a 4GB GF 970 first + I think I ain't seen enough coverage of this game to know if I want/need it already.

Plus, I'd likely wait for a good sale on TEW.

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Team Indie- $11.69

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition- $29.99($14.99 if you own Sleeping Dogs

I just wanna point out that a team who made nothing but rts games have managed to make a great Alien game while Gearbox who makes their living making fps games couldn't even make an Aliens game right.  *mind blown*   Pat yourselves on the back Creative Assembly, gg!

Team Indie- $11.69

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition- $29.99($14.99 if you own Sleeping Dogs

I just wanna point out that a team who made nothing but rts games have managed to make a great Alien game while Gearbox who makes their living making fps games couldn't even make an Aliens game right. *mind blown* Pat yourselves on the back Creative Assembly, gg!
They also made a hack and slash action game which nobody expected. (And it got so-so reviews.)

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Kinda. Supposedly it supports 1080p with 60FPS along side dual audio. Since the game originally was somewhere between 30 and 40GB on blu-ray, it could account for that. The resolution upgrade and dual audio that is.

Just another drop in the bucket for the pitiable people who have bandwidth caps or shitty speeds. Then again, most of those people aren't into PC gaming or digital purchases.

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Heh, Final Fantasy XIII preload is now available and it says it's a 59GB install (49GB download).

49 gig download for a game?  Geez, that would take me a day and a half straight to download on my connection.  I hope this isn't the direction that online distribution is going. (the lousy compression, not larger size)   As it is, I already hesitate to download anything that takes longer than 8 hours of sleep.  (which is 10 to 12 gigs if I remember correctly)

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I just wanna point out that a team who made nothing but rts games have managed to make a great Alien game while Gearbox who makes their living making fps games couldn't even make an Aliens game right. *mind blown* Pat yourselves on the back Creative Assembly, gg!
Except that Gearbox didn't actually do much (any?) of the development. They unwisely farmed it out to three different studios and didn't provide adequate oversight.

Which reminds me, I need to get around to playing Colonial Marines to see if it lives up to the anti-hype.

It's bad, but not the unholy spawn of Satan bad that people make it out to be.
This. It's just a boring, generic FPS. It's not god awful, omg worst game in the world like most people make it seem.

On an unrelated note, I'm sure a lot of you got these, but I just got a 25% off Gauntlet coupon good until the 15th. Works on the 4 pack, so would bring that down to $45 or $11.25 a copy. Saw some buzz about this game so if anyone wants the coupon, just let me know.

I just got FFXIII myself. Time for some spring cleaning on the old HDD.

According to the ultimate metric for a games quality, Tebow's idling time, Colonial Marines is pretty much the greatest game ever. You guys just don't have his refined tastes to be able to appreciate it properly.
According to the ultimate metric for a games quality, Tebow's idling time, Colonial Marines is pretty much the greatest game ever. You guys just don't have his refined tastes to be able to appreciate it properly.
I liked it. Then again I only played it post patch.
Definitely not best game ever. That honor goes to Bebe's Kids.

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For those who got in on the newegg radeon gold glitch a month or two ago ($1 for a key that gave you 3 games) they sent out the Alien Isolation keys yesterday via email.  People are selling them on eBay for $30-40.

Still waiting on the Star Citizen keys unfortunately, they sent out an update a week ago that it'll be delayed.

For those who got in on the newegg radeon gold glitch a month or two ago ($1 for a key that gave you 3 games) they sent out the Alien Isolation keys yesterday via email. People are selling them on eBay for $30-40.

Still waiting on the Star Citizen keys unfortunately, they sent out an update a week ago that it'll be delayed.
Star Citizen keys are on website :p

Which reminds me, I need to get around to playing Colonial Marines to see if it lives up to the anti-hype.
I played through it on PS3 (masochistic Redbox rental).

It was ok.

It's just a sort of bad shooter.

If you haven't played dozens of those already you live a charmed life.

I bought Aliens Colonial Marines from Amazon back when they had it on sale for $1.99.

Played it co-op with my gf.   Our take:  Not nearly as bad as most make it out to be, but not nearly as good as it should have been.

But.. at $1.99 we got our money's worth.

Oh.. and here's a Kingdom Elemental Key:


Personally, I liked both side-stories Leilana's Song + Witch Hunt DLC's.
Leliana's was okay, Witch Hunt was pretty boring. You also had the Darkspawn oriented DLCs.

But my main point on the side story DLCs was that you can always get those later when Ultimate Edition goes on sale if you really want them and not miss out on anything in the core game. Of the integrated DLC, I'd say only Stone Prisoner is "essential" since Shale wraps into the rest of the game so well. Warden's Keep & Ostagar are mainly just there for twinking your guys up in fancy armor relatively early in the game.

I suppose Warden's Keep adds the storage chest but, you know, mods.

All this extra power and I suddenly get the urge to play Super Mario World with it.

I bought Aliens Colonial Marines from Amazon back when they had it on sale for $1.99.

Played it co-op with my gf. Our take: Not nearly as bad as most make it out to be, but not nearly as good as it should have been.

But.. at $1.99 we got our money's worth.

Oh.. and here's a Kingdom Elemental Key:

Proper etiquette dictates that prior to backlogging a game, you play the first mission and throw it in some kind of nebulous and constantly expanding "now playing" category that you swear you'll get back to one day even though it encompasses every part of your library not published by Paradox, Meridian4, or StrategyFirst. (I leave Kalypso out of this list because you definitely play the Tropico 3 tutorial and think it's pretty neat, maybe you'll try a mission later when you're in the mood, which you never will be.)

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Proper etiquette dictates that prior to backlogging a game, you play the first mission and throw it in some kind of nebulous and constantly expanding "now playing" category that you swear you'll get back to one day even though it encompasses every part of your library not published by Paradox, Meridian4, or StrategyFirst. (I leave Kalypso out of this list because you definitely play the Tropico 3 tutorial and think it's pretty neat, maybe you'll try a mission later when you're in the mood, which you never will be.)
That seems like bad organization. I just play until I decide to stop for the moment, then favorite it if I definitely want to play more, toss it in "decent" if I'd consider playing it again someday, or hide it away in "ignore" if you'd have to pay me to play it again.

I also install all of my unplayed games so the lack of hard drive space forces me to keep trying out new ones. It works pretty well as a motivator.

  • Software for the game I'm totally gonna make some day
  • "Research" for the game I'm totally gonna make some day
  • Lexica / Square Logic
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