Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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hello fiends i am happy host to you Indie gala monday bundle for low low price of 1,27$$ =P~ O:) gift to paypal thx

i try give you santa spirit with colors of christmas :pray:

for scrooge mcducks out there who no want bundle from good cag bladerlands, i give you :twoguns: and coal for your mother :shame:
Get it right, Italians have a witch on a broom that gives gifts to kids.


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I didn't know there was a way to play Syberia besides on PC? How the hell does P&C work on a console?

Hmm..see it was on mobile too, guess that at least works okay. 

Game wise, haven't played it yet. Heard good things about it, but also remember hearing on AG that it is one of those love it or hate it type games. Community seemed somewhat divided, more seem to like it then hate it though. 

Srlsly. My FOB WAP dad told me that when I was a kid. That there was this old witch in old Italy or something and the 3 Wise Men came around and said hey Jesus is born lady, come and give him a gift with us. And she was all grumpy and like I got to sweep my floor, ain't nobody got time for that.

But then she felt bad afterwards and went and flew down chimneys on her broom to give a gift to every kid, but apparently only in Italy, in hopes that one would be Jesus.

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Srlsly. My FOB WAP dad told me that when I was a kid. That there was this old witch in old Italy or something and the 3 Wise Men came around and said hey Jesus is born lady, come and give him a gift with us. And she was all grumpy and like I got to sweep my floor, ain't nobody got time for that.

But then she felt bad afterwards and went and flew down chimneys on her broom to give a gift to every kid, but apparently only in Italy, in hopes that one would be Jesus.
That stupid witch. Jesus was white, not Italian.

Well, I finally got around to trying out Warframe. Color me unimpressed.
I don't have time to go too much into this atm, but I will say this. I have over 600 hours into this game, I have spent under $10. The only thing you have to buy are weapon & warframe slots (10 or 20 platinum. 75 platinum = $5 but you can get login rewards allowing 25%, 50%, or 75% off that).

I have 15 warframes that I didn't pay a dime for - farming bosses gives you components and you buy the blueprint from the market with in game currency. There is a grind, but it's nothing like some of the MMOs I've played.

The patch they dropped last week also caused a few problems so I would recommend holding off for a week to make any final decisions or start playing right now.

I will try to go into more in a bit if anyone cares/wants me to.

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Which is fine but if he's going to keep insisting the site is fine and safe and he bought from them before yadda yadda what are you going to do sit there and argue with him all night?

If you have a problem with him posting the link then just report it. He thinks the site is fine and he appears not to be changing his mind in spite of several people replying that it may be unsafe. I just think there's a point where someone is going to do what they're going to do and it's their money. I know this is the internet and everyone gets a say about everything but at a certain point if someone isn't going to change their mind then there's not much you can do and repeating does not help.

PS - can you not quote Ninja Squirrel in his Mary Mary Quite Contrariness to me in the future? Because I don't feel like reading it. Thanks.
I'd be more worried about them potentially stealing his steam account because they have the physical copy of the game code he got. The site could just use that as evidence that they own the game and hence his steam account that the key is attached to.

Ok, these things are almost over! Get your bids in quick! Auction ends as soon as my gaming session does!

Current top bid:
$1.50 - ghost1914

Current top bid:
$4 - snakeybro

Current top bid:
$0.25 Sunasun

All the money goes to Seattle Children's! Here is the donation page for those of you who forgot!

$2 on whoregame: you're a peein' escalator

CAG 3.0 decided your post didn't matter and deleted it when I quoted.
fuck you ;)

I made it $2

I hate cag 3.0 sometimes

Are mom and dad getting a divorce?

you're the little dude in green ;)

I've never had steam track offline hours played (steam-offline-mode/no internet). If you are just socially offline (steam chat) then it tracks normally.

With the former it can cause some games to grant you a bunch of achievements with the timestamp of when you went back online.
and probably a playfire ban, since it looks very similar to using


Yes! And the auctions are over. Final bids:

Winners should get their money in to Extra Life here and then friend me on Steam here -- if you are not already -- to get your games.

Will start the next auctions very soon!
or are they?

I didn't vote AND missed out on a free key.

I'm so fuck ing entitled n shit

Hmm, thread seems slow (or maybe it's just cause of the weekend), sooo, thoughts on a 32 year old man dating a 47 year old woman, and go....

asking for a friend of course. :^o
stop bragging about your sugar momma. :)

I say go for it, if she makes you happy.


The older the berry, the sweeter the juice.

oh no you diint

Back in high school when I ran varsity cross country we had this really shy dude—could never get him to come out of his shell—join the team and we all thought he'd be a ringer. But he just sucked.
so you're saying it's rotted and bird-pecked?
I think you may have meant riper which is more positive.

That stupid witch. Jesus was white, not Italian.
Wouldn't Jesus look like a middle easterner, since he was from there?

I don't have time to go too much into this atm, but I will say this. I have over 600 hours into this game, I have spent under $10. The only thing you have to buy are weapon & warframe slots (10 or 20 platinum. 75 platinum = $5 but you can get login rewards allowing 25%, 50%, or 75% off that).

I have 15 warframes that I didn't pay a dime for - farming bosses gives you components and you buy the blueprint from the market with in game currency. There is a grind, but it's nothing like some of the MMOs I've played.

The patch they dropped last week also caused a few problems so I would recommend holding off for a week to make any final decisions or start playing right now.

I will try to go into more in a bit if anyone cares/wants me to.
The grinding for weapons is a bit annoying. I like having a variety of choices as I go through the game without having to devote a lot of time into it, but after coming across the blueprints, it's not all as bad as I thought.

What's up with slots? You can only have x amount of Warframes and weapons unless you buy more slots? I have two weapons now, one is from the booster pack (which was disappointing, just a gun I could have bought with credits and short boost items), so how many more can I get before having to buy slots?

Sadly, I abhor farming bosses in any MMOs, but it is what it is I guess. That's the only way to get Warframe parts?

Wouldn't Jesus look like a middle easterner, since he was from there?

Yup, that's a pretty dumb meme. Middle Easterners are all very dark.

Alright, I actually have time now to talk about Warframe (I thought we were watching a movie, but apparently she is tired).

I'll spoiler it, since I can tend to go on for a bit when I get going. 

Like I said earlier, the only things you have to buy in game are Warframe and weapon slots.   Like Idiotekque said, it's a really pretty game and has a really distinctive art style.  The gunplay is well done, melee is actually pretty good once you get some stance mods that work with your weapon (combos get unlocked for individual weapon types).

The whole game relies upon Mods.  Each Warframe has 4 unique abilities, Frost is cold based with balanced attacks & defensive powers, Nyx can cause enemies to fight each other or absorb all damage for a short time - then toss it back at the enemies surrounding her, Vauban can throw singularity grenades or electric turret-like grenades, Nova can open portals in the world allowing fast travel or toss a white-hot ball of antimatter that will decimate anything around it when it blows.  Each frame is well thought out, and while some of the frames have what I call a 'throw-away' ability or two most allow some really interesting combinations with other players, as well as utility when you're soloing. Some of these Warframes are better at certain roles/missions than others, but all are useful on their own. (Note - all these ability mods are given to you when you build (or buy if you're rich/lazy) that Warframe.  You don't have to rely on RNG to get these abilities.)  

Then there are the universal Warframe mods.  Individual mods cannot be bought from the cash shop, but they can be sold/bought to/from other players or picked up from fallen enemies (all enemies have their own drop tables).  These mods do everything from raising your Warframe's shields or health, to allowing you to use your abilities at reduced energy cost, etc.  There really are a lot of mods.. and while there are a few 'accepted top builds' for the different frames, you can experiment and see what works best for you.

Then there are weapon mods - these can do things like allow rifle hold more ammo, shoot incendiary rounds, make melee attacks faster, etc.

All of these mods start out with a base stat, but can be raised using 'doubles' or universal upgrade mods called fusion cores.

This is all kept in check by a max limit of mods and values in all Warframes and weapons.

You do only have 1 character, but that is what's great about the game, wanna be a tank?  Switch to Rhino or Valkyr, wanna be a caster?  Switch to Volt or Nyx.  All in all there are 20 base frames in the game. 

If you're playing solo or exclusively with new player friends, you're going to play your first choice for a bit before you can go head-to-head with a planetary boss to get the individual components for a new Warframe.  There is a branching order that the planets are unlocked at and the one you're going for may actually be a few planets away from where you start, but you can get everything for nothing.. well aside from time.  The Warframe wiki is a very useful & constantly updated website to figure out what planets you should be unlocking to get the frames you want.

I currently have 9 frames, with parts and blueprints to make 10 more (but my gf has claimed all the 'girl frames' for herself so I haven't bothered making them yet...but it's coming).  You're not going to get all 3 components you need from fighting the boss 1 time, but you do get 1/3 random pieces each time you fight him.  I've actually gotten pretty lucky so far and mostly only need to do a boss @5 times (3 times on the lowest and nearly 20 times on the worst [I just had really bad luck on that one]).

[I know in my previous post I said I had 15 frames, but I just counted and it's 9 complete and 10 that I could have if I just hit the build button in my foundry).

Alternately, if you don't mind playing with people you don't know, you can look for a group that is fighting a specific boss using the chat system.  They can 'taxi' you to a boss even if you haven't unlocked all the mission nodes on the way.  Most won't be too happy if you can't contribute anything to the fight at all, but most people I've dealt with have been pretty nice. 

Or you can just join a clan and they will help you do anything you need - including allowing you to clan researched weapons and Warframe blueprints.

Weapons - again, you buy the blueprints for in game currency that you get from drops/completing missions etc.  Then you use the resources that you've accumulated the same way to build them.  Again, I haven't spent a real-world dime on Warframes or Weapons.

The game also has rare weapons and Warframe variants (Called 'Primes' - nothing major, cosmetic differences on warframes, slightly better stats on weapons only) that can be acquired through 'void missions'(end game stuff) or purchased from other players using platinum.  Platinum is actually fairly easy to come by once you've played a bit.  You will get multiples of the same mods and newer players or people with money to burn will always be looking for the rarer ones.  Once you've put some time into the game, you will be able to make platinum selling your mod multiples.  (For example, when I started playing there was a mod called Redirection that was hard to come by.  I now have a maxed rank redirection, as well as 80 more that I could probably get at least 50-60 platinum for if I tried.  Prime components also sell really well.)

The game recently added the 'new player experience' which is a really nice intro for new players, and allows an expanded selection of weapons than they used to have.  They've also introduced a new quest system (in addition to the usual planetary missions and bosses) that span a few missions.  The first quest makes sure new players get what are considered 'essential mods'.  These mods are inferior to the dropped versions, meaning they can't be ranked up as much, but they will make the game easier for new players to get into and complete missions faster than when I first started (first 2 planets were pretty brutal in difficulty without some of those mods).

Like I said earlier, the game's latest (Friday morning) patch broke a few things, but they put out 4 hot-fixes so far over the weekend, and are fixing things all the time.  They're also listening to player feedback on the new out of mission UI (which is admittedly prettier than the old one, but less functional for power-users [too many clicks when doing tasks between missions compared to the older UI - changing weapons, building new gear etc]).  My current recommendation is to give it a week to let them sort the bugs out before jumping in right now.

All in all, I think I've played Warframe more than just about any game I've ever played (including WoW).  I only really duo with my gf, and we're still having fun with it.  We've got our own clan, done all the clan research we care about, and played 600+ hours each for less than $10.  It's the least expensive free-2-play game I can think of.  The platinum option is there for those who have the cash, or don't have a lot of time.

OH! While the game is a co-op PVE game, they've added a PvP endgame component that players are free to ignore or jump into once they're ready.  It actually looks pretty fun, with a 4 person team attacking and another team setting up a base's defenses and trying to stop them.

PS - Idiot, if you do continue playing, upgrade your starting frame with a orokin reactor as soon as you can - it will double your warframes max mod energy capacity.  You can get these from the cash shop, but you can also get them from alerts (short-timed missions with better rewards than regular missions).


If anyone has any questions let me know.

I'll answer them tomorrow though - I'm tired too.

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The grinding for weapons is a bit annoying. I like having a variety of choices as I go through the game without having to devote a lot of time into it, but after coming across the blueprints, it's not all as bad as I thought.

What's up with slots? You can only have x amount of Warframes and weapons unless you buy more slots? I have two weapons now, one is from the booster pack (which was disappointing, just a gun I could have bought with credits and short boost items), so how many more can I get before having to buy slots?

Sadly, I abhor farming bosses in any MMOs, but it is what it is I guess. That's the only way to get Warframe parts?
Alright, but after this I'm going to bed.

Weapon grinding isn't really a thing - you can just buy the blueprint with in game credits and use resources you pick up on missions to build them. Unfortunately, some common resources don't start dropping until you get a couple planets under your belt. But this doesn't actually take as much time as you'd think. Yes, later there can be some grinding if you're trying to get a Prime weapon, but at that point you'll have some Platinum to throw at the parts you don't want to farm for.

Slots are the only way the Dev's are guaranteed to make some money, so it's understandable that they'd charge for them. The costs are really negligible though. I mean for a f2p game that allows you to do everything in the game for free 10-20 plat is really nothing. (again, 70plat = $5 but you can commonly get offers for 25, 50 or 75% off just by logging in)

Not sure how many slots you start out with any more (it's been a while) but you can find that by hitting esc and looking at the inventory page. Warframes are the 1st tab, weapons are the second.

Warframe parts by farming yeah.. well that and clan research - if you joined a clan you'd have access to Volt, Banshee, and Zephyr. But you'd need the resources to build them (which, again, you get from missions).

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Anybody know if The Forest is playable yet? I'm really excited to try it although I'll have to go against my earlier vow of no more EA games. As long as it isn't too buggy where it is impossible to play I wouldn't mind. The last I checked a month or so ago I heard that certain parts of the game weren't working yet.

Alright, I actually have time now to talk about Warframe (I thought we were watching a movie, but apparently she is tired).

I'll spoiler it, since I can tend to go on for a bit when I get going.

Like I said earlier, the only things you have to buy in game are Warframe and weapon slots. Like Idiotekque said, it's a really pretty game and has a really distinctive art style. The gunplay is well done, melee is actually pretty good once you get some stance mods that work with your weapon (combos get unlocked for individual weapon types).

The whole game relies upon Mods. Each Warframe has 4 unique abilities, Frost is cold based with balanced attacks & defensive powers, Nyx can cause enemies to fight each other or absorb all damage for a short time - then toss it back at the enemies surrounding her, Vauban can throw singularity grenades or electric turret-like grenades, Nova can open portals in the world allowing fast travel or toss a white-hot ball of antimatter that will decimate anything around it when it blows. Each frame is well thought out, and while some of the frames have what I call a 'throw-away' ability or two most allow some really interesting combinations with other players, as well as utility when you're soloing. Some of these Warframes are better at certain roles/missions than others, but all are useful on their own. (Note - all these ability mods are given to you when you build (or buy if you're rich/lazy) that Warframe. You don't have to rely on RNG to get these abilities.)

Then there are the universal Warframe mods. Individual mods cannot be bought from the cash shop, but they can be sold/bought from/to other players or picked up from fallen enemies (all enemies have their own drop tables). These mods do everything from raising your Warframe's shields or health, to allowing you to use your abilities at reduced energy cost, etc. There really are a lot of mods.. and while there are a few 'accepted top builds' for the different frames, you can experiment and see what works best for you.

Then there are weapon mods - these can do things like allow rifle hold more ammo, shoot incendiary rounds, make melee attacks faster, etc.

All of these mods start out with a base stat, but can be raised using 'doubles' or universal upgrade mods called fusion cores.

This is all kept in check by a max limit of mods and values in all Warframes and weapons.

You do only have 1 character, but that is what's great about the game, wanna be a tank? Switch to Rhino or Valkyr, wanna be a caster? Switch to Volt or Nyx. All in all there are 20 base frames in the game.

If you're playing solo or exclusively with new player friends, you're going to play your first choice for a bit before you can go head-to-head with a planetary boss to get the individual components for a new Warframe. There is a branching order that the planets are unlocked at and the one you're going for may actually be a few planets away from where you start, but you can get everything for nothing.. well aside from time. The Warframe wiki is a very useful & constantly updated website to figure out what planets you should be unlocking to get the frames you want. I currently have 9 frames, with parts and blueprints to make 10 more (but my gf has claimed all the 'girl frames' for herself so I haven't bothered making them yet...but it's coming). You're not going to get all 3 components you need from fighting the boss 1 time, but you do get 1/3 random pieces each time you fight him. I've actually gotten pretty lucky so far and mostly only need to do a boss 5 times (3 times on the lowest and nearly 20 times on the worst [I just had really bad luck on that one]).

[I know in my previous post I said I had 15 frames, I counted and it's 9 complete and 10 that I could have if I just hit the build button in my foundry).

Alternately, if you don't mind playing with people you don't know, you can look for a group that is fighting a specific boss using the chat system. They can 'taxi' you to a boss even if you haven't unlocked all the mission nodes on the way. Most won't be too happy if you can't contribute anything to the fight at all, but most people I've dealt with have been pretty nice.

Oh, or you can just join a clan and they will help you do anything you need - including allowing you to clan researched weapons and Warframe blueprints.

Weapons - again, you buy the blueprints for in game currency that you get from drops/completing missions etc. Then you use the resources that you've accumulated the same way to build them. Again, I haven't spent a real-world dime on Warframes or Weapons.

The game also has rare weapons and Warframe variants (Called 'Primes' - nothing major, cosmetic differences on warframes, slightly better stats on weapons only) that can be acquired through 'void missions'(end game stuff) or purchased from other players using platinum. Platinum is actually fairly easy to come by once you've played a bit. You will get multiples of the same mods and newer players or people with money to burn will always be looking for the rarer ones. Once you've put some time into the game, you will be able to make platinum selling your mod multiples. (For example, when I started playing there was a mod called Redirection that was hard to come by. I now have a maxed rank redirection, as well as 80 more that I could probably get at least 50-60 platinum for if I tried. Prime components also sell really well.)

The game recently added the 'new player experience' which is a really nice intro for new players, and allows an expanded selection of weapons than they used to have. They've also introduced a new quest system (in addition to the usual planetary missions and bosses) that span a few missions. The first quest makes sure new players get what are considered 'essential mods'. These mods are inferior to the dropped versions, meaning they can't be ranked up as much, but they will make the game easier for new players to get into and complete missions faster than when I first started (first 2 planets were pretty brutal in difficulty without some of those mods).

Like I said earlier, the game's latest (Friday morning) patch broke a few things, but they put out 4 hot-fixes so far over the weekend, and are fixing things all the time. They're also listening to player feedback on the new UI (which is admittedly prettier than the old one, but less functional for power-users [too many clicks when doing tasks between missions compared to the older UI - changing weapons, building new gear etc]). My current recommendation is to give it a week to let them sort the bugs out before jumping in right now.

All in all, I think I've played Warframe more than just about any game I've ever played (including WoW). I only really duo with my gf, and we're still having fun with it. We've got our own clan, done all the clan research we care about, and played 600+ hours each for less than $10. It's the least expensive free-2-play game I can think of. The platinum option is there for those who have the cash, or don't have a lot of time.

OH! While the game is a co-op PVE game, they've added a PvP endgame component that players are free to ignore or jump into once they're ready. It actually looks pretty fun, with a 4 person team attacking and another team setting up a base's defenses and trying to stop them.

PS - Idiot, if you do continue playing, upgrade your starting frame with a orokin reactor as soon as you can - it will double your warframes max mod energy capacity. You can get these from the cash shop, but you can also get them from alerts (short-timed missions with better rewards than regular missions).


If anyone has any questions let me know.

I'll answer them tomorrow though - I'm tired too.
Lots of info to take in, but all good to hear. I picked the game up and was immediately having fun, then had that fun kinda crushed when everything appeared to be behind a pay wall. I'll keep at it.

It would have to be based on the gender of your avatar.

Are hamburgers toasters boys or girls?
I can't think of any members who have a toaster for an avatar offhand.

If you're referring to the member who's a toaster in real life, his avatar is a computer mouse, so it'd be more appropriate to ask whether the mouse was a boy or a girl.
I've just bought a new CPU because it was only £7.54. Seven pounds and fifty four pennies.

I'm not building a new PC. I don't even think it'll upgrade the old PC. But it was cheap damnit.

Is this what happens when you've collected all the games you want? You start hoarding near-junk PC parts instead?

I'm scared. Hold me.


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I've just bought a new CPU because it was only £7.54. Seven pounds and fifty four pennies. I'm not building a new PC. I don't even think it'll upgrade the old PC. But it was cheap damnit. Is this what happens when you've collected all the games you want? You start hoarding near-junk PC parts instead? I'm scared. Hold me. :pray:
Pfft with your near-the-junk PC parts. I hoard in-the-junk PC parts. I have a cache of Pentium/Pro/II chips and bunch of RAM sticks from old PCs we've disposed of at work. I can't bring myself to throw them away.
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I've just bought a new CPU because it was only £7.54. Seven pounds and fifty four pennies.

I'm not building a new PC. I don't even think it'll upgrade the old PC. But it was cheap damnit.

Is this what happens when you've collected all the games you want? You start hoarding near-junk PC parts instead?

I'm scared. Hold me.

I do that sometimes, but it usually has to be free. I got x2 of these modular corsair power supplies a little while ago free after rebate (was a error that lasted 2-3 hours):

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Pfft with your near-the-junk PC parts. I hoard in-the-junk PC parts. I have a cache of Pentium/Pro/II chips and bunch of RAM sticks from old PCs we've disposed of at work. I can't bring myself to throw them away.
I literally have a tray of old processors :oops:

Anybody know if The Forest is playable yet? I'm really excited to try it although I'll have to go against my earlier vow of no more EA games. As long as it isn't too buggy where it is impossible to play I wouldn't mind. The last I checked a month or so ago I heard that certain parts of the game weren't working yet.
It is playable and it is fun. But it is also buggy and you need to understand that before stepping in. You can tell it's in alpha and every time it updates (once every 3 to 4 weeks) your old save won't work anymore causing you to start over. But the game is fun and has a lot of potential. I'm quite happy with the game, granted I had it gifted to me so idk how I would feel paying for it.

I would recommend it but keep an open mind and don't get too frustrated with bugs and glitches. The dev are actively working on the title.
Pixel Hunter Giveaway problem

Hello everyone!

2 Days ago we posted giveaway link in this group. There was more keys than people in this group. But someone posted link in the Reddit forum :(

So if you did not received your owned key please write us at [email protected] with screenshot as a proof that you really voted.

Thank for understanding and have a good day
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I've just bought a new CPU because it was only £7.54. Seven pounds and fifty four pennies.

I'm not building a new PC. I don't even think it'll upgrade the old PC. But it was cheap damnit.

Is this what happens when you've collected all the games you want? You start hoarding near-junk PC parts instead?

I'm scared. Hold me.


I just start hoarding money

fuck Amazon and their bullshit not processing your order for a few days because you aren't a prime member. Just put my ink cartridge in an envelope and send it usps if you want to save money. How does holding my order up for several days save you money? Oh, because you think I'll break down and get your stupid membership? No thanks, asshole.
Pixel Hunter Giveaway problem

Hello everyone!

2 Days ago we posted giveaway link in this group. There was more keys than people in this group. But someone posted link in the Reddit forum :(

So if you did not received your owned key please write us at [email protected] with screenshot as a proof that you really voted.

Thank for understanding and have a good day
In other words 'OMG we posted something for free without any checks on the internet and someone reposted it elsewhere and a whole bunch of people took advantage. We're shocked. Shocked I tell ya!'.

It's nice that they are attempting to allow people who legitimately did vote to write in and do a manual request now but who wants to bet they get overwhelmed with all the requests and that some people photoshop fake evidence or otherwise make false claims and they get frustrated and call it all off.

Anyway anyone who missed out I'd say you'd better write them sooner rather than later.

So I have been looking into acquiring a game or two via trading TF2 keys. While I have traded on Steam before, I have never bothered to use keys. Thus, I have a couple of questions.

(1) Is there a cheaper method to getting them other than the community market which is also safe and reliable?

(2) How can I tell if a certain game is region locked or different than the US copy? I am particularly looking at Sacred 3 pre-orders.
Unless I missed it, I didn't see anyone respond.

I do know that you can search the steam database for the game and see what regions it is available in. Having said this, I don't know how you could know for sure what region the game is in once it is in your inventory. I'm not certain it matters, as if you add it to your library, it would show up in your account as a gift. Someone please correct me if I am wrong on this.

I am also interested in the safe cheap method to get TF2 keys. After trading for Deponia complete, I see that there are tons of opportunities to get games for extra cheap. Traders seem to value the keys at $2 or so, but the market rarely has them for less than 2.40 and they are usually closer to 2.50.

I am also interested in the safe cheap method to get TF2 keys. After trading for Deponia complete, I see that there are tons of opportunities to get games for extra cheap. Traders seem to value the keys at $2 or so, but the market rarely has them for less than 2.40 and they are usually closer to 2.50.
You can buy keys, nothing is going to be as safe as the marketplace though. SourceOP is a good website to use if you are looking to buy keys. You can view the sellers rep on the site. You can regularly get keys for around 1.75 to 1.80.

I've bought a few keys there with no problem....yet.
You can buy keys, nothing is going to be as safe as the marketplace though. SourceOP is a good website to use if you are looking to buy keys. You can view the sellers rep on the site. You can regularly get keys for around 1.75 to 1.80.

I've bought a few keys there with no problem....yet.
And of course, you'll need Paypal if you're to buy there. That's all I've seen sellers there accept.

re: buying TF2 keys outside of Steam

I found a fairly decent For Dummies article about it here:

Probably the safest and easiest one because it's automated and you don't have to deal with a person is but their prices are higher at about $2.20 right now. Looks like they take Paypal and Google Wallet. Note that I haven't used that site yet personally so I don't know if it takes a while to get the keys or not.

Also be aware that some of the sellers on forums like Sourceop and such may not want to deal with you if you don't have reputation.

Lots of info to take in, but all good to hear. I picked the game up and was immediately having fun, then had that fun kinda crushed when everything appeared to be behind a pay wall. I'll keep at it.
Yeah, I do tend to go on a bit. lol

It's a fun game, the parkour is a really nice feature that I completely failed to mention and really helps you feel like a badass space ninja.

Warframe is definitely not for everyone, but even though I've complained on the official forums about the RNG wall - it's actually no where near as bad as many other games I've played.

I also forgot to mention Sentinels (robot pets) and Kubrow's (new space dog-bird pets). You can always take one or the other with you on missions and they all have varied useful skills.

One of the other things I enjoy about the game is that all weapons are usable by all Warframes. The Warframes can be considered 'classes' in that they have different armor values and abilities - but there are no limitations. I can choose a caster-type frame and pair it with a giant hammer, a submachine gun and a rocket-launcher, or a tank frame and wield twin daggers, a pistol and a sniper rifle. You can do whatever combinations you want & the fact that you only have 1 character in your account that is simply changing clothes means you don't have to build a whole new set of weapons for another 'class'. Everything you have is usable by whatever frame you have (barring individual frame's special abilities).

Oh, and regarding the weapon slots - you also have the option of selling weapons (for credits, not platinum) you've built/raked up if you don't like them. Weapons aren't locked to your account if you decide you'd rather not bother keeping it. (Same is true for warframes, but you'll need at least a second before you sell the first).

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Thanks for Syberia II! I didn't have it yet because I suck, but my wife really liked the first one.
What was the other game? I couldn't get the links to work, even with changing the Xs to Is.

Bobby, is that you?
I wish there was a "flipping the bird" emoticon. :wall:

The biggest age gap I ever had (in terms of someone younger than me) was 3 years + 1 month.

Older than me's a bit bigger, but it was never a relationship, and it was complicated.

We should have a CAG dating site. It would have to be a gay dating site though.
Alright, this made me laugh. I forgive you. :p

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