Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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So that girl Zoe Quinn who did Depression Quest slept with 5 guys to get positive coverage of her game and did sexual favors, lol. Does not suprise me at all, I'd tap it too.

Pic of Zoe Quinn-


Weird colored hair? check

Lip ring? check

glasses? check

Made a crappy game that everyone loves? check

2hipster4u gurl gamer
Why would you tap this?


I dunno, maybe you're desperate. She probably is too. She's the kind of girl who thinks she's ugly (which isn't all that far from the truth), so she tries her hardest to look "different" too detract from her derpy face and unfortunate figure. And when some any guy pays attention to her? Dang let's bang.

Sad story for the boyfriend, in any case. I skimmed his blog, painful stuff. No one in their right mind could write up that whole thing and meticulously document the shit this girl has put him through. Necessity ain't the mother of invention, mind-numbingly infuriating heartache and relationship drama is.

I wish I could have known the guy when all this started and convinced him to drop the whole thing as soon as she admitted she had a serious problem and needed therapy. At that point he should have said "Yup, and I'm sorry you dragged me into it and hurt me so badly. Have a nice life." I've been down the same damn road (granted I was teen, these two are almost 30 I think...), and it just ain't worth it.

By a general rule of thumb, guys are stupid assholes and girls are manipulative bitches. Of course that's not always the case, but it's saying that guys usually cause pain through inconsiderate actions, while girls often use their wiles to twist the situation to their liking. I got involved with so many girls like that when I was younger, and while they never slept around with 5 or more guys, they fulfilled the stereotype in their own ways.

That girl needs to get what she deserves and be forced into a situation where she CAN'T manipulate the people around her (if they know how much of a snake she is). It's actually sad for her as well, she's got problems, but reading through her conversations with the boyfriend, she just plain doesn't know how NOT to lie and continue the cycle of self-preservation and manipulation. She's clearly not a sociopath, she's emotional as hell, but she just plain doesn't know how to be genuine.

In any case, here's Motoki's new avatar.


Wow, what a fucking ugly, manipulative dumbass. Seriously hate people who pretend to be one thing in public for their own benefit and are the complete opposite in private. I read TotalBiscuit's response and actually like him now a little bit. Maybe the bugger isn't so bad, at least he has integrity.

This is why I don't pay full price for indie games. These devs don't deserve my pennies.
As I've said elsewhere: I think TotalBiscuit is a pretty poor excuse for a human being, and really nowhere near half as funny as he thinks he is, but he generally seems to have the right idea about a lot of people, so it's hard for me to just dismiss him.

Well, looks like it's time to get a PS3.
I don't understand. How is an hour of footage a "quick look"?
[quote name="BernardoOne" post="12023410" timestamp="1408524146"]Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry is currently on a price mistake on Japan, for 1 Yen.[/quote]

Is it region-free?

I don't care.

Somebody get that and sell it to me. I'll pay 100 yen.
[quote name="BernardoOne" post="12023435" timestamp="1408527462"]At the moment yes, it is region free.[/quote]

Offer stands. 100 yen.
Are there any games that are similar to Transistor? I friggin love that game, I love how it combines turn based with real time combat.

Honestly, I think this covers what Puppygames was getting at, without the bile, hatred and "We made bad decisions that lead to us needing to likely go out of business, but it's all of you to blame and not us, because we're brilliant fucking special snowflakes that create things... not like you shit-consuming plebes."
"I have a private theory, that's really only in my own brain. It's this."

For me, this is the most important difference between that article and all the Puppygames word vomit. Conjecture is carefully labeled as such. Also absent is all the insulting flailing, of course, but this big thing is the lack of "We all know this [very questionable] thing is true, and you're probably in denial of it or afraid to say so."

Very well-written piece.

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Puppy purposely baited the trolls so he can blame his woes and failings on a terrible indie game buying community rather than his games or anything he did.

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I'm no lip-reader... but... what!?
She was paraphrasing for effect.

Why would you tap this?

I dunno, maybe you're desperate. She probably is too. She's the kind of girl who thinks she's ugly (which isn't all that far from the truth), so she tries her hardest to look "different" too detract from her derpy face and unfortunate figure. And when some any guy pays attention to her? Dang let's bang.

Sad story for the boyfriend, in any case. I skimmed his blog, painful stuff. No one in their right mind could write up that whole thing and meticulously document the shit this girl has put him through. Necessity ain't the mother of invention, mind-numbingly infuriating heartache and relationship drama is.

I wish I could have known the guy when all this started and convinced him to drop the whole thing as soon as she admitted she had a serious problem and needed therapy. At that point he should have said "Yup, and I'm sorry you dragged me into it and hurt me so badly. Have a nice life." I've been down the same damn road (granted I was teen, these two are almost 30 I think...), and it just ain't worth it.

By a general rule of thumb, guys are stupid assholes and girls are manipulative bitches. Of course that's not always the case, but it's saying that guys usually cause pain through inconsiderate actions, while girls often use their wiles to twist the situation to their liking. I got involved with so many girls like that when I was younger, and while they never slept around with 5 or more guys, they fulfilled the stereotype in their own ways.

That girl needs to get what she deserves and be forced into a situation where she CAN'T manipulate the people around her (if they know how much of a snake she is). It's actually sad for her as well, she's got problems, but reading through her conversations with the boyfriend, she just plain doesn't know how NOT to lie and continue the cycle of self-preservation and manipulation. She's clearly not a sociopath, she's emotional as hell, but she just plain doesn't know how to be genuine.

In any case, here's Motoki's new avatar.
Man, I sure hope you find a nice girl someday, but this misogynistic view of relationships probably won't really help with that.

Would not bone.
Well I knew he Mooby'd games but I had no idea he Mooby'd sex. Weird.

If you've already got it, it's definitely worth a play.
My philosophy teacher in high school once told me that he never read fiction books because there were too many other, real things going on in the world that were far more interesting. As with many things that man told me, I couldn't entirely agree but I could respect it as a viewpoint. Nonfiction >>> Fiction. I have the same attitude towards game genres; with my exponentially-increasing backlog, I prioritize things I'm pretty sure I'll like (most of the time, sometimes I give preferential treatment to AAA things). I got Fez in a Humble and some CAGs talked me into keeping it rather than trading it so I'll probably get around to it at some point. However, at the moment I'm trying to get my Euro-pseudo-Bethesda fix by dipping a toe in the waters of Two Worlds II and last night, just for the hell of it, I fired up TDU2 and made a bit of progress in the B4 championship event (5/6 races complete, I have 50 points and that cocky Ryan bugger has 38, but that mountain road race is a serious pain).

I'm actually a nice guy in small doses. As your doctor's undoubtedly told you before, everything in moderation.

Oh geeze, this is what I miss by just reading the last page (on 10 posts per page; shutup I'm on CAG via mobile a lot these days).

That whole thing is a mess, but if she finds a way to promote her game and she's not hurting anyone then who the hell cares? OMG a woman is having sex.

Bleh, I wouldn't start a whole topic of sexism and misogyny in the gaming community on here because 


Lately when I see crap like that I just vent to Skitty. :p

Even ignoring the sexual allegations, the bit I read describes manipulative actions that paint a poor picture of a person regardless of their gender.  Pulling strings to try and have an event go unnoticed by the press for one's personal agenda is pretty repulsive for any individual.

That said, I didn't read much.  The lives of "celebrities" have never interested me.

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Ignoring the sexual allegations, the bit I read describes manipulative actions that paint a poor picture of a person regardless of their gender. Pulling strings to try and have an event go unnoticed by the press for one's personal agenda is pretty repulsive for any individual.

That said, I didn't read much. The lives of "celebrities" have never interested me.
It paints an even poorer picture of the press. This is about the worst way to torpedo a journalist's credibility.

Ignoring the sexual allegations, the bit I read describes manipulative actions that paint a poor picture of a person regardless of their gender. Pulling strings to try and have an event go unnoticed by the press for one's personal agenda is pretty repulsive for any individual.

That said, I didn't read much. The lives of "celebrities" have never interested me.
I don't know why sexual allegations involving women all of a sudden get pushed into the "OMG You're being sexist/double standard/let women have sex" territory.

Male or female, using sex to manipulate press coverage for your game is disgusting and that's a bigger condemnation on the journalist who accepts it than the desperate dev with no self esteem.

Male or female, cheating on your significant other and sleeping with a married person shows a clear lack of any moral compass.

Male or female, don't sit there and complain about how your gender isn't respected properly in the gaming industry or just treated as a sex object... and then treat yourself like a sex object and try to sleep your way to the top.

But of course, because it's a woman and not a man we get this:

The Anti-Feminist Internet Targets 'Depression Quest' Game Creator Zoe Quinn
I agree entirely.  My point was that this is more than a sex scandal, and the gender of the individual doesn't matter for any of the elements, sexual or not.

And yes, the press are culpable as well, though it wasn't clear whether she was successful in the media blackout of the event or just attempting to force things to go her way.

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Thanks for all of the kind words.  I don't post very much, but this is my way of contributing. 

These are all of the leftover games.  Please PM me to keep the thread clean.  All of you mouth breathing lurkers can have what is left this afternoon.

Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
Humble Link
Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD
Humble Link
HOARD Complete Pack
Indiegala Link
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf
Indiegala Link
Luna's Wandering Stars
ONE DAY for Ched
Data Hacker - Initiation
Humble Link
Thief Gold
Humble Link
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Indiegala Link
Restaurant Empire II
Indiegala Link
Pahelika: Revelations
Doom and Destiny
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I don't know why sexual allegations involving women all of a sudden get pushed into the "OMG You're being sexist/double standard/let women have sex" territory.

Male or female, using sex to manipulate press coverage for your game is disgusting and that's a bigger condemnation on the journalist who accepts it than the desperate dev with no self esteem.

Male or female, cheating on your significant other and sleeping with a married person shows a clear lack of any moral compass.

Male or female, don't sit there and complain about how your gender isn't respected properly in the gaming industry or just treated as a sex object... and then treat yourself like a sex object and try to sleep your way to the top.

But of course, because it's a woman and not a man we get this:

The Anti-Feminist Internet Targets 'Depression Quest' Game Creator Zoe Quinn
Can we drop the idiotic unvalid "coverage" argument to attack her?


Yeah, lots of coverage indeed. Let's also forget that the only articles that even reference her and her game from the people she slept with were a generic list of Greenlight games, and a pseudo-indie scandal that didn't paint her in a good light anyways. But yeah guys, she totally "slept to the top", totally! This things should never have been made public, it's fucking disgusting all the mysognistic pieces of shit and MRA's and what they have been spewing the last couple of days. And that dude? Seems he well deserved to be cheated on, what a pussy-ass PoS.

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Can we drop the idiotic unvalid "coverage" argument to attack her?

Yeah, lots of coverage indeed. Let's also forget that the only articles that even reference her and her game from the people she slept with were a generic list of Greenlight games, and a pseudo-indie scandal that didn't paint her in a good light anyways. But yeah guys, she totally "slept to the top", totally! This things should never have been made public, it's fucking disgusting all the mysognistic pieces of shit and MRA's and what they have been spewing the last couple of days. And that dude? Seems he well deserved to be cheated on, what a pussy-ass PoS.
I clearly said she tried to sleep her way to the top, not that she succeeded. The issue with this crap is that because it's a female you will automatically have a group of blind lobbyist with agendas who could care less what the facts are or what valid points people are making and will automatically turn this into a gender issue.

This person is manipulative. Whether she's good or bad at it is besides the point. When people rightfully questioned her "game" she made up exaggerated claims of harassment and sexism to try to distract from that. Then apparently she tried to manipulate the media, unsuccessfully, with sex. Yet, she will be defended to death as some poor victim who had the misfortune of being female.

Is the guy somewhat of an asshole for putting all this out there? Yes, but on the flip side:

1. She's a public figure by her own choice.

2. She cheated with a married man so there's a spouse that should know what was/is going on.

3. She cheated and apparently didn't get tested to ensure she wasn't exposing her boyfriend to any diseases.

So yeah, if you don't want people to put information out there about the fucked up shit you do...don't do fucked up shit.

Every time this subject comes up the more polite gaming communities deny it exists and the less polite ones start a huge one sided flame war.
This is why you should treat women like crap. Keeps them in check.

To all the feminists reading this. It's sarcasm
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I clearly said she tried to sleep her way to the top, not that she succeeded. The issue with this crap is that because it's a female you will automatically have a group of blind lobbyist with agendas who could care less what the facts are or what valid points people are making and will automatically turn this into a gender issue.

This person is manipulative. Whether she's good or bad at it is besides the point. When people rightfully questioned her "game" she made up exaggerated claims of harassment and sexism to try to distract from that. Then apparently she tried to manipulate the media, unsuccessfully, with sex. Yet, she will be defended to death as some poor victim who had the misfortune of being female.

Is the guy somewhat of an asshole for putting all this out there? Yes, but on the flip side:

1. She's a public figure by her own choice.

2. She cheated with a married man so there's a spouse that should know what was/is going on.

3. She cheated and apparently didn't get tested to ensure she wasn't exposing her boyfriend to any diseases.

So yeah, if you don't want people to put information out there about the fucked up shit you do...don't do fucked up shit.
Care to point to proof that she actually intended to manipulate people with sex? Or is it again nothing more than hearsay and trying to slut-shame her? Can you point to the proof that she didn't just have sex because she likes it? All this "oh she wanted to manipulate the media" is baseless assumption, not backed by any sort of proof or evidence.

Care to point to proof that she actually intended to manipulate people with sex? Or is it again nothing more than hearsay and trying to slut-shame her? Can you point to the proof that she didn't just have sex because she likes it? All this "oh she wanted to manipulate the media" is baseless assumption, not backed by any sort of proof or evidence.
I don't know why you keep going back to the same point. Did you demand proof of the alleged harassment and phone calls she made up "got" after she put her game on greenlight? Or did you just blindly believe anything she said because she is female and anytime anyone says anything about her they are slut shaming her?

And do you know what a slut is? Or is slut shaming just the latest buzzword you drop anytime anyone criticizes a female? She can be a slut all she wants. She can post a craigslist ad for a train and then sit on her front porch with her legs open for all I care. No one is saying anything about how many times she wants to have sex with however many people she chooses with the CONSENT of all parties involved. I'll even give you the point which you failed to make, that this is largely a personal issue that should usually be handled between the people involved and not in the public sphere. But it's too late for that, it's out in public now and it's just further proof to the lack of character/professionalism involved with both devs and the gaming media.

Devs shouldn't be fucking journalists. Journalists shouldn't be fucking devs. And if they do choose to fuck, they should make it clear that they are fucking since the media is supposed to be transparent. And if they don't want to tell the world they are fucking then they need to either quit their jobs or not fuck.

Devs should also be professional. That means not crying wolf about harassment when your game gets criticized. That means not fucking journalists who work for an outlet that might cover your game or a future game. That means not fucking your married business partner.

Whether she asked for positive press during pillow talk is irrelevant. The point is we don't know that and for that reason the journalist can't trusted, the site he works for can't be trusted, and any press about her game can't be trusted.

Eldritch now has Trading cards as well. It's been bundled so many of you probably have this. 8 cards total. 4 drops.

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Care to point to proof that she actually intended to manipulate people with sex? Or is it again nothing more than hearsay and trying to slut-shame her? Can you point to the proof that she didn't just have sex because she likes it? All this "oh she wanted to manipulate the media" is baseless assumption, not backed by any sort of proof or evidence.
This video says it all better than I ever could, so I'll just leave it here:

I don't know why you keep going back to the same point. Did you demand proof of the alleged harassment and phone calls she made up "got" after she put her game on greenlight? Or did you just blindly believe anything she said because she is female and anytime anyone says anything about her they are slut shaming her?

And do you know what a slut is? Or is slut shaming just the latest buzzword you drop anytime anyone criticizes a female? She can be a slut all she wants. She can post a craigslist ad for a train and then sit on her front porch with her legs open for all I care. No one is saying anything about how many times she wants to have sex with however many people she chooses with the CONSENT of all parties involved. I'll even give you the point which you failed to make, that this is largely a personal issue that should usually be handled between the people involved and not in the public sphere. But it's too late for that, it's out in public now and it's just further proof to the lack of character/professionalism involved with both devs and the gaming media.

Devs shouldn't be fucking journalists. Journalists shouldn't be fucking devs. And if they do choose to fuck, they should make it clear that they are fucking since the media is supposed to be transparent. And if they don't want to tell the world they are fucking then they need to either quit their jobs or not fuck.

Devs should also be professional. That means not crying wolf about harassment when your game gets criticized. That means not fucking journalists who work for an outlet that might cover your game or a future game. That means not fucking your married business partner.

Whether she asked for positive press during pillow talk is irrelevant. The point is we don't know that and for that reason the journalist can't trusted, the site he works for can't be trusted, and any press about her game can't be trusted.
"We don't know that". Erm, you were pretty fast to assume she did. I wonder why.

And you really think that the harassment and phone calls were made up? I mean, really? It's your first day on the internet? Yes, the harassment was real, as anyone that checked 4chan/steam forums/twitter at the time can verify. Unless you think she has hundreds and hundreds of fake accounts just to harass herself, for some reason.

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"We don't know that". Erm, you were pretty fast to assume she did. I wonder why.

And you really think that the harassment and phone calls were made up? I mean, really? It's your first day on the internet? Yes, the harassment was real, as anyone that checked 4chan/steam forums/twitter at the time can verify. Unless you think she has hundreds and hundreds of fake accounts just to harass herself, for some reason.
Proof? You demand proof on one end, shouldn't you provide it? Or is it a one way street?

Proof Flow Chart:

Is woman claiming harassment?

If yes -> No Proof Needed

If no -> Need DNA Proof

The video MNS posted has all the proof you need.

And yes, I automatically assume she was fucking for her personal gain - not because she's proven time and time again to be a manipulative person - BUT BECAUSE SHE IS A SLUT AND THERE'S NOTHING I HATE MORE THAN A SLUT! I WISH WOMEN DIDN'T HAVE SEX OR EVEN EXIST!

Proof? You demand proof on one end, shouldn't you provide it? Or is it a one way street?

Proof Flow Chart:

Is woman claiming harassment?

If yes -> No Proof Needed

If no -> Need DNA Proof

The video MNS posted has all the proof you need.

And yes, I automatically assume she was fucking for her personal gain - not because she's proven time and time again to be a manipulative person - BUT BECAUSE SHE IS A SLUT AND THERE'S NOTHING I HATE MORE THAN A SLUT! I WISH WOMEN DIDN'T HAVE SEX OR EVEN EXIST!
Search for 4chan/twitter, whatever posts from that time. That's all the proof you need. That's harassment. I know fully well the shit 4Chan did and how her personal details were passed around. Don't worry, there's proof and plenty of it.

And yes, "fucking for her personal gain", despite never having any personal gain. That makes a lot of sense!

Also... pointing to that video as "proof"? Give me a fucking break.

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