Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Amalur is a fun game.  (to me anyway)  I was drawn to it because the lore and universe came from RA Salvatore.  I seem to recall having to download a widescreen tweak utility to tinker with the screen FOV though.

It's really a shame the studio went bankrupt.  They had a good foundation to start a franchise from.  Too bad they bit off more than they could chew by making an RPG and an MMORPG simultaneously.

Amalur is a fun game. (to me anyway) I was drawn to it because the lore and universe came from RA Salvatore. I seem to recall having to download a widescreen tweak utility to tinker with the screen FOV though.

It's really a shame the studio went bankrupt. They had a good foundation to start a franchise from. Too bad they bit off more than they could chew by making an RPG and an MMORPG simultaneously.
One studio didn't work on Amalur SP and MMO.

Two different studios (both owned by Curt Schilling) worked on the Amalur games.

38 Studios (Rhode Island) worked on the unfinished Amalur MMO (code-named Copernicus) for a good number of years - oiver 5 years, IIRC.

Meanwhile Big Huge Games (Maryland) worked on Ascendent, a game THQ had rights for - and THQ closed the studio. Curt bought BHG, after THQ dropped them + that Ascendent game - and BHG re-worked that game into a SP-based Amalur games and tried to re-fit it into its Amalur's lore.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that 38 Studios (Rhode Island) had a lot to do w/ the Amalur SP game. Well, they didn't - and BHG have stated this before.

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One studio didn't work on Amalur SP and MMO.

Two different studios (both owned by Curt Schilling) worked on the Amalur games.

38 Studios (Rhode Island) worked on the unfinished Amalur MMO (code-named Copernicus) for a good number of years - oiver 5 years, IIRC.

Meanwhile Big Huge Games (Maryland) worked on Ascendent, a game THQ had rights for - and THQ closed the studio. Curt bought BHG, after THQ dropped them + that Ascendent game - and BHG re-worked that game into a SP-based Amalur games and tried to re-fit it into its Amalur's lore.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that 38 Studios (Rhode Island) had a lot to do w/ the Amalur SP game. Well, they didn't - and BHG have stated this before.
I think you're kind of splitting hairs. BHG was a subsidiary of 38 Studios so it was affected by the company closing just the same. That's all he's saying.

How playable is Kingdoms of Amalur? I kinda want to get it.
Got a PC controller? It controls and plays great w/ that, combat-wise. It's one of the best RPG's to actually play w/ a controller, combat-wise. Combat feels and looks great, on-screen. Many compare it to God Of War - I ain't played that, so I can't compare it to that. But, for me - combat feels similar and like the action-game The Darksiders - which is excellent for a PC RPG to play + feel like. Never ever does combat feel wonky like Skyrim - or anything of that sort.

I was never not a fan of WSAD - so if you play Amalur on PC, be prepared to likely use those control-format w/ a KB-mouse. It's not wise to move movement controls to cursors - b/c it doesn't work properly, if you move the keypad config there. While you can reconfig keys, that's one of the few things that's not easy to reconfig.

The only problem w/ Amalur out-the-box is: the game's easy, if you do TOO many quests. You can become overpowerful, over-leveled, and the game comes off as too easy. Many felt this is even true, even if you decide to adjust to higher difficulties. While I ain't tested it - the Heart-Core Mod is what many recommend to play the game with, if you want to make the game challenging. Despite its ease, while unmodded - even then, for me, Amalur's combat was never boring - it was always a joy to watch and feel in action, for me.

As for the Amalur: Reckoning base-game, it feels more like a huge MMO - huge game and huge world to explore. So, like some MMO's, its quality varies. Some of the questing is good + interesting (mostly, the main quest stuff). It's the side-stuff that can vary, ranging from decent to really good. Depending on how much you do - this can be a time-sink. I did a lot - so I spent over 70 hours or so with the base-game.

The Legend of Dead Kel DLC is great and has WAY more personality than most of the base-game! This DLC actually has a story + characters you will care about...and can actually be quite funny and entertaining - for the 10 hours or so that it lasts for. And the villain - he's just awesome; he's more interesting, cooler + a lot more menacing than the base-game's villain.

Teeth of Naros DLC is pretty good, but it is just nowhere as great as Dead Kel - but still, it'll be 10 hours or so that's quite enjoyable. You'll get your time and money's worth here - especially for a DLC.

If you can get Amalur: Reckoning Complete cheap (which you should be able to, as it's been $5-6 before, IIRC) - I'd say go for it. I've spent over 70 hours w/ the base-game - and thought it was really good. It just, at times, it lacked personality + lacked difficulty (when unmodded). That was my real minor complaints with it. Throw the DLC's on top - and well, you got another 20 hours of gameplay. And the DLC's are worth it, for another 20 hours - IMHO; especially The Legend of Dead Kel DLC.

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Playing's pretty good so far, although playing through as a strictly stealth, no killing playthrough is challenging when there are all these tempting lethal tools to your disposal. I saved and played through part of a level killing guards to see the difference, though, and the game seems like it's laughably easy if you don't accentuate the stealth element.

Playing's pretty good so far, although playing through as a strictly stealth, no killing playthrough is challenging when there are all these tempting lethal tools to your disposal. I saved and played through part of a level killing guards to see the difference, though, and the game seems like it's laughably easy if you don't accentuate the stealth element.
Just tried to do no kill as well. Somehow knocking out 2 guys on the last level counted as killing them. I agree with it being easy mode, even going stealth isn't that hard.
Playing's pretty good so far, although playing through as a strictly stealth, no killing playthrough is challenging when there are all these tempting lethal tools to your disposal. I saved and played through part of a level killing guards to see the difference, though, and the game seems like it's laughably easy if you don't accentuate the stealth element.
I think a high chaos semi-lethal stealth playthrough is a great balance for Hard/Very Hard difficulties. That was the style of my last run, trying only to kill baddies and leaving civvies alone (for the most part). It was really fun. I still want to do a full lethal non-stealth run.
Regarding Fable Anniversary: The game runs fine for me. I can see the keyboard/mouse problems are annoying but I'm playing with a controller and it plays great. One quick freeze one time and no audio cut-outs. It works great on my moderate PC. I'm happy that I got it from Krug for $15 as a pre-purchase.

So if you plan on playing with a controller I highly recommend it especially if you can get it for a lower price. If you plan on playing with keyboard/mouse I say skip it for now until keyboard/mouse controls are fixed/updated.

I know general consensus is strongly against me but I like it.

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Nothing Simulator 2015 is free here.  It'll create a humble link which gives you a direct download from them. And yes, it's just as exciting as it sounds.

The combat in Amalur was enjoyable. The difficulty scaling is bad, so you overlevel things really easily. I got bored after 10 hours, because other than the combat, everything else was average.

Thanks for the responses regarding Amalur. I'm okay with long MMORPG-styled games, but I think I'd get bored of it at this point in time, so I'm gonna pass and use the money I'd spend on it to upgrade my Humble Bundle to BTA.

Wow, I've been getting lots of bad trade offers today.

This guy offered his entire inventory - all cards from free giveaway games, coupons, The Ship, and Dead Island Epidemic - for Sleeping Dogs. And someone else offered me four cards for another game. (Granted they were anime game cards, but still.)

Oy, kids these days.

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Wow, I've been getting lots of bad trade offers today.

This guy offered his entire inventory - all cards from free giveaway games, coupons, The Ship, and Dead Island Epidemic - for Sleeping Dogs. And someone else offered me four cards for another game. (Granted they were anime game cards, but still.)

Oy, kids these days.
Wow, that is a bad trade offer...who would consider giving up Dead Island Epidemic for anything short of Half Life 3?

Edit: Also...{snicker}...
ASUS Taichi31 Dual Screen 2in1 Ultrabook - $99,650.00 Free Shipping Available
We need an Amazon Price match!

If they accept printed dollars (as in, printed from my HP Deskjet), I'm in!
Okay, so for some reason I was compelled to calculate the cost of doing this.

A dollar bill is 2.61" x 6.14" and .0043" thick (20 lb paper)

You can fit 4x onto a single 8.5" x 11" paper.

Assuming you use $100 bills, it will take 250 (249.125) sheets to get "$99,650.00".


20 LB paper $12.60 @ amazon


calculating cost per page was tricky, but I found an interesting article here.

Since you mentioned a DeskJet printer, I found information from the article.

For example, the HP OfficeJet 8500's three high-yield 940XL color cartridges each cost $25.99, and they have an average page yield of 1,400 pages. Using the same formula ($25.99 divided by 1,400 equals a cost of 1.9 cents per page), we then multiply this number by 3 for the three primary colors (5.7 cents) and add in the per-page figure for the black ink (1.6 cents). The total average cost per page for color on the OfficeJet 8500 is therefore 7.3 cents = for 20% coverage
The above calculation is for 20% ink coverage on the 8.5" x 11" sheet.

we need 68.6% coverage. 68.6% is 3.43 x 20%, so we multiply 7.3 cents by 3.43 = 25.039 cents per page. We need to print 2x sides on the sheet (front and back of bill) so 25.039 * 2 = 50.078 cents per page, or 4 bills.

250 sheets are needed so, $.5078 x 250 = $125.195 in INK
+ $12.60 for the 500 sheet reem of paper.

$125.195 + $12.60 = $137.795, round to $137.80

So the cost of printing out $99,650.00 worth of $100 bills on your home deskjet printer is $137.80.

If you printed $20 bills instead, the cost would be 5x as much: $688.98

...which is really close to the MSRP of ~ $730

How playable is Kingdoms of Amalur? I kinda want to get it.
If I recall, I had to use some janky software to correct the Field of view. ...and it takes some tweaking to increase the viewing angle, and not break the game. ...other than that, it was quite enjoyable.

Uh, apparently this was a limited-key giveaway and they're out now. I'm guessing I didn't miss out on much. . . .
Obligatory "nothing" remark. The never ending story simulator sounds better.

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I got added by another person - this joker right here (NSFW content in his profile!) - who wanted me to give him all my cards for a game. Jeezus. I told him no and was promptly blocked.

Why couldn't I have been this popular back in high school?

I got added by another person - this joker right here (NSFW content in his profile!) - who wanted me to give him all my cards for a game. Jeezus. I told him no and was promptly blocked.

Why couldn't I have been this popular back in high school?
What do you mean? You were.

So the cost of printing out $99,650.00 worth of $100 bills on your home deskjet printer is $137.80.
But what if we use the huge stash of A4 paper withdrawn by my mother during her office years, which are now collecting dust in her basement? And what if we simply regenerate the ink cartridges, an option that should roughly cut in half the costs? We would be down to about $63, a much more interesting price... and into shameless fraud, but that's another matter :D/

I got added by another person - this joker right here (NSFW content in his profile!) - who wanted me to give him all my cards for a game. Jeezus. I told him no and was promptly blocked.

Why couldn't I have been this popular back in high school?
The obvious question is, why do you accept all these friend requests? I'm going to have to revoke your membership request into anti-social gamer's club.
The obvious question is, why do you accept all these friend requests? I'm going to have to revoke your membership request into anti-social gamer's club.
There are some people who actually want to discuss a trade beforehand. Maybe they want to trade other things, too.

But nobody reads my damn profile or the trade posts I make. I got an offer overnight: GIMME YER FOILS FOR MY KRATER. Ugh.

How'd you get Foxhack in the first place?

Did you Spoder him?
No, he treated me to dinner and a movie first.

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There are some people who actually want to discuss a trade beforehand. Maybe they want to trade other things, too.

But nobody reads my damn profile or the trade posts I make. I got an offer overnight: GIMME YER FOILS FOR MY KRATER. Ugh.

No, he treated me to dinner and a movie first.
will trade you steam key for magicka for all ur cards


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There are some people who actually want to discuss a trade beforehand. Maybe they want to trade other things, too.

But nobody reads my damn profile or the trade posts I make. I got an offer overnight: GIMME YER FOILS FOR MY KRATER. Ugh.
In my experience, people who add you for trades fall into the following categories:

- 15% people who want to trade for non-tradeable things (Steam keys, Paypal, etc.)

- 15% phishing bots or downright scammers (want you to go first when they have no rep, etc.)

- 20% people who want to trade exactly what you've asked for in a post (with "please send me a trade offer" mentioned clearly next to the price), but add you anyway

- 4% who want more more copies than you have in your inventory

- 15% people who want to ask a question which is already answered in your trade post (eg: "is it BTA?" when post says "full/BTA bundles", or "is it tradable?" when post says "tradeable/gift copy")

- 1% people with genuine questions

- 6% people who say they want to trade but never complete the trade (defriend you, stop responding, etc.)

- 4% people who make offers that are bad for you, but might be OK for other traders (eg: offering ref)

- 20% people who make terrible offers then act rudely when you reject them

- <1% people who want to negotiate fair deals

tl;dr version:

~20% unavoidable & productive, ~36% inefficient, and ~44% scammers and jerks.

tl;dr tl;dr version:

Most "traders" are stupid. Don't trade if you don't want to deal with stupid people.

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I have gotten to the point that unless I recognize a steam name i.e. same as CAG, WGN or elsewhere I frequent OR unless people are in same groups or have same friends, I ignore friend requests.  I recently had an attempt of Steam hijack after accepting a request from someone I did not recognize.  Thus, I will apologize in advance if I did not accept a friend request.  I am more than happy to have all fellow CAGs as friends on steam.  If I aloof, pm me and I will respond.


Games that I got cheap that nobody wants


Any expensive games you want to part ways with on this crummy deal.


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So I have been stepping up my steam card game and got tempted to craft badges instead of selling then I thought it is more of my ego like my XboxSteam achievements and PSN trophies. I rather have the money for more games.

Don't forget people wanting free handouts (I guess they're the 44%).
I did forget them. I get so few of those that they'd probably be less than 1% of the friend requests that I accept. I've never been a popular target for beggars, and I think that my recent "don't accept requests from very low level inactive Steam accounts" policy has whittled that number down even further.

Oh hey look, some kind of Capcom weekend sale. I'll just check DmC and... dang, base price (before discount) is still $50? This is crazy! If it's still this price during the next Steam Winter Sale, I might just have to stop being a cheap bastard and get it. 

Truth be told, if it weren't for the fact I already have access to an (inferior) console version, I would be okay with paying this price. Something about already technically having it really heightens my desire to be cheap for some reason.

Oh hey look, some kind of Capcom weekend sale. I'll just check DmC and... dang, base price (before discount) is still $50? This is crazy! If it's still this price during the next Steam Winter Sale, I might just have to stop being a cheap bastard and get it.

Truth be told, if it weren't for the fact I already have access to an (inferior) console version, I would be okay with paying this price. Something about already technically having it really heightens my desire to be cheap for some reason.
There really isn't any reason for the game to still be $50. None. Bethesda may be allergic to DLC discounts, but at least they have the sense to lower the MSRP on their products after a few years.

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