Steam Weekend Deals - $2 Freedom Force Pack/$ 2 X-Com Pack/Tropico 3 66% Off


Really a must buy if you haven't played either of these franchises. Rebel FM Game Club is also doing FF: The Third Reich if you're looking to play along like me. Tropico 3 is $13.60


Like comic books? Like Aliens? Like autocracy?

The Freedom Force Pack $2.00.
X-Com Complete $2.00
Tropico 3 $13.60

Freedom Force (90)
Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich (86)
X-Com: Enforcer (65)
Tropico 3 (79)

X-Com: UFO Defense (4/5)
X-Com: Terror from the Deep (82)
X-Com: Apocalypse (88)
X-Com: Interceptor (76)

Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
X-Com: UFO Defense
X-Com: Terror from the Deep
X-Com: Apocalypse
X-Com: Interceptor
X-Com: Enforcer
Tropico 3
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[quote name='Vegan']You know, etcrane, some people actually like to RTFM of a complex game and consider it part of the experience of settling into a deep game.

Yeah, they don't make them like they used to. But I say that's a shame.[/QUOTE]

Does RTFM improve the graphics? ;) And yeah ... I do read the manual ... when it's included in print and not online or on my computer ... these are digital downloads for games released 15+ years ago ... I don't feel like investing my time in sitting down to read the manual again. Your time is yours ... I choose to invest in more modern gaming. Though I do completely agree that they don't make good, high quality manuals for games the way they used to.
Picked up freedom force also I have the disc to the first somewhere and know I've played the 2nd but don't remember it. Oh well I know I liked the game.

I suck so much at X-com meh glad it runs on my netbook though so give me something else to play besides Popcap games.
[quote name='etcrane'] Unfortunately, most games that are complex and rely on being able to read through a manual to get started, simply don't age as well over time.

Take for instance the original Civilization ... do many of you still boot that up? Hell, even Civilization II ... great for their times but not so great compared to what we have today. The fundamental style of gameplay in these types of games has evolved ... [/QUOTE]

I've yet to find a tactical turn based combat game with fully, and I do mean fully destructable environments that also allowed for some RPG elements and a true challenge. You never become so overpowering in this game that you can just hit the "I win" button before any engagement.

The graphics are horrible, there's no other word for that. There's basically two character models for your soldiers, man or woman, all the environments are randomly generated out of the same setpeices, but honestly if you can get into this game, there still isn't anything that plays quite like it.
I can respect the opinions on playing old games. Sometimes you just cant go home again. Ive been playing games since xcom was out, but never played it. Im willing to take a chance for $2. Hell, lets be honest here, have some water and skip the large coke at lunch one day and you paid for these games. If its a bust and you dont like them, all you did was same some food coloring and maybe some calories.

Now the freedom force games there is no excuse. Those games hold up well gameplay wise, and even in the graphics department because of the style used. Campy superhero fun for a buck a game is crazy.
[quote name='GlassAgate']Is X-Com any good?[/QUOTE]

I spent a lot of time back then playing it. These are older games yes, but they are insanely fun and that hasn't change.

between the 2 thread, there was one person who couldn't get into it, but if you can get past the fact that it was made in the mid-90s, there are very few finer games, especially in the tactical or whatever genre x-com are in.

Sure, scores/review etc may not mean much, but I will quote Wiki here

The first game is undeniably the most popular and most successful of the series. It was often voted to be one of the best video games of all time by many gaming magazines and websites, including #1 on the IGN's list of Top 25 PC Games of All Time in 2007 and again in 2009, #2 on the Pelit's list of Best Video Game Since 1992 in 2007, #3 on the PC Gamer's list of "Top 50 Games of All Time" in 2001, and #3 Computer Gaming World's list of Best Game of All Time in 2001.[2]

X-COM: UFO Defense was named the #1 PC game of all time by IGN in 2000, 2007 and 2009;[6][7][14] and the #2 best video game since 1992 by Pelit in 2007.[8]
i think i need to buy steam games only when they hit the $2 mark :)..
bought the freedom pack for $5 during the holiday sale and now it $2
and also bought stalker when it was $5 but was $2 during the holiday sale.
woulda save $6, which is 3 future $2 games..
I bought X-Com and FF bundles yesterday for $4 total...and been thinking about Tropico 3 since...

After watching a few playthrough videos on youtube...I finally bit. I loved SimCity...and Tropico 3 has enough changes and additions from the first Tropico (not to mention way better visuals) to warrant the purchase.

Time to create my new dictator! :)
I think it is safe to say that if Steam had a $2 deal every weekend, I would buy it, no matter what (well, unless I already own it).

Take note, Steam managers.
Eh, even though I don't plan on investing much time with these, I decided to drop the $4 ... if only to add my support to updated and modernized sequels to both of these franchises. It's unfortunate that X-com has had attempted updates a few times in the past and most haven't been as successful as the original, but hell, as passionate as some of you are about these games, maybe you guys should get together and start a company ;)
The Freedom Force demo won't start up for me, so I guess I'll actually pass on buying the pack. Oh well, I still have Overlord, Psychonauts, and KotOR to play from Steam.
[quote name='StickyWaffles']The Freedom Force demo won't start up for me, so I guess I'll actually pass on buying the pack. Oh well, I still have Overlord, Psychonauts, and KotOR to play from Steam.[/QUOTE]

Ugh, that demo is stupid. It's not patched to the current version, so it won't run on XP SP2 or anything newer. The game, however, will. Steam should really take down that demo until Irrational ever gets around to patching it (doubtful).
Tropico is very tempting, but my Steam backlog from the holiday sale is insane. Who am I kidding, I'll buy it anyway even if I don't play it until summer.
Anyone who won't play a game based solely on graphics is a huge tool. The whole "modern versus old" doesn't work when there still isn't a better game in that genre / or with the right depth. The game has a learning curve, either you play it to get into it or you don't. Deus Ex is another example, I played that a year ago (never having even touched it before). It has a slight learning curve too, but is there any game that has that much choice in how to handle an objective (in an FPS RPG???).

I'd argue that if you can pick up a game and know all the mechanics of how it works completely within 5 minutes of picking up the controller that's probably a negative. More powerful hardware means the possibility of more greatness, not the guarantee.
[quote name='Apoxxle']Anyone who won't play a game based solely on graphics is a huge tool. The whole "modern versus old" doesn't work when there still isn't a better game in that genre / or with the right depth. The game has a learning curve, either you play it to get into it or you don't. Deus Ex is another example, I played that a year ago (never having even touched it before). It has a slight learning curve too, but is there any game that has that much choice in how to handle an objective (in an FPS RPG???).

I'd argue that if you can pick up a game and know all the mechanics of how it works completely within 5 minutes of picking up the controller that's probably a negative. More powerful hardware means the possibility of more greatness, not the guarantee.[/QUOTE]

Graphics do matter ... people who argue they don't are ignorant to the fact that while graphics never trump gameplay mechanics and potentially the plot (in games where it matters), graphics do matter. It's ridiculous how many times I see people call other people idiots because they actually care about the graphics in a game ... god forbid, enjoying quality, high definition graphics in a game.

One has to wonder if people were this adamant about silent motion pictures during the birth of modern "talkies." It's annoying to constantly read about whiny "old timers" who don't understand why modern day kids don't want to play their "amazing games" with terrible graphics. If you like a game, then you like it ... but seriously, people have their opinions and it doesn't make you a tool if you don't hold the same level of appreciation for a game that was released 17 years ago. I have a hard time believing that in 17 years no game has ever reached the depth of X-com ... I'm also a huge fan of Deus Ex and while I lament the fact that it's sequel (s) really stole depth from the franchise (I suppose there's still hope for the recently announced 3), there are other games which have come out that are better overall experiences than Deus Ex (otherwise I would just play that over and over again, instead of something like ... say Mass Effect 2 for example).

I'm not knocking old games, they are cool for what they are ... but some of you make these games sound absolutely incredible and then knock anyone who can't love them as much as you do. Graphics do matter and if they don't matter at all, then go have fun playing your Magnavox Odyssey and stop telling people that they're tools or idiots for not sharing an opinion.
[quote name='etcrane']I have a hard time believing that in 17 years no game has ever reached the depth of X-com.[/QUOTE]

And what Alien Turn-based Tactics game with those new-fangled polygonaloids would you recommend?

You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here.

Sorry. Can't get into it without The Graphics...and don't you call me a tool, man! :roll:
Well done graphics make a good game better, but they don't make a game. The gameplay, the meat of the game, has to be pretty worthwhile to start with. X-com is great game and certainly worth the price. No one here is suggesting it should have a 60 dollar price tag. As a tactic game, I have not seen one rival X-com yet. I'll certainly knock anyone who didn't play the game who turns around and claims it should be dismissed because of its graphics.
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[quote name='cheapo72']And what Alien Turn-based Tactics game with those new-fangled polygonaloids would you recommend?

You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here.

Sorry. Can't get into it without The Graphics...and don't you call me a tool, man! :roll:[/QUOTE] :robot:
[quote name='etcrane'] :robot:[/QUOTE]

Doesn't have fully destructable environments like XCOM, not to mention it's in perpetual beta for who-knows-how-long. So you'd rather play an unfinished bugfest with pretty graphics rather than the original game that the creators of the game you just posted call "a classic and, in our honest opinion, is one of the best games ever made"?
Oh hell yes! I remember playing my brother's copy of Freedom Force when it first came out. For two dollars it's worth it just as a dollhouse to create your own superheroes and special moves. :)
[quote name='keithp']Doesn't have fully destructable environments like XCOM, not to mention it's in perpetual beta for who-knows-how-long. So you'd rather play an unfinished bugfest with pretty graphics rather than the original game that the creators of the game you just posted call "a classic and, in our honest opinion, is one of the best games ever made"?[/QUOTE]

It's the potential ... and you can't judge a game until it's no longer in beta imo ;)

And for christ sake, everyone talking about destructible environments ... yeah, if I built my house out of crappy looking cardboard it would be a fully destructible environment too. Red Faction Guerilla did a nice job of pushing the envelope on modern destructible environments in games, but good lord, we can mostly agree X-com has terrible graphics, so how is it cool to have a fully destructible environment when it already looks terrible. Sure it's nice gameplay-wise, but really ... impressive for the time, not impressive today.

And one more thing ... Monopoly is also one of the greatest games ever made ... but I rarely play it ... because I have newer, more interesting games to play. At one point tic tac toe may have been the greatest game ever made ... people move on. But yes, of course these developers will consider X-com one of the greatest games ever made ... because their whole project is a tribute to it. It's fine to like X-com for what it is but good lord, a few of you would seemingly fall on your swords to defend this game. But then, I guess we can't all live in the past and play DOS games forever.
[quote name='etcrane']
But then, I guess we can't all live in the past and play DOS games forever.[/QUOTE]

Why are you even in this thread? You don't seem to want to do anything except insult a game you don't enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, and don't want to buy it... move on.
[quote name='Nesrie']Why are you even in this thread? You don't seem to want to do anything except insult a game you don't enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, and don't want to buy it... move on.[/QUOTE]

Freedom Force is part of the thread/deal too ... so I'm only insulting 1/2 of the games in this thread. I also like to crush nostalgic, DOS-based memories :fridge: since I used to be a Mac user ;)
[quote name='etcrane']Freedom Force is part of the thread/deal too ... so I'm only insulting 1/2 of the games in this thread. I also like to crush nostalgic, DOS-based memories :fridge: since I used to be a Mac user ;)[/QUOTE]

Yeah you're not saying much about Freedom Force. And the thing about nostalgia is you are pretty much powerless to affect someone else's. Sounds like you are getting close to the troll cave to me, and litte else.
[quote name='etcrane']Sure it's nice gameplay-wise[/QUOTE]
I like how you casually put that out there and then move on and pretend you didn't say it.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']I like how you casually put that out there and then move on and pretend you didn't say it.[/QUOTE]

Well it is a nice feature, it's just difficult to appreciate given the age of the graphics, as that's half the fun of a game with destructible environments. I've come to the conclusion that someone should port X-com to the iphone or ipad with a new interface (obviously reading the text as it's presented now would make it difficult to play) but I think the gameplay would be solid on a touch device.
I downloaded the Freedom Fighters pack for $2...can't go wrong, I never played it till now and it's really fun! Reminds me of Diablo....with Super heroes... great fun though!

I was worried about it not running on 64 bit Vista because the Demo didn't work; full game works fine as it's patched with version 1.3
Freedom Fighters graphics blow as well etcrane, should we dismiss that game too? I play modern games alot because I have alraedy played past games and I enjoy variety. But if I hear about a classic game I haven't played that looks to be of interest to me I check it out within reason. I don't dismiss it because of aesthetics.
To me... people can check out X-Com's graphic easy enough through screenshots and decide for themselves whether or not it will be serviceable enough for them. However, gameplay, player impression/recommendation are not objectively conveyed through objective means such as an image and that's why some of us who played and loved the game are speaking on its behalf.

I don't see why this is an issue for you (other than your dislike of dos games based on your mac history). Let us assure people that there is indeed a great game behind the dated exterior that they see and let them make up their mind, instead of you telling them that the graphic is so dated to *YOU* to be unplayable so that they shouldn't bother with it.
[quote name='Apoxxle']Freedom Fighters graphics blow as well etcrane, should we dismiss that game too? I play modern games alot because I have alraedy played past games and I enjoy variety. But if I hear about a classic game I haven't played that looks to be of interest to me I check it out within reason. I don't dismiss it because of aesthetics.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='wasabi5858']To me... people can check out X-Com's graphic easy enough through screenshots and decide for themselves whether or not it will be serviceable enough for them. However, gameplay, player impression/recommendation are not objectively conveyed through objective means such as an image and that's why some of us who played and loved the game are speaking on its behalf.

I don't see why this is an issue for you (other than your dislike of dos games based on your mac history). Let us assure people that there is indeed a great game behind the dated exterior that they see and let them make up their mind, instead of you telling them that the graphic is so dated to *YOU* to be unplayable so that they shouldn't bother with it.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Donnums']I downloaded the Freedom Fighters pack for $2...can't go wrong, I never played it till now and it's really fun! Reminds me of Diablo....with Super heroes... great fun though!

I was worried about it not running on 64 bit Vista because the Demo didn't work; full game works fine as it's patched with version 1.3[/QUOTE]


:beer: any other questions?
Picked up FF. Awesome game so far... but I can't access the second mission! I beat the first, and it won't let me go to the second. Anyone know what to do?
[quote name='wasabi5858']To me... people can check out X-Com's graphic easy enough through screenshots and decide for themselves whether or not it will be serviceable enough for them. However, gameplay, player impression/recommendation are not objectively conveyed through objective means such as an image and that's why some of us who played and loved the game are speaking on its behalf.

I don't see why this is an issue for you (other than your dislike of dos games based on your mac history). Let us assure people that there is indeed a great game behind the dated exterior that they see and let them make up their mind, instead of you telling them that the graphic is so dated to *YOU* to be unplayable so that they shouldn't bother with it.[/QUOTE]

Nicely said.
Well, I bit on X-Com and Freedom Force.... Freedom Force seems more to my liking, but for two bucks I am willing to give X-Com a chance.

For those Freedom Force players - could I get more copies of this and gift them and have a decent game to play multiplayer with friends? We've been looking for something to play on a weekly basis and this one looks promising and the price is right.
Downloaded the Tropico 3 demo, which I'll try out tonite, if I can tear myself away from mass effect 2.

Also, never tried FF, but I may give it a whirl for $2. Xcom, one of my favorite games of all time, I just had a hard time beating it. It got to a point in that game where the aliens where so freaking powerful.
Did etcrane delete all of his posts? :lol:

[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']For those Freedom Force players - could I get more copies of this and gift them and have a decent game to play multiplayer with friends? We've been looking for something to play on a weekly basis and this one looks promising and the price is right.[/QUOTE]

Freedom Force has multiplayer, yes, but I've never tried it.
[quote name='ivanctorres']Downloaded the Tropico 3 demo, which I'll try out tonite, if I can tear myself away from mass effect 2.

Also, never tried FF, but I may give it a whirl for $2. Xcom, one of my favorite games of all time, I just had a hard time beating it. It got to a point in that game where the aliens where so freaking powerful.[/QUOTE]

I remember that point too, basically when the mind attacks became really hardcore.

I am wondering. I still have the CE discs, though they are a pain to get to work. Is it worth getting the Steam version? Obviously, I am not talking about the 2 bucks, but is what I have now cleaner, or something I can add files for the steam version. For instance, i heard the DOS version has less quality sound files (I actually have the original DOS version around here somewhere, or my sister does.)
[quote name='Xealot42']I caved and picked up the FF and X-COM packs. How could I resist for less than the price of a burger?[/QUOTE]

My burgers cost .99 cents... must be nice to live in the lap of
[quote name='Cantatus']Ugh, that demo is stupid. It's not patched to the current version, so it won't run on XP SP2 or anything newer. The game, however, will. Steam should really take down that demo until Irrational ever gets around to patching it (doubtful).[/QUOTE]Alright, I'll grab the FF pack then. I'm running Vista on a crappy laptop, but it is more than powerful enough for the first FF game, so I thought it was weird that it wouldn't start up at all. It tried to go into it and then immediately bounced back. Thanks for the tip.
In for the freedom force.

Thanks for reminding me about it with this post. Id been thinking about grabbing it cheap off ebay but hell this is cheaper even if the game was a penny Id still have to pay shipping.

Normally I hate downloadable games but 2 bucks is good for me on this.
You know, I hated Freedom Force 1, so I don't even know why I'm buying it again, but it is so super cheap that I can't pass it up. Somebody help me, I have a CAG sickness.
[quote name='VidPower']Somebody help me, I have a CAG sickness.[/QUOTE]

Me too, I hesitated due to my backlog and then decided for 2 bucks Freedom Force would be worth it. Only when I put it in my cart steam said I already bought. CAG is turning my backlog into a mountain.:wall:
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']My burgers cost .99 cents... must be nice to live in the lap of[/QUOTE]

I don't trust any major (entree sized) food item that costs as low as 99 cent or (gasp) less. It's just way too suspicious and makes me think too hard about what concessions could've been made to make that happen.
bread's done