Street Fighter IV - Gen Discussion & Info

I started playing online tonight. I have 2 wins and 12 losses. Damn I suck so bad. I guess not playing fighting games on a regular basis has affected my game tremendously.
I'm 10-10...Somehow I miraculously pull off 10 wins in a row, then...proceed to get decimated the next 10 matches I face. Well...3 of 'em were pretty close. If it weren't for my Fightpad's d-pad being out of whack I would've had them. I'm probably going to take it back and exchange it.

Also, I expect Capcom to do updates to the game to change power/defense for some characters. I'd also like for them to reverse the movement required for the Hooligan Throw, as well as make it easier to pull off its' latter combinations, one of which I'm finding impossible to do given the instructions the game has laid out.

I also can't get past the first Combo for Cammy's 3rd Trial on Normal. I don't get it, I'm doing it right. It either has Dan block it or I'm too far back when I do it and miss. Such bullshit. If it was Zangief I'd have it no problem.
Sorry for this newbie question, but i'm having a hard time finding anything on the subject, opinions on what you think of the chun li box art, was it suppose to be a walmart exclusive?

I read that it was ditched for the Ken/Ryu art, but I thought i read something a long while back about the chun li art being a walmart exclusive?

Can someone enlighten me?

Picked my copy up earlier today at GameStop. Only played it for a bit tonight due to homework and an opening shift in the morning. I'll give it a bit more love either before leaving tomorrow or when I get home.

For the small bit that I played, I enjoyed VERY much. Even while getting my ass handed to me.
[quote name='Furashu']thanks for answering jekki, i will either buy the strategy guide or look up strategies online as i dont understand the technical aspects of SF4 or strategies.[/QUOTE]

I don't recommend the guide. I thought it would be nice and detailed like the SF:Anniversary guide, but it's basically a carbon copy of all the info that's already in the game. The only thing it has is frame data, which is essentially useless to you at the moment.

Challenge mode is a great way to learn the game.
Well, this game is awesome. I had set out to get a Fightpad, but stopped once I started playing with the reg 360 controller and let me tell you, it's hell. lol. I played about 40 online matches today and most of my losses were from the bad dpad. Dashing forward after a focus attack is impossible. I have to shift my entire hand to pull off Ultra moves then I thought I would have to shift my hand when playing with the fightpad to do EX moves anyways so I would definately need a stick. I just wish the reg stick isn't so expensive.
While I love the game I am even further convinced that Capcom does not know how to make good computer AI. In the Timed Challenges section, going from Trial 6 to 7 is going from a cakewalk to BULLSHIT!

And again I'd like to remind everyone that the Fei Long AI can die in a fire. Seriously. It needs to die.
I'm enjoying Chun Li's time trials right now. BTW the Fightpad is really great but some of the challenges won't be possible unless you have a stick. They get wayyyy tough.
With my broken fightpad (its going on ebay tonight), i tried playing tonight to see what the newbies were doing. I faced ryu 9 out of 10 times. Got boring really fast. Before the game hit the streets id play a huge variety of characters with various skill sets, now i just get ryu in various forms of suckage. Yawn. Im still at over 70% wins with 226 games played online tho, so yay for me.
[quote name='strdr4']I played about 40 online matches today and most of my losses were from the bad dpad. Dashing forward after a focus attack is impossible. I have to shift my entire hand to pull off Ultra moves then I thought I would have to shift my hand when playing with the fightpad to do EX moves anyways so I would definately need a stick. I just wish the reg stick isn't so expensive.[/quote]

I really find this cheap and questionable. I found some fighting games, even with the 360's horrid d-pad, for me were manageable to play. It really seems cheap that they'd really make the game hard to play when they are really pushing these fight sticks or arcade pads they're making.

I swear this generation of games have used so many cheap tactics to sell stuff. I really can't see why Microsoft can't make more d-pads like that green UK one that came out and start using those as the primary pad template. It would make having to have a "fight pad" made for one game unnecessary and actually add more substance to the controller, which is expensive as is.

I know Capcom is known for SF-themed controllers (Anniversary Collection for one), but those seemed more like decoration or collectibles while these fight pads actually seem to be a required thing to be good at the game. As cool as the new fightpads look, the whole idea is questionable to me and I play a lot of fighting games.

To be positive again: one thing I love that some people have griped about is the song in the intro movie. I find it fantastic and catchy, whilst feeling still Street Fightery with the lyrics and imagery in the opening video. It's different, not a remix of a past theme which I appreciated. The music in the game is great, as expected.
So, has a general consensus been reached on the standard fight stick for the 360? I would like to try the game with a stick, but $80 is a lot to spend on a crappy stick (and $150 was a lot to spend on a controller I may not be able to competently use)
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Anyone seen the TE sticks at a big box retailer? Like a Wal-Mart or BB? Or were they strictly a "video game shop" item?[/quote]

Only if you preordered. Seriously, there aren't enough out there to be sitting on a shelf especially with defectives out there.
I didn't bother to check, does the game track your overall ranked/player stats?

I didn't get to play much ranked because a friend of mine wants to play and get better so we did a ton of player matches. I'm currently 4-0 in ranked though because I got my 3 wins cheesemint and was about to get 5 but I had to go to bed.
[quote name='Mindzeye82']So, has a general consensus been reached on the standard fight stick for the 360? I would like to try the game with a stick, but $80 is a lot to spend on a crappy stick (and $150 was a lot to spend on a controller I may not be able to competently use)[/QUOTE]

FightStick SE - awesome if you mod it with Sanwa parts, but comes out to about $140. Otherwise, unreliable.

FightStickTE - already has the Sanwa parts, but might also be unreliable.

HRAP EX - Sanwa stick, Hori buttons, very reliable. adding Sanwa buttons makes it about $160.

Hori EX2 - cheap as hell, but you may be satisfied with it if you don't feel like the sanwa sticks are worth your cash.
Real quick for the people getting their ass kicked online.

If you press RB at the title menu to can configure the XBL quick search to find players of the same skill. The default seems to be the best network.

I personal will take a little lag to not get my asses handed to me in a bag every match.
[quote name='ninja dog']Hori EX2 - cheap as hell, but you may be satisfied with it if you don't feel like the sanwa sticks are worth your cash.[/quote]

I have the Hori EX2 and can say it would really benefit from a more precise & sensitive joystick but if you're just a casual player then it should be sufficient. It is very cheap and the buttons feel loose as hell but it's passable.
[quote name='ninja dog']FightStick SE - awesome if you mod it with Sanwa parts, but comes out to about $140. Otherwise, unreliable.

FightStickTE - already has the Sanwa parts, but might also be unreliable.

HRAP EX - Sanwa stick, Hori buttons, very reliable. adding Sanwa buttons makes it about $160.

Hori EX2 - cheap as hell, but you may be satisfied with it if you don't feel like the sanwa sticks are worth your cash.[/quote]

Wow, what the fuck? I must be missing something here. Is there a reason why a controller would cost well over a 100 bucks?

Maybe I am out of the loop on fighting games but do these sticks come with a spot to cradle your balls as you play? Its just a way I would pay more than 60-80 maybe for it. I could get 4-8 Xbox 360 games for that price.
[quote name='KingBroly']I also can't get past the first Combo for Cammy's 3rd Trial on Normal. I don't get it, I'm doing it right. It either has Dan block it or I'm too far back when I do it and miss.[/quote]
Me too. I just can't figure out either. I'm about to take another shot at it though and I'll post how to do it if I figure it out(with some accuracy, that is).:cool::cool::cool:


Does anybody have the track listing for the CE's soundtrack CD? I can't believe Capcom didn't include it. Idiots.:roll:
Just watch as it's buried somewhere in the manual I didn't look.:lol:
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[quote name='Soodmeg']Wow, what the fuck? I must be missing something here. Is there a reason why a controller would cost well over a 100 bucks?

Maybe I am out of the loop on fighting games but do these sticks come with a spot to cradle your balls as you play? Its just a way I would pay more than 60-80 maybe for it. I could get 4-8 Xbox 360 games for that price.[/quote]

From what I've read $150.00 for a tournament stick is "pretty cheap" compared to other options for "good" sticks out there.
Well, still being a cheap ass there is no way I would drop that kinda cash on a controller just for fighting games.

Anyway...I still have yet to get 1 XBL win I am 0 and like 15 but I have unlocked 4 or 5 people so at least that something. Also gone through most of the time trial stuff.
[quote name='woodcan']I have the Hori EX2 and can say it would really benefit from a more precise & sensitive joystick but if you're just a casual player then it should be sufficient. It is very cheap and the buttons feel loose as hell but it's passable.[/quote]

That's a fair assessment. I'm satisfied with was $34. I'd love something more solid, but it's 200% better than the 360 dpad.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Well, still being a cheap ass there is no way I would drop that kinda cash on a controller just for fighting games.

Anyway...I still have yet to get 1 XBL win I am 0 and like 15 but I have unlocked 4 or 5 people so at least that something. Also gone through most of the time trial stuff.[/quote]

It's really not for people who aren't crazy about fighting games or Street Fighter, but it can also be used for 360 arcade games.

Still, people are willing to pay up to $400 for it on eBay.
i usually suck balls with sticks.. so im contemplating about getting the street fighter pads with the better dpad.... are those better than the ex2?
[quote name='BlueSwim']If we(the fans) want it, Ono might make SFIV Dash(Championship Edition). T. Hawk and Dee Jay could also be added in SFIV Dash since Capcom already did some work to put them in IV before eventually cutting them.[/quote]

Frankly, I thought we were finished with the whole "marginally advanced sequels" thing. I'd much prefer updates/patches/additions in the form of DLC instead.
So what's the general consensus people? I want to pick this up, but only if I can manage to get it for < $40.

I love the Alpha series, III was pretty damn good, but II has to be my least favorite ever. Will I dig on this shit?

I've been trying to pick it up for a rental, but Gamefly is a no go right now and my Blockbuster only got one copy (wtf?).
[quote name='lolwut?']So what's the general consensus people? I want to pick this up, but only if I can manage to get it for < $40.

I love the Alpha series, III was pretty damn good, but II has to be my least favorite ever. Will I dig on this shit?

I've been trying to pick it up for a rental, but Gamefly is a no go right now and my Blockbuster only got one copy (wtf?).[/quote]

It's not quite the speed of Alpha, but it still plays very cleanly. The action is much faster than II. It really is a blend of all of them. It has EX moves like III and the Focus Attack is the new Parry (except much more forgiving). If you like Alpha and III, I think you'll like IV.
[quote name='lolwut?']So what's the general consensus people? I want to pick this up, but only if I can manage to get it for < $40.

I love the Alpha series, III was pretty damn good, but II has to be my least favorite ever. Will I dig on this shit?

I've been trying to pick it up for a rental, but Gamefly is a no go right now and my Blockbuster only got one copy (wtf?).[/quote]

game is hard to get b&M wise, put two and two together.. 30k+views on like all three arcade stick threads
[quote name='lolwut?']So what's the general consensus people? I want to pick this up, but only if I can manage to get it for < $40.

I love the Alpha series, III was pretty damn good, but II has to be my least favorite ever. Will I dig on this shit?

I've been trying to pick it up for a rental, but Gamefly is a no go right now and my Blockbuster only got one copy (wtf?).[/quote]

Just my 2 cents.

I guess it depends on whether you are a fan of SF game type I guess. Its solid...nothing really new past cosmetics. Everything about the actually fighting is great....everything else? Generic trash.

All the gameplay while actually fighting are superb in the SF sense. Like I said I am a MVC guy and I despise not being able to Air Block and roll out of the corner but those are just my personal opinions. But the fighting in this game to the animations, control, look, everything is top class. You will be kinda at a disadvantage if you use a 360 pad because it just isnt precise a game that is based around timing it screws you over a lot but that isnt capcoms fault.

But anything other than that is bland to the point where you really wonder what took them 8 years to make this. All of the background are boring with not much going on than 3 or 4 guys doing the same animations. I admit I dont know a ton about SF but a lot of the levels dont make any sense. A volcano? A beer distillery? 2 or 3 back lot types.

The story mode(??) Really doesnt make any sense at all...just 2 seemingly random cut scenes that dont seem to actually relate to anything. For example I beat the game with Ken. The prequel was him receiving a letter from Ryu to spar but he didnt want to go beacuse his wife is pregnant...she tells him to go and he does. After beating the game the ending scene his just him rubbing his unborn child and commenting on a kick from him. Game Over. They also only last about 10-15 seconds.

But that stuff is all this or that. If you are already a fan of SF you wouldnt care about any of that. The fighting is awesome and thats all you are going to care about. But for people like me....who are not so much into SF its kinda a bland experience because there is nothing else to look at other than watching your ass fly through the air as your friends smash you into oblivion.
I've read nothing but great things about this game. I'll pick it up later tonight and see what all the fuss is about haha. However, I'm stuck on which version to get...360 or PS3. I heard the d-pad is better on the PS3 but the 360 plays better overall? Any truth to this stuff or does it not really matter?
All I know is that this game is great. Played with 3 old buddies yesterday for 8 hours straight, just like back in the day. Can't wait to go home and play on MY console to unlock all of the characters. I really like the MadCatz pads as well, I have 2(must resist urge to list on eBay). Much better than the crappy 360 d-pad. Played with the stick last night too. It's not too shabby either.
This will be played in my house for a long long time. Instant classic !
[quote name='saiyajinsc']anyone been able to pick up the CE at best buy without a preorder?[/QUOTE]

I waltzed into a BB this morning around 10:15, and they told me they hadn't received any copies yet, but would be holding them 'til 2 anyway. YMMV.

I drove down the street and bought one off the shelf at Game Crazy.
Now that I have Street Fighter IV and the regular fightstick, why is the headphone jack made in a way where you can't use the standard 360 headset? I want to hear people talk dirty to me while I lose again!
[quote name='saiyajinsc']anyone been able to pick up the CE at best buy without a preorder?[/QUOTE]
Not me. Went in on my lunch hour and they only had the standard one on the shelf. I'm going to try again on my way home from work.
[quote name='ronaldhennessy']Now that I have Street Fighter IV and the regular fightstick, why is the headphone jack made in a way where you can't use the standard 360 headset? I want to hear people talk dirty to me while I lose again![/quote]

New 360 headsets have a different connector. But I can't see why they would exclude support for the original connectors. D:
[quote name='bs000']New 360 headsets have a different connector. But I can't see why they would exclude support for the original connectors. D:[/quote]

They didn't. There's an adapter in the box.
I called Amazon and they said that the controllers won't be shipping until friday. Maybe saturday. Not sure if the game's in the same boat.
bread's done