Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury

There are some issues to getting away from HFCS (which would probably require ending sugar tariffs), but the overall health of a nation is more important than some farmers' livelihoods. Stop the stupid corn subsidies and give subsidies to sugar cane farmers if need be.
[quote name='Koggit']Well played..

re: rick, there's a side to this many are too detached from to really see. That's all my point was. It's easy to sit in the city and say "yeah, get rid of those tariffs, just let the mexicans farm that cheap cane" but the fact is that's unrealistic, we can't do it that easily. Not without relocation and retraining subsidies to help those displaced farmers. Then, it's sort of just stoking the flames of the whole problem with agriculture globalization, which has enormous impacts both environmental and in global health. It's not as cut-and-dry an issue as it seems at first glance. There are both good and bad aspects of the tariff (and ag tariffs in general), but overall I'd say I lean somewhat anti-tariff. Somewhat. Both sides of the argument are quite solid.[/QUOTE]
I understand there are many workers who are not to blame for the situation, but as you know a lot of people are harmed by the tariffs. Overall they cause a net loss and should never have existed in the first place.
[quote name='Koggit']Well played..

re: rick, there's a side to this many are too detached from to really see. That's all my point was. It's easy to sit in the city and say "yeah, get rid of those tariffs, just let the mexicans farm that cheap cane" but the fact is that's unrealistic, we can't do it that easily. Not without relocation and retraining subsidies to help those displaced farmers. Then, it's sort of just stoking the flames of the whole problem with agriculture globalization, which has enormous impacts both environmental and in global health. It's not as cut-and-dry an issue as it seems at first glance. There are both good and bad aspects of the tariff (and ag tariffs in general), but overall I'd say I lean somewhat anti-tariff. Somewhat. Both sides of the argument are quite solid.[/QUOTE]

You realize those Corn Subsidies killed Mexico's Corn farmers right? I don't know if you remember what happened to the price of Corn Tortillas at the time of the Ethanol thing picking up in the U.S. in Mexico.
So forgive me if I won't weep if that cheap Mexican Sugar Cane comes here in a way.

edit: Should've added in combination with NAFTA.
My point seems to have been misinterpreted twice by two different people.. *sigh*

Feel free to re-read

It's a sad, sad day when dmaul is the only one seemingly understanding my post...
[quote name='Koggit']My point seems to have been misinterpreted twice by two different people.. *sigh*

Feel free to re-read[/QUOTE]
Are you referring to three of us saying the subsidies are wrong? I understood you already lean somewhat anti-tariff.
[quote name='dmaul1114']There are some issues to getting away from HFCS (which would probably require ending sugar tariffs), but the overall health of a nation is more important than some farmers' livelihoods. Stop the stupid corn subsidies and give subsidies to sugar cane farmers if need be.[/QUOTE]

dont feel too bad, the people who benefit the most from corn subsidies are huge corporations like conagra
I don't feel bad in general. It sucks, but with doing stuff like farming, mining etc. you have to know that eventually those type of low skill industries are going to become obsolete or get outsourced. They're just not future proof industries to stake your livelihood on.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I bet soda is the easiest as well as the most concentrated way to get it though.[/quote]

Soft drinks are a big culprit... I gave up drinking them (save for on rare occasions) several years ago. The amount of sugar in those things is insane: ~50 grams or more in a 12 oz can: imagine how many teaspoons that comes out to!!!! :D Imagine how many calories you could save!

I now stick to water (either carbonated or uncarbonated) or a variety of teas (Green, White, Black, Oolong, Herbal, Iced...). They all have good flavors without the requirement for sugar!

Here's a decent article on HFCS:
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Pfft. Like I'm going to take medical advice from a doctor. The farm lobbyists say everything is OK. I believe them because they make more (taxpayer) money than you.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure you're not talking about bankers?
[quote name='thrustbucket']There is a sunflower market (hippie store, as I call it) that opened a block from me. I have started buying this brand of soda called Blue Sky, anyone else ever tried it? It tastes really good and has all the natural/organic/healthy labeling shit to give a Berkley granola an orgasm and keep the price high. But when it's on sale, I stock up.[/QUOTE]

bread's done