Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition DLC Out Now & Retail Disc Out Now!

Damn, I could have gone to ECT but I've been trying to curtail my "luxury spending" lately. Staying at a hotel for a fighter tournament definitely falls under that category. But I've done it before and I look forward to doing it again! I usually just play in UMK3, lose early, and rock out in casuals for the rest of the weekend. It's always a really good time and I look forward to getting more involved in the scene sometime soon (i.e. once I've hoarded enough money to pay off my last college loan early).

Anyways, SSF4, wheeee! Wednesday is CAG game night, right?
[quote name='naiku']
Anyone have a recommendation for a character to pick up? I play dictator & tried sagat & rufus in vanilla but suck with i tend to just stick w/ bison. I want to learn an alternate but choosing who to spend time with out of 32 other characters is giving me a headache. Any thoughts? Im thinking maybe Juri, Dudley, Guy, Abel, Guile?[/QUOTE]

if ya like bison id stick with chargers, but keep in mind that most the other chars probably wont be as good as he is. bison is lewt

switch it up with dejay, guile and maybe blanka. i've been working on dejay here because i love his cross ups and fast take downs, i just have a problem with plasma with him hehe. :)
[quote name='Kevfactor']if ya like bison id stick with chargers, but keep in mind that most the other chars probably wont be as good as he is. bison is lewt

switch it up with dejay, guile and maybe blanka. i've been working on dejay here because i love his cross ups and fast take downs, i just have a problem with plasma with him hehe. :)[/QUOTE]

yeah his pyscho crusher hit box got stupid large in chocolate. wake up PC crossups is nice. i been just working on getting the links down.

Does anyone know if capcom plans to change or make improvements to the replay channel? It would be nice if there were some search options like Player Grade, Character, etc. I dont like scrolling through pages of 'new replays' to go see one match of a B-ranked bison who is using turbo like a scrub :/

edit: also we need to do some tournaments once Tournament mode is released. That original CAG SF4 tournament that ZeroTypeX ran was a lot of fun. Should be pretty easy w/ SSF4 & its brackets of 8 and we can size it up into 2 brackets of 8 for 16 players. Just need to setup a date and time & start building the brackets.
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So is tomorrow night (Wednesday) the "official" night? And if so, about what time do you all plan to start? I need to get some action in.
I, on the other hand, don't work late, but I am usually on late, so you and I can play Wednesday night or whenever. I haven't played you since I added you.
k this might be a little tough to explain but whats a good way to improve skill and be less cheesy?

when i fight i try to read my opponents and look for weakness and i exploit it. i tend to lose my 1st match up because i dont know how they play and often i get a lot of xbox tells of people sayign wow you're so cheap. like if they suck at cross ups and sweeps i'll really focus on getting a lot of those in. same with pokes or turtle. just going in there like rambo and pulling off massive combos tho i have a tough time doing that tho lol.
I can't give advice on how to improve skill, since I suck. But fuck those guys for calling you "cheap". If you do a move and it works, keep doing it. If they can't learn to block it, that must mean they're not very good (again, not that I am).
The only time I would call someone cheap is if they do nothing but throw fireballs and not let me get close enough to them to attack or pull off some moves. I had that happen to me the other day.
[quote name='RallyV']The only time I would call someone cheap is if they do nothing but throw fireballs and not let me get close enough to them to attack or pull off some moves. I had that happen to me the other day.[/QUOTE]

That's similar to what I was saying about that other guy repeating the same techniques. If your opponent keeps attempting the same move and you keep falling for it rather than blocking it, you suck. Jumping over/blocking/dodging fireballs is one of the easiest aspects of the game by a large margin.
The only truly "cheap" thing is intentionally lagging the game or something along those lines.

Doing the same thing over and over again is not cheap. If one guy is being predictable then the opponent should be exploiting it!
I am trying to use Ibuki as my main now, and I just love jumping and throwing my daggers. It goes diagnol to them and some people just dont know how to get past and stay there and send me hatemail after. One of them was a freaking Abel and all he has to do is roll through it.

My usual playstyle though is play keepaway for a while, then surprise them with some attacks, rinse and repeat :) Or 1 round play defensive, 2nd round go all out!

I will be on tonight if anyone wants to mix things up!
Again, is there any particular time people get on? Turns out, didn't sleep last night, so I probably won't be up too late. But I am on Pacific time, and it seems like 80% of CAGs who play any games online whatsoever are on Eastern time, LOL.
I might play after the American Idol finale tonight; gotta blow off some steam after that boring goofball Lee DeWyze probably wins the whole thing.
It's funny how I won't be able to do a Trial. Not play the game for a few days. Go back, and complete it within 10 tries.

The Dudley challenges are getting difficult. I'm determined that I'll eventually get all the trials done for all characters (yeah right) but since I want to main Dudley, I want him done first. Think I have 22 done now.
[quote name='Matt Young']American Idol? Busta... come on, man. Come on. You're supposed to be a wrestler, for God's sake. A manly man.[/QUOTE]
My manliness is of such a high caliber that anything I do or watch becomes manly by proxy. Now excuse me while I go wreck some fools with my pink T. Hawk.
I thought Dudley challenges were a breeze with a fight stick. I think his "real" combos are a lot harder than his trials

I.E. kidney punch -> cr. lp -> S. Hk - EX MGB -> dash straight -> ultra II

that 2nd link and the dash out of a MGB blow is brutal, not to mention doing the ultra quick enough where it lands mid-screen
[quote name='RallyV']The only time I would call someone cheap is if they do nothing but throw fireballs and not let me get close enough to them to attack or pull off some moves. I had that happen to me the other day.[/QUOTE]
What you're talking about is called zoning/controlling space and it's a key part of Street Fighter or any other fighting game for that matter. If you're playing a character that needs to do damage up close why would your opponent not want to keep you out? The way shotos do that are by throwing fireballs to keep you at bay.

If I'm playing a match and I know my opponent can't defend or doesn't have an answer for a tactic, I'm sure as hell going to exploit that until they catch on.

If you're getting flustered by someone throwing a bunch of fireballs, patience is the key. You don't get a bonus for beating a character in 10 seconds vs 99 seconds (well, unless it's arcade mode :lol:)

I'll probably hop on around 8:30-9:00PM EST. Hope to see you guys there! Depending on how many people we have maybe we can get some team battles going.
Can we make group for the less-skilled players on CAG?

I started an endless battle game a couple weeks ago via the CAG GT for this game, whatever it is I forget, and promptly had my ass handed to me.

Again not terrible, but the people I played understood combo-chaining and FADCs to a level I am nowhere at.
Guys, looks like I won't be playing tonight. I didn't sleep last night, and a layer of goo is forming and re-forming over my eyes every 10 minutes. I may play an hour or so of UFC, but that's it. I will play with you guys soon though, damn it!
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Can we make group for the less-skilled players on CAG?

I started an endless battle game a couple weeks ago via the CAG GT for this game, whatever it is I forget, and promptly had my ass handed to me.

Again not terrible, but the people I played understood combo-chaining and FADCs to a level I am nowhere at.[/QUOTE]

If you create a less-skilled group, I'm in. I've been on the fence about getting SSFIV, and I'd probably pick it up if I had some regulars to play that I can learn with.
wuz pretty fun! i got owned but at least i got 1 win in which was all i wanted hehe. i actually love fighting people that own me because i learn stuff from it!
If you are someone who is just starting out or just plain sucks at this game, I'll be picking it up this weekend. Add me on XBL and we can practice without shame! :D
[quote name='Kevfactor']because i learn stuff from it![/QUOTE]
i find this whole i learn more from 50 losses than 1 win kind of not ignorant but yea, just "in the eyes of the beholder."

i was in that endless battle and all i did was lose. how the **** am i supposed to learn anything when i physically cant even attack. i didn't even have an opportunity to even press a command when facing that good player AWWsomethingthing

every fucking time i face bs000 the match ends up interesting and i try to i bring what i can to the table only to fucking lose any lead i had. i shouldn't even play this game if i cant hit a player one time with most of my health intact. i want to rip my skin off and i don't learn anything. all i learn is is that the opponent blocked/attacked well. no offense to you bs000 we have had some good matches, i just think hey i lost again. theres gun. heres head. boom

I did have fun playing as juri and Dan, but that was just me being lazy and fooling around
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If you can't counter-attack consistently. Something is up with your time.. just learn for your opponent to make a mistake and then react. Unless your hand-eye coordinator has been damaged from 30 years of LSD abuse, you shouldn't have much of a problem.
if you can't attack, your opponent is probably using block strings effectively and mixing up overheads, crossups, and grabs. It sounds like you need a little work on blocking and waiting till your opponent makes a mistake, or learning how to back-dash to get more distance on your opponent.

If you can't attack, its also likely that your opponent is playing "rushdown", in which case you would need to work on your anti-air normals or something that stops people from crossing you up
GGs last night to everyone who joined - bs000, awwjayzin, Splittmark, Toolateforroses, Flippr, ZeroTypeX, Kevfactor, and anyone else I may have missed. Lots of great games.

[quote name='timesplitt']Stuff about last night...[/QUOTE]
Here's my two cents from what I observed in your matches last night...

- Don't jump as much. This can be pretty hard but if you jump around a lot, you're opening yourself up to get anti-aired consistently.

- Mess around and learn the properties of your specials. Knowing what attack to use in a situation makes a huge difference. You can't always throw the fierce version of an attack out because if your opponent blocks, you're going to get punished 90% of the time. This can help on both offense and defense.

- Block more. This seems basic but it works.

- Start learning some basic two-in-ones (normal attack, canceled into a special). These are usually pretty early in the trials and are quick punishes when your opponent screws up. Once you have these down you can move into more advanced combos.

- Work on throws. I noticed you whiffed a lot of throws and were complaining techs weren't coming out.

Anyways that's my two cents. I hope this helps.

Also, I hope you don't take offense to this but I'd recommend switching to another character besides Adon. He's not exactly friendly to new players and takes a bit of execution to make work. You did pretty decent with Juri & she's hella fun to play anyways.

I definitely agree that you can learn a lot more from a losing to a better player than steamrolling over a player that's the same/worse than you. You have to look at your losses objectively and say "why did I lose that match?" What moves did you throw out that kept getting reversaled? What "tricks" did you keep falling for? Especially with the CAG group, don't be afraid to ask "how do I get around that?" or "what am I doing wrong?"
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[quote name='timesplitt']i find this whole i learn more from 50 losses than 1 win kind of not ignorant but yea, just "in the eyes of the beholder."

It seems as though you're either not being patient enough or you may not knowledgable enough of your moves and how they can be blocked/punished. bs000 is a very good player. Don't be upset if you lose to him. Even tournament players get perfected every once in a long while (*ahem*Sanford*ahem*). Look at the replay of one of your losses. It's a pretty valuable tool.

Whenever there was distance, how did they get in on you (jump/ground approach/focus attack dashes/horizontal specials/unique normals)? What could you have done to keep them out (general move counters/backdash/jumpback/long range pokes)?

There were block strings. Did you get hit during the block strings every time? Block strings generally end in a safe move, a move that pushes you away (or a throw). That's the time to counterattack or retreat. It resets the playing field, so to speak. If you recognize the block string, you can figure out when it's safe to stop blocking. Otherwise, you'll get hit, and probably combo'd.

Did they mix in throws? Did they cross you up? Were your moves snuffed by something? How and why?

Throwing out random moves will get you killed against someone who knows what they're doing. The majority of special moves out there are not safe (as in they can be punished on block). Look for opportunities to catch your opponent. It's good to apply pressure, but only if you know what moves are safe for your character. As MtlTom suggested, it's important to know the properties of the moves and the best times to use them. Knowing those, as well as some very basic combos, will go a long way in helping.
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I played Guile against you, splitt, and all I was doing was using flash kicks. All you had to do is block, then punish. You never blocked one of my flash kicks. I try to play it easy on these CAG nights by using characters I don't "main" (bs000 was the exception last night, his Ken was annoying me so I busted out Cammy... but that still not my main).

It's good that you're frustrated. Maybe that'll pump you up to get better. Maybe not. All the resources are there online to become better (YouTube, SRK, etc.). I think if you just research some things about ONE character, and apply it every time you play Super, you'll slowly make progress.
im not really good against spam. the akuma fireball experience i had tells that. my friend who sucks at street fighter learned three moves "as guile" and i had to work my way around that for awhile.

its hard for me to block really and i go full offense. If i attached a device to my controller to calculate my block attempts I'd presume half of my back buttons wouldn't register as blocks

I'll work on my blocking
[quote name='timesplitt']im not really good against spam. the akuma fireball experience i had tells that. my friend who sucks at street fighter learned three moves "as guile" and i had to work my way around that for awhile.

its hard for me to block really and i go full offense. If i attached a device to my controller to calculate my block attempts I'd presume half of my back buttons wouldn't register as blocks

I'll work on my blocking[/QUOTE]

Well first off, Guile only has two special moves. He's never had any more than those. If your friend knows those two moves, then he has a very general idea of how to play Guile. ;) A basic Guile is very easy to pick up, and for someone not very experienced, it can be frustrating to get inside.

Spam is using a single move over and over again, and not really deviating from this course. Spam also means the other person is being incredibly predictable. If you see Guile crouched, you should know by now to NOT jump in. You should also know that if he does a flash kick, it'll take priority over most ground moves you perform. So, what should you do?

Bait it out. Don't throw out random normals or specials. Use pokes from the ground, slowly approach from the ground and do blockstrings that will keep you safe. If you're close enough, you can go for a jumping crossup because the Flash Kick will likely whiff altogether (it has a weird trajectory that you can simply jump over sometimes). The Flash Kick is a punish move. If you got hit by it, that means you were punished for doing something wrong (or he guessed right and tagged one of your pokes). In other words, don't do whatever got you hit by the Flash Kick. You can apply pressure after a knockdown, but you'll never score a knockdown if you make mistakes that will get punished.

If you're facing someone Flash Kicking all day (which will not be common), then block the kick, and punish on his way down. If you block a flash kick, alarms should be going off in your head saying "CHANCE!" and you need to punish for the most damage possible.... and know what your characters best punishes are in those scenarios.

I only played you once or twice, so I could be way off, but is it possible that you don't know how to defend? No offense intended. Do you know about overheads, crossups, when to block low or high, when you want to jump out of grabs, teching, etc, etc? These aren't obvious things to new players, but a lot of us take it for granted since we've been playing for years. Even people who have been playing a very long time find it difficult to defend well.
A neat way of getting in close against manic fireballers is to hold MP+MK to focus-absorb the projectile, then dash forward. This is obvious to expert SFIV players but it never even occurred to me until I read some strategy articles the other day. Now T. Hawk is even more fun to use! But this could come in handy no matter who you're using, especially if a fireball spamstorm is causing you aggravation.
[quote name='BustaUppa']A neat way of getting in close against manic fireballers is to hold MP+MK to focus-absorb the projectile, then dash forward. This is obvious to expert SFIV players but it never even occurred to me until I read some strategy articles the other day. Now T. Hawk is even more fun to use! But this could come in handy no matter who you're using, especially if a fireball spamstorm is causing you aggravation.[/QUOTE]
Great way to get in, just don't be too predictable with it or you might eat an armor break/two-hit attack.

[quote name='greyzieoriental']so wait, when is CAG SSFIV night? I want to get in on this.[/QUOTE]
Wednesday nights usually. I actually saw you on last night but you were away so I didn't send an invite. :whistle2:(
if you see me spam rising jaguar at all in any of the matches i did-do, i was trying to do jaguar avalanche.

in the next endless battle, I'll be sure to keep swear words in my head
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Definite interested in next Wednesday night for some cag fights. Whats the GT for SSF4? I thought I sent an invite to original SF4 one....or maybe it was MW, i forget.

i need to learn how to use the focus attack better, the only time i use it besides eating up a couple fireballs is on wakeup which is pretty easy to evade. any ideas/thoughts/tips where I should use it? I practice doing a lvl2 during a block string but in matches i never do it...not even sure if its a smart place to put it. I play Bison and in training I do these 3 combos w/ random block on:
1), c.lp, s.lp,, SK
2), c.lp, s.lp, grab or
3), c.lp, s.lp, FA
normally I use them when my opponent is doing block strings towards the end of it. You see a lot of Ryus and Chun Lis trying to "end" combos with a cr. round house, hit eithers hits hard for a knock down, or pushes ya back even further. If you can anticipate it coming (like they do a pattern over and over) doing a lvl 1 or 2 focus is perfect in these situations.

certain opponents teach you pretty quick that charging a lvl 2 focus is a mistake. Others just sit there and take it. I think the more you consistently use them, the better you find out what works in your style of play.

I know I NEVER used em, then just starting abusing the absolute hell out of them, which led me to learn when to use them and when not to.

I will say people that try to focus you after an untechable knockdown have eaten a good bit of wake-up ultras lol
Just in case any of you guys are looking for a stick, MadCatz is running great deals on all the Fightsticks plus free shipping!

[quote name='MarkMan']Mad Catz Memorial Day Weekend Sale - ROUND 2 SFIV FightStick TE - $99


To celebrate the Memorial Day holiday! Mad Catz has discounted the ROUND 2 Tournament Edition FightStick to $99!

Use coupon code 'ROUND2' (case sensitive) at .

* Offer available to continental US residents only (Sorry International buyers! Plan ahead and see if a US buddy can help you with this deal)!

Also, if you're interested, our SUPER NCR promotion is also live:[/QUOTE]
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Can we make group for the less-skilled players on CAG?

I started an endless battle game a couple weeks ago via the CAG GT for this game, whatever it is I forget, and promptly had my ass handed to me.

Again not terrible, but the people I played understood combo-chaining and FADCs to a level I am nowhere at.[/QUOTE]

I would definitely join if one is made. I'm not a complete newbie, but a couple of weeks ago I sent game invites out to a few CAGs and while one set was evenly matched, the other was very challenging at some points.
[quote name='BustaUppa']A neat way of getting in close against manic fireballers is to hold MP+MK to focus-absorb the projectile, then dash forward. This is obvious to expert SFIV players but it never even occurred to me until I read some strategy articles the other day. Now T. Hawk is even more fun to use! But this could come in handy no matter who you're using, especially if a fireball spamstorm is causing you aggravation.[/QUOTE]

should look up that kara stuff with sagat. i suck and probably will never be able to do it but an expert can dash halfway across the screen with him. why that sanford guy is so scary hehe
[quote name='jonathanp']I would definitely join if one is made. I'm not a complete newbie, but a couple of weeks ago I sent game invites out to a few CAGs and while one set was evenly matched, the other was very challenging at some points.[/QUOTE]

There have been several interested in doing this, including myself (just waiting for my game to arrive from Amazon) - so let's do it. If somebody who knows how to setup a new tag (like it was done with "CAG Fighter"), PM me and I'll be happy set it up.
bread's done