Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

21 Jump Street - I personally had extremely high hopes for this and don't really understand all the hate around it. Leaving the room because a trailer for it came on? That's a little ridiculous, don't you think? I absolutely loved this movie and haven't laughed that hard for that long in quite a while. My favorite movie of the year and without a doubt my favorite comedy of the last few years.
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo - Atmospheric mystery, but slow.
I had to speed it up in VLC (sometimes up to x2 faster) and needed subtitles to understand the Swedes. Solid performances by all. And
maybe Lisbeth wouldn't need so much money if she stopped spending it on fucking tattoos and piercings.

It's pretty good. I think something was lost with the Policeman character, but overall it was well done. It was a nice love letter to films.
Hunger Games (courtesy of Golden Idol)

It was good I suppose. Some things didn't make sense, some things were really dumb and so many things in it were predictable, but it was enjoyable for the most part.

The movie really should have gone for the R rating. I know why they didn't want to do that, but I think it needed it.
Saw The Hunger Games. It was really bad. Obviously coming from a person that hasn't read the books. But it was just way too goofy to allow me to be a part of the story. The acting was pretty bad/subpar as well. The futuristic world just was goofy for the screen and they didn't even make it seem like it was an event. I do not see how it got such high reviews, but it was well worth the laughs. Basically it was The Truman Show with way less excitement and Lenny Kravitz.
The Hunter Games - It was good, but not amazing like everyone is making it out to be. WAY too much shaky action camera, holy crap, I was getting dizzy.
[quote name='whoknows']Hunger Games (courtesy of Golden Idol)

It was good I suppose. Some things didn't make sense, some things were really dumb and so many things in it were predictable, but it was enjoyable for the most part.

The movie really should have gone for the R rating. I know why they didn't want to do that, but I think it needed it.[/QUOTE]

Did you look at the people in the theater with you? The target audience is 13-18. That's why they didn't go for an R rating.

The movie was good, there were some plot holes that my wife says make more sense in the book.

To the poster above, how was the acting bad? That's the one thing you really can't attack in this film.
[quote name='DestroVega']Did you look at the people in the theater with you? The target audience is 13-18. That's why they didn't go for an R rating.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. That's why in my post I said "I know why they didn't want to do that" as far as an R-Rating goes.

I still think it would have made it a better movie though.
Hunger Games - True to the book but felt slightly disappointed. Hated the shaky cam fights and spent most of the film figuring out how much hotter Jennifer Lawrence would be if her cheeks weren't so damn big.
Hunger Games- So this is probably going to be the next big book to movie series I'm guessing? Fine by me. I enjoyed it a lot. Big fan of the wealthy city. The way it looked and the fashion was something I've never seen before.
If I want to watch Battle Royale I'll watch Battle Royale.

While the core concepts are very similar, they're still two different movies/stories.
[quote name='tcrash247']The Hunter Games - It was good, but not amazing like everyone is making it out to be. WAY too much shaky action camera, holy crap, I was getting dizzy.[/QUOTE]

dude I was sitting two rows away from the screen because there were no seats and my fucking god. what a shitty cinematographer. I came close to wanting to close my eyes because it was just shaky shaky shaky shaky. There was a scene between the two blonde guys and I couldn't tell who was doing what because the camera was so damn shaky. ridiculous.
How the hell did Hunger Games gross so much that it's now up there (thank God not above) with Dark Knight for opening weekends? The trailer never inspired me to see it and neither did the reviews on RT. Everything screamed of mediocrity and should have had similar ticket sales. Kids these days. . .

Saw Sucker Punch finally and while the imagery was sweet, it doesn't make for a good movie. I can see what Snyder was going for but ultimately it was just a mess of love letters to the fantasy enthusiast. It's actually very enjoyable if you sit back and take in the action scenes, but the underlying story is so connect-the-dots it will turn off most movie-goers. I personally didn't hate it but found myself wanting to skip the non-action scenes. I also didn't quite understand the need for the 'Inception' dream within a dream plot. What was the purpose creating the brothel with characters from the sanitarium? Would it not have been enough to convey her way of dealing with reality by using the fantasy worlds alone? Zack should have thrown out one or the other.
I love Sucker Punch and agree, there isn't much story there. But there is a place for a movie that just looks cool every once and a while.

Hot chicks fighting visually stunning foes with awesome music pounding through my speakers? What's not to love.

The directors cut is also much better.
[quote name='DestroVega']I love Sucker Punch and agree, there isn't much story there. But there is a place for a movie that just looks cool every once and a while.

Hot chicks fighting visually stunning foes with awesome music pounding through my speakers? What's not to love.

The directors cut is also much better.[/QUOTE]

i saw some of that one day maybe the fist 30 or so minutes and yeah no real story but some of the action is pretty cool not to mention the music its more or less a bunch of anime fight scenes done with real people kinda cool to see ill have to finish it one of these days.
I hated Sucker Punch. Just not my cup of tea at all. I'm not much into action movies, anime etc. unless it has a very good story, acting etc.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I hated Sucker Punch. Just not my cup of tea at all. I'm not much into action movies, anime etc. unless it has a very good story, acting etc.[/QUOTE]

Haha yeah, definitely not your kind of movie then.
[quote name='AshesofWake']dude I was sitting two rows away from the screen because there were no seats and my fucking god. what a shitty cinematographer. I came close to wanting to close my eyes because it was just shaky shaky shaky shaky. There was a scene between the two blonde guys and I couldn't tell who was doing what because the camera was so damn shaky. ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

I sat 2 rows from the screen as well! That's what I get for arriving right when the previews were starting. I was wondering if the shaky camera was any better at a normal viewing distance because shit was was impossible to see sitting that close.

I also hated Sucker Punch. I turned it off after 20 minutes, the story was terrible, the action was in no way cool and the visual effects were not impressive at all. I like hot chicks as much as the next guy, but that's not enough to make me sit through that piece of shit movie.
[quote name='Lugi']The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo

watch it - and get a weird boner[/QUOTE]

lmao that would have made for an awesome ad for the movie " watch it and get a weird boner" hell who could pass up a movie like that lol.
[quote name='tcrash247']I sat 2 rows from the screen as well! That's what I get for arriving right when the previews were starting. I was wondering if the shaky camera was any better at a normal viewing distance because shit was was impossible to see sitting that close.

I also hated Sucker Punch. I turned it off after 20 minutes, the story was terrible, the action was in no way cool and the visual effects were not impressive at all. I like hot chicks as much as the next guy, but that's not enough to make me sit through that piece of shit movie.[/QUOTE]

my friend that saw it from a normal human distance said she was annoyed by the shaky camera as well. So maybe it doesn't matter haha.
Sucker Punch is a huge waste of time. People keep comparing the action scenes to anime and I've got to ask, "Which anime?" Because from the anime I've seen, they've ALL got better directed action sequences. Sucker Punch can't compare.

Going to watch Kahaani tomorrow. It's the best rated film of 2012 right now. I can't wait!

Guys who had bad seats for Hunger Games. The shaky cam was slightly annoying from a good vantage point. Nowhere near as bad as say Batman Begins during the train fight.
Saw the Hunger Games. Was expecting to be annoyed with the camera but it didn't bother me at all.
Movie stayed really close to the books and didn't add or take away anything substantial. Probably about 20 minutes too long, but very good overall.
[quote name='Golden Idol']Sucker Punch is a huge waste of time. People keep comparing the action scenes to anime and I've got to ask, "Which anime?" Because from the anime I've seen, they've ALL got better directed action sequences. Sucker Punch can't compare.

Going to watch Kahaani tomorrow. It's the best rated film of 2012 right now. I can't wait!


lol wow movie shill you must not have seen much anime all of the action scenes ive seen draw very heavily on things you see in many anime especially the nazi bunker scene.
Had never heard of Sucker Punch, looks like a lot of fun.

Good anime action is hard to come by, it's mostly filler with low budget animation. I have a much easier time recommending people comedies/slice of life/romance over straight action ones because of this.
[quote name='lokizz']lol wow movie shill you must not have seen much anime all of the action scenes ive seen draw very heavily on things you see in many anime especially the nazi bunker scene.[/QUOTE]

Which ones?

Just because you give some girls swords doesn't mean it relies on anime. The direction of the entire film was more Matrix than ANYTHING else. I don't care you liked it. Just saying your comparison to anime is off. It's like saying the scenes where characters talk to each in DBZ are like Stand By Me because there isn't any fighting. The scenes in both may feature the same subject matter but the direction is so different that it completely invalidates the comparison.
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[quote name='panzerfaust']Had never heard of Sucker Punch, looks like a lot of fun.

Good anime action is hard to come by, it's mostly filler with low budget animation. I have a much easier time recommending people comedies/slice of life/romance over straight action ones because of this.[/QUOTE]

its ok action wise just dont go in expecting any kind of solid story. and the hot chicks dont hurt it much either lol it is what it is. and slice of life anime is great stuff im always looking for new stuff to watch. i finished the honey & clover series a few months back on netflix one of the best series ive seen in a while. working is a good one too.
[quote name='Golden Idol']Which ones?

Just because you give some girls swords doesn't mean it relies on anime. The direction of the entire film was more Matrix than ANYTHING else. I don't care you liked it. Just saying your comparison to anime is off. It's like saying the scenes where characters talk to each in DBZ are like Stand By Me because there isn't any fighting. The scenes in both may feature the same subject matter but the direction is so different that it completely invalidates the comparison.[/QUOTE]

well movie shill gunslinger girl and noir come to mind when it came to the nazi bunker scene. and the bit in the beginning when the blonde chick first fought the giant robots reminds me of some of the fights in samurai 7 or even bleach when someone smaller but with more skill is able to defeat bigger enemies with just their sword and skills.

again i didnt finish the movie yet so when i do ill add more anime / sucker punch comparisons.
[quote name='dmaul1114']The Skin I Live In.
Another great flick from Almodovar. Pretty fucked up movie. Antonio Banderas was outstanding in it.[/QUOTE]

oh man, I've been dying to see it. I didn't get a chance to go see it in theaters, gotta get a hold of it soon. I heard it's a complete deviation from Talk To Her, Volver, and Bad Education hence why I want to see it so badly.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Maybe it was because I'm sick and had taken nighttime cold pills, but I found this to be incredibly boring and extremely slow. I can see why people raved about it, but it just wasn't for me.
[quote name='Tsel']The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Maybe it was because I'm sick and had taken nighttime cold pills, but I found this to be incredibly boring and extremely slow.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't you, it was incredibly boring and extremely slow.
I liked it, but it didn't feel like anything special.

The story felt like it would have been just as good if not better as an hour long episode of some TV show.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It is very different than those.

Broken Embraces was very good as well if you haven't seen that one. And All About my Mother.[/QUOTE]

yeah i've seen all his stuff, My personal favorites have to be Bad Education and Talk To Her though. I gotta get ahold of it tonight or tomorrow, dying to watch it even though I keep hearing it's so different!
I liked The Hunger Games, and I might now be in love with Jennifer Lawrence.

21 Jump Street was really funny, and its the first time that Channing Tatum didn't want to make me stop watching a movie, and he might have even been the funniest actor in this movie. Ice Cube was great too.

Re watched Donnie Darko, and I still have a couple of unanswered questions. Great movie either way, I had actually forgot that it takes place in 1988.
[quote name='whoknows']I liked it, but it didn't feel like anything special.

The story felt like it would have been just as good if not better as an hour long episode of some TV show.[/QUOTE]

My biggest problem was that the original story is slightly bland too. It's a mediocre mystery with one interesting character. I love Fincher, but honestly, Girl is near the bottom of his filmography for me.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']Re watched Donnie Darko, and I still have a couple of unanswered questions. Great movie either way, I had actually forgot that it takes place in 1988.[/QUOTE]

Reading about it will help your enjoyment of the movie even more. There's tons of stuff on the intenets about what happened. Here's one link:
[quote name='Vulgarism']My biggest problem was that the original story is slightly bland too. It's a mediocre mystery with one interesting character. I love Fincher, but honestly, Girl is near the bottom of his filmography for me.[/QUOTE]

I really enjoyed the movie, but I loved the books as well. I did like books 2 and 3 more than the first though, so I hope Fincher does the sequels. The Swedish series saw a big step down in quality for the 2nd two since they were done as a TV miniseries and edited down after the surprise success of the first film. I do need to see the full versions of those though.
as long as your except crap, you wont be disappointed in those swedish movies for played with fire and kicked the hornets nest. I remember being dreadfully bored throughout either the 2nd or 3rd because nothing was all. At the time I wasn't aware they were originally made for a tv miniseries.
Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2 was great but part 1 was better
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