Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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[quote name='FunkyDoRight']Choke was great. But I read the book so maybe that is why I liked it so much. I'll warn you though it is very perverted.[/quote]

How faithful is it to the book? I read it along time ago and really liked it. Now if only they would make Survivor into a movie.
[quote name='Fragonard']My favorite movie, EVER.

I dunno if I could go that far...

But yes, it certainly is one of the best movies I have seen recently. Casey Affleck did such an incredible job as Robert Ford. I just loved every scene he was in.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Much better than I expected from the reviews, not great but not terrible. Looked great on Blu Ray as well. Will have to catch up on the show online now--think they have the first 10 episodes on the Star Wars website.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I just watched Night of the Creeps off of Fearnet On Demand. Bah, I wish they would fucking release this one on DVD already. I loved this movie. It such a good spoof/parody/real horror movie from the 80s. It has a real soul and a great plot/writing to it. Very fun movie. I thoroughly recommend you watch it if you get Fearnet on demand before they switch it up. It's incredibly similar to Slither, for those that haven't heard of Night of the Creeps and are looking to see what it might be similar to something recent; incredibly similar.[/QUOTE]

I really enjoyed this one! I loved the 80's horror movies. I wonder what the hold up is on getting this on DVD?
[quote name='dmaul1114']Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Much better than I expected from the reviews, not great but not terrible. Looked great on Blu Ray as well. Will have to catch up on the show online now--think they have the first 10 episodes on the Star Wars website.[/quote]

Do they? I'd love to be able to watch this back at college since I don't pay for cable there.

[quote name='js1']I really enjoyed this one! I loved the 80's horror movies. I wonder what the hold up is on getting this on DVD?[/quote]

Probably something weird or no reason like what was holding the other Fred Dekker film, Monster Squad (another favorite). I hope Night of the Creeps comes out on DVD sometime soon as I'll definitely pick it up. Would make for the perfect horror movie for Halloween this year (09) since a ton of horror flicks are already out on DVD.

Also, to add to this post:

The Gravedancers - Another film I just viewed through Fearnet on Demand. It was shit. I had to force myself to sit through it. Cheap thrills/scares that aren't worth anything. Glad I didn't rent this from Hollywood Video sometime. I would have been disappointed for wasting the rental. The film is full of mundane and retarded plot holes, terrible acting, shooting effects, lighting, you name it.
Red Room - Wanted to see this for a couple years now, could have skipped this one altogether. Movie blew the big one and the gore was really fucking weak. I get the message it is trying to say but its not worth watching this 68 minute film to watch it unfold
Casino - I love anything Martin Scorsese touches. He's brilliant. And if you want to see what Vegas really is/was like, then this is the movie for you. I can't tell you how close to reality this film is. It even has our current mayor in it.
Man on Wire. pretty interesting. If the main character wasn't as eccentric the Doc. would be pretty blah, but the wire walker brings the whole film to life.
Fargo - Probably my third favorite Coens' brothers movie after No Country for Old Men and The Man Who Wasn't There. I love Margie Gunderson as a character, and she has some of the most easily quotable lines in a film.
Lookout - this is an excellent, criminally underrated movie. If you liked Memento, you would probably like this movie, some odd similarities IMO.

I also saw Wanted and Res Evil:Degeneration - both were lots of fun.
[quote name='camoor']Lookout - this is an excellent, criminally underrated movie. If you liked Memento, you would probably like this movie, some odd similarities IMO.[/quote]
Agreed, I loved the Lookout. Plus is has Isla Fisher...:drool:
mcgavin27...another TMBG fan? WOO HOO! Great taste in music (obviously), now I'll have to see how your taste in movies is ^_^

I just watched "Wild Hogs" last night upon my wife's request and surprisingly it was actually really funny. A lot better than I thought it'd be. Good popcorn comedy/road trip type movie. Not going to win any Oscar nominations, but still fun nonetheless.
[quote name='camoor']Lookout - this is an excellent, criminally underrated movie. If you liked Memento, you would probably like this movie, some odd similarities IMO.

I have a minor obsession with Joseph Gordon Levitt...he's incredible in The Lookout.

You should also see Brick or Mysterious Skin if you enjoyed his performance in this...Brick is especially good.
The Spirit

Quite entertaining if you let expectations go and watch it as you would Toxic Avenger. So bad it's good. Absurd, to the point of entertaining. If it were any better a movie, it'd be worse.

Miller definitely shouldn't direct anything else ever again, though... and the acting could've been better, it seems they don't quite know how ridiculous the movie is -- I get the feeling Miller didn't know. With more overacting it'd have been even funnier.
I watched 2001 last night and Zodiac tonight. Both look absolutely amazing in HD, and both are great movies. It is kind of a shame how overlooked Zodiac became in 2007 considering how good of a movie it was.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Speed Racer

That was surprisingly enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

I love that movie.

It gets a lot of undeserved hate.
Speed Racer, with the exception of that stupid ass kid and chimp, was dollar signs.

I've seen it twice in theater (yeeeeeeaaaaaaah....), and I loved it both times.
Pineapple Express, Funny as hell. I have not laughed that hard in a while. I also rented Babylon A.D., I have low expectations for it, but I have not read/heard to much about it.
[quote name='whoknows']I love that movie.

It gets a lot of undeserved hate.[/QUOTE]

I thought Speed Racer was actually pretty good me and my kids enjoyed it and on Blu-ray it's :drool::drool:.
[quote name='yukafls']Boss, with Fred Williamson. Best fuckin blaxplotation film ever[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry I have to disagree, I have to go with the name in your avatar. Mother fuckin Dolemite! If anything just for the " I am Joe Blow, the lova man.You should be paying me, Bitch!" part that shit is CLASSIC!:lol: That movie has so many one-liners it's not even funny. Not to mention the awesome kung-fu training and pimpin'.
[quote name='js1']I thought Speed Racer was actually pretty good me and my kids enjoyed it and on Blu-ray it's :drool::drool:.[/quote]

I gotta see it on Blu-Ray, though even the ripped copy I had on my laptop looked fucking great. It was just so over-the-top childishly fun. I felt more or less the same level of enjoyment as I used to for schlocky Saturday morning cartoons.
Just watched Babylon A.D. and wow...I wasn't expecting anything amazing, but damn that was an awful movie.

Next up: Bangkok Dangerous which is probably also awful followed by that Deniro/Pacino movie.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']
Probably something weird or no reason like what was holding the other Fred Dekker film, Monster Squad (another favorite). I hope Night of the Creeps comes out on DVD sometime soon as I'll definitely pick it up. Would make for the perfect horror movie for Halloween this year (09) since a ton of horror flicks are already out on DVD.[/QUOTE]

Man, The Monster Squad! I picked that up not to long after it came out on DVD. My kids liked it, my younger daughter loves it, my older son thought it was kind of scary. I was thinking damn why don't they make movies like this for kids anymore. I loved these 80's movies.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']I gotta see it on Blu-Ray, though even the ripped copy I had on my laptop looked fucking great. It was just so over-the-top childishly fun. I felt more or less the same level of enjoyment as I used to for schlocky Saturday morning cartoons.[/QUOTE]

It's funny now that I am older and have young kids, I am subjected to lots of kids movies. The strange thing is some of my favorite movies that I have enjoyed of late has been kids movies. I guess just the sense of excitement and wonder and just plain fun in them and the simplicity the stories can be refreshing from the majority of twists and turns of some of the adult films.
[quote name='whoknows']Just watched Babylon A.D. and wow...I wasn't expecting anything amazing, but damn that was an awful movie.

Next up: Bangkok Dangerous which is probably also awful followed by that Deniro/Pacino movie.[/QUOTE]

Damn, that sucks. Now I don't want to watch it.. Nic Cage, I have not enjoyed any of his movies since Face/Off.
[quote name='camoor']Lookout - this is an excellent, criminally underrated movie. If you liked Memento, you would probably like this movie, some odd similarities IMO.

I also saw Wanted and Res Evil:Degeneration - both were lots of fun.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for bringing this movie(Lookout) up, I remember the trailers looked good and when it came out, I completely forgot about it. I will have to check it out.

Me and the wife finished watching Resident Evil: Degeneration, I thought it was kinda boring. I was surprised it was rated R most of the stuff was cutaway before you could see any of the gore. But, it was nice to look at and the ending gave a jump start to RE5.
[quote name='js1']Damn, that sucks. Now I don't want to watch it.. Nic Cage, I have not enjoyed any of his movies since Face/Off.[/QUOTE]

Have you seen Adaptation?

I watched Beowulf earlier. Man is that demo material, and it is a really good movie as well.
Eden Lake

I just saw this tonight and I have to say this is the first and only horror movie to make me upset while watching it (not because it sucked but because it was actually a real horror movie). It even got good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes... which isn't easy for a horror movie.
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)

I enjoyed it a lot.

(reposted from the OTT)

The scene where
the old woman burns her books and herself
sent chills down my spine. Truffaut's use of color (particularly red and dark/"plain" shades) was excellent, I thought, and his additions/omissions to the book versions were interesting, to say the least.

I did feel the captain was miscast though. I think he should have been more like in the book than the doddering old man that Truffaut made him out to be. When Montag
hit the captain with the flamethrower
, it was much more underwhelming because of the captain's actor, I felt.
Resident Evil: Degeneration - not as bad as I heard it was; I enjoyed it more than the live-action films mostly because it actually had some things that were relevant to the games (something Mila's movies have failed to do on nearly every front imaginable)

Doomsday - for every good scene there's one that leaves you wanting to cave your skull in for watching it (the party before the "feast" for example); it wasn't horrid, but with a little more polish it could have been pretty good
Ju-On - The original from Japan through Fearnet on Demand. Man, that was shitty. I thought The Grudge sucked, and this one followed suit. Still, it was better than The Grudge at least.
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