Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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[quote name='flowery']The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

On par with No Country For Old Men as far as one of the best films of all time.[/quote]

I've been meaning to pick this up on hd dvd. Movies like this never make it to theatres where I live.

Watched The Darjeeling Limited last night. Great movie if you're into Wes Anderson.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Rushmore is indeed untouchable, but I enjoyed Life Aquatic. I'd put it below Royal Tenenbaums and Darjeeling, but still enjoyable.[/quote]

I think Bottle Rocket is still the best thing he's ever done.
Royal Tenenbaums is also my favorite of his. Its a beautiful movie all around.

Anyway, I watched the new Miami Vice movie on HBO last night and I have to say I really like it. I'm not going to run out and buy it or anything, but it was way better than I was expecting it to be.
Life Aquatic, thought I'd like it, I just thought it was terrible. It had it's moments of humor, but I just thought it was outright stupid. To me it almost seemed like a smart stoner movie.
The thread is about movies you saw that didn't suck, ryles.

Though, I can see why you mentioned TLA. Its faaaaaaaabulous.

The most recent 'new' movie I've seen was Irreversible. Kinda fucked up and wasn't what I expected, but it had the Memento thing going and I dug it. Plus, Monica Bellucci's tits = :drool:
Step Up 2, Number 23 and 300

All better than what the unjust reviewers of Rotten Tomatoes said about it, at least to me

Before you laugh at my choice of movies, I went into step up 2 to see a comedy with some good dance moves...and I wasn't disappointed - 7.8/10
choreography was unprecedented and even though at first I didn't think the movie would work out, it did surprisingly well, esp. with Moose haha

Number 23...rated one of the worst movies of 2007 (has an 8% on RT) was a somewhat confusing but a very clever movie involving the number featured in the title and a flashback aspect - 7.5/10
for some reason I couldn't put my finger on Sparrow being Fingerling until midway..guess it was sooo obvious to the critics and thus ruined the thriller aspect

300, most people love it but critics despise it. I don't know if it's me being a male and enjoying the brutality of warfare (which was very well done...not matter how it was done, damn critics) and the unpredictable turn of least to me - 8.4/10
I actually thought the 300 spartans would end up defeating the persians..when the queen took the one guys sword and stabbed the guy who went against her was also beyond words, in a good way

One last thing...Sideways wasn't that great.
[quote name='darthbudge']"The Royal Tenenbaums" was the best Wes Anderson movie if you ask me.[/quote]

Ditto. Easily my favorite of his, though I've yet to see Rushmore straight through, and I've never seen Bottle Rocket.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Ditto. Easily my favorite of his, though I've yet to see Rushmore straight through, and I've never seen Bottle Rocket.[/QUOTE]

Rushmore is easily his best IMO...Bottle Rocket was a good debut movie for him though... TRT was a good movie, the Life Aquatic just did nothing for me though...

Im in the middle of Anchorman... that damn movie gets funnier every time I watch it
Bulworth - 10 Million/10

Man, Ive never loved Warren Beatty more than i do now, and Halle berry was sweet sexy little thing back in the day.

Best Movie Ever.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Rushmore is indeed untouchable, but I enjoyed Life Aquatic. I'd put it below Royal Tenenbaums and Darjeeling, but still enjoyable.[/quote]

It's been a long while since I've the Royal Tenenbaums. I remember it well, and remember rating is quite highly but I think that as time goes by, this one seems to fade to me. Perhaps I just need to see it again. I really did love it when I saw it/when it came out and on DVD. I just feel that Rushmore is beyond a classic of his and I really loved Life Aquatic. There's something poignant and quite touching about that movie to me. I love all the idiosyncrasies in L-A.
Last movie I saw that I thought was going to be a steaming pile but turned out to be decent? Running Scared.

Paul Walker must have sold his soul to the devil for some real acting talent for that movie.
U2 3D

Pretty amazing 3D effects that seriously make you feel like you're right up there with the band and it looked great in DLP. I hope they put this technology to use with other, more interesting bands. Of course now I want New Years Day and Sunday Bloody Sunday in Rock Band.

It also made me envious of those South American audiences. Those guys know how to rock out.[quote name='darthbudge']"The Royal Tenenbaums" was the best Wes Anderson movie if you ask me.[/QUOTE]Which ones have you seen?
Saw Ratatouille for the first time today and I almost wanted to kick myself for waiting so long to watch it. It was funny, touching, and never once did I feel that the movie was 'dumbed down' for kids. Only downside? Cheesy as hell with a predictable ending. Then again, I can excuse it because it is geared towards kids after all. 4.75/5
All of this Wes Anderson talk prompted me to see Darjeeling again. It's still good.

[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Hudson Hawk[/quote]

A guilty pleasure of mine...makes me LOL a lot.
[quote name='bmachine']A guilty pleasure of mine...makes me LOL a lot.[/quote]

Man, it was sooo bad. It had some funny shit, but overall, I just need to ask Bruce Willis WHY he did that to us.

Missus and I watched Braindead (that's Dead Alive to you Yanks) on Saturday. The gore almost made her sick.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Air Force One

Watching This is England right now.[/quote]

This is England is one the best movies ever. One of top five for 2007.
3:10 to Yuma 4/5

Great Movie. Best acting I have seen in awhile and they characters they were portraying were great also. I would love to say this movie is in my top 5 of 2007, but there were alot of good movies.
[quote name='zman73']Blood Diamond... finally cracked open the hd-dvd... great movie, and disturbing[/quote]I have a hard time watching the first ten minutes especially.
[quote name='mrchainsaw']Are there any good movies in theaters at the moment or will be this weekend? I haven't been keeping up with new movies at all.[/quote]

I love a good heist movie, and The Bank Heist has been getting some really positive reviews. I don't blindly adore everything that Jason Statham is in, but I'll probably see that one this weekend.
One of my all time favorites and an 80's classic:
"Just one of the Guys"... thank you HDnet movies for giving this movie the hd and WS treatment missing on the pan and scan dvd release... one of my favorites growing up
King of Kong, great documentary, although some of the facts were a bit skewed to make it more interesting. If your a gamer, you owe it to yourself to check it out. It was available on Netflix instant viewing.
The King of Kong WAS great, I would highly recommend it to anyone. BUT, I would have to say that people NEED to watch RUN FATBOY RUN It's totally hilarious. It's by the same people who did Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. They did a horror/comedy and an action/comedy, so now it's time for the romantic/comedy.
[quote name='ZenTrickster']The King of Kong WAS great, I would highly recommend it to anyone. BUT, I would have to say that people NEED to watch RUN FATBOY RUN It's totally hilarious. It's by the same people who did Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. They did a horror/comedy and an action/comedy, so now it's time for the romantic/comedy.[/quote]

Well, now I know someone who torrents. That movie doesn't come out stateside until March 28th. ;) It was also directed by David Schwimmer, so use caution.
Catching up on some movies that came out a while ago, Lucky Number Slevin was great, as well as The Matador. Gotta love those assassin movies.
Gone Baby Gone

The Assassination of the Outlaw Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

I'm ready for something not quite so depressing now and not involving Casey Affleck (although he's great in both films).
Micheal Clayton 4/5

I watched this in theatres and again recently on DVD. Still a great movie, however it doesn't quite have the same tension the second time you watch it. I did pick up alot more though.

Raising Arizona 3/5

Very funny movie.
I just saw Once the other day. I dig it.

I saw Semi Pro last night. It was a waste of money just like I knew it would be. It was actually worse than I expected.
[quote name='dastly75']In Bruges - 9/10 I really really enjoyed this movie, surprisingly funny. Highly recommended if you like comedy action film noir[/quote]

Goddamn I want to see this movie...but it's not playing anywhere around me.
The Thirteenth Floor

Saw it in the theater and thought it was pretty good but haven't watched it again till tonight. The green lasers are still cheesy but it holds up quite well for what it is.
Dr. Strangelove 4/5

Although it sounds odd, this setting was perfect for a black comedy and Kubrick pulled it off. It was hilarious all the way through.
[quote name='dastly75']In Bruges - 9/10 I really really enjoyed this movie, surprisingly funny. Highly recommended if you like comedy action film noir[/QUOTE]

I second that, my friend wanted to see it, I had never heard of it. but man it was pretty funny in a unique way. I love dark comedies.

I highly recommend this
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