Surprisingly the Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck

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Juno 5/5

This movie was excellent. I was expecting it to be as deep of story as it was. I thought they did an excellent job with the characters and the writing was excellent. It was perfect balance of somber moments and moments that had you laughing in your seat. I really didn't want this movie to end, that is how I much I liked it.
Jumper, last night at the dollar theater.

Not terribly great, but not bad at all. Definitely enjoyed the rapid-fire jumping scenes the best (
David and Griffin's fight, anytime they jumped vehicles (especially that bus), et cetera
:lol: Still have yet to get to Magnolia, but Walk Hard made it to MVP at Hollywood Video so I rented it. I'm really surprised, but this was surprisingly decent. Definitely one of the better Apatow films. I still like Forgetting Sarah Marshall above it, but this one wasn't bad at all. Had quite a few moments. I liked the Jew jokes and the black night club parts were classic.
Forrest Gump
Surprised since: Well...not really surprised, I've heard a lot of good things
My rating: 4/5 stars
Highlights: Forrest's dialouge with just about anyone is memorable and great song selection
My favorite parts:
When he's running, he is asked why and if its for world peace, jumping in the water randomly, most of the scenes with lt. dan...and yes, this was my first time seeing Forrest Gump

Live Free or Die Hard
Surprised since: Any actually good action movie
way too much cgi though
My rating: 4/5 stars
Highlights: Great action sequences and dialogue is usually run-of-the-mill, but still enjoyable
My favorite parts:
kung fu chick/mcclains fight, "hamster"/mcclain, car sequence
[quote name='Sniper_Wolf']I just finished [Rec] a few minutes ago. Definitely one the best horror movies I've ever seen.[/QUOTE]

[Rec] was a lot better than I thought it would be! Loved it!! I hope Quarantine turns out pretty good.
My cousin dragged me to the newest Narnia movie, which was pretty dumb. Most violent PG rated movie ever. Also didn't help that this dad brought in 3 crazy ass kids, who wouldn't shut the hell up. The final 20 minutes of the movie, the kids were running laps up and down and around the frickin' theater. I've never been a fan of child abductions, but after today, I'm starting to come around on the idea.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']My cousin dragged me to the newest Narnia movie, which was pretty dumb. Most violent PG rated movie ever. Also didn't help that this dad brought in 3 crazy ass kids, who wouldn't shut the hell up. The final 20 minutes of the movie, the kids were running laps up and down and around the frickin' theater. I've never been a fan of child abductions, but after today, I'm starting to come around on the idea.[/quote]

A theater that recently opened around here had a huge problem with this kind of stuff. They instituted a no tolerance policy. I have heard of people being told to leave for just opening their phones and text messaging.

Needless to say it is now my favorite theater :D
[quote name='paddlefoot']A theater that recently opened around here had a huge problem with this kind of stuff. They instituted a no tolerance policy. I have heard of people being told to leave for just opening their phones and text messaging.

Needless to say it is now my favorite theater :D[/quote]I cannot fucking stand text messaging, especially in a movie theater. YOU PAID MONEY TO WATCH A MOVIE, PUT THE PHONE AWAY. My good, do you think you're THAT important that people have to constantly be in contact with you, even during a movie? Give it a rest.
[quote name='deadite76'][Rec] was a lot better than I thought it would be! Loved it!! I hope Quarantine turns out pretty good.[/quote]
Eh, after seeing that trailer I can tell it's going to suck. People HAVE to see the original.
[quote name='Sniper_Wolf']I just finished [Rec] a few minutes ago. Definitely one the best horror movies I've ever seen.[/quote]

I've been wanting to see that ever since I heard good things about it.
Chocolate - New movie from the director of Tom Yum Goong. Stunts and fighting were not as good as Tom Yum Goong, but still pretty damn awesome.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Speed Racer

Amazingly, and surprisingly, good.[/quote]

This has to be a mistake.

How High/drunk/ Delusional are you right now??
[quote name='Liquid 2']Go see it.[/QUOTE]

I went to it on a Sunday Matinee, worst mistake in some time. It wasn't the movie was bad but the loud ass kids and the noisy baby and the bitch of a mom that threw a fit after I asked her to "please quite her baby" and made a big scene after I got management. All the management asked was for her to go to the back of the theater...
[quote name='Sniper_Wolf']I just finished [Rec] a few minutes ago. Definitely one the best horror movies I've ever seen.[/quote]

Is [REC] on DVD yet? It's not available from Netflix.
Captivity- Lame Saw rip-off.

One Missed Call- Damn, can they please stop making these Ring rip-offs? It's the same plot over and over: A spirit/demon/ghost starts knocking off people in order to avenge/call attention to its murder/violent life and it's up to a psychologist/journalist/etc to solve the bizzare series of deaths. Please, please come up with some new ideas!

The Forbidden Kingdom- What the shit? The trailer did not prepare me for this sappy Karate Kid/Neverending Story-esque failure of a movie. I swear, I saw the trailers on TV and never noticed there was white kid in the mix. I was seriously taken aback when the film started off in modern times and presented us with the film's protagonist and his cliched, one dimensional foil.

It's only redeeming parts are Jet Li as The Monkey King, Jet Li as the Monk, and Jackie Chan as the Drunken Kung-Fu master.

Hot Rod- There's something charming about this quirky and decidedly strange film that pays tribute to films like Rad, The Karate Kidand countless other 80s teen flicks.. Adam Sandberg and his crew are hilarious. I was definitely surprised that it was so funny. Cool Beans!
The Boys from Brazil. Great movie and nice to see two scene greats of yesteryear at the same time. I loved Olivier as Ezra Lieberman. The film unveils itself as a series of concentric circles that continuously gets smaller until all the plot twists have been unveiled. If you go and get this one, don't read the back of the box. It gives way too much away, but the movie is still enjoyable. The ending is wear it felt a bit anticlimatic int he hospital. I would have preferred a sight variation of it, but it was good overall.
Between yesterday and today:

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
There Will Be Blood - Pretty great. Daniel's speech about people had me rolling.

3:10 to Yuma - Not as good as I was expecting. I was able to predict too many of the surprises during the movie. Still worth the free rental from the library.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Waiting for Godot

Far better acted out than read, as is the case with all plays.[/quote]

Hmm, interesting. I must see this, as I enjoyed the book.
10,000 BC. I seriously must be the only person who liked this movie, but I really did.

I also enjoyed Dan in Real Life.
[quote name='Drue']10,000 BC. I seriously must be am the only person who liked this movie, but I really did.

I also enjoyed Dan in Real Life.[/quote]


and Dan in Real life was good.

Seriously though what redeming value did you see in 10,000 BC? I just watched it yesterday and i'm at a loss to how that movie got funded.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Hmm, interesting. I must see this, as I enjoyed the book.[/QUOTE]
The one I saw was from the Beckett on Film collection.


Second time around.
[quote name='homeland']corrected.

and Dan in Real life was good.

Seriously though what redeming value did you see in 10,000 BC? I just watched it yesterday and i'm at a loss to how that movie got funded.[/quote]

Dan in Real Life was awful....10,000 BC was at least watchable for the special effects and those cool mammoths.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 3/5

It was a fun movie while it lasted, but I think it lost alot of the series charm. Overall though, I enjoyed it.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- A decent Indy movie, but not as good as the first or third one. They need to make one more to end the series on high note.
[quote name='homeland']

Seriously though what redeming value did you see in 10,000 BC? I just watched it yesterday and i'm at a loss to how that movie got funded.[/quote]

Well, even ignoring the special effects, it was just really cool. For one, you've got visions of a time when simple things like metallurgy and agriculture weren't discovered yet. You see a simple people who have never been warriors forced to use their skills gained as hunters to fight humans.

Really, though, I'm just a sucker for these films that take 80% history with 20% fantasy for a good mix. Sure, there were gross historical (and geographical) inaccuracies, but the idea remained.

Okay, so the whole thing with these albinos from Atlantis was a little stupid. Yeah, it was silly, but I could ignore it because it kept with the theme that there were civilizations before Egypt that didn't suck.
Laser Mission

Shit came free with another DVD (Boot Hill), and a game (Moonbase Commander). I only got it for the game, and consider the two DVDs freebies, but god damn do I feel ripped off.
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