Tales of Vesperia [back to $27.99] @ Amazon

Well I can say that this is one of the best RPG's of this generation, right up there with Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Lost Odyssey, and The Witcher. It wasn't the 2008 Checkmate Arcade Golden King Award winner for RPG of the Year and 360 Game of the Year for nothing. :)

Just beware those waiting for the PS3 version that with almost 100% certainty the PS3 port will start at $60 and not drop in price until next spring/summer given the model of Eternal Sonata. Use that info to determine whether you want this game now, or later.
[quote name='MSUHitman']

Just beware those waiting for the PS3 version that with almost 100% certainty the PS3 port will start at $60 and not drop in price until next spring/summer given the model of Eternal Sonata. Use that info to determine whether you want this game now, or later.

Thanks for the heads up.
[quote name='Firestorm']The only game I've paid MSRP for in the last 4 years and worth every penny. Paid $69.99 + 12% tax for the LE.[/QUOTE]

I did this as well. Worth every cent.
[quote name='therigger']Thanks for the heads up.[/QUOTE]

I totally liked his statement better 3 pages ago when I said it. ;-)
[quote name='cmart05']I just don't see the logic in buying a game now because when the PS3 version with the boatload of content which will essentially make it feel like a "new game" comes out it will be over a year old...

In other words.. if you own a 360 and a PS3 and you have waited this long to play Tales of Vesperia... waiting a few more months isn't going to kill you.[/QUOTE]

Uhh, may I remind you that Symphonia was released on PS2 as well but that was only Japan & still Japan to this day. What makes you think it will comes to the US?

& can't believe I still haven't sold this pos ob eBay or something. Bought it full price & regretted it 4 days later =\
Man, now I wish I hadn't bought this at $28 about 10 days ago. I feel even worse knowing that I didn't open it yet even. Oh well, $5 isn't the end of the world. Hopefully I'll get around to this one day. Too bad I've got an unreasonably large backlog right now.
[quote name='UberNinjaz']Uhh, may I remind you that Symphonia was released on PS2 as well but that was only Japan & still Japan to this day. What makes you think it will comes to the US?

& can't believe I still haven't sold this pos ob eBay or something. Bought it full price & regretted it 4 days later =\[/QUOTE]

The supposed reason I read on why Symphonia never made to the US on the PS2 is that Nintendo owned the localization rights.

What interesting, and I cannot seem to find it anymore, is that the PS3 Japanese version will have English voice-overs in addition to the Japanese dub.. If Bamco is willing to spend more money to bring back the English VAs and more to do the dub, they might already be working on the translation of the new parts of the script. If that is the case, then there is a decent chance of it being released in the US.
This is the best rpg this generation. If you want to wait and pay 60 for the ps3 version with extra content, then wait. I just think it's funny that these same sony faithful didn't buy GTA IV for the 360 because they weren't willing to pay extra for extra content. Well if you wait for the ps3 version, you're paying nearly 40 dollars extra for much less extra content than GTA IV.
Smart moves guys.
I'm in agreement that at this price, it's best to buy it now, rather than wait over another year for a localization that will probably still happen but cost you $60, or 2 more years for it to cost you $20 on your PS3. By that time this game, though I agree that it was pretty solid, will most probably be nothing special anymore, and you'll be able to get even better RPGs for $20. Unless of course they don't bother trying over the next couple years.

I say buy now, and if you adore it, buy years down the road for PS3 and extra content when it gets repriced. That way you're out less than MSRP cost. Though the additions seem nice, the game in no way felt like an incomplete experience. And I don't think the extra content is making or breaking the game for anybody.

This all matters only if you own both systems of course. I bought on launch, enjoyed it, but not to the fanatacism that I'll be picking up the PS3 version. I'm pretty satiated from the experience.
I purchased both a standard edition and premium at launch. God I loved the Tales series before Vesperia and love it even more after having started it! I am not very far in the game but it is so much fun to play.

I will get the re-release for the PS3 if it comes stateside as well. It is the best JRPG on the 360.

Worth every penny at MSRP and definitely worth every penny at a $22.99 price point.
I hate it when they pull this all new extras crap. I mean, they take the original game it was made and add unecesary new characters and dungeons that dont often seem to fit right.

I mean, if they do that's great because I havent bought it yet and it makes me want to wait sort of, but sometimes it just makes the game more bogged down with unecesary extra.

what makes me a little curious though is "redone" voice overs (were the originals bad or something? so now it's gonna have a totally different voice acting lineup??!), and "new" cutscenes, like additional, or replacing the old ones? It's one thing to ad, but to change stuff? I dunno.......hard to tell if they are going to make it better or what.....
[quote name='willardhaven']The PS3 enhanced port is not necessarily coming out here.[/QUOTE]

It has little to no chance of coming out here. It would be an anomaly if it did. This is Namco. They don't localize half of their tales games. It took Ubisoft to publish an English release of Eternia(PSP) despite the fact that it already had a full English localization(PS1 version) and even then that was only Europe. The PS2 version of Symphonia never saw an English release despite Symphonia being a game with more sales and the PS2 being far and away the lead console at the time. ToV and the PS3 don't match either of the conditions that ToS had, so I would be shocked if ToV(PS3) saw an English release. Also remember, they're adding a character(needs new VA) and redoing scenes to include that character(requires bringing back old VA's for new voice work) which means a significant localization budget, another strike against it seeing an English release.
[quote name='Rakai']It has little to no chance of coming out here. It would be an anomaly if it did. This is Namco. They don't localize half of their tales games. It took Ubisoft to publish an English release of Eternia(PSP) despite the fact that it already had a full English localization(PS1 version) and even then that was only Europe. The PS2 version of Symphonia never saw an English release despite Symphonia being a game with more sales and the PS2 being far and away the lead console at the time. ToV and the PS3 don't match either of the conditions that ToS had, so I would be shocked if ToV(PS3) saw an English release. Also remember, they're adding a character(needs new VA) and redoing scenes to include that character(requires bringing back old VA's for new voice work) which means a significant localization budget, another strike against it seeing an English release.[/QUOTE]

1. SCEA requires PSP port to have 30% new content so they cant release it here.
2. Sympthonia translation was paid by Nintendo, so they can't port it.
3. Namco released Eternal Sonata for PS3.
I seriously hope all the new voicework they do for the ps3 version has the original voice actors.

If not im not going to bother.
I've been waiting for this to drop for a long time, thanks op. Should I get this or Bionic Commando at GS? Decisions, decisions....
[quote name='GTZ_NSR']I've been waiting for this to drop for a long time, thanks op. Should I get this or Bionic Commando at GS? Decisions, decisions....[/QUOTE]

I dont see Bionic Commando going up in value, but a lot of RPG become hard to find
[quote name='robbart914']I'm in agreement that at this price, it's best to buy it now, rather than wait over another year for a localization that will probably still happen but cost you $60, or 2 more years for it to cost you $20 on your PS3. By that time this game, though I agree that it was pretty solid, will most probably be nothing special anymore, and you'll be able to get even better RPGs for $20. Unless of course they don't bother trying over the next couple years.

I say buy now, and if you adore it, buy years down the road for PS3 and extra content when it gets repriced. That way you're out less than MSRP cost. Though the additions seem nice, the game in no way felt like an incomplete experience. And I don't think the extra content is making or breaking the game for anybody.
Meh. If you own both consoles, I say wait. If you haven't picked it up on the 360 yet, why not? It's not as if the price for the 360 version is going to get any higher. That's what I am personally doing for both this game and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. I mean, all the event scenes are fully voiced and that alone is worth full price IMO. Assuming they do release the game in the U.S., I'm also crossing my fingers for a Japanese voice option (number one reason I haven't jumped on the Vesperia 360 bandwagon). Not to mention the fact that Flynn will be playable for an even longer amount of time is an even bigger incentive.

And if Namco won't do it, let Atlus pick up the slack!

I also can't wait to try out the PS3 demo this Monday!
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[quote name='Jauron']Can anyone compare this game to a current title? I'm on the fence...[/QUOTE]

Star Ocean, Eternal Sonata(without the turns), FFVII Crisis Core, and Radiata Stories.
Link to where this was announced stateside for PS3? Because for $23 this is a steal. I'll still pick Lost Odyssey over it, but thats just a matter of preference more then anything else. It's either the best or second best JRPG on the 360 in most peoples books (WPRGs are still better, but thats another story.).
I'll still take my chances for a localized PS3 release. My backlog can surely suffice until then. If hopes are too grim, I'll once again smile at the fact my PS3 will happily play the import. This is a great price, but I'd really like the improvements and upgrades. I was able to hold out for Eternal Sonata, I'm confident I will justifiably contain my impulses here as well.
Wow, the one thing this thread has made me do is open my copy I got when it hit thirty bucks a month or so ago. So, in summation, thank you, thread. No! God bless you, thread. Fantastic game so far (I'm about 4.5 hours in).
This game is all kinds of awesome, it deserves to be played. Put your backlog in stasis and slide this game up in rotation. It's the best rpg this generation. Lost Odyssey was good. Fable 2 was good. VC was good. This is really good, if not great.
[quote name='willardhaven']Will the PS3 Japanese version have English subtitles?[/QUOTE]

The chances are slim to none.

And as other people have said this game is great and you should get it even if you have a ps3.
Ugh, I got confused and thought the european release that came out last month was the PS3 port :(

Super suckage
Well all the good words in this thread pushed me over the edge for this. Incidentally the price is now down a little bit more to $22.49.
[quote name='KaitouDark']The chances are slim to none.

And as other people have said this game is great and you should get it even if you have a ps3.[/QUOTE]

I have a copy from Game Crazy and a sealed copy from when this dropped to 27.99. It's my favorite Xbox 360 game along with Call of Duty 4.
[quote name='TheShepherdSauce']Down to $19.90 now folks[/QUOTE]
Aw man, you got me excited. That's from BeachAudio and will charge you $5 shipping. That said, Amazon price did go down too... but only by fifty cent to $22.49.
This game is sitting in my backlog from the last price drop, but so is Tales of Symphonia (from several years ago lol). Does it matter if I play ToS first?
[quote name='Dendaman']This game is sitting in my backlog from the last price drop, but so is Tales of Symphonia (from several years ago lol). Does it matter if I play ToS first?[/QUOTE]

I heard Vesperia was a perfectly manageable introductory to the series. I also ordered it, but have never really played any of the Tales series, aside from a little bit of Tales of Symphonia, which was awesome for the little bit that I did play.
i'm on the amazon site right now, and the price is $19.90 when purchased from "Beach Audio" which i assume is another vendor. it says that it's $5 shipping from there, and it's in stock.

contrastly, the $22.49 ToV, which i assume is directly from amazon (since it qualifies for free super saver shipping), will ship in 2 to 3 weeks.
Dang it - I get caught up on this thread, get the urge to buy the one that is in my cart thanks to alll the ++ reviews, and when I login to Amazon, it tells me the price has gone up to $27.99.
It's a great game. I played it at my friend's house over a weekend (I don't have a 360).

The game mechanics are more or less identical to Symphonia for GCN.

You play in 3rd person, the world map shows miniature diaramas of the cities you go to, the battles are action oriented. You can program party members to do a specific action, and they fight automatically; you can pause the battle to change strategy, cast a spell, use items, armor etc.

The game is super long with tons of side quests.

I hope they at least port the 360 US version to the PS3 :(
[quote name='unclenebber']This game is all kinds of awesome, it deserves to be played. Put your backlog in stasis and slide this game up in rotation. It's the best rpg this generation. Lost Odyssey was good. Fable 2 was good. VC was good. This is really good, if not great.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if I'd put it above VC yet, but I'm only halfway through it.

My favorite part about the game so far is definitely the visual style. Its absolutely breathtaking, I found myself stopping all the time just to admire the scenery.
[quote name='KRS']Dang it - I get caught up on this thread, get the urge to buy the one that is in my cart thanks to alll the ++ reviews, and when I login to Amazon, it tells me the price has gone up to $27.99.[/QUOTE]

The default version is non amazon, click the new link and amazon is listed still at price in thread. Says ships in 2-3 weeks though...
[quote name='Dendaman']This game is sitting in my backlog from the last price drop, but so is Tales of Symphonia (from several years ago lol). Does it matter if I play ToS first?[/QUOTE]

Vesperia and Abyss are both better than Symphonia if you ask me.
bread's done