Terabyte7's Name My Baby Contest! Contest Over!

I am more of a Comic Geek myself, and there have been tons of games made about them so...

Reed (Reed Richards)
Clark (Clark Kent)
Bruce (Bruce Wayne)
Kevin (Kevin Green.... Ya know Prime)
Peter (Peter Parker)

Personally, I like Clark Peter.....
With all due respect, if you name your kid after some pop culture game character in order to have a unique name, I'm assuming the child will resent you when they grow up -- because 10 years from now, I think Alacurd Cloud McMario will get teased for having a silly name.

You need to think about how the child will feel in 10 or 15 years, when the franchises the name is taken from may not exist anymore -- they'll be stuck with the name forever; or at least until they're legally able to change it.

If you're going to name the kid something game related, I would go with something that doesn't make people say 'huh' when they hear it -- 'Simon' as a first name, for example; it's an underused name by itself, but also a reference to the dignity and power associated with the character.

For the record, I know kids will pick on other kids for anything, but making something as core to a person as their name is pretty easy to avoid doing... (don't name a male child 'Susan')
Best name for your baby

Or 1st name - [SIZE=-1]"Kenshiro" middle name "[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]hokuto shin ken[/SIZE]" :applause:
Nobody would mess with that kid. Unless then run into someone name: Roah,Roah the Conquer......Later
Mechwarrior lol just kidding on that one
How about Ding(full name Domingo) Chavez?
Sam (Fisher)?
Scott Mitchell?
Jack (Bauer)?
Luke (Skywalker)?
Andrew Ender (Wiggin)?
Douglas (Shetland)?
Sargent Johnson?
Jack (Sparrow)?
The Prince?
Raz(Full name Razputin)?

Those were some of my ideas.
Im nameing my first born son Yuichi or Ichi. Its very common and is used in much anime and video games. And almost zero chance of teaseing cause it sounds western like richi.

And if I have daughters they will all be named after flowers. Rose,violet,daisy and so on.
I'm as much a video game nerd as the next guy on here, but I have to side with that voice of reason that says you'll probably regret (or at least your kid will) naming your child after a video game.

You said you were still open to suggestions outside the realm of gaming, and I think there's something to be said for taking an unusual name from a great work of literature - you know, something that's already proven it can stand the test of time. Maybe even character names from popular cinema (maybe).

There's also nothing wrong with the tradition of honoring the father, or any loved one - family or friend, by naming your child after them. It's been happening for centuries for a reason.

I personally like the name Thomas Elias, or even just Elias. It's a rooted Christian name (Elijah), but noone seems to use it. It's also the name of one of the more noble characters in Edward Jones' novel, "The Known World." Then you could call him "Eli" for short.
non-game name
Justin Case

Game character names

Chris Redfield - Resident Evil

Mace Griffin

Gordon Freeman - Half Life

Wiley - as in Dr. Wiley from mega man

Kirby - from the Kirby series

Richard Miller - Time Crisis


Miles Prower -

the nickname for "Tails" in the "Sonic the Hedgehog"
The name "Miles Prower" is a pun on "miles per hour", a reference to the famed speed of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is a young, male, golden-yellow, anthropomorphic fox with two tails (similar to the mythological kitsune, or "yoko", which was often depicted with nine), hence the nickname, which enable him to fly and propel himself forward at high speeds by spinning them in a helicopter-like motion. His birthday is October 29.
Serious Names:

First name: Raven (MGS or Edgar Allen Poe)
Middle name: Riley (Metroid)

joke names:

Tom Thompson
Michael Schoffield
Jack Sparrow
Bender Rodriguez
phillip j. Fry
Snake Solid(MGS 3 final boss fight reference)
Snake liquid
Snake solidus
[quote name='yukine']"Seven" is a beautiful name for a boy or a girl... especially a girl, or a boy.

And it's a big part of a Seinfeld episode.
Damn, someone already said Locke, which I think should win. (Hey, you can also say he's named after John Locke!)

But, I have to agree with people who say that your kid will hate you eventually IF you name your boy after a fictional character... What's your family heritage? Any French whatsoever? What about Irish? English? Bleh.

I'll go with Jean (pronounced John). I think it's either the French or Gaelic name for John, and all around a cool name in my opinion.
[quote name='naes']Damn, someone already said Locke, which I think should win. (Hey, you can also say he's named after John Locke!)

But, I have to agree with people who say that your kid will hate you eventually IF you name your boy after a fictional character... What's your family heritage? Any French whatsoever? What about Irish? English? Bleh.

I'll go with Jean (pronounced John). I think it's either the French or Gaelic name for John, and all around a cool name in my opinion.[/quote]

so everyone can think he's namesd after Jean Luc Picard from Star Trek: TNG, there's a good idea.
[quote name='Terabyte7']OK, my wife is pregnant and we decided not to learn the sex of the baby. We came up with a girl's name right away, but are having no luck coming up with a boy's name. We want the first name to be an uncommon one, but the middle name can be a common one. And since we love video games so much, we're hoping to find a name based on a video game character. So here are the rules:

1. We're only looking for boy names...either first or first & middle.
2. While we would prefer a video game character name, any unusual name will do.
3. Mario, Luigi, & Link have already been ruled out.
4. Free bumps will be greatly appreciated.

I will run the contest for about a week (until around 1/15). My wife and I will decide amongst all entries posted to this thread which name we like the most. Whomever we determine as the winner, even if we don't end up using the name, will get to choose any one item off my tradelist (with a few exceptions) as your prize!

Thanks in advance!!!

What's the last name? I want to know what the last name is..so I know what sounds good with it.
Chereth Cutestory (Last Name)

It's not game related, but it is Arrested Development related, which is almost as good.

Someone earlier mentioned taking a name from a great work of literature. While this novel may not quite fall into that category, in Imajica by Clive Barker there's a character called Gentle, which I've always thought would make for a cool and unique baby name.
[quote name='Danimal']Chereth Cutestory (Last Name)

It's not game related, but it is Arrested Development related, which is almost as good.

Someone earlier mentioned taking a name from a great work of literature. While this novel may not quite fall into that category, in Imajica by Clive Barker there's a character called Gentle, which I've always thought would make for a cool and unique baby name.[/quote]

Gentle would also get a kid picked on most likely lol... i'd say something along the lines of Theta... or Digstorian. or Bugenhagen. or oaken. or Digstorian.



bread's done