Thank You for Your Last Movie.

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Just saw Corpse Bride with my sister and her husband tonight. It was pretty plain until the last 20 minutes or so. Not bad, but not a classic either. I'd like to see Tim Burton do a different type of film.
Running Scared

Story was sketchy, some parts really didn't make sense, but Paul Walker did an excellent acting job.
[quote name='ph33r m3']Running Scared

Story was sketchy, some parts really didn't make sense, but Paul Walker did an excellent acting job.[/quote]

I know the director throws every clichéd idea in the book at this film, but what didn't make sense?
X-Men 3: The Last Stand.

My wife didn't like it as much as the second film, but I thought the action and effects were pretty cool. I was pissed that Nightcrawler wasn't in it, though.
Dancer in the Dark - Never see this movie. It stars Bjork and she plays a factory worker who is going blind and doesnt tell anyone. She also loves musical plays and the movie falls into it atleast 5 times. The best part is the end and it may be worth seeing if your like me
Bjork dies. She goes to jail and gets hung.
*Insert Sifl & Olly Joke Here*
Just saw Thank You for Smoking yesterday afternoon. Last showing at out indy movie theatre. Excellent movie. Very VeryVeryyyyyyyyyyy funny. The kid was a great actor too.
History of Violence - very enjoyable
Oldboy - A Korean movie about a man who was imprisoned for 15 years without knowing who his captor was nor why he was imprisoned, and then just as suddenly, released. The story follows him as he learns who his captor was and his motives, and it had a very surprising ending. Quite a good movie, grab it off BT if you're interested
[quote name='LiquidNight']History of Violence - very enjoyable
Oldboy - A Korean movie about a man who was imprisoned for 15 years without knowing who his captor was nor why he was imprisoned, and then just as suddenly, released. The story follows him as he learns who his captor was and his motives, and it had a very surprising ending. Quite a good movie, grab it off BT if you're interested[/QUOTE]

Oldboy is the greatest movie ever made.
[quote name='jPoD']Oldboy is the greatest movie ever made.[/QUOTE] I wouldn't say all that, but it is very good. Hard to believe it's been two years since I've watched it. Maybe I'll throw that one in there if I make another DDD order during the sale. :whistle2:k
[quote name='jPoD']ive always wanted to see memento :([/QUOTE] You really should get around to that. It's quite good.

The last time I had watched it was over 4 years ago. :lol:
Perfect Blue - a rather strange movie, but nonetheless good. It portrays the main character's paranoia and insanity quite well. It also had a good ending.
[quote name='FaintDeftone']Running Scared. It was entertaining, but pretty forgettable. Ending was dumb.[/quote]

Ditto. The entire movie was like every cliched story you've heard about Jersey rolled into one. Nice amount of violence though.
Brokeback Mountain
The Ringer
Date Movie
Running Scared

was bored went to blockbuster and rented these. Didn't like any of them enough to buy them though.

My list will be huge next time when my Dvd's come from
Decided to finally start watching some of the DVDs I own that I haven't seen yet.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

It was way above my expectations. I really enjoyed it. Plenty of action and Vince Vaughn was hilarious.

Anyone know if the Unrated Edition is worth the purchase? How much longer is it?
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