The Falcons Are In The Wild - But Rarer Than A Mewtwo! Gotta' Catch Them All!

[quote name='Wolfpup']Did you actually CHECK the first one you got? It was probably a Falcon.[/quote]

No why would i do that? Check to see if it was a Falcon? Its not like I was looking for a Falcon or anything. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Dumb Question.

I was afraid of removing the xbox from the plastic it is kept in with that little piece of tape. That tape they use is really strong and you cant seperate it from the bag without ripping it. I was worried if I messed with it to much Best Buy would not exchange it. What I did was look at the power supply which read 203 watts on both the box and the brick. I decided to exchange it. So I guess the question is. Does it matter if I checkd or not? I have a Falcon now Biatch either way. :applause: Some one has already posted the same one I have on which was also confirmed Falcon. Probably all from this lot are Falcons.

Pack: Xbox 360 Premium Marvel Forza Video mode: NTSC Manufacturer date: 2007-11-01 Lot number: 0744 Team number: FDOU DVD DRVE
Firmware: N/A HDMI: Yes, HDMI Connector
[quote name='kensterdotnet']Where exactly is that on the box?[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure it's on that label under the flap on the box you can lift up to check serial number etc.
What you see in the picture is the sticker that they put on the Box for the cashier to scan. Just look at all sides of the box.

I just bought an Elite Holiday Bundle at Circuit City. (NYC Metro area)

Lot: 0743
Team: FDOU
Mfd: 10/22/07

"Go Big" NOT printed on box.
175W on white sticker, 175W power supply in box.
[quote name='PaleGreen']Success!

I just bought an Elite Holiday Bundle at Circuit City. (NYC Metro area)

Lot: 0743
Team: FDOU
Mfd: 10/22/07

"Go Big" NOT printed on box.
175W on white sticker, 175W power supply in box.
Congrats! Welcome to team Falcon. LOL;)
[quote name='ironlion']No why would i do that? Check to see if it was a Falcon? Its not like I was looking for a Falcon or anything. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Dumb Question.

I was afraid of removing the xbox from the plastic it is kept in with that little piece of tape. That tape they use is really strong and you cant seperate it from the bag without ripping it. I was worried if I messed with it to much Best Buy would not exchange it. What I did was look at the power supply which read 203 watts on both the box and the brick. I decided to exchange it. So I guess the question is. Does it matter if I checkd or not? I have a Falcon now Biatch either way. :applause: Some one has already posted the same one I have on which was also confirmed Falcon. Probably all from this lot are Falcons.[/QUOTE]

Point is, you said you didn't get a Falcon, but you didn't actually check.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Point is, you said you didn't get a Falcon, but you didn't actually check.[/quote]

Hey Tard,
I checked the power brick and it read 203 watts. That was good enough for me. Sorry if I did not stick to your standardized policy and procedure when it comes to this. What the F do you care for anyways? The real "Point Is" I have a Falcon. I can tell your a liitle kid:baby: trying to make something out of nothing. Let me help you........................

The first Xbox i got was a falcon and I returned it for a Launchbox...........

Now you can sleep at night.8-[
Ironlion, ever think about visiting the doctor to get that rod surgically removed from your ass?

I mean seriously, we don't need 12 year-olds like you joining CAG and exhibiting such childish behavior.
[quote name='ironlion']I checked the power brick and it read 203 watts. That was good enough for me.[/QUOTE]
Huh? Wasn't MS including the old power bricks with Falcons for a little while? It still could be a Falcon.
[quote name='Orbiting234']Ironlion, ever think about visiting the doctor to get that rod surgically removed from your ass?

I mean seriously, we don't need 12 year-olds like you joining CAG and exhibiting such childish behavior.[/quote]

12 year olds like me huh? Childish behavior? This coming from the mature adult speaking of rods in peoples ass. You already sold yourself out bro. I dont know about you but I had tact in my response and kept it somewhat tastefull by not doing the easy thing and saying take that rod out your ass=) With the research I did I came to a few conclusions that I may not have had a Falcon, so I exchanged it for one that I thought would most likely be a Falcon and it turned out to be. What is so hard to understand about that. O.K everyone, maybe the first one I had was a Falcon and i wasted a little time and exchanged it for another Falcon. Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a tragedy. Wake up Orbiting. When your ready to take this Rod out my ass let me know though, been buggin me. You are an excellent example of what CAG needs arnt ya? Deplorable.......................... Do you have anything of value to contribute on the subject? Or are you just trollin for a fight like most 90 pound geeks do on the internet? Guess what......... your pathetic.:applause:
[quote name='pete5883']Huh? Wasn't MS including the old power bricks with Falcons for a little while? It still could be a Falcon.[/quote]
To tell you the truth that may be true. But since I was unable to look into the machine from fear of being unable to return it I made a decision that, if I found a box that said GO Pro, 175 watts and the most recent manufacture date then I would have a greater chance of getting a Falcon. Either way, If I had a Falcon in the first place or not I do now. Why the hell do people care so much about the fact that it may have been a Falcon in the first place? Just curious? I have never seen such a mess made just because I took mine back and exchanged it for a Falcon. Pretty amuzing actually.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']ironlion...2nd and final warning: Stop arguing.[/quote]
Will do boss. My apologies:cool:
ironlion, all you have to do is shine a flashlight in and see if you have three inductors (copper rings) or two. Two=falcon. There's a link earlier in this thread to a thread on the xbox forums that has pics of what to look for and instruction on how to look.

You don't have to worry about voiding the warranty as all you have to do is look through the vent holes while shining a flashlight.
So what excuses do you guys make up when you go to exchange your console? Or do you straight up say "I want one with a 65nm cpu"...because BB employees probably don't understand wth you're talking about :lol:
The customer is always right :p, no matter what you say. Jk

On a serious note, most stores, especially during the holidays, unless you bought yours in October, promote a no-questions-asked exchange policy. You still might get that toughluck employee though.

I went to bb tonight and saw a bunch of premiums and 120 gigs models stacked...checked the sides.... who's TEAM:TMEM ? ?? others that didn't say the team said lot or the voltage of 203w.
[quote name='ITDEFX']hmmm

I went to bb tonight and saw a bunch of premiums and 120 gigs models stacked...checked the sides.... who's TEAM:TMEM ? ?? others that didn't say the team said lot or the voltage of 230w.[/quote]

You mean 203w............
[quote name='ITDEFX']oops fixed, thanks. anyway what is team TMEM?[/quote]

Around here, team TMEM is the label used to cover up the original label of the lot 0733-0734, the July - August consoles that were never sold and are repackaged with Forza/MUA. Stay away.
[quote name='nintendokid']Around here, team TMEM is the label used to cover up the original label of the lot 0733-0734, the July - August consoles that were never sold and are repackaged with Forza/MUA. Stay away.[/QUOTE]

what a bunch of sneaky bastards.
After playing halo 3 and some other 360 games ive really been thinking about getting a 360 console. However, it seems like 90% of the people on forums have all said that they've received Red Ring of Death Errors or are going through their 2nd,3rd, n'th console.

Does anybody here have a Falcon-based xb360 and care to share about their experience with it so far, or anyone know about the failure rate of the new Falcon systems? I really want to get a 360 but it's really retarded that we have to buy these things knowing that it's going to be dead in just a matter of months. I just can't see how so many people are willing to even re-purchase or wait for their repairs to come through.

[quote name='dwluv3333']I really want to get a 360 but it's really retarded that we have to buy these things knowing that it's going to be dead in just a matter of months.[/quote]

I've had mine 15 months and I have never had a hiccup with it.
I have a falcon 360 and don't really know what to tell you. My previous 360 was a refurb that RROD in roughly 25 days. This one seems a little quieter although it's still loud.

Honestly, I don't think the verdict is out as to whether or not the falcons are truly more reliable. So even if you get a zephyr, you should still be fine...or at least that's the conventional thinking.
I myself had an original 360 for just over a year. I sold it recently when K-mart had their 20 or 25% off coupon (I forget how much it was exactly) and bought a falcon elite. Neither has RROD yet... I'll keep you posted.

I hate these threads. Define 90% of people. I have had 2 360's. My first one lasted me from launch until Sept of this year. My new one is still going strong.
Just get one. The games are there, just bet that you'll be down for a few weeks after you get about a year in. That's what's going on with me, and it happened the same way to people i know.

If you're worried about it, spring for an in-store extended warranty or buy at Costco (great return policy).

Other than that, don't know what to tell you. The 360 is where it's at for games. My GH3 for 360 just arrived today and I'm playing the shit out of it. Really fun. Of course the other games are there, too... As long as you've got the $$.
[quote name='dwluv3333']After playing halo 3 and some other 360 games ive really been thinking about getting a 360 console. However, it seems like 90% of the people on forums have all said that they've received Red Ring of Death Errors or are going through their 2nd,3rd, n'th console.

Would you rather have 90% posting everyday that their 360's were running ok that day??? lol of course most complaints are going to be voiced.
Today I dropped off my launch day 360 at UPS to be shipped for RROD repair. Was watching 30 rock xvid on the 360 when I got the three rings and it would never recover. Saturday I dropped off my Rock Band guitar at UPS also to be shipped for repair. On Friday a friend sweet talked nintendo into repairing his two-week-out-of-warranty Wii that no longer shows video. Last week another friend had his PS3 Rock Band guitar stop working as well.

On the upside I'm getting some solid MAME and NES time on my original xbox. And the "it wouldn't be a Lemon party" joke from 30 rock was absolutely over the top funny.

My 360 got an average of 5-8 hours use a weeek (not much) and was kept in a well ventilated area of the entertainment center.
My first Xbox's Samsung/Toshiba DVD drive shat the bed before a year was over (but a lot of playtime.) Picked up a Falcon (work for a retailer, seems to be all we are getting in now is Falcons) yesterday... thing runs a LOT quieter.
I received my ELITE from the AMEX Wishlist promotion. I believe it is a Falcom, I don't know too much about where to look, but I believe it said 175W and the Lot # matched up on the 360 tracker site.
I got a falcon through the deal Amazon had on Arcade consoles last week. It has a BenQ as well and I will say, it does run quieter. Also, this doesn't have to do with the falcon, but the new power bricks are significantly lighter than the old ones.
[quote name='doubledown']I received my ELITE from the AMEX Wishlist promotion. I believe it is a Falcom, I don't know too much about where to look, but I believe it said 175W and the Lot # matched up on the 360 tracker site.[/quote]I havent heard anything about any Elites getting Falcon chipsets... Not trying to be a dick.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']I got a falcon through the deal Amazon had on Arcade consoles last week. It has a BenQ as well and I will say, it does run quieter. Also, this doesn't have to do with the falcon, but the new power bricks are significantly lighter than the old ones.[/QUOTE]

Is it a 175 watt or 203 watt? My brick claims to be 203, but to me feels a lot lighter than I remember my old ones being.
[quote name='Lupuri']I havent heard anything about any Elites getting Falcon chipsets... Not trying to be a dick.[/quote]

My Elite i got back from the repair center last week is a Falcon + BenQ. i beileve the manf. date is 10-19-07. So i can confirm elites are getting falcons now too.
I picked up my Falcon Elite last week I used my PRP from my 4-22-06 Premium. Specs are below the Box was the new design and also had Go Big! on it and was a new shipment as they hadnt had any Elites for quite a while.

Lot: 0742
Team: TMEM
Drive: Hitachi-LG
Power: 175w
[quote name='Danil ACE']I just bought an Elite a few days ago. Manufacture date is 10/08/07. It has a BenQ and is a Falcon (175w psu) .[/quote]

What is a BenQ ? Also, if searching stores for a 360 Elite with Falcon if it says 175w psu than it'll definitely have a falcon chipset?

Thanks in advance
[quote name='xxtheycallmedxx']What is a BenQ ? Also, if searching stores for a 360 Elite with Falcon if it says 175w psu than it'll definitely have a falcon chipset?

Thanks in advance[/quote]

Thats dumb that they have three different dvd drives. This happened to Microsoft with the xbox. They had two really crappy dives and the one good drive. Eventually they went to the one good drive and they were better off. They obviously learned nothing about the parts that need to go into a console
The Samsung drive is absolute crap. I've had all 3 drives, and one of my 360s has it now. It is REALLY LOUD. A lot louder than even the Hitachi. So as far as I see it BenQ>Hitachi>Samsung.

The Samsung is only good when it comes to firmware modding (and playing backups/whatever) because the firmware comes out for it first.
Thanks to King for sheding some light on the ben-q question.Do all 360s that have the falcon chipset also have the BenQ drive? Or is there something you can look at on the box to see if it has a BenQ drive (similar to looking at the power supply to see if its a falcon)?
I don't really think their is any indication on the box what your getting you can only hope you get a good factory built model.
bread's done