The Gamestop Thread

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Current Ad is 8/22 - 8/28/18
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Current Trade in Promos:

How many copies of a game can I trade in?
​You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of the same game (same system) within a rolling 30 day period.
What do I need to trade in an older console?
The console, power cable, av cable, and controller. Sometimes they don't care about USB charge cable but ymmv. 3DS XL trade would be console, charger, and stylus. Some have reported being charged a refurb fee for missing the stylus, but again ymmv (answer stolen from anarchyburger)
FAQ will be entered when those questions get asked frequently.
Does the Pro Membership B2G1 coupon apply to only games, or accessories as well?
The coupon applies to both games and accessories, per the wording on the coupon.
I have a $XX.xx pre-owned reward certificate, and I want to use it on a B2G1 transaction. Should I?
It depends. If the three games are equal value, do not use your certificate. The value of the certificate would be applied to the free game, which would not benefit you. If one game is more expensive, you can use the certificate to make it the same value as the other two games ($5 reward certificate applied to transaction with two $10 games and one $15 game would make all three games $10).
ASL/SL: Assistant Store Leader, Store Leader; manager positions at GS.
B2G1: Buy two, get one free. Typically refers to the coupon you receive when becoming Pro.
GCU/BB: Gamer’s Club Unlocked, Best Buy
GS: GameStop
JD: Junior detective, an employee who is out to get someone
LP: Loss Prevention; this is the department that actually bans accounts after being flagged.
TC/TiC: Trade credit.
TIV/TV: Trade in value, or what a game currently trades for. When posting a TV for a game, always use the base value.

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Same here, it sucks as I really liked the people that work there and royally hate the idiots at the next closest store. I'm kinda worried about what'a gonna happen to my Animal Crossing Switch now, I'm guessing/hoping it'll go to the next closest one
During that $5 trade in boost deal I asked a couple of stores what would happen to preorders if the store closes since everything I wanted was pushed back to the end of the year. I got the same answer from all, so I guess it's true that any preorders would be moved to the next closest store.
GME up 6% today. Someone here is buying more than 1 share.
Nope, it was definately my one share purchase that pushed it into the green!!

But seriously, markets are going straight out panic, pull/call price is crazy too... too late now to go more cash so just going to buy some more then stick my head in the sand for the next month or 12. :fridge:

Thought I do have some spare dividends lying around to buy a few more GME shares... they were one of the few in green yesterday :bs:

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Not accurate anyway as my nearest store closed earlier this year and isn't on the list.
There is definitely a delay in some stores showing up. One by my parents closed a month or so ago and finally showed up on that list. AFTER they were already completely closed. I see another store semi close to me is now on the list. Wonder if it is worth the trip there to see if they are open. Or maybe a call.

Wuhan, China, is where the virus started.  Also the town with a major secret Bio Lab.  (src. Senator Cotton).  Google it! (It's something liberal stations suppress.)

The markets were up and down today, as investors scramble to understand the significance of a major pandemic.  Add to that reports of people who recovered getting Coronavirus, only to get it again.  It's like a person-to-person simple contact or airborne HIV.  It's scary.  Markets are going crazy.

Whew.  All this said, in my simple life, if GME tanks in value, will they fold sooner than later?  It's not looking good for the next month, realistically for ANY stock (except the labs working on cures were up).

I mean .. I have AC console reserved for next month .. should I just cancel?  Stocks are tanking, will this put GameStop out of business if it goes below, say, $2.00 ... how about below $1.00?

I'd rather not have them declare bankruptcy while I have pre-orders.

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0301 Ad is up

B2g2 continues. So does 4/10, 4/20.

20%/ 30% Extra credit twrds preorder

$35 trade in this week - SSB, MM2, LM3, AC

Wuhan, China, is where the virus started. Also the town with a major secret Bio Lab. (src. Senator Cotton). Google it! (It's something liberal stations suppress.)

The markets were up and down today, as investors scramble to understand the significance of a major pandemic. Add to that reports of people who recovered getting Coronavirus, only to get it again. It's like a person-to-person simple contact or airborne HIV. It's scary. Markets are going crazy.

Whew. All this said, in my simple life, if GME tanks in value, will they fold sooner than later? It's not looking good for the next month, realistically for ANY stock (except the labs working on cures were up).

I mean .. I have AC console reserved for next month .. should I just cancel? Stocks are tanking, will this put GameStop out of business if it goes below, say, $2.00 ... how about below $1.00?

I'd rather not have them declare bankruptcy while I have pre-orders.
If the consoles get delayed to something like March of 2021 then I'm really not sure Gamestop makes it until then. They would have to survive yet another disaster of a Q4 just to get there.

Not really that surprising to people in Tampa but the University Mall store is now liquidating.  5% Consoles, 10% new and 20% off used.  Not sure what the collectible % is .  

Wuhan, China, is where the virus started. Also the town with a major secret Bio Lab. (src. Senator Cotton). Google it! (It's something liberal stations suppress.)

The markets were up and down today, as investors scramble to understand the significance of a major pandemic. Add to that reports of people who recovered getting Coronavirus, only to get it again. It's like a person-to-person simple contact or airborne HIV. It's scary. Markets are going crazy.

Whew. All this said, in my simple life, if GME tanks in value, will they fold sooner than later? It's not looking good for the next month, realistically for ANY stock (except the labs working on cures were up).

I mean .. I have AC console reserved for next month .. should I just cancel? Stocks are tanking, will this put GameStop out of business if it goes below, say, $2.00 ... how about below $1.00?

I'd rather not have them declare bankruptcy while I have pre-orders.
Stock price isn't what causes a company to declare bankruptcy. Furthermore, even a bankrupt company (Toys R Us as an example) will still accept gift cards for a period of time before going through final liquidation. A bankrupt company goes through a legal process and a judge will always allow the company to accept gift cards for some time.

If the consoles get delayed to something like March of 2021 then I'm really not sure Gamestop makes it until then. They would have to survive yet another disaster of a Q4 just to get there.
The company is not going anywhere anytime soon. They will reduce their footprint closing overlapping stores. They are absolutely in decline with less physical demand, but there is still a significant demand for physical games. Physical demand is decreasing, but the gaming industry is growing. The only thing that would change this is diskless next gen console anouncement and I am fairly sure this would have leaked by now. Gamestop has another console lifecycles in it for sure. 5-7 years and it may be a primarily online store, but they will still have physical stores in major cities. The next, next gen will be entirely digital and that will likely be the end of the company.
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If the consoles get delayed to something like March of 2021 then I'm really not sure Gamestop makes it until then. They would have to survive yet another disaster of a Q4 just to get there.
What matters isn't how bad their Q4 was relative to their previous Q4s (It was bad), but how it compares to other quarters in terms of profitability. Their total global sales for the nine week holiday period were at $1.83 billion. For reference, they were at just $1.3 and $1.4 billion for their second and third quarter. Even though their second quarter wasn't as bad (Only down 14.3% versus 25.7%) in a relative sense compared to their third quarter and holiday season, they lost much more money because second quarters in general are less profitable. Disastrous Q4s are terrible for stock prices and don't bode well for the subsequent quarters, but they themselves will rarely cause bankruptcy because holiday spending in general is much higher. The worst Q4 is still better than an above average Q2. With that said, we should pay close attention to the next two quarters because that will give us a better indication of how GameStop is doing in terms of their balance sheet.
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The company is not going anywhere anytime soon
But I was adding my what-if statements. Currently, CoronaVirus is sending companies to depression eras .. yesterday, today, tomorrow, next week, next month. How will GME survive?

The decline is not going to suddenly end, anytime soon. CoronaVirus, even with it's blockades, will eventually seep through.

There are plenty of Karens in the world who value their "rights" over world health. It's going to spread everywhere.

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Does anyone else think it's funny that the new One-Punch Man game is nowhere to be seen in this ad as "Available Now" despite releasing today? I keep seeing it advertised on Gamestop TVs in-store, so it's not like they haven't been talking about it.
Because he's the hero that no one knows.

What matters isn't how bad their Q4 was relative to their previous Q4s (It was bad), but how it compares to other quarters in terms of profitability. Their total global sales for the nine week holiday period were at $1.83 billion. For reference, they were at just $1.3 and $1.4 billion for their second and third quarter. Even though their second quarter wasn't as bad (Only down 14.3% versus 25.7%) in a relative sense compared to their third quarter and holiday season, they lost much more money because second quarters in general are less profitable. Disastrous Q4s are terrible for stock prices and don't bode well for the subsequent quarters, but they themselves will rarely cause bankruptcy because holiday spending in general is much higher. The worst Q4 is still better than an above average Q2. With that said, we should pay close attention to the next two quarters because that will give us a better indication of how GameStop is doing in terms of their balance sheet.
Overall sales is the only number they can really tout anymore. They are declining in both sales and more importantly, profit margin. And they have been showing early signs of a cash crunch, which is the first real sign that a business is in deep trouble.

Hopefully the consoles come out on time and I can spend my credit on them and this whole debate is just academic. But I've gone from the "No way they go under" camp to the "There's a realistic chance" camp in the last several months.

Overall sales is the only number they can really tout anymore. They are declining in both sales and more importantly, profit margin. And they have been showing early signs of a cash crunch, which is the first real sign that a business is in deep trouble.
Hopefully the consoles come out on time and I can spend my credit on them and this whole debate is just academic. But I've gone from the "No way they go under" camp to the "There's a realistic chance" camp in the last several months.
My point here is that potential losses in Q1-Q3 is far more dangerous than Q4. Their operating expenses will remain largely the same from quarter to quarter, which is why they stand to lose the most in Q1-Q3 due to a lack of profit. Performance compared to the previous year looks bad in terms of the media and public opinion, but what truly matters is what their balance sheet will look at the end of Q1. I fully expected them to find every way to cut expenses this quarter in order to conserve their cash on hand. I’m actually surprised they didn’t do this in previous years when the writing was on the wall. They had far more money and wasted that on questionable acquisitions and business decisions.
I was able to get Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver for basically free. I got a fake Soulsilver, a real heartgold with case, real soulsilver with case and real loose heartgold. I got separate shipments, so one of the packing slips had the heartgold and soulsilver I actually paid for, so I went in and exchanged the fake soulsilver and the loose heartgold for cash to get 100% of my money back so I'm basically left with a heartgold and soulsilver with case for free, thanks gamestop.

Haven't been on here in awhile cause of studying... why are trade values so insanely low on switch games???
They're instituting a new program where they highlight 3 or 4 "top value" trades each week. Those get bumped to $35 base value and everything else gets nerfed lower than where it previously hovered at $25-$30.

This week is MUA 3, Kirby: Star Allies, and DKC: Tropical Freeze.

Next will be Mario Maker, Smash, Luigi's Mansion, and Astral Chain.

Haven't been on here in awhile cause of studying... why are trade values so insanely low on switch games???
They are doing a new thing where part of the weekly deals, some switch games will have a high trade in value, and they shuffle which games have the high trade in value depending on the week.

Not really that surprising to people in Tampa but the University Mall store is now liquidating. 5% Consoles, 10% new and 20% off used. Not sure what the collectible % is .
Thank you for this. Got about 10`000 to play with need to time this right.

I know the UTC one in Sarasota is safe.
Does anyone else think it's funny that the new One-Punch Man game is nowhere to be seen in this ad as "Available Now" despite releasing today? I keep seeing it advertised on Gamestop TVs in-store, so it's not like they haven't been talking about it.
I’m betting stores only got 1-2 copies over preorders.
Ordered new Baldurs Gate and Planescape Enhanced for XB1 and they arrived in separate mailers today. Planescape is sealed but Baldurs must be a display copy and only has the clear round sticker sealing it so I am going to return it. You can't even rely on new games from GS being new. I hate to see them failing but they're blowing it being shady. I had a store the try to sell me an open copy or Borderlands a few weeks ago and I passed to find a sealed copy. I suppose this is common practice, I am surprised they can even legally pull the move breaking the factory seal?
Ordered new Baldurs Gate and Planescape Enhanced for XB1 and they arrived in separate mailers today. Planescape is sealed but Baldurs must be a display copy and only has the clear round sticker sealing it so I am going to return it. You can't even rely on new games from GS being new. I hate to see them failing but they're blowing it being shady. I had a store the try to sell me an open copy or Borderlands a few weeks ago and I passed to find a sealed copy. I suppose this is common practice, I am surprised they can even legally pull the move breaking the factory seal?
Um.... have you been to a gamestop since forever??

I’m betting stores only got 1-2 copies over preorders.
As the company's finances get worse (and possibly worse), I can see GS ordering far fewer copies of games to reduce getting stuck with inventory, except for the usual AAA suspects like Call of Duty and Madden.
Ordered new Baldurs Gate and Planescape Enhanced for XB1 and they arrived in separate mailers today. Planescape is sealed but Baldurs must be a display copy and only has the clear round sticker sealing it so I am going to return it. You can't even rely on new games from GS being new. I hate to see them failing but they're blowing it being shady. I had a store the try to sell me an open copy or Borderlands a few weeks ago and I passed to find a sealed copy. I suppose this is common practice, I am surprised they can even legally pull the move breaking the factory seal?
Um.... have you been to a gamestop since forever??
How is it people are still complaining about this? Same thing with the original cases missing on preowned items.

As the company's finances get worse (and possibly worse), I can see GS ordering far fewer copies of games to reduce getting stuck with inventory, except for the usual AAA suspects like Call of Duty and Madden.
I think that move is going on and was covered in the recent articles. They are ordering less inventory and even ran out of systems and things over the holiday. As I said before, they are showing early signs of a cash crunch.

One of my two stores here in Sumter, SC is closing. I received an email today saying they are closing so I stopped in. I grabbed a pretty cool Grandista Son Goku 2 statue for half off; its pretty big and looks really nice. A smaller Vegeta statue was clearances out for $10, so I grabbed that too. They had one of the Gundam Universe Tamashii Nations RX-78 figures too for 30% off so I bought it. I was hoping there would be some good board games going for cheap but they didn't have much that I don't already own. If hats drop below 30% off I'll go and clean house because they have a few cool hats. I'm probably good other than wanting some hats though. I don't expext to get any good deals on any games.
I think that move is going on and was covered in the recent articles. They are ordering less inventory and even ran out of systems and things over the holiday. As I said before, they are showing early signs of a cash crunch.
Yup, and I'm sure their borrowing ability will also start to get strained. Again, hope some form of GS can survive but even if it does, those early stores suggest it sure isn't anything I'd ever be interested in.
Noticed in the upcoming weekly ad they added PUR Rewards Cash as a preorder bonus for Persona 5 Royal. Here's what I found on the item page.

PUR Members who purchase Persona 5 Royal at GameStop are eligible for up to $10 Rewards Cash!
PowerUp Rewards Members who purchase Persona 5 Royal at GameStop are eligible for up to $10 Rewards Cash!

*While Supplies Last. Not valid on Pre-Own or digital. *** PowerUp Rewards Pro Members are eligible for $10 Rewards Cash and Player Members are eligible for $5 Rewards Cash when you purchase Persona 5 Royal by 4/6/20. Coupon will be delivered to member’s Active Offers within 7 business days of purchase. Rewards Cash valid until 4/20. Limit one per customer

Online/Store Customers: Coupons will be delivered to member's Active Offers within 7 business days of purchase.
This is why I only wanted to type a little, so I wouldn't get drawn into this kind of time wasting back and forth. This is a mix of nit picking and inaccuracies. I'll just address the most relevant one, the Phase 3 part.

"Says GameStop has 4,400 stores, and by the end of Q4, they will be closing over HALF, down to 2,000. Do you know when Q4 ended? It was 4 weeks ago."

Your bolded quote is a misquote. He doesn't say BY the end of Q4, he says AT the end of Q4 they will be closing those stores. Phase 3 is being rolled out AT the end of Q4. Phase 3 is what we are in now, so if Q4 just ended then this newest announcement is basically right on time. The first small round of closings was the Dec-Jan ones, which was around 200 or maybe a bit more. If Gamestop is about to close another 700-1000 then that puts them on pace to close about half the US stores (which are the ones we are talking about) over this next year. This is Gamestop's "large tranche of closures" that everyone at the time claimed couldn't possibly be the Phase 3 Camelot had talked about for some reason.
My mistake on the misquote, and I should've known not to trust the 700-1000 number.

He still claims in the Phase 3 video that they laid off over half of the corporate office, when we know it was only 14%, and knew that even when the video released. When the December/January closings happened he claimed it was the Phase 3 apocalypse starting, because he is making this up as he goes. He doesn't know what is going on with the company, and thought he lucked into his "scoop" coming true. But let's keep moving the goalposts. He can make up all these numbers in every video, and nobody notices. Nobody wants to look into anything. He can say GameStop closed 10,000 stores in December, and he predicted 9/11. GameStop could close their last store in 2025 and you would still say "see Phase 3 was true." He's already moved onto the Chapter 11 bankruptcy scoop with no mention of 2,200 stores not closing yet.

He is running out of shit to peddle about GameStop so now he's moved onto Dollar General, Amazon, and crazy nurse stories. Tomorrow he will probably be posting videos of him putting things in the microwave.

You guys receiving emails for store closings from just the store you designate as "home" in your account or from any you've bought stuff from recently? I haven't gotten any notification of closing but suspect one or two nearby might be on the chopping block. 

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