The General 360 Owners/Buyers FAQ Thread (Updated 1/15/10)

Red Octane sells a Guitar Hero "dual gig" bag when you buy their bit packs of stuff from their online store or through ebay. Haven't seen it for sale by itself though.
A random question for you guys-- I remember hearing that when people get their repaired Xboxes back that they get a 1 month free Live Gold card-- I am only a Live Silver member, and my system is on its way back... I am curious if Silver members get those cards too?

I ask because I'm tempted to redeem a free month trial card I have to get in on the Black Friday XBLA deals but it'd put me in the middle of my 2 weeks off for Christmas if I did now, but if I knew I'd get another card with the 360 whenever it shows up it wouldn't be as big of a deal...

Hey sorry if this makes me sound dumb, but my brother has and Xbox 360 which we hooked up to live about 5 months ago. Then my step brother recently got an xbox 360 which we connected with a game adapter as well. Problem is both can't connect at the same time. When one connects it takes the other's live. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks
I use the Naki G-Pak for my Wii, it holds everything except the Wii Wheel. It's well built, so I'd expect no less on the 360 Version of the case. (This line of cases allows you to hook it up without taking the machine out of the case, as an added benefit) You may want to investigate the 360 version:

Just note that I haven't actually used this version yet, but it seems like it's worth considering :)
I'm thinking about buying the XBOX 360 Arcade Bundle on eBay. With the cashback, its $140 ($120 if I end up getting a coupon code).

The only thing I'd be missing that I need (I do need this right?, for the most part?) is the hard drive, but those are sold for $27 after cashback. I figure that since the Pro bundle is $210 after cashback, saving the money and spending $167 is worth it, since I don't need/want any of the other things in the Pro bundle (except the headset, but my friend told me that's not totally necessary on Live anymore).

Should I buy the arcade bundle and a hard drive separately? Or the Pro?
With all the 360 bundle deals going on right now, especially at Amazon, I can't see why you'd purchase one on eBay, especially if you have to wait for cash back that you *may* not receive.
I'm not sure how far you've looked into the hardware revisions pertaining to the 360, but a new hardware revision was *just* spotted in stores. This new revision is referred to as the Jasper as you may or may not have heard and features a 65nm GPU rather than a 90 (80?) nm GPU. Many suspect that this revision will cut down on the systems' problems due to its lower power consumption and supposedly lower heat generation.

Here is a thread about the Jasper sighting: (click on the alternate link to see the pictures)

Using ebay cashback is a great idea in order to grab things on the cheap, but the console that you receive will most likely not be a jasper console. I'm not telling you to wait, but I just wanted you to be informed of the situation.
[quote name='Corvin']Any 'ol laptop bag. Plus being a CAG, if you already have one it costs nothing to use.[/QUOTE]

...I like the way you think. I just wonder if it will all fit.
How is their shipping of the product? Anything ever come broken? Do they pack it well, even with free shipping?

I'm thinking of ordering the 360 tonight or tomorrow, but I've never ordered a system through them before. Though I have repeatedly ordered games, and even my new TV. But with the past problems of the 360, I just want to make sure the thing will be coming in great condition.

So... anyone care to comment?

Thanks. :bouncy:

Also... is there any significant difference with the Elite and Pro Bundles, outside of color and HD size?
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Their shipping sucked ass. My xbox 360 was put in an over sized box and it was able to slip and slide, but thankfully it wasn't broken.
I just actually got one from Amazon a few days ago. On of the corners of the box was a little dinged but thats it. Ordered it Tuesday after 6pm and had it the next day by 3pm (gotta love next day delivery!!!)
Mine has the E74 error and the 4th player quadrant light flashes red.
But thats only sometimes.. its really weird. i just turn it off and on again and it usually works.
I am being serious here I dont think you should move your xbox anywhere. I am not kidding when I say that the xbox is a complete ass product. Moving it will most likely break it for reason completely unknown.

I am on my 2nd xbox already and all I did was put it in a back pack to carry to my friends house and now I have the Open Tray error. An error that happens when you move the xbox and it somehow messes up the lenses and it stops reading any disk that you put in.

All I am saying is dont be surprised if your xbox breaks soon after moving it around a lot.
Ok, so it looks like my xbox is broken again. I just got it back from msoft not but a few months ago and already its broken. I dont have red rings I have a open tray error. Quick google search and you will be really surprised at how common this is.

Alright so yes I could send it to msoft....but to be honest I am really fucking sick of being out a xbox for 5-6 weeks every couple months due to no actions of my own. So my overall goal now is to find some way to be able to get another xbox quickly instead of going through msoft.

So what I want is one of those walk in a exchange no question asked warranties, keeping in mind that I bought my 360 like 2 years ago. So I would need a place to sell me just the warranty part and not the xbox part.

So what I am thinking of is just to take my HDD off and buy a arcade system from a store that has a warranty then send my broken one back and trade it into gamestop or something to recoup the some money.

What other options due I have? And what stores offer a no questions asked exchange policy for xboxes?

Wait, what?

You go on about wanting to buy a warranty without a box, but then say you're going to buy an Arcade, then send your box in and when you get it back, trade it in to recoup the losses from buying the new Arcade.
Ok let me see if I can make this more clear.

Problem. I dont want to wait the 5-6 weeks for a xbox from msoft.

My solution. Go buy a arcade system from a store that has a no questions asked exchange policy. (Because getting a msoft warranty would still mean I would have to send it in)

2. Then send in the broken xbox to msoft and when I get that back sell it to recoup the money I just spent for the arcade.

End result.

1. brand new xbox with a no questions asked return policy that should cost less than 200 bucks.
1. refurbished xbox from msoft that i can sell to recoup some of the 200 bucks.

Question I am asking. What stores offer a no questions asked exchange policy?

Is that clear enough?
Well, for one thing, these days most people are only out a 360 for 1-2 weeks. Secondly, many places these days aren't doing a "no questions asked" return policy on the 360. Take Best Buy for example. I've heard from a number of people that now they only honor that warranty if your Microsoft warranty has already expired, otherwise you have to send it in to Microsoft.

Your best bet, really, is to just send in the 360 and do something else for a few weeks. I'm sure that you have other things to do than just play 360 games all day.
Actually I work 12-15 hours a day and would only like to relax by actually using the product I bought.

The problem I have with just sending it in is the fact that this is now my 2 xbox 5 months. I also have never had just 1-2 weeks for my xbox to return to me.
[quote name='Limet']eh
Mine has the E74 error and the 4th player quadrant light flashes red.
But thats only sometimes.. its really weird. i just turn it off and on again and it usually works.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Been doing that since I got it back from repairs over a year ago. Tried new cables but did no good. Been meaning to send it in, but I never want to because all it takes is one reset and it works fine.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I am being serious here I dont think you should move your xbox anywhere. I am not kidding when I say that the xbox is a complete ass product. Moving it will most likely break it for reason completely unknown.

I am on my 2nd xbox already and all I did was put it in a back pack to carry to my friends house and now I have the Open Tray error. An error that happens when you move the xbox and it somehow messes up the lenses and it stops reading any disk that you put in.

All I am saying is dont be surprised if your xbox breaks soon after moving it around a lot.[/quote]

You're referring to the older 360s. The newer ones don't have any of these shitty problems. Nor do some older consoles. I've had my console since Nov. of '06 and haven't had one problem with it yet other than the DVD drive not opening correctly sometimes.
I got mine from Amazon back while and with the free shipping and free dead rising it was pretty cool. Pretty much all my game purchases are from them or Gamefly but you will run into the lack of returning the system option if it doesn't work.
Bought mine from Amazon a couple days ago. They shipped it in an oversized box, but they stuffed it with those air bubble things to stop it from sliding around. Pretty much came in perfect condition.
I just got an arcade bundle and I also have a 20 gig drive I got on clearance. I was wondering what the typical amount of usable space on these drives. It's only showing around 13 gig. I have deleted pretty much all the stuff on the drive. I know you don't get the full space listed with any hard drive you get, but on such a small drive, I was expecting to only have lost maybe one or two gig. I'm thinking about reformatting it.
[quote name='Soodmeg']
1. brand new xbox with a no questions asked return policy that should cost less than 200 bucks.
1. refurbished xbox from msoft that i can sell to recoup some of the 200 bucks.

Go this route, try to get a Jasper. WalMart is probably your best bet.
Yep, it's around 13GB. Good news is that's enough for one game install (for your current game), plus a decent number of demos.
[quote name='spooie_redux']Bavgate... do you know if your model is a JASPER model?

Thanks all.[/QUOTE]

According to the topic where people ordered their system on friday, none of them got an eilte. Also Elite system comes with HDMI cable
Hey, I ordered Tom Clancy's Endwar (360) on ebay ($24 shipped) however the seller stated that the game was region free.

I know region free games can be played on any Xbox 360 however I really have a couple of questions.

If one gets a region free game from Asia (or region) does one connect to that region's server? (Ex.: Playing an Asian 360 game on a US 360 but you have to play in the Asian network instead of the North America/USA network). I know this is especially true for Ubisoft games.

Also, the seller stated that the game is in English however for most region free games do they have multiple languages on the disc? (Ex.: Chinese and English on an Asian 360 game)?

Thank you so much, I have been wondering about this.
Yes, most region free games let you play with whoever.

I've never heard of Ubisoft games having the region locking Live problems, only EA games.

Yes, there are multiple languages to choose from. The game defaults to your system's default language, which should be English.
Thanks man. I also heard that circuit city has a exchage policy also.

I looked at the wal mart one and it looks like its a ship out one but I will have to get that clarified.
I would be careful with Circuit City as they filed for Bankruptcy. Here in AZ they are closing every last one of their 20+ stores statewide. They may not offer one in your area or if the store closes down you would be out your warranty. I have heard that Sam's Club, and Costco also offer no questions asked warranties, so that might be an option.
Hey guys im buying another 360 for my house so me and my bro can play online at the same time(not like halo 3 etc) .. Anyone Knows whats the Best Router out there .. Ive been looking at the

Netgear RangeMax Premium Wireless-N Gigabit Router (WNR3500) and it looks great but it has its mixed reviews....So if anyone knows whats the best wireless router that can support 2 consoles and 2 pcs please hit me up thanks. :)

I currently and for some time have been using my Linksys WRT54GL wireless router and it's great. There is a custom firmware and article on the net that lets you adjust the dialed back settings so it's my recommendation, plus it's compatible with my 360, 3 PCs and a DS.

I recommend this baby though, due to it being new and improved with today's sale, but don't know about compatibility:
Any router should work fine for internet stuff. Do you do a lot of intranet transfers? If so, you'll need to be more selective. But if all you want is connectivity to the internet/Live, anything will work just fine.
As of right now there's still no way to gift XBLA games that don't have specific retail cards. Your best bet is to buy a MS Points card and gift it.
I just got my 360 maybe 2-3 weks ago, during the 1st countdown to BF ad on amazon. I picked up Conan from CC? and started playing it over the weekend. When I go to save my progress, whether it is at a different stage point, or randomly thru-out, I can't over-write my previously saved progress. When I save, it gives me the option to, but when I save it, it puts it in another slot. I can't remember where I am at, but I have about 7-9 saved slots. Is there a secret to it that I am missing?

I've never played the game but I assume you just save to the same slot and overwrite the save file.

So, based on all the other games... if you save on say slot 1, when you again save to slot 1, it should ask something like "Do you want to overwrite previously saved file" in which you should hit OK or Yes.
That's weird. Can you at least see the date or the amount of time that's passed so you can tell which save is the latest?
How is Conan btw? I heard it wasn't that great.
[quote name='XUGrad']
I just got a new Holiday Elite 360, but I'm not sure it is even a Falcon. Here are the details:

XBOX 360 Elite
LOT NO: 0821
MRF DATE: 2008-05-23

If it is not, should I even worry about it? Thanks in advance!

I got a THEM holiday bundle also but it seems to be a Falcon or is it? Build date is 2008-07-28. It had a sticker over the original label. Anyone got info on these? Should I send it back to Amazon?
bread's done