The General 360 Owners/Buyers FAQ Thread (Updated 1/15/10)

Well honestly you get a 3yr warranty no matter what so I'm not sure it's a showstopper. If I was buying the unit in a store where I could pick and choose, I would only buy a Jasper chipset, but if you're trying to save a few bucks, and get two awesome games at the same time I'm sure you're getting at the very worst the chipset prior to Jasper, which I think is still considered reliable overall.
Do any of you have experience connecting to Live by connecting the 360 to a PC? If so I'm in a bit of a pickle and could use the help.

My nephew is in need of doing this in order to connect to Live. I've set him up to do this before, by sharing connection through Internet Connection Sharing in Windows XP, and it worked like a charm at his old house. Now he's at a new house with new Internet and a whole new router and he can't seem to get it to work again. Of course, guess who gets called to fix it?

Every time I try to repeat the steps and allow his ethernet port to share connections with the wireless card I'm greeted with this lovely error:

Internet connection sharing cannot be enabled. A LAN connection is already configured with the IP address required for automatic IP addressing.

Then after some tweaking I'd get this message:

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) cannot be enabled due to an IP address conflict on the network. ICS requires the host be configured to use Please ensure that no other client on the network is configured to use

Thinking maybe his computer was corrupted by a virus or something, I tried plugging the 360 into a Vista laptop and this time got just got a "there was an error" message with no information.

Has anybody else had this problem? Could it possibly be something with the new wireless router/modem they got from the cable company, which is different then the DSL they previously had? I've tried looking up some information but all I could find was telling how to bridge the connection, which causes his computer to not connect to the net at all, or the typical "LAWL buy the Wireless adapter!"
[quote name='Aku']Do any of you have experience connecting to Live by connecting the 360 to a PC? If so I'm in a bit of a pickle and could use the help.

My nephew is in need of doing this in order to connect to Live. I've set him up to do this before, by sharing connection through Internet Connection Sharing in Windows XP, and it worked like a charm at his old house. Now he's at a new house with new Internet and a whole new router and he can't seem to get it to work again. Of course, guess who gets called to fix it?

Every time I try to repeat the steps and allow his ethernet port to share connections with the wireless card I'm greeted with this lovely error:

Internet connection sharing cannot be enabled. A LAN connection is already configured with the IP address required for automatic IP addressing.

Then after some tweaking I'd get this message:

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) cannot be enabled due to an IP address conflict on the network. ICS requires the host be configured to use Please ensure that no other client on the network is configured to use

Thinking maybe his computer was corrupted by a virus or something, I tried plugging the 360 into a Vista laptop and this time got just got a "there was an error" message with no information.

Has anybody else had this problem? Could it possibly be something with the new wireless router/modem they got from the cable company, which is different then the DSL they previously had? I've tried looking up some information but all I could find was telling how to bridge the connection, which causes his computer to not connect to the net at all, or the typical "LAWL buy the Wireless adapter!"[/QUOTE]

Did you configure his xbox with a static IP, that may be causing the IP conflict.
[quote name='stoned99']Did you configure his xbox with a static IP, that may be causing the IP conflict.[/QUOTE]

Tried that, still gets the same issue. Thanks for the suggestion though.
[quote name='Spades22']I get my internet access as part of my rent...each room is hooked up to internet, so I have no access to the modem. If that is part of the problem, can I open up connections somehow from my comp?
Use internet connection sharing with your laptop or try buying a cheap wired router.
I just bought a 360. Before it ships here I have a few questions. Though I plan on buying Live, I don't want to buy it before I beat CoD4. (I beat way too few games lately, so this will motivate me)

Will I be able to keep any achievements I earn before I buy Xbox Live? When I buy XBL, what happens if I use a gamertag like "Andy" or "Doomed" locally on my 360, and it's taken already? Will I be able to change it? What happens if I have Live for a year, but forget to update my subscription? Do I lose any achievements I earned on that gamertag?

I've heard from my friend that he used to keep his 360 vertical, but it fuxed some of his discs, so now it has to be horizontal. Is this true? I remember reading about it.

What happens if I save everything to the Arcade's memory, then buy a HDD? Can I transfer data between the two? HDD's are unreliable, so I'd like to keep save files on the flash memory if possible. Will this be a nuisance every time I want to play a game?
[quote name='Doomed']I just bought a 360. Before it ships here I have a few questions. Though I plan on buying Live, I don't want to buy it before I beat CoD4. (I beat way too few games lately, so this will motivate me)

Will I be able to keep any achievements I earn before I buy Xbox Live? When I buy XBL, what happens if I use a gamertag like "Andy" or "Doomed" locally on my 360, and it's taken already? Will I be able to change it? What happens if I have Live for a year, but forget to update my subscription? Do I lose any achievements I earned on that gamertag?

I've heard from my friend that he used to keep his 360 vertical, but it fuxed some of his discs, so now it has to be horizontal. Is this true? I remember reading about it.

What happens if I save everything to the Arcade's memory, then buy a HDD? Can I transfer data between the two? HDD's are unreliable, so I'd like to keep save files on the flash memory if possible. Will this be a nuisance every time I want to play a game?[/QUOTE]

Your achievements are connected to your profile. Once you finally connect to XBL they will update in the system.

Your local name on your 360 is not your gamertag. It is your profile name on the save device attached to the Xbox. Once you register for XBL you will have to pick a unique gamertag. It doesn't have to be the same name as your profile name.

If you subscribe to live via LIVE cards sold at the store your account will just revert to silver if you dont renew it before it expires. Nothing happens to your gamerscore/achievements if you dont renew your gold subscription.

I install all the games I play to the HDD so disks spinning vertically in the drive isnt such a big issue anymore other than when you are installing the game. I have had my 360 vertical for a few months now and have no problems.

Your profile/saves can be transferred between a memory card and a 360 hard drive. I wouldnt worry about your saves on your 360 HDD though. I havent really heard anything about people's XBOX hard drives crashing.
Your profile/saves can be transferred between a memory card and a 360 hard drive. I wouldnt worry about your saves on your 360 HDD though. I havent really heard anything about people's XBOX hard drives crashing.
You know you have a hard drive and they do sometimes fail but is 30 bucks, which is how much it costs now from amazon (I paid 60 from codejunkies awhile ago), worth saving all your hard work? I think so:

Then again I back up everything on my external 500 GB HDD for my PC so that's where I stand.
[quote name='Spybreak8']You know you have a hard drive and they do sometimes fail but is 30 bucks, which is how much it costs now from amazon (I paid 60 from codejunkies awhile ago), worth saving all your hard work? I think so:

Then again I back up everything on my external 500 GB HDD for my PC so that's where I stand.[/QUOTE]I lucked out and got an xport a couple years ago at a BBY for 15. It's also very handy for transferring saves from an original xbox memory card for those who want to play BC games and use saves from their xbox1. Also great for saving downloaded roster files to either the 360 or xbox1 card (NFL2k5's NFL 08/09 season rosters for example).
[quote name='jdawgg76']I lucked out and got an xport a couple years ago at a BBY for 15. It's also very handy for transferring saves from an original xbox memory card for those who want to play BC games and use saves from their xbox1. Also great for saving downloaded roster files to either the 360 or xbox1 card (NFL2k5's NFL 08/09 season rosters for example).[/QUOTE]

True, I forgot about the original xbox saves as I've also done that which was a time saver in a half.
I'm hooked up to my receiver using HDMI, and my System Settings are set to Dolby Digital 5.1, but the Dashboard, Dead Rising, and Braid only output in 2.0 stereo. What's the problem? From a review I found online, at least DR should be outputting 5.1.

Edit: Fixed. In settings, switch to stereo, then switch back to 5.1.
I'm running my XBOX through an HDMI cable to my plasma, which doesn't feature a headphone input, but I want to use my new gaming headphones. Any solutions?
Only thing I can think of is running your sound through a stereo receiver. Maybe the headphone jack on the controller? Ive never even bothered with wired headsets so dunno if sound only can be put through there.
The official MS HDMI cable comes with an audio out dongle that plugs into the AV out. From there you can easily convert to headphones. If you don't have said piece, you can makeshift one by shaving or cutting the AV cable so that it will fit with the HDMI cable and go from there.
[quote name='Ziv']The official MS HDMI cable comes with an audio out dongle that plugs into the AV out. From there you can easily convert to headphones. If you don't have said piece, you can makeshift one by shaving or cutting the AV cable so that it will fit with the HDMI cable and go from there.[/QUOTE]

Makes sense until you get to the next step: The male component cables.
I don't know how they hook up but I've heard the Xbox 360 Turtle Beach headsets are fucking phenomenal. I work at BB and we get them at a pretty ridiculous discount so I think I will pick up a few within the next week or so. If I do I'll let you know how they are.
[quote name='Nealocus123']I don't know how they hook up but I've heard the Xbox 360 Turtle Beach headsets are fucking phenomenal. I work at BB and we get them at a pretty ridiculous discount so I think I will pick up a few within the next week or so. If I do I'll let you know how they are.[/QUOTE]

Meh, I have the X1's, they aren't phenomenal by any means. They have too much bass in my opinion and it drowns everything else out, plus everybody's voices sound weird. I've used my friends Astro's before and they were much better.
Yea I know I can buy TF on BR, but I decided to fire up my HD-DVD player and pop in TF HD-DVD and guess what? Dashboard won't reconize the disc..but it does see the HD-DVD drive (open/close, in memory, etc). I used the update disc that came with it and no go :(
So I guess you can't play HD-DVD's on the new dashboard?

second question is, how to I change themes? I forgot :(

[quote name='ITDEFX']Yea I know I can buy TF on BR, but I decided to fire up my HD-DVD player and pop in TF HD-DVD and guess what? Dashboard won't reconize the disc..but it does see the HD-DVD drive (open/close, in memory, etc). I used the update disc that came with it and no go :(
So I guess you can't play HD-DVD's on the new dashboard?

second question is, how to I change themes? I forgot :(


Hmm that's interesting, maybe try the HD-DVD with your PC as it works with PCs right?

For the theme it's quite easy actually. Just go to your My Xbox and over one selecting your profile, scroll down to Change Theme.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Hmm that's interesting, maybe try the HD-DVD with your PC as it works with PCs right?

For the theme it's quite easy actually. Just go to your My Xbox and over one selecting your profile, scroll down to Change Theme.[/QUOTE]

Ok I tried it on my BR/HD-DVD PC works fine. Still no go for my 360 hd-dvd ...hmmm

Thanks for the theme change tip! :)
[quote name='ITDEFX']Yea I know I can buy TF on BR, but I decided to fire up my HD-DVD player and pop in TF HD-DVD and guess what? Dashboard won't reconize the disc..but it does see the HD-DVD drive (open/close, in memory, etc). I used the update disc that came with it and no go :(
So I guess you can't play HD-DVD's on the new dashboard?

second question is, how to I change themes? I forgot :(


Huh!!, Yes you can play HD-DVD, it evens says HD-DVD on the dashboard, you may want to check your disc (and I'm assuming you have an HD-DVD drive ???)
[quote name='stoned99']Huh!!, Yes you can play HD-DVD, it evens says HD-DVD on the dashboard, you may want to check your disc (and I'm assuming you have an HD-DVD drive ???)[/QUOTE]

I checked King Kong, Apollo 13, Planet Earth, TF and they aren't showing up on the hd-dvd 360 drive, yet it shows up and plays fine on my PC.


Wonder if my HD-DVD player died on me....
[quote name='life.exe']Meh, I have the X1's, they aren't phenomenal by any means. They have too much bass in my opinion and it drowns everything else out, plus everybody's voices sound weird. I've used my friends Astro's before and they were much better.[/QUOTE]

I've got the X4 and it's simply incredible. I love it.
Have you tried plugging it in to your PC, to see if it'll read that way? You could try playing DVDs on it too just to see.
The next step from male RCA is Y adapter to whatever headphones plug you have. Radio Shack. They have what you're looking for. Walmart would too if what to slog through there. It's a simple conversion.
I couldn't find the exact single product that you need at Monoprice, but these two will work:

$1.19 + shipping

That's if you use the extra cables coming from the Xbox. If your TV has RCA out, you can use that plus two couplers to plug your headphones up to your TV.

I'm sure there's a solution without all the couplers somewhere, but Monoprice seems a bit limited at the moment.
If so some reason your t.v cant output sound with the cables Coke mentioned, the Turtle Beach X4s, and I believe the Tritton AX360s, use optical out, so you can use those directly from your 360. THe only downside is they are probably at least $150.
Yea I didn't want to shell out the money for the X4 so I got a wireless headset for the TV. Depending on where you plug into the sound output on the TV you can listen to the TV, Blurary movies or the 360 through the wireless headphones. Believe I found these Altec Lansings for around 60 bucks on sale from Buy:
No microphone although they're superb when you want to hear all the game's audio at night. ^^
I'm about ready to tear my hair out in frustration. My launch 360 elite, which has been the steady and strong workhorse of all my gaming consoles, has decided that it's time to cash in on all the brownie points it's earned in the past two years and keel over and die. It's been freezing like mad, and now gives me disc read errors when I try to play Prince of Persia.

After trying to beg for a free repair ("Please for the love of christ, it's basically a RRoD!"), I'm left with two options for Old Nelly. Either suck it up and pay the $100 to get it repaired, and risk it still not working, or buy an arcade 360 (or if I really want to blow my money, a new Elite) and use the old one for modding experiments.

What do you guys think? Should I get it repaired, or just get a new one?
I would, but there's no garuntee that by fixing the RRoD they'd fix the other issues... I just decided to suck it up and get a new console. that you have a new one, you've got nothing to lose, right? Bake that old one (wrap it in a towel). Make it red ring. Send it off, and hope you get lucky. Worst case scenario, you get it back in the exact same condition. Best case scenario, you get it back in working condition, and can sell it on eBay as refurbished with a nice 90 day warranty.
[quote name='BrynnFlynn']I would, but there's no garuntee that by fixing the RRoD they'd fix the other issues... I just decided to suck it up and get a new console.[/QUOTE]
most likely it would, but if it didn't you'll get a 90 day warranty for any defect when it comes back, so you can send it back. likely you wouldn't need to though.
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] that you have a new one, you've got nothing to lose, right? Bake that old one (wrap it in a towel). Make it red ring. Send it off, and hope you get lucky. Worst case scenario, you get it back in the exact same condition. Best case scenario, you get it back in working condition, and can sell it on eBay as refurbished with a nice 90 day warranty.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, now that's a tempting proposition. I was planning on trying my hand at modding it as a summer project, but the chance to make some money back is a tempting one indeed. XD
[quote name='BrynnFlynn']Hmmm, now that's a tempting proposition. I was planning on trying my hand at modding it as a summer project, but the chance to make some money back is a tempting one indeed. XD[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's my advice to everybody man. I sold my refurbed 20gb system for $172 back in November. I just wasn't comfortable hanging onto to a once broken system with only a 90 day warranty. But there are plenty of people on eBay not near as crafty as us CAGs. They see it as a great deal. You should be able to do pretty well with an Elite.
[quote name='BrynnFlynn']Even without the hard drive? I refuse to give that sucker up, I've got too much stuff on it.[/QUOTE]

Well, I took the opportunity to upgrade from a 20gb to a 120gb at the time, so it didn't bother me. I guess you could sell it without it and see how you do. Either way, as long as you list it right, you'll get what it's worth...which in the end should be better than using it as an experiment.
i have personally fixed more 360s than i can count. just replace the dvd drive ($30) and flash with it appropriate key. i understand if that is something you cannot do, but its very cheap, well cheaper than buying new one and/or getting it repaired.
Maybe off topic, but when do Live cards really expire? I'm aware that they don't actually expire according to the date on the back, but I know eventually the code will be invalid so how long before it happens?
[quote name='bardockkun']Maybe off topic, but when do Live cards really expire? I'm aware that they don't actually expire according to the date on the back, but I know eventually the code will be invalid so how long before it happens?[/QUOTE]

Never. *IF* it does you just call customer service and give them the code and after they verify that it has never been used and doesnt work they will give you a new one.
[quote name='BrynnFlynn']I would, but there's no garuntee that by fixing the RRoD they'd fix the other issues... I just decided to suck it up and get a new console.[/QUOTE]

They dont send you back your same xbox (at least I have never recieved the same one back). So who cares what all is wrong with it. Call them and tell them it has RRoD. Thats all. Thats it. Nothing else. Either when they get it they will fix it (like they did for me) or they will send it back. You have nothing to lose. Why do people call and beg for free repairs when if you tell them it has RRoD they give you all the shit to ship it?
My November 2007 Falcon Arcade RRoDed Saturday night. On Sunday morning I went down to [shudder] Wal*Mart and picked up a new Jasper Arcade. I've ordered the X-Clamp fix and am going to fix the Falcon Arcade unit myself and sell it to a friend for cheap along with a spare 20GB HDD I have.

As long as you don't mind the color change, Jaspers are the real deal. The noise and heat are like night and day and that's even compared to my previous Falcon unit. The only confirmed Jasper Elites were the Resident Evil editions. Microsoft seems to have a ton of Elite backlog in warehouses so even the Halo 3/Fable II packs are nothing more than re-packaged Falcons made summer of 2008, heh.
Ok an update on my 360 hd-dvd drive... tested it out and it won't read on my PC either (ehh??). So I pulled out the spare drive I bought from Kmart for 25 last year and vola it works :)

however now having this wierd problem. Every few minutes it would blink and say HDCP (or something) lost then restored. I am running my arcade on HDMI.

Never had this problem before.
Yeah, I mean, I wanted to upgrade at some point anyways, if only to get the new Jasper chipsets and such. I guess I'll try claiming it's RRoD'd, then see what happens from there. Thanks guys!
Well... if you want to go the /expensive/ (but incredibly effective) route, one of the best options would be a decent reciever that has Dolby Headphone technology built in. This produces a simulated 5.1 soundspace with headphones. This is the set up I will have shortly, when my new reciever gets here.

Currently, I have a wireless Pioneer SE-DIR1000C Dolby Headphone
set. Which sounds incredible. But, again, many times you get what you pay for?

If you can get an optical output from your 360, the Pioneer set will work with that. Or you could use the optical in conjunction with a cheap headphones driver that can interpret optical input. Lots of options. I suggest you go to, head to the console gaming area, do a search for headphones, and read about the options.
bread's done