The Howard Stern Thread

I gotta say Bubba killed it for me. He's good in his own element but with Howard, it was constantly trying to "big time" everyone and draw the focus of everyones attn to him.

While the Sheik appearance was good, it wasnt as good as I was hoping. Ill wait and catch in on HTV.
Anyone catch the fallout from Bubba's show today?

People on SFN blasted him for being a dick to the Sheik etc etc and he got his panties in a wad over it all.
yeah.. no only that.. but they get 3 day weekends...and they bitch about their jobs when we complain about them taking so much time off...
Yeah, I just came to check to see if they were on vacation again....oh well, another week without. Luckily I recorded the shows and I'm behind on listening to them. I still have the Sheik show to listen too :)
Yeah I'm behind on my shows too cause I keep trying to stay up to date on podcasts (shakes fist at CAGcast). I think I'm at the 7/30 show. But I'm just annoyed at how much time they take off. The other thing that bothers me is that when they first started at Sirius they made it sound like there was gonna be 24 hours of content playing on three channels. Now we're nearly two years in, there's only two channels and other than Bubba and Ferrel's shows they only do one extra show a day .. Reilly (why is he on at 12am?!), Jackie's Joke Hunt (which is simply unlistenable), The SFRtable, and The Intern show.
At this point I'm not surprised at all the vacation days they are taking off. Funny thing is back in the krock days howard would call any person who took long vacations a douche and yet in the end he become that person.
[quote name='Will']The option of 3 channels and more original content than ever? Yeah if you have access to Howard Tv.[/quote]

Which was bullocks. It could be ok now .. I dont know. But about a year ago I got Howard tv for a month and it was a colossal waste. There was hardly any content on there, updates were few and far between, and worst of all .. if there was a specific moment of the show that you wanted to see you were fucked because a) they didnt provide a description of a given day's content b) based on what was taking place what you want to see might be in a daily show or they might have it in a specific category (ie sexy fun, artie, controversies, etc) so it was tough to tell where you should be looking. And the final complaint that its $13 a month for content that you're basically already paying for and when you think about it sucks cause you can get HBO for $12 a month and you have access to 12 channels and a shit pile of more content.

Reading over my past few posts it seems I hate the Stern show and everything they do :lol:. I assure you all however its the absolute opposite.
Most people complain that HTV's biggest prob is getting updated but it seems that Howard puts that off on the cable companies not updating it themselves when the programs are released. Imagine if this stuff was made available on dvd or download via net the legit ways.

Gotta say lately things havent been that great....although the rumblings about Sal being roasted next would be possibly the best one ever cause you know theyd rail his wife and her emotional friend issue.
WTF..they go on 2wk vacation..come back for 2 weeks, go away for another week, come back for 2 weeks and theyre fucking leaving AGAIN! jesus christ his vacation schedule rules!
And it wont be long until they take their huge ass Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations (which dont bother me as much cause I'm gone the same time as them during those holidays :lol:)
It wouldnt be so f'n bad if they played some decent best of stuff. I could go for them replaying the roasts or Billy West specials again.
I heard that they are going to play some billy west specials next week. I also am getting kind of annoyed with all these vacations to the point where I'm thinking of cancelling my subscription.
Theres too much other good stuff on Sirius to cancel based on Howard's vacation streak.

I like listening to Court Tv shows. Some are good for radio that you dont have to see to be able to keep up.

I dig the E! channel as well when theyre doing the True Hollywood stories.

Then so much more.............
There are a couple of other channels that are decent but I can basically listen to the same thing on regular radio for free or I can just plug in my ipod and listen to other things.
Yeah, I love SIRIUS, but I honestly don't listen to it enough to justify the cost after my sub ends on 9/1. I LOVE stern, but there are other methods to get the show. I REALLY do love Sirius, but I need to save some cash as I just had to get a new furnace & A/C unit. That sucked.

The vacations are a bit ridiculous lately also...
I hear you on that.. I on year 2 of 3 and I'm thinking that it's not worth it to renew once that comes up.. Stern is great..when they are there.. 4 day weeks.. I can care less for mastercrap theather... I enjoy Bubba and Farrell.. the crap with the 'original content' is ridiculous because it's not original.. it's recycled and it's crap.. the only special I enjoyed was the music special...
As I was saying to my buddy today .. if I were someone that just signed up for Stern, I would definitely cancel. The amount of time they take off is ridiculous. They work four day weeks and then take off for 10 weeks (according to them .. it feels like more though). I, however, am addicted to some of the other stations on Sirius like Alt Nation. Its on almost exclusively when I'm in my car and its still a hell of a lot better than testicle radio with their incessant commercials and playing the same 10 songs over and over.

EDIT: I gotta say though, when they're off, I enjoy the format they're doing today the most .. the mammary lane stuff. Its short and to the point and you hear the good stuff. Whereas master tape theater tends to be boring.
mammary lane is better than Mastertape...but it is still old stuff.. which I don't mind every once in a while...but with this..mastertape...and everything else they play when they are gets old real fast.. people might not like Bubba..but they almost never take off..
Yes, I would rather see Bubba do the mornings when Stern is gone. Mammary Lane is much better though than Masterpiece. Oh well, looks like my sub will just end soon :( Need money for other things.
Scott Depace is insane .. he chased someone that had a bumper sticker he didnt agree with. And he cuts people off or doesnt let them in the lane for the same reason. (I'm a little behind in listening to the shows)
Is Bubba on vacation this week or did something happen? I hate my Sirius in my car because it does not scroll, so I cannot tell what is happenening.
[quote name='DJSteel']Yeah they are on vacation today.. they have that bamboozle fest tonight...[/QUOTE]

Really, I thought it was last week....maybe I was off a week though. Oh well, I just found it odd since Bubba never seems to take vacation (although, he took two/three days just a few weeks ago).
That Ralph Hamptons story as really nuts. With all the problems Ralph has caused, it's hard to imagine how Howard and he are still friends.
[quote name='CheapyD']That Ralph Hamptons story as really nuts. With all the problems Ralph has caused, it's hard to imagine how Howard and he are still friends.[/quote]
It's funny how ralph even drove sam simon out of his own house. I'm also surprised artie gave him money in the first place and still hasn't seen a dime of it.
Oh man. I'm listening to the 9/4 show with Ralph at the Hamptons. This is friggin phenomenal. I already heard the aftermath of Ralph being pissed at Artie from this mornings show but hearing all this back story is great.
Just heard the replay of todays show and wow ralph is such a douche. I'm seriously confused as to why howard and the rest of the gang don't get so fed up with ralph that they just decide to not invite him anywhere.
I thought it was funny when Howard said they would start running H100 with Ralph and when the replays hit on H101, they would edit out all Ralph so one channel could be Ralph free lol.
I love Evil Dave. He's my second favorite personality on the show (second to Steve Langford). He's hilarious when he makes a joke and is even better when he inevitably screws up a joke. And then there are times when he just says something that barely counts as a rational statement, ie "Robin looks like a lab rat with a sunburn".
[quote name='hufferstl']I didn't realize how much I missed Eric the Midget until yesterday.[/quote]

I hear that. Great avatar by the way. Bubbles is the man and Trailer Park Boys is one of the best shows ever.

Also, here's the gay, creepy, insane guy from the show today that cries about people harrassing Britney Spears:

I don't know how trailer park boys never got picked up by HBO or Showtime in the US. I love Mr. Lahey, he is such a drunk fuck.

And I hope that Howard gives that Britney Spears guy his own hour a week just to rant. That would be great.

[quote name='Maklershed']I hear that. Great avatar by the way. Bubbles is the man and Trailer Park Boys is one of the best shows ever.

Also, here's the gay, creepy, insane guy from the show today that cries about people harrassing Britney Spears:
I have Sirius and I used to listen every day, but now I rarely listen. A few weeks ago I decided to start listening again and wouldn't you know it, Stern was on vacation as usual. I need to get back into the show, cuz all the drama with Artie is great. Artie is the man!
Am I the only one that gets the impression Wendy "the retard" is a scam artist? She might be a little stupid but she's in no way retarded. I think her whole thing is an act cause it gets her attention. And if she's retarded or not, I dont find any bit of the show involving her funny.
Ive seen vid of her and if she isnt retarded, she's doing a good acting job.

I don think she's full blown tard but she's definately a few frech fries short of a happy meal.

Todays show was meh except when they goofed on Sal wanting "traction" and then when they announced monday that Sal and his wife were gonna be on the show with Dr Keith Ablow to get some counseling, Artie was playing the role of Christine's "emotional friend" while talking like Henry Hill through the megafone was fucking hillarious.
bread's done