The Howard Stern Thread

Id like to know who the fuck High Pitch Mike thinks he is that he has ANY room to bitch about Artie.

His main argument about Artie disrespecting Howard and the show by falling asleep is a shit argument considering Howard and everyone thinks its fucking hillarious.
It is funny but when HPM argues in circles and keeps hitting the SAME points about Artie, it gets old.

Its sad that people work for that show knowing what goes on with that show and when they get their balls busted they cant fucking take it. First Sal and Richard bitch and now HPM.
If anyone caught yesterday's part with Craig Gass, he talked about being at the Gene Simmons roast and told a story about Steve-O taking a pretty close piss to Danny Bona-douchebag, he said he had a pic of it on his myspace. I logged in and grabbed it-
I gotta say that out of all the weeks when George is in studio, this was by far one of the most weaksauce happening weeks ever. I said it before thanksgiving that Howard was gonna coast it the rest of the year and this week was proof.

Not saying it didnt have any gold nuggets this week but Ive never gone through 1 week turning away from the show, when I havent heard it for the day, and changing it to something else cause I was bored.
[quote name='Maklershed']:rofl:

I'm gonna use that as my sig![/QUOTE]

I was in tears from laughing so hard at that one.
I wonder what Scott asked to do in Benji's apartment. It either had to be a porn shoot or a photo session. Whatever it is it must be something that his wife couldnt know about.
[quote name='Maklershed']I wonder what Scott asked to do in Benji's apartment. It either had to be a porn shoot or a photo session. Whatever it is it must be something that his wife couldnt know about.[/QUOTE]

yeah seriously, i want to know. also, scott has been entertaining over the past month.
If you wanna see the chicks from todays contest, go to

They show them topless but the nips are blurred.
Eric the Midget as a Batman supervillian would be sweet. I wish they would just write a damn script for him.

And Sal talking to people about the Jews wanting to take down the Christmas Tree was awesome.
oh man.. 4 day weeks and to only have work 10 1/2 mons a year.. that must be a nice payday for Stern...I'm envious...and I'm irritated that the next three weeks will be goddamned replays mixed in with the 'history of stern' which i can careless about...
For christs sake, if any of you caught the 1st 10 to 20 mins, you could tell Howard was already itching to say "Anything else Robin?"
[quote name='Will']For christs sake, if any of you caught the 1st 10 to 20 mins, you could tell Howard was already itching to say "Anything else Robin?"[/quote]
Which is pretty much everyday howard.
Maybe Beth O has been horny. Speaking of Beth O .. is anyone else annoyed how Lisa G always tries to kiss ass and be buddy buddy with Howard and usually goes about that by discussing Beth. What public location she was spotted at, what she was wearing, her jewelry, etc.
[quote name='Maklershed']Maybe Beth O has been horny. Speaking of Beth O .. is anyone else annoyed how Lisa G always tries to kiss ass and be buddy buddy with Howard and usually goes about that by discussing Beth. What public location she was spotted at, what she was wearing, her jewelry, etc.[/quote]
Will put it the best on the wus with this quote "I think its pretty much rusted shut at this point." :)

Lisa is old and way past her prime and from the sounds of it it doesn't seem like many men are jumping all over her so she's butting her way into howard's wedding.
Mootzerel, Mootzerel, Mootzerel, Balls
I eat like tick tacks and swallow em’ whole

Brashole and shgadol with buffalo wings
Jack Danilels and vicodines

Mootzerel Mootzerel for my artie with fresh manigot and calamari soupa de peshe and broccoli rob he eats like a slob

Stroopala, Schveeadel, and some fresh pishcotes ravioli's and canolies
i eat em up like a metzafanook

serve it up serve up cuz i love to eat

and ill drink till i fall
mama and me, me and artie we love mootzerel balls
I'm listening to the news right now. It has occurred to me recently that I've never heard a news person ever utter the words "I guess" "I think" "or something" as much as Robin. How could she be so speculative in her stories. She has the fucking articles right in front of her face. What's she guessing?
I gotta say, Im not 100% sold on the HOHS. I liked a few things but not all of it. Im waiting for tomorrows shit when he goes to wNNNNNNNNNbc lol.
bread's done