The Macho Man Randy Savage Wrestling Memorial Thread

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[quote name='HydroX']I was just at Walmart looking to buy the Nitro DVD set, and couldn't find it anywhere. I did, however, locate the Randy Savage 3-disc set for $10. I didn't buy it, as I only have expendable income at the moment to buy one or the other. Just figured I would throw that out there for anyone interested in the set.

Edit: Apparently has it for $9.00, but it's out of stock.[/QUOTE]

Amazon also had the Savage set for 9.95 until earlier today but is now 21.xx.

If you have a Kmart in your area, they have the Nitro set for $20 and it includes Ric Flair and the Horsemen with it for free.
Some TNA news for those interested.

- The decision not to re-sign Tommy Dreamer to a new contract surprised a lot of people within TNA. At one point, Dreamer apparently had a decent amount of office power and had been talked about as someone who could work as an agent or help with creative.

- Right now there are a lot of creative issues within TNA. The Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff contingent is openly complaining about the writing of Vince Russo. It's said that Jeff Jarrett is also frustrated with Russo, after years of defending his work. The feeling is that Russo is pretty much locked in place because Dixie Carter feels a loyalty to him.

- TNA is going with the idea right now to elevate Gunner, Crimson and Robert Roode to top spots in the company.
You know what, that's good to hear he's sick of Russo. I think Jeff Jarrett needs to get back to being more active with TNA booking; he's been kicking ass with the AAA booking and promotion work for Triplemania. Building heat with AAA fans by calling El Zorro "another primitive Mexican" during the press conference was classic JJ. El Zorro already has a TNA contract so I'm going to call it now and say Jarrett is going to steal the title with a cheap win at Triplemania. The way I'd book it from there is the Angle angle wraps up in TNA, El Zorro shows up on Impact!, El Zorro interferes at Destination X to get Abyss out of that angle, and then it builds to a rematch for the title at Hard Justice. fuck yeah.
Beer Money are going to separate still - AMW was supposedly going to get back together but then they saw how the crowd didn't react to Chris Harris.
Hadn't seen or heard about the Hogan interview til that Warrior vid. Watching it now and all I can think is that Hogan needs to stfu about other people. damn.
[quote name='diddy310']Beer Money are going to separate still - AMW was supposedly going to get back together but then they saw how the crowd didn't react to Chris Harris.[/QUOTE]

That's probably because 75% of the current crowd doesn't even remember who Chris Harris even is/was. Reuniting AMW is a smart move, since Beer Money has never really made any sense anyway. Bringing AMW back vs MMG's,, and whoever else TNA has (god knows I've not seen their product in well over a year or two now) could reinvigorate Tag Team wrestling, which WWE has pretty much abandoned. TNA is struggling to find something to set them apart, and having an actual Tag Team division that matters would be something that would certainly help it.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Anyone else notice the tattoo on Hogan's arm at about 6:10 in on that video?[/QUOTE]

You mean this one that he's had since 2009?

DDP vs Mark Starr lol

Again nice to see most wcw themes intact and entrances.

edit- allright! hogan vs luger.. one of my fav nitro matches!

edit2- damn spoke too soon. God damn wwe goldberg theme
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TNA has had a fairly strong tag division for a quite a while now. Reuniting AMW would hardly reinvigorate it, particularly since Beer Money played an essential part in maintaining the quality of it.

If you want to see a truly strong tag division, check out ROH. WGTT, Kings of Wrestling, Briscoes, All Night Express, etc.
[quote name='xilly']
You mean this one that he's had since 2009?

I haven't paid attention to wrestling at all in the last couple of years, so I really didn't even know he was still in the biz until I saw an ep of TNA about 6 months ago. I watch whichever one I happen to catch randomly whenever I remember it's on, but I usually channel surf during the interview segments.:booty:
[quote name='Shoulda Been Harvey']You know what, that's good to hear he's sick of Russo. I think Jeff Jarrett needs to get back to being more active with TNA booking; he's been kicking ass with the AAA booking and promotion work for Triplemania. Building heat with AAA fans by calling El Zorro "another primitive Mexican" during the press conference was classic JJ. El Zorro already has a TNA contract so I'm going to call it now and say Jarrett is going to steal the title with a cheap win at Triplemania. The way I'd book it from there is the Angle angle wraps up in TNA, El Zorro shows up on Impact!, El Zorro interferes at Destination X to get Abyss out of that angle, and then it builds to a rematch for the title at Hard Justice. fuck yeah.[/QUOTE]

You should post in here more often about Lucha Libre. For serious.
Also, the Nitro DVD is good.. Minimal interruption by DDP. They talk about Luger's first appearance but they don't show him initially show up. They also skipped Hogan's defection at BATB 96, and I guess that's probably because it didn't happen on Nitro, but still, they should've mentioned it instead of showing Hall/Nash show up during the triple threat tag match, then cutting to Hogan coming out to help Hall/Nash a few weeks (a week?) later.
[quote name='xilly']
You mean this one that he's had since 2009?


"I am ??????, I am"

EDIT: Ok... looked it up. It's apparently "I am that I am," which is taken from the Torah. Wait... is Hogan Jewish?!

If you're not up to date with boring old religion, the phrase is what God said to Moses when asked what his name was. So is Hogan's ink claiming him to be God?

What a crappy tattoo.
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Wow. I was originally taking a shit on WWE '12 just because of the screenshots. Seeing it in action certainly makes a world of difference. The series was way overdue for a facelift, too.
Hogan's getting lawyered up and it appears he's suing Ultimate Warrior for "deformation" of character.. a tweet in response to a fan:

deformation of character hurts business and lives and let's people like you doubt,then follow and believe in the hate and lies
[quote name='Scorch']Hogan's getting lawyered up and it appears he's suing Ultimate Warrior for "deformation" of character.. a tweet in response to a fan:[/QUOTE]

If he's suing for "deformation" of character, his tattoo artist better watch out...
[quote name='Survivalism']

"Unbelievable! Look at the way he just hangs in midair like that!"
"WILL you stop!"[/QUOTE]

I'd like to nominate this for Post of the Thread.
Which reminds me, hearing Heenan on the Nitro set is glorious. His quips are priceless, even moreso when they garner no reaction from his colleagues. For example, during the Malenko/Rey Mysterio match, Malenko has Mysterio in what amounted to a super-steep boston crab. The camera zoomed in on Rey's face and his eyes were sort of squinting in agony. Heenan says simply, "He's having a siesta."

I fucking lost it, it hit on at least two levels with zero effort from the Brain. fucking golden. I need to watch his video on Netflix this weekend.
Great Heenan moment on disc 1 - when the Flair entrance is going on during the match with Eddy, listen for his reaction to the ghastly looking woman in the crowd giving the thimbs down. Hilarious. And shitty if you're that woman.

Only overdub I've noticed so far is The Road Warriors theme being different, but their WCW theme at that time qas nothing special anyway. What's odd is, the song they overdub sounds like a candidate for a Demolition soundalike.

Bought it at KMart since I didn't have the Horsemen DVD. Pretty good deal, 3 discs of Nitro and 2 discs of Horsemen for 20 bucks.
Fantastic exchange between Tony & Tenay during the triple cage..

"Scott Steiner has bolt cutters! What could be scarier than Scott Steiner with bolt cutters?
"A microphone"
At a house show in Richfield, OH some 22 years ago, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan told me to ask my father to "please sit down, the other drunks can't see" after I'd called him a weasel. I attended the show with my mom.

One of the highlights of my young childhood. God bless you, Bobby Heenan.
[quote name='xilly']I'd like to nominate this for Post of the Thread.[/QUOTE]Seconded. Everything from that post on has been fucking gold. The next thread should be a Bobby Heenan thread. I don't care if there's already been one. WE. NEED. MORE. BRAIN!
There are definitely a few odd choices for inclusion on the Nitro set (random DDP vs Bagwell match with no real ramifications gets inclusion, Sting's first appearance as prototype Crow with his "nothing's for sure" speech doesn't), but we could nitpick the selections for an entire thread.

I was enjoying it for the most part though, but one overdub that is extremely annoying is Goldberg getting his soundalike WWE theme dubbed over his WCW theme. Probably the most significant match on the set is the Hogan / Goldberg match, and the intro/postmatch is definitely hurt by it. Really fucking terrible since you're getting artificial crowd noise for one of the most batshit crowds ever.

Edit - There's no insert card with this set and I didn't look at any chapter selection screen, so I've just been watching without knowing what would be coming up. Disc 3 has probably my favorite Nitro match as far as ones involving main event wrestlers...the Sting / Dallas Page title switch. The last two minutes or so are damn near Undertaker vs. Michaels level as far as convincing near falls, and the the actual finishing sequence is so fucking awesome. Plus the crowd is completely elated at the finish. Too bad they fucked it up by having DDP win it back later in the same night.
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WWE hasn't done inserts in quite a while - not really sure why beyond just cost-saving because they're basically a necessity for multi-disc sets. PPVs I can understand - the card is usually on the back of the case, but not for anything but that.
Can we stop talking about Heenan? His health is deteriorating and I'm afraid if we keep talking about him, something will happen.. I really don't want to lose him too :(
[quote name='KaneRobot']Edit - There's no insert card with this set and I didn't look at any chapter selection screen, so I've just been watching without knowing what would be coming up.[/QUOTE]
There's a good one that someone at WWE DVD News made here.
The biggest omission I've noticed thus far in the Nitro set (yes, I'm pacing myself because I don't have anything else I'm dying to watch at the moment) has been the loss of Hogan's "Voodoo Child" entrance. Yeah, Hogan might be a douche, and he sure as shit hogged the spotlight to such a degree that it contributed to the eventual downfall of WCW but... that entrance was always cool and made whatever match was to follow seem like a bigger deal.
Thank you to whomever mentioned Kmart had the Nitro set & bonus Flair/4 Horseman set for $20. My friend and I each picked up a set.

Also, I picked up Monday Night Wars at Best Buy for $6.99. It's on sale for $12.99, but it's $6.99 on their website, so I printed it out at the in store kiosk and had them price match their website.
I thought it was Voodoo Chile.

Finished the Nitro set. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought about dumping it after I watched it all, but I do love some old school WCW.. I may hang on to it.
either is fine, the ASCAP version is Child but all liner notes referred to it as Chile...

You know what I always hated? DDP's music was the Smells Like Teen Spirit riff with the last two notes reversed. Drove me insane since the actual song was so popular then and I would hear it as wrong on the TV.
Voodoo Chile and Voodoo Child are two completely different songs.

Also, the entire pre-bridge, I guess it is, of the nWo theme is the first two notes of Hey, Joe looped.

I loved the Nitro DVD and I loved how it kind of looked like Nitro was going strong, then the Russo shithouse took over, then Nitro died immediately. I must really not understand wrestling because I have no idea why you'd want him anywhere near your product. And those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, Impact.

Also, I heard the Ultimate Warrior is explaining why he's attacking Hogan recently. "I haven't been relevant since 1991."
Hogan's Hendrix entrance theme was the source of a hilarious Tenay moment on commentary many years back...calling Voodoo Chile "Voodoo Chili." There was a running joke for quite a while about that one, and I think someone else on the announce team made fun of him on air about it the following week.

Something really odd re: another overdub on the set...when Bischoff wrestles Flair, he comes out to his usual WCW theme and it's normal on the DVD. But when they launch the New Blood storyline, Bischoff came out to the same theme when it actually aired...but for some reason it's overdubbed on the disc.

Another overdub I noticed - Storm comes out to the Unamericans theme on disc 3 for his match with Booker. I don't even remember what Team Canada's theme was so no big deal there. Obviously Sting's Metallica theme is overdubbed with his Crow theme.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Another overdub I noticed - Storm comes out to the Unamericans theme on disc 3 for his match with Booker. I don't even remember what Team Canada's theme was so no big deal there. Obviously Sting's Metallica theme is overdubbed with his Crow theme.[/QUOTE]

This was Lance Storm's theme at the time for that match. I'm not sure why they would change it; maybe someone thought it was too much of a sound alike for his ECW White Zombie theme?
[quote name='JJSP']At a house show in Richfield, OH some 22 years ago, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan told me to ask my father to "please sit down, the other drunks can't see" after I'd called him a weasel. I attended the show with my mom.

One of the highlights of my young childhood. God bless you, Bobby Heenan.[/QUOTE]

i think i just shat myself :applause::D:applause:
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