The Mark Henry World's Strongest Champ Wrestling Thread

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Not that I'd ever say it to his insane face, but that guy is such a clown. He's been handled with kid gloves since he was in junior high and he is literally dumber than a bag of hammers. I would not be at all surprised if he couldn't pass general 6th grade tests.
[quote name='mykevermin']

Yeah, I'd say you're spot on about that.[/QUOTE]

Not to turn this into the Vs. forum but wouldn't a true third world country just not have anywhere to treat him at all? Then again maybe he should have eaten a carrot or two throughout his 30+ years on this earth and he wouldn't have been in this situation in the first place... err second place? Wait, how many times has this "self proclaimed carnivore" had diverticulitis now?

Then again, I've made my feelings on Lesnar clear in previous threads so I suppose I'll just let it go.
under the new streams on netflix, movie called card subject to change is on.. looks like a docu on indy wrestling, has kevin sullivan in it.
Lesnar would be a fun contestant to watch on Survivor. He would believe anything that his tribe would tell him.
[quote name='pimpster4183']under the new streams on netflix, movie called card subject to change is on.. looks like a docu on indy wrestling, has kevin sullivan in it.[/QUOTE]

it's a good doc about a local promotion. they go through the regular tropes (guy on his way up, guy who clearly never will be trying out his first match, guy on his way down, guy reliving the past, promoter has a show go bust on him), but it's good stuff all in all.

The Necro Butcher stuff seems tacked on to fill the "hardcore guy who goes through hell" trope, and there's a scene where he gets a *huge* portion of his tricep cut out in a match that almost made me vomit with disgust. But it's almost a brilliantly done scene in that it's juxtaposed with a calm, soft spoken Dylan Summers talking about how he hates to do this, but he gets to travel the world - and growing up a poor, dumb West Virginia hillbilly, it was hardcore wrestling or work at the sawmill - for less money, more danger, and no travel. The contradiction in seeing him put his body at such risk while he narrates and makes you believe his logic is just top shelf filmmaking.

The rest of the film is okay, but that scene stood out to me.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Spot on? I think he hit the ball out of the park with that one. Wow, just freaking wow. All my suspicions are now confirmed with his stupidity. I guess we can really call him a dumb blonde now right?[/QUOTE]

I smell a new WWE Channel show: Are You Smarter Than Brock Lesnar?
[quote name='mitch079']I smell a new WWE Channel show: Are You Smarter Than Brock Lesnar?[/QUOTE]

Ha, I almost spit out my rum and coke while reading this, would be such a funny show.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Spot on? I think he hit the ball out of the park with that one. Wow, just freaking wow. All my suspicions are now confirmed with his stupidity. I guess we can really call him a dumb blonde now right?[/QUOTE]

"Blonde" is feminine, so I wouldn't call him that. He'd attack me and then fall on his head.

[quote name='007']... and then I realize I'm bitching about a game that includes a playable Michael Cole. Sigh. Never mind.[/QUOTE]

A playable Michael Cole is a beat-the-shit-out-of-able Michael Cole.
I feel about playable Michael Cole the same way I do about a playable Undertaker 'druid' in SvR (2010? 2011?). Wasted assets, man. Something I'll never use, and labor and time better spent on other, more popular wrestlers.
Some great news...

[quote name='']Nigel McGuinness, who formerly competed as Desmond Wolfe for TNA Wrestling, will return to the ring on November 12, 2011 for Heartland Wrestling Association at the Great Miami Event Center in Hamilton, Ohio.

It will be his first wrestling appearance by McGuinness since the summer of 2010, when he was sidelined with an undisclosed health issue. Following his release from TNA, he returned to Ring of Honor as a color commentator.[/quote]

And some bad news...

Cena will be on Smackdown this week. fuck.
Finally caught ROH on TV last night. It plays at 9pm on Saturdays on some channel that I actually get via my antenna. Pretty good news there.

That said, I think that the promotion needs more of an edge. I get it that WCW and WWE/F suffer(ed) from too much cartoony-ness at times. Based on what I saw, ROH is the polar opposite, to a point where it's too serious. The main event was Jay Lethal vs. Mike Bennett and while the match was solid, the "tale of the tape" beforehand where it indicated that Lethal competed "with honor" was corny as hell. Don't tell us you're a face or a heel, show us in the ring. There was a pretty amazing Brisco Bros. promo. Every time I see those guys I'm blown away. The main event for next week was advertised as Briscos vs. All Night Express so I'm pretty psyched for that.

Overall I'm happy to be able to watch something different on TV but when it comes to watching some random little promotion on TV, I think I've been forever spoiled by ECW in the 90s.
[quote name='mitch079']Way to almost cripple your friend there Big Doofy.[/QUOTE]

Right? Guy can't even be safe when its one of his best friends on the other end of it.

Mark Henry/Big Show has been pretty entertaining so far. Pulling for Mark to win. My dad totally called the ring breaking right before it happened. So funny.
With all the Lesnar talk a few days ago, I went on Youtube to watch the video where Lesnar superplexes Show and destroys the ring. Talk about some weird timing.
After successfully predicting the collapse of the ring, I will attempt to predict the next few weeks:

Someone gets injured tonight in some capacity. Laurenitis is seen as a bad leader for allowing the event to continue and putting the workers in danger. Something else will happen in a week or two, same deal, and the "board of directors" will replace Laurenitis, and go with an outside hire - Mick Foley.
These guys are used to wrestling in a ring set up a certain way -- this seems like it could be legitimately unsafe. As well as monumentally stupid and uninteresting.
I hate to say it, but I kind of had a feeling that there was going to be a "ring implosion" in the Henry/Show match. Especially after the comment about there being nearly 1/2 a ton of weight in the ring.
[quote name='Scorch']After successfully predicting the collapse of the ring, I will attempt to predict the next few weeks:

Someone gets injured tonight in some capacity. Laurenitis is seen as a bad leader for allowing the event to continue and putting the workers in danger. Something else will happen in a week or two, same deal, and the "board of directors" will replace Laurenitis, and go with an outside hire - Mick Foley.[/QUOTE]

Think they'll make JR the new GM they have really been hyping their hatred for each other.
[quote name='KaneRobot']How's the doc/interview part of it?[/QUOTE]

Haven't got to check it out yet. Going to try and watch it with some of my WWE fan friends soon though. I'll post about it here once I do.
It's kind of incredible that 3 PPVs in 5 weeks managed to accomplish so little.

[quote name='007']It's kind of incredible that 3 PPVs in 5 weeks managed to accomplish so little.


What are you talking about? Cena got new merch!
[quote name='Spyder187']Well, I was wondering who the hell the people are that keep buying these PPV's. Now we know.[/QUOTE]

Ha Ha! Some people take wrestling to far. He wished Henry dead, what a douche. This is the reason why I always cheer the heels. I love getting dirty looks and people screaming at me to cheer for the baby face at Indy shows or FCW. fuck that.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Ha Ha! Some people take wrestling to far. He wished Henry dead, what a douche. This is the reason why I always cheer the heels. I love getting dirty looks and people screaming at me to cheer for the baby face at Indy shows or FCW. fuck that.[/QUOTE]

I do a little cheering at the local indy shows for heels that I actually know (and I mean as I had all nighters playing WWF No Mercy with these guys back in the day and have driven them home after a bender). but I also boo them in the ring because it's part of the show. That's my part in the drama that is wrestling. And at the local show the heels are SOOOOO interactive with fans. It's a lot of fun to heckle them and clap at them when they zing you back. Sometime last month we had a guy hit the ring post with his artificial leg while swinging at a wrestler! :) I guess what I'm saying is while is fun to be the odd guy and cheer the heels, try it the other way sometime and be surprised. It can be fun. :)

"Help us redefine history!"

I had to watch Fred 2 with my niece and nephew. I still feel that John Cena acting like an idiot with horrible jokes is still smarter than Brock Lesnar.
Cena is smart. Work hard, keep your head down, when the boss says jump, ask "how high, sir?" and you'll get rewarded.

Cena's problem relative to Lesnar is that Cena has no edge. He's the epitome of a corporate 'yes man'. The only thing that worries me more than Cena letting WWE dictate who he should be is Cena actually deciding that this quasi-military-salute-the-kids-wear-the-merch-jean-shorts-and-wrestling-gear-even-when-you're-fired-rapadoo persona is who he wants to be. That scares the shit out of me.

Lesnar is a big dumb oaf, as massively uneducated as he is massively...massive. But he's a big dumb oaf with (big, dumb) convictions. He treated WWE like a stepping stone, thanklessly walking away from pro wrestling and using his name and notoriety to team tryouts for the NFL (you think he'd get anywhere if he was "Brock Lesnar, part time stock boy at Tractor Supply Co."?) and then on to greater legitimacy and success in the UFC.

Now, Lesnar capitulated and proved himself a company man as well in UFC, when he trashed Bud Light after a title win and later, at the press conference, made a very contrite and humble apology to Bud Light (even had one during the presser, if memory serves). But that was a Lesnar slip-up and he still conveys himself as the loose cannon.

Cena is loyal to the bitter end. He has no edge, no urgency, no sense of sincerity. He believes in the corporate myth. That's why you'll never see him in TNA, or ROH, or anywhere other than WWE. Hogan wasn't concerned with putting WWF over, he was concerned with putting Hogan over. He did more harm than good to WCW and now TNA as well. So, if I'm WWE as a corporation, I want a big capitulating baby like Cena, who believes in the corporate "mission statement" or whatever. He's the guy who believes the great big lie.

But that means the product is centered around a person who has no soul to convey to the crowd.
[quote name='mitch079']Here's what I imagine the conversation with Wolowitz and his mom from The Big Bang Theory's reaction to the Big Show-Mark Henry would sound like:[/QUOTE]
The quintessential WWE fan.

Also, how fucking lame. Where are the "SAME OL' SHIT!" chants?
Very well put myke. I will say this, I hate Cena as a wrestler, but I sure as hell admire and respect what he does for his fans outside the ring.
[quote name='Brak']Also, how fucking lame. Where are the "SAME OL' SHIT!" chants?[/QUOTE]

Seven-year rule.

I know it feels like it was 2 months ago, and not 7 years. That's how little pro wrestling has changed in that time.
The technical problems aren't helping, but this has been an awkward Raw so far. You know, like it was only written 15 minutes ago.

Oh. Wait.

Anyway, just like the ring collapse, that segment annoyed me. HHH has destroyed people with a sledgehammer for years, but two shots from Nash and we're seriously having people talk about if HHH has a pulse? For fuck's sake, guys, if you're writing stories based in history, maybe just pay some fucking attention to your own.

Oh. Wait.
In case anyone follows PWG, El Generico beat Kevin Steen in a ladder match to capture the PWG Championship Saturday night. The Young Bucks hit the ring toward the end of the match to beat down Steen with chairs, and returned afterwards to continue the attack. They challenged Steen to a Guerrilla Warfare match, which he accepted without having a partner.

The lights went out in the building, and when they came back on, Super Dragon was in the ring with one of the Bucks laid out and the other in a surfboard set for Dragon's curb stomp.

Dragon & Steen will face The Young Bucks on 12/10. It's Super Dragon's first match in nearly 2 1/2 years.
[quote name='007']The technical problems aren't helping, but this has been an awkward Raw so far. You know, like it was only written 15 minutes ago.

Oh. Wait.

Anyway, just like the ring collapse, that segment annoyed me. HHH has destroyed people with a sledgehammer for years, but two shots from Nash and we're seriously having people talk about if HHH has a pulse? For fuck's sake, guys, if you're writing stories based in history, maybe just pay some fucking attention to your own.

Oh. Wait.[/QUOTE]

Two shots to the spine after being dropped on his neck.
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