The most beautiful girl ever !

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[quote name='punqsux']that reminds me, the singer from bratmobile is gorgeous (shes in the middle)


Heeeeeeeere fatty, fatty!
[quote name='kittie']I had a friend who slit her wrists, and her boyfriend like rubbing himself along them. Disgusting. And even worse, she ended up killing herself because this jackass left her.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty fucked up.
I guess that's one of the issues you get when you define yourself by the person you're with.

Though, the fact that there's a sick fuck out there that gets off by dragging his member across scars from suicide attempt creeps the hell out of me.
[quote name='punqsux']sorry if i can find non-anorexic girls attractive ^^[/QUOTE]

fucking a right. She's pretty damn attractive. Society is too damn fixated on weight.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']Heeere dumbshit, dumbshit.[/QUOTE]

Thems is hurtful words.

It's scientifically proven, on the other hand, that fat people like being called fatties. It makes them feel jolly.
[quote name='crazytalkx']More cushin' for the pushin' :twisted:[/QUOTE]

:As best as I can remember from Spinal Tap:

The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin, that's what I heard
The bigger the waistband, the deeper the quicksand, you know what I mean
My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo
I'd like to sink her with my pink torpedo

Big Bottom
Big Bottom
Talk about mudflaps, my girls got em
Big Bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?
[quote name='evilmregg']Thems is hurtful words.

It's scientifically proven, on the other hand, that fat people like being called fatties. It makes them feel jolly.[/QUOTE]

Especially when you say, is fatty preggers? Or, can I dip fatty in flour and fuck the wet spot?
[quote name='kittie']Morgan Webb's manly face isn't great... but, I'd take her body over most of the others in this thread.[/QUOTE]
where would you take the body??
[quote name='AngellicLulu']I'll help ^-^[/QUOTE]
Okay, that's 2 of us. Any more?
And why is it not considered gay when girls look at other girls, but when guys look at other guys it is?

[quote name='gigan54']barbara mori. because latin chicks rule[/QUOTE]
Yes we do ;)

[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I have a friend who's always talking about stabbing some girl and fucking the wound. I don't see the appeal. :lol:[/QUOTE]
You seriously need to find some new friends :lol:
[quote name='6669']Okay, that's 2 of us. Any more?
And why is it not considered gay when girls look at other girls, but when guys look at other guys it is?[/QUOTE]

Some men feel they can't look at another human being and appreciate aesthetic appeal without being though of as wanting to have sex with that person.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Some men feel they can't look at another human being and appreciate aesthetic appeal without being though of as wanting to have sex with that person.[/QUOTE]
That sounds exactly right. I have looked at most of the girls in this thread and I haven't had that problem.
[quote name='6669']You seriously need to find some new friends :lol:[/QUOTE]

Actually it's the same friend as before. :lol:

[quote name='GuilewasNK']Some men feel they can't look at another human being and appreciate aesthetic appeal without being though of as wanting to have sex with that person.[/QUOTE]

I'm all for a "Most beautiful guy ever!" thread, and I would contribute happily.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Actually it's the same friend as before. :lol:[/QUOTE]
You seriously need to find a new friend.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I will say this much, guys sure will call out another guy if he is ugly though. Everyone makes fun of Sam Cassell.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but mainly its when a guy is jealous of another girl's b/f. I guess Gollum is the exception :lol:
[quote name='H-Town Info']no one even mentions the stunning Brooke Burke?


I have two of her posters on my wall (and two more that aren't up) and I didn't even think to mention her. :lol:
[quote name='gigan54']because i have nothing better to do at the moment, i present: scarlett johansson[/QUOTE]

I just watched The Island, damn she looks amazing in that movie as always!!!
I wonder how much it would mess up a kid if their Mom was always all over TV and magazines being proclaimed "The Most Beautiful Woman in the world?
(I mean, they'd have to be teenagers before it would likely be an issue, but still)
[quote name='neudog']How do you all add photos to your posts and sigs? Links to help me out, thanks.[/QUOTE]

The easiest way is to find a pic you like on your computer and upload it to

Once you do that, highlight and copy the code it generates for thumbnail code for forums and paste it in your message.
[quote name='gigan54']because i have nothing better to do at the moment, i present: scarlett johansson


:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

Though as good as she looked in The Island she was still almost overshadowed by Natalie in the V for Vendetta trailer. And that's without hair. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :lol:
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']ohh she was already mentioned about a page or so ago by myself, glad to see someone else has good taste[/QUOTE]

I didn't see there is so many posts. I could log in. I had to reset my cookies. I thought I got banned for the Hillary duff thing. That would of sucked I at least want to go out shooting or a flame war with cheapy something with some type of merit.
[quote name='zionoverfire']wow...... another porn topic.[/QUOTE]

This is not a porn topic with the exception of one post. This is people appreciating the beauty of surgical altered women with the exception of a few.
[quote name='Graystone']This is not a porn topic with the exception of one post. This is people appreciating the beauty of surgical altered women with the exception of a few.[/QUOTE]

Is shannon surgically altered (say it aint so)

DT778 - ever heard of a rhetorical question?

(I'll give you a hint - don't answer that ;) )
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I have two of her posters on my wall (and two more that aren't up) and I didn't even think to mention her. :lol:[/QUOTE]
and a DVD
[quote name='kittie']I can't post who I think is most beautiful, or I'll get yelled at.

Nor, can I post 99% of the pics I have of Taylor Rain. Oh well.[/QUOTE]

I used to fap to her often... awww the good ole times.
I want to mate / mix bodily fluids with Lauren Graham, the mom on Gilmore Girls. I have a thing for dark haired dames...
[quote name='electrictroy']Surgery = yuck. Here's some all-natural beauties:

Note, NSFW due to nudity:


Wow! So there are people like me who went and started any organization who don't like airbrushing.
I'm thinking of starting up my own mag to bolster women's self esteem, to present a POSITIVE image to women. I don't like the bullshit that's shoved down their throats, that's all I'll say for now.
GOD you people need to see pics of beautiful BluBlack women. Unfortunately I don't want to post a pic of Alek Wek because she's not that good looking but I've seen BluBlack women with African features that don't look like her.
edit: Oops.
What's Blue-black? Never heard of that color before? And yeah, Kristin Kreuk is cute, but I still prefer Jessica Alba.[quote name='Graystone']This is people appreciating the beauty of surgical altered women with the exception of a few.[/QUOTE]
Surgery = yuck. Here's some all-natural beauties:

Note, NSFW due to nudity:

[quote name='neudog']Thanks GuilewasNK. Is this the best way, or are there better options?[/QUOTE]

There are other imagehosts but that is the one I like the best, and I think it is pretty simple to use.

elettrictroy you should put a NSFW next to that domai link.
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