The New, But Not Improved Firmware Thread: 4.00 Currently Available

[quote name='jh6269']I believe that the legitimately licensed controllers all work. It's the unlicensed ones that do not work. Anyway, you could buy a game that comes with a DS3 next time there's a bundle...[/QUOTE]
I already have two spares from flipping games from Hollywood Video to Gamestop last year during those $20 for certain games promos during the HWV $5 game sale, so the two spares cost me $15 each.

I flipped back the games that came with those bundles to get $20 each for them too, which allowed me to get a second and third bundle for stupid cheap too.;)

But if there's a game(see God Of War, Dead Rising 2) which requires some button mashing and/or shaking the sticks to get free from enemies, then I'd rather beat the shit out of a $10 third party controller than a $55 Dual Shock 3.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Well then it's looking like there's another reason to hate Sony for me then. I wonder if I could sue them in small claims court for reimbursement for the loss of use of the peripherals due to their shitware update.[/QUOTE]

Suing in court will cost money. Transportation, time off work, etc. Just save up those dollars and upgrade your internet.

[quote name='Paco']The song of Cheapest gamer. I wouldn't be surprised if he just stole his internet or secretly got it from MetroPCS[/QUOTE]

Greatest video ever. I've played GTA4 with Cheapest, and that is exactly what it was like. :lol:
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Suing in court will cost money. Transportation, time off work, etc. Just save up those dollars and upgrade your internet.

Greatest video ever. I've played GTA4 with Cheapest, and that is exactly what it was like. :lol:[/QUOTE]
This is true, which is why I'm glad they work, for now. As far as the lagging goes, tell the internet providers to lower prices on the medium speed tiers to $20 and I'll gladly upgrade. Otherwise I'm happy with 768kbps DSL for $20 a month.:applause:
LOL, oh... the memories of playin GTA with cheapest. Altho 95% of the time i'd pop him before he could run me over. HA. I keep telling him to upgrade, i also have Verizon DSL, i pay $30 for 3mb. $10 more bux cheapest!! COME ON!
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']You gonna loan me the $10 more a month? And by loan I mean give me the $10 a month extra so I don't have to pay it myself.;):razz:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can loan you $10 on a payday loan, it will only cost you 400% interest.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Is the Rocketfish the cheapest wireless ps3 controller?[/QUOTE]
It is the cheapest I've seen.

The SKU# is :9443809 (in case you want a Best Buy employee to look it up for you in their system)

From having used one before(including last night) I must warn again that the PS button needs to be 'loosened up' before it works on the first or second press to bring up the XMB, the L2/R2 triggers are weaker(springs aren't as strong as the Dual Shock 3's) and the battery life definitely leaves something to be desired unless you game in short spurts.

But the most important feature of the Rocketfish controllers is that they run on Bluetooth just like a standard PS3 controller, so no USB dongle needed that will be blocked by the firmware update like some were.

Aside from those three distinct issues with it though, it's a great spare controller for the PS3 and for $10 it's the cheapest I've seen.

I still have like 3-4 of them if any of you can't find one at Best Buy and want an alternative to the Dual Shock 3.

If you have one of the old style PS3 systems it'll match your shiny system case too as it's a glossy black finish.
[quote name='jh6269']Yeah, I can loan you $10 on a payday loan, it will only cost you 400% interest.[/QUOTE]
You have to wonder who is still dumb enough to fall for that nonsense. It seems like not many people are falling for it anymore though, since the two or three places around here doing that have closed within the last year.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']You have to wonder who is still dumb enough to fall for that nonsense. It seems like not many people are falling for it anymore though, since the two or three places around here doing that have closed within the last year.[/QUOTE]

LOL cheapest you really crack me up :lol:
But anyway, yeah, you have to be a pretty big dope to pay 400% interest at a payday loan place.
noone is saying Sony is obligated to support third party controllers.. heck that's why they're third party controllers. But (and apparently what i'm getting from this thread is that my fears were kinda blown out of proportion) if they were putting out firmware updates that kill controllers that would be a dick move. These things connect via bluetooth right? It's not like some propritary wireless signal that everyone is reverse engineering.
[quote name='Wolfkin']noone is saying Sony is obligated to support third party controllers.. heck that's why they're third party controllers. But (and apparently what i'm getting from this thread is that my fears were kinda blown out of proportion) if they were putting out firmware updates that kill controllers that would be a dick move. These things connect via bluetooth right? It's not like some propritary wireless signal that everyone is reverse engineering.[/QUOTE]

I think Sony is obligated to support licensed 3rd party controllers, and even then, their obligation is to the hardware manufacturer (that's who they have the license with). So, if I had one of these controllers, I wouldn't complain to Sony, I'd call the manufacturer and ask them for a replacement that works or my money back. If they're legitimate, they are probably working with Sony on a fix, if they're not, well, buyer beware.
good point. I never thought about that. If I did have a controller that went dead the controller manufacturer might be the best place to complain.
True or false?

Shit I'm cheaper then him I piggy back off my neighbors connections, which ever is best at the time, granted it makes mp sometimes impossible to pull off lol
alright I'll set it to download tonight.. anything noteworthy in it?

Edit: looks like it was going pretty fast. must be a small update.
[quote name='Wolfkin']alright I'll set it to download tonight.. anything noteworthy in it?[/QUOTE]

from what ive read about it its just a security patch.
[quote name='Buuhan1']So, it's a "useless" update again? Commence CheapestGamer BAWWWing in 3... 2...[/QUOTE]

Here we go again... :roll:

Anyway, hopefully it is a patch for some browser security vulnerability or something important.
So what does this new FW update remove that Sony advertised the hell out of in their 'it only does everything' commercials?

The only does everything, except for shit we no longer want you to be able to have access to.:roll:
I downloaded firmware in the night, woke up and was going "Cheapest should be here soon" You are more faithful then the 360 dying Cheapest. Hats off to you!
[quote name='Paco']I downloaded firmware in the night, woke up and was going "Cheapest should be here soon" You are more faithful then the 360 dying Cheapest. Hats off to you![/QUOTE]
This update already downloaded for me(yes, even on my 'Brazilian internet'), so that's not too bad compared to the usual monster sized files they put out.:roll:

But I still have to wonder what it removed or altered, since they never tell you, they just go 'YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THIS, THE SONY GODS COMMAND'.:roll::roll:
[quote name='Wolfkin']dude.. imageshack. never hotlink a picture. FOr those who are curious

True. Tired as hell though. Usually I would post the crap on my photobucket and link from there.
[quote name='LXL_Guy']Just more updates to prevent piracy I believe.[/QUOTE]
Dammit. And here I wanted to play (insert old as shit game that I could care less about anymore) on my 'It only does everything
except what we no longer want you to have access to
' machine known as a PS3.:bomb:
[quote name='StrandedBrit']So am I the only one downloading 3.56?[/QUOTE]
Updating now. My guess is it is something to address the hacking of the Infinity Ward games?

I only think this because so little was said prior to the update being released, meaning it wasn't necessarily planned.
My update kept crapping out around 13 - 15% percent. On my 6th try, I got up to around 45% before just giving up for the night.

Love the PS3, but these updates are pathetically slow.
[quote name='n1vek']Updating now. My guess is it is something to address the hacking of the Infinity Ward games?

I only think this because so little was said prior to the update being released, meaning it wasn't necessarily planned.[/QUOTE]
It's to attempt to block the hacked consoles that are now out there thanks to GeoHot et. al. All I can say on that front is fuck you Sony. You bastards have met your maker and I hope they break every last attempt you price gouging fuckheads try to stop the bleed out. Welcome the pool party with MS and Nintendo, douchebags.
[quote name='bearhawk72']All the PS blog says is it's a security patch.[/QUOTE]
See above.;)
[quote name='lokizz']did it took maybe 6 or so minutes.[/QUOTE]

How? Mine did finally download, but even after the download it has been "installing" for longer than 6 minutes.

EDIT: Also for those whose download seems to be plodding don't despair. Mine did that until around 60%, but the last 40% just flew.
[quote name='Jasonofindy']How? Mine did finally download, but even after the download it has been "installing" for longer than 6 minutes.

EDIT: Also for those whose download seems to be plodding don't despair. Mine did that until around 60%, but the last 40% just flew.[/QUOTE]

the security updates never seem to take that long for me.
Different download speeds I can understand as that will vary with ISP and what specific Ps3 server you get stuck with. However, with this particular update it took more than 6 minutes to "install" after it was downloaded. That shouldn't really vary much from PS3 to PS3.
Just a word of warning since this is a post hack explosion update: Much like Nintendo and Microsoft, Sony has decided to update parts of the system (namely lv0, lv1, and lv2) which can result in bricks for legitimate users on official firmware.

Be extremely careful as to how/when you install 3.56 in regards to power outages/surges and/or turning off the system if the update hangs or stalls. (the chances of a brick during a lv0/1/2 write is high if not allowed to complete properly)

You may want to wait a day or two in case Sony issues a 3.56 revision but either way be careful.
Bah....i cant decide whether to wait until the morning or just get it over with. I have had too many friends have console failures after updates (Namely after NXE came out on the 360)

Damn my PS3 just scared me, update bar flew from 30% to 100% in a second, then the PS3 just started flashing for a few seconds. Aside from slow ass trophy syncing, everything seems in working order
I have also been weary of Sony's updates, a while back I couldn't get any picture from PS3 for about a day right after an update, a day that I actually had some time to play it.
The PS Blog is hilarious. All of the usual 'wahhhh wahhhhh we want omg cross game chat' people are present, along with a ton of Sony ass kissers crying about 'zomg the pirates made this necessary'.

Wahhhhh fuckin' wahhhhhh. I'm not downloading this POS until I know it's gonna go through 100% and not fuck my system up though. Hopefully GeoHot n crew already have a workaround in the works.
[quote name='Fell Open Ian']Just a word of warning since this is a post hack explosion update: Much like Nintendo and Microsoft, Sony has decided to update parts of the system (namely lv0, lv1, and lv2) which can result in bricks for legitimate users on official firmware.

Be extremely careful as to how/when you install 3.56 in regards to power outages/surges and/or turning off the system if the update hangs or stalls. (the chances of a brick during a lv0/1/2 write is high if not allowed to complete properly)

You may want to wait a day or two in case Sony issues a 3.56 revision but either way be careful.[/QUOTE]

Isn't it funny how they went through all that, yet the keys are still available to do anything we want? So really, they just postponed hacking for a few days and made it more difficult for legit users. Hats off to you Sony!
It's a cat and mouse game, much like the jailbreakers and the iOS devices. Sony's never going to beat the hacking community.

On a side note, I tried late in the evening around 11pm est to do the update. The whole thing went through in...15 minutes? So much faster than my previous attempts during the evening.
bread's done