The Official Criterion Deals and Discussion Thread

I signed up online for the free trial membership on the 2nd of this month, and was able to use my membership in-store at 2 different locations the following day, no problem.
Today I nabbed 6 more, and I got them all with the 10% off and then the $5 coupon.

The Thin Red Line
The Red Shoes
The Wages of Fear
Bigger Than Life

With those 6, brings my total haul in this sale to 18 Blu's. I think I'm done for now, and I might make one final trip after I get paid, which JUST so happens to be the same day Modern Times and Night of the Hunter come out.......although to be perfectly honest, I don't expect to be able to walk into the store and buy them during this sale. If they aren't sold out that day, it'll be a miracle.
[quote name='chimpster1313']although to be perfectly honest, I don't expect to be able to walk into the store and buy them during this sale. If they aren't sold out that day, it'll be a miracle.[/QUOTE]

It's my full intent with both those and Antichrist to hit website and reserve them for in-store pickup as early as I can possibly do so (midnight on release day, hopefully, or if not, first thing in the morning). Hopefully I'll be able to get them that way. If not, I'll just order them online, no big deal.
[quote name='arcane93']It's my full intent with both those and Antichrist to hit website and reserve them for in-store pickup as early as I can possibly do so (midnight on release day, hopefully, or if not, first thing in the morning). Hopefully I'll be able to get them that way. If not, I'll just order them online, no big deal.[/QUOTE]

You can also just stop by your store and reserve them there. I did that for both Modern Times and Night of the Hunter. They're going to hold copies for me and give me a call when they come in.
I vowed I wouldn't get anymore blind buy's after the last two Criterion sales, but House looks fucking hilarious, and I'd probably have to perform seppuku on myself if I didn't pick up Seven Samurai.

I did like Stagecoach a lot though from the last sale, and Ride With the Devil too (though I watched that one before I bought it).

Hated the 400 Blows and Chunking Express, and I don't ever see myself watching the Seventh Seal ever again. If anyone is interested in those three and doesn't want to buy them online or can't find them in their local store, I'll sell them to you for cost (pretty cheap, as I'm a member and used the $5 off coupon). Just shoot me a PM
[quote name='lolwut?']Hated the 400 Blows and Chunking Express, and I don't ever see myself watching the Seventh Seal ever again. If anyone is interested in those three and doesn't want to buy them online or can't find them in their local store, I'll sell them to you for cost (pretty cheap, as I'm a member and used the $5 off coupon). Just shoot me a PM[/QUOTE]

I find it funny that the three movies you didn't like are three of my favorite movies, those are all in my top five. Everyone is different I guess.
[quote name='Dranakin']Got Darjeeling Limited. Was gonna get Seven Samurai as well, but it's on Netflix instant. Thanks OP.[/QUOTE]
Loved the Darjeeling Limited and was glad I finally picked it up on blu-ray. Fantastic cover art as well. I'm not a fan of all of Wes Anderson's films, but this movie, along with The Life Aquatic, are among my top favorite flicks. Haven't seen Bottle Rocket yet, so I'm not sure if I should pick it up with this Criterion deal.

I also agree with your decision on Seven Samurai. It's on my Instant Queue, but I haven't had much time to set aside for a 3 hour movie recently.
I've basically looked everywhere, and I can't find the answer to this question: Is it possible to determine what movies Criterion still holds the rights to, and in knowing this, is it possible to determine what movies they have released on DVD that they could release on Blu-ray in the future?

There are many movies out on DVD that I would much rather have on blu of course, but if they won't come out Criterion-style then I wouldn't mind getting the DVD version during this sale.
I ordered Darjeeling, Thin Red Line, Bigger Than Life, Antichrist. I'll head to the b & m on Saturday tosee what else I can find. I don't really need anything else and yet I feel compelled to spend more.
[quote name='supershammy']I've basically looked everywhere, and I can't find the answer to this question: Is it possible to determine what movies Criterion still holds the rights to, and in knowing this, is it possible to determine what movies they have released on DVD that they could release on Blu-ray in the future?

There are many movies out on DVD that I would much rather have on blu of course, but if they won't come out Criterion-style then I wouldn't mind getting the DVD version during this sale.[/QUOTE]

Not really. They don't put that info out for the public. I just tend to assume that anything they've recently released on dvd in the last couple years is safe to pick up since their less likely to re-release it on blu this soon unless it's a major title. I just purchased "Make Way For Tomorrow" which is a lesser known film and just came out on criterion dvd late last year so it's pretty safe to say that it won't be coming out on blu anytime soon.
[quote name='nflsonic']Haven't seen Bottle Rocket yet, so I'm not sure if I should pick it up with this Criterion deal.[/QUOTE]

Bottle Rocket gets my recommendation. It's one of Anderson's most fun flicks.
[quote name='nflsonic']Loved the Darjeeling Limited and was glad I finally picked it up on blu-ray. Fantastic cover art as well. I'm not a fan of all of Wes Anderson's films, but this movie, along with The Life Aquatic, are among my top favorite flicks. Haven't seen Bottle Rocket yet, so I'm not sure if I should pick it up with this Criterion deal.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if you loved Darjeeling Limited, then you should definitely pick up Bottle Rocket. It's a great film.

I really hope that Criterion gets around to a blu-ray edition of The Life Aquatic soon. That's one that I'm sure will make it to blu-ray eventually, so I'm holding out until it does.
[quote name='supershammy']I've basically looked everywhere, and I can't find the answer to this question: Is it possible to determine what movies Criterion still holds the rights to, and in knowing this, is it possible to determine what movies they have released on DVD that they could release on Blu-ray in the future?[/QUOTE]

That's really a two part question. In theory, if you look at their site, they hold DVD rights to everything that's in print. (I say "in theory" because some of the films that they've lost the rights to are still available in box sets, presumably because the higher price point means they haven't sold out of their stock yet. They should still hold the rights to at least the vast majority of the individual films, though, as when those go out-of-print, they also generally go out-of-stock very quickly.)

However, chances are that for many titles, those are only DVD rights, and to release them on another format like blu-ray, they would have to negotiate a new contract. There's really no way to predict what will happen with those titles; even Criterion themselves don't know until that negotiation happens. There are some cases (like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or Chasing Amy) where they have been allowed to keep the DVD rights, but the blu-ray rights have been given elsewhere.

That being said, a lot of the smaller, lesser-known films, the art films, and the foreign films stand their best chance of ever getting a blu-ray release in the US through Criterion, not to mention that Criterion's brand almost certainly exponentially increases their sales, and it's likely that the owners of those films know that. Therefore, I doubt that most of them would be particularly difficult about it if Criterion came knocking and said they wanted to do a blu-ray release. Where the risk is probably more significant is with the bigger-name films and directors.

Criterion themselves have stated that they try their best to keep everything they publish in print, so you can for the most part assume that if it's out-of-print, the rights are no longer there (this is not to say, of course, that they couldn't reacquire them at some point down the road, which has happened on occasion). On the other hand, that statement can also potentially be taken to mean that they intend to release every title in their catalog that they can get the rights to on blu-ray at some point.

Of course, when the blu-ray release will occur is another question entirely. Honestly, how they set their priorities is a complete mystery to me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think that it's awesome that Robinson Crusoe On Mars is getting a blu-ray release, but how it took priority over titles like Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast, Resnais' Hiroshima Mon Amour, the Olivier Shakespeare titles, etc., I have no idea (I leave the Kurosawa, Bergman, Godard, etc. titles out of that list because I assume they're intentionally spacing those out).
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[quote name='gothamcentral79']Went back today and blind bought Repulsion for $13. Fantastic film![/QUOTE]

Excellent move! I did the same exact thing during the last sale BN had!

I'm sure glad Night of the Hunter is going to be released during this sale! Maybe I'll ask them to hold it for me too!
[quote name='arcane93'](this is not to say, of course, that they couldn't reacquire them at some point down the road, which has happened on occasion).[/QUOTE]

Salo is a good example of this phenomenon (and another film I would recommend to people that can stomach it).
Good lord. What is with it with shipping from these types of companies? I bought some Blu-rays, a few days later I ordered some books, the books showed up today, but the Blu-rays which were "shipped" first still haven't arrived.
Hey OP Thank You Very Much
i got antichrist and the Darjeeling limited for under $40 shipped,
hope this is still running on payday so i can grab a few more? anyone else notice that the videodrone-br was not part of the sale
[quote name='doomslayer207']anyone else notice that the videodrone-br was not part of the sale[/QUOTE]

It hasn't been released yet, and it won't be before the sale is over. Only titles that are available during the sale are part of the sale, not pre-orders. Night of the Hunter and Modern Times are available for pre-order at the sale price only because they come out while the sale is still running.
Went in to pick up some more stuff today, and learned a few things I didn't know...

1.) You can pay in advance for preorders. However, the discount applied to Criterions is automatic, so you can't necessarily preorder an item that comes out AFTER the sale at the discounted price. You might be able to convince someone to do this for you, but it probably won't be easy. I ended up paying in full for Night of the Hunter in advance, which will ship to my door for free.

2.) The $5 coupons are explicitly for DVDs, and not Blu-Rays. I used them successfully on a purchase the other day (two in the same purchase, actually), but when I went to another store today the cashier noted that the language specified DVDs, and that they had received a memo about no longer redeeming these coupons for Blu-Rays. Basically, I was shut down this time, but was welcome to use them on DVDs if I was so inclined.
[quote name='supershammy']2.) The $5 coupons are explicitly for DVDs, and not Blu-Rays. I used them successfully on a purchase the other day (two in the same purchase, actually), but when I went to another store today the cashier noted that the language specified DVDs, and that they had received a memo about no longer redeeming these coupons for Blu-Rays. Basically, I was shut down this time, but was welcome to use them on DVDs if I was so inclined.[/QUOTE]

Lol, that's a ridiculous semantics argument... there is absolutely no reason they should not accept it for blu purchases, especially since the computer allows it.
Cool, one for members and one for non-members. I myself would still be a non-member if not for the 2 month free trial.
[quote name='gojiboy']Cool, one for members and one for non-members. I myself would still be a non-member if not for the 2 month free trial.[/QUOTE]

Oh, haha, I didn't even notice that the one I posted was a non-members coupon. :) For what it's worth, I've never had a problem getting them to accept a non-members coupon with my membership, so in theory it should be possible to use both if you're buying multiple items (YMMV getting the cashier to agree to it, of course).
Some quick math shows it's a slightly better deal to use the 25% off coupon on Blu's over 19.99 (Seven Samurai for example, at 24.99) even if you get the 10% off member's discount.

Hopefully picking up Seven Samurai tonight, and possibly House; still not decided on that one yet. Thanks for the coupon gojiboy!
I'd recommend House to anyone that likes cult/off-the-wall/WTF!? kind of movies. It's seriously so bizarre and wonderful. I don't think I've ever seen a film quite like it. Plus it brings a short film from the director as well. At $13ish it's a must have in my eyes.
I'm pretty sure I'd seen some stuff from it a looooong time ago on the internet (like the crazy evil cat scene) but had no idea what it was from.

I'll probably pick it up just for the lulz, ahaha
Ordered the Yojimbo/Sanjuro combo pack, won't ship until early December but the final total was about $33 shipped.

That might be all for me, unless I decide I can't hold off on Kagemusha until they do their sale next year.
Can you return movies you've bought online in store? That 25% off coupon is sweet and I plan on buying many movies with it (if clerks don't suck and let me use multiple coupons)

EDIT: You can return them, but no refunds to Paypal instore. That's fine, they will do store credit.
[quote name='51jack']doesnt say it cant be used on things already on sale....[/QUOTE]

Most Barnes & Noble coupons can be used for things that are on sale. In fact, I almost always use them for sale items (because the coupons themselves aren't usually that great, but stacked on a sale price they can be really good), and I don't think I've ever run across one where I've had a problem. I would guess that unless it says that you can't use it for sale items, you're fine.

That being said, I used the 25% off coupon tonight, and because I hadn't printed it out (my printer broke down a while ago, and I haven't bothered replacing it yet), I brought it up on my phone instead. I've done this numerous times without a problem, but for some reason the guy that I got tonight seemed really suspicious of it. When all was said and done, he let it through, but I was really glad that it was a wholly legitimate coupon that I had every right to use, rather than one of the new member coupons or something like that.
Damn, some of the titles I was looking to get for cheap... their prices are actually lower on the website than at the store, so at the store the coupon is worthless because they're still overpriced. Oh well. :cry:
Preordered The Night of the Hunter again as the 10% off for being a member wasn't applied the first time. With the new 25% coupon, my total came to $17.XX for the $50 set.

Next, I asked if I could preorder a Criterion that is coming out after the sale and get the discounted price if I pay for it now. I pushed my luck and asked about the BBS collection, which comes out on the 23rd on Blu, and lo and behold they allowed me to get it for the 50% off sale price when it comes out, knocking it from $92.61 to $41.67. I didn't bother asking to apply the coupon; they had already accommodated me so much.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']Damn, some of the titles I was looking to get for cheap... their prices are actually lower on the website than at the store, so at the store the coupon is worthless because they're still overpriced. Oh well. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Um . . . If you mean the Criterion titles, they're 50% off of MSRP both in the store and on the site, so they should be the same price in both places. Since you can get an extra 10% off with membership in the store, plus coupons, the store is definitely the better deal.

If you mean non-Criterion titles, then yeah, that's frequently the case. But why are you posting about non-Criterion titles in the Criterion sale thread? ;)

[quote name='supershammy']Next, I asked if I could preorder a Criterion that is coming out after the sale and get the discounted price if I pay for it now. I pushed my luck and asked about the BBS collection, which comes out on the 23rd on Blu, and lo and behold they allowed me to get it for the 50% off sale price when it comes out, knocking it from $92.61 to $41.67. I didn't bother asking to apply the coupon; they had already accommodated me so much.[/QUOTE]

Whoa, holy shit, really? I may have to try this. Though I'm confused, because list price on the BBS collection on blu-ray is $125, so at the 50% off sale price it should be $62.50. You sure they didn't order the DVD version (list price $100) for you instead?
[quote name='arcane93']
Whoa, holy shit, really? I may have to try this. Though I'm confused, because list price on the BBS collection on blu-ray is $125, so at the 50% off sale price it should be $62.50. You sure they didn't order the DVD version (list price $100) for you instead?[/QUOTE]

The price listed on the website for the Blu is $92.XX, while in-store it is $125. Since the order was placed using their online database, the price will match that of the online price on release.

EDIT: in all honesty though, if they give me a hard time about the online price versus the in-store price, I'll probably cave since it's already an insane price.
[quote name='supershammy']The price listed on the website for the Blu is $92.XX, while in-store it is $125. Since the order was placed using their online database, the price will match that of the online price on release.

EDIT: in all honesty though, if they give me a hard time about the online price versus the in-store price, I'll probably cave since it's already an insane price.[/QUOTE]

Wow, you got quite a deal, good for you. Even online, the sale price is supposed to be 50% off of list price, not off of the normal online discounted price.

For anyone trying to duplicate this, just be aware that it's going to be extremely YMMV, even more so than getting them to give the 50% off list sale price on a pre-order that comes out after the sale is over will be. I just worry that when someone posts something like this, people are going to severely harass the poor cashiers trying to get a deal that they're not supposed to be giving in the first place, and which they could probably get in trouble for.

(And to be clear, supershammy, I'm not saying you did anything wrong at all; if they'd have offered it to me I'd have taken it too. Just don't want anyone going into the store expecting they're going to get it.)
[quote name='arcane93']Wow, you got quite a deal, good for you. Even online, the sale price is supposed to be 50% off of list price, not off of the normal online discounted price.

For anyone trying to duplicate this, just be aware that it's going to be extremely YMMV, even more so than getting them to give the 50% off list sale price on a pre-order that comes out after the sale is over will be. I just worry that when someone posts something like this, people are going to severely harass the poor cashiers trying to get a deal that they're not supposed to be giving in the first place, and which they could probably get in trouble for.

(And to be clear, supershammy, I'm not saying you did anything wrong at all; if they'd have offered it to me I'd have taken it too. Just don't want anyone going into the store expecting they're going to get it.)[/QUOTE]

This is exactly the stance I'm planning to take. I'm going to hit up B&N one more time next week before the sale ends, and I'll try my hand on this. If it doesn't work, no biggie, I understand that it's a very unlikely scenario. If it CAN be pulled off, though, it needs to be played as cool as possible.

Essentially, don't pee yourselves, those who get it to work.
25% off coupon work like charm picked up Antichrist (Bluray) and The Magician (Bluray) for $14.37 Each instead $14.07 Each with $5 off coupon. I'll go back later tonight for Repulsion (Bluray) and The Wages of Fear (bluray) or Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (bluray).
bread's done