The Official PlayStation Vita Thread - 11/4: FW 3.00 Coming Just in Time for the PS4 Launch!

Legalese killed the bundle for me. I'm not interested in paying for a full month of the 3g online service before the advertised "free month" and free game kick in.
Ok but expecting a PS2 emulator on Vita, when such a thing was never ever mentioned, and then saying you'll wait for it to be hacked because of that is kind of silly.
Especially if he believes the homebrew community would be able to create such a thing.
[quote name='retro.elite']I am guessing, I think wolfpup is talking about the controller.[/QUOTE]

Still would be a non-issue. Wired controllers exist.

As for the PS2 support, I don't care. I'd rather they worked on the one for the PS3, so I can play my disc games, versus having to buy it again.

They do need things working that they announced before, because this is life the 3DS launching without a browser or store all over again.
[quote name='wrencrest']Speak the truth bother! This is exactly my thinking. I would already have bought a Vita if they would just allow me to play all/most PSN games that Vita is equipped to handle. Dont make me pay for anotehr version of the same exact game that I already have on PS3. Sony has to be able to make all their first party titles that can run on Vita available for both systems. Isnt one of the reasons people buy so many Apple products because they are all compatible with each other for the most part?[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they're doing with Wipeout 2048.

Also, all the PSN games I bought, I purchased thinking I could only play them on my PS3. If they end up being playable on the Vita, then great, but I'm not just expecting them to be simply because it'd be a nice feature. When Sony puts out an identical Vita game that I already purchased on my PS3 and requires me to pay for it again in order to play it on my Vita, maybe then I'll have an issue.
My system won't wake up from sleep mode. Ever. I have to do a hard reset. Anyone else have this issue?

(For the record, the hard reset is done by holding the power button for 20 seconds).
[quote name='Wolfpup']This is exactly what I've been wondering, as I don't want to buy thousands in games, and then discover they're unusable in 10 years or whatever.

Since no one seems to know, I'm planning on pulling mine apart when I get it, and testing it out. I'm planning on posting here and elsewhere when I find out, though I'm planning on just testing it without a game, before I sink more than $250 in it.

The DS/3DS actually DON'T work without their battery (even though it's fairly easily replaceable), so I SHOULD quit buying stuff for them, but have dozens of games LOL[/QUOTE]

Okay, I think it's safe to say that there is zero chance that the Vita will work plugged in if you have REMOVED the battery. What most of us have been getting at is that it should work fine with it plugged in regardless of the state of the battery.
[quote name='dallow']Ok but expecting a PS2 emulator on Vita, when such a thing was never ever mentioned, and then saying you'll wait for it to be hacked because of that is kind of silly.
Especially if he believes the homebrew community would be able to create such a thing.[/QUOTE]

They couldn't do a PS2 emulator on a 3.2 GHz PowerPC CPU. What makes you think they could do one on a quad core 1GHz ARM chip?

Dreamcast is possible though, if drkIIziel is up to porting nullDC.
[quote name='Anexanhume']They couldn't do a PS2 emulator on a 3.2 GHz PowerPC CPU.[/QUOTE]

You couldn't? Then what are those PS3 80GB ones doing?
You wanna play PS2 games then buy a fucking PS2, you wanna play PS3 games then buy a fucking PS3. Vita was made to play Vita games and that's it, Sony has zero obligation to make PS2 games play on the Vita. If you don't like it don't fucking buy it, videogames are entertainment not a fucking life necessity.
[quote name='elessar123']You couldn't? Then what are those PS3 80GB ones doing?[/QUOTE]

The 80GB PS3 has the PS2's GPU in it. The rest is done in software. So it's not complete emulation either.

The PS vita does not have the PS2's GPU or CPU in it. There's no reasonable expectation of an emulator given its lower performance capabilities compared to the PS3 either.
[quote name='wasurenai']Legalese killed the bundle for me. I'm not interested in paying for a full month of the 3g online service before the advertised "free month" and free game kick in.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've decided to go wifi-only for this reason as well. I hate AT&T and have no intention of giving them a penny.
Given the lack of PS2 support on the PS3, this is less than shocking.

It does tie into one of the big complaints I do have about this generation of handhelds, though... they seemingly got the memo (Nintendo's arrived late) about two sticks, but I'm surprised by the lack of 4 shoulder buttons. I understand that it's simply a case of grafting them into what needs to be a small system, but if you're going to try and emulate your controller in EVERY OTHER WAY, then just go for it. Playing the Metal Gear 3DS demo with the CPP really illustrated that... it just felt *better* with two sticks AND four shoulder buttons.

I understand that the Vita expects the rear touchscreen to accomodate things, but it's just not the same. If your system is being sold on the idea of 'console games on a handheld', it just seems to me like you might as well try and toss a full 'console controller' onto it.

Like I said, I understand the reasoning on not including it, it just seems like something worth doing.
I hate to ask this because i should probably have found a clear answer by now but my searches have lead me nowhere. Does anyone know if the wifi only bundle will be able to do the streetpass-like game or is it just 3g bundles?
Wow, guess some fanboys got offended. The hacking comment was about the PS3 streaming, which, I've heard folks have already done with the Vita. I don't expect the homebrew community to create a PS2 emulator. Sony has already put PS2 games on sale through the PSN and it seems to me that they would want to sell as many old games as possible since they don't make any money from used game sales (which is what the majority of PS2 sales are now). Personally, I would re-buy a PS2 game if it meant I could play it in portable form.
[quote name='Kuma']I hate to ask this because i should probably have found a clear answer by now but my searches have lead me nowhere. Does anyone know if the wifi only bundle will be able to do the streetpass-like game or is it just 3g bundles?[/QUOTE]

the wifi only model can still use Near. 3g isnt required for it. It can still track your location via wifi. :)
[quote name='Ogami Itto']You wanna play PS2 games then buy a fucking PS2, you wanna play PS3 games then buy a fucking PS3. Vita was made to play Vita games and that's it, Sony has zero obligation to make PS2 games play on the Vita. If you don't like it don't fucking buy it, videogames are entertainment not a fucking life necessity.[/QUOTE]
Relax there bro. Most people (unless I am alone here) arent complaining and saying it is Sony's OBLIGATION to allow PS2 and PS3 games on Vita. All I am saying is if Sony really wants to sell as many Vita's as possible, and I am sure they do, they should be trying to get all the content they can possibly get on each and every platform. And if they were to get more than one or two games like Wipeout to use this functionality and allow folks to buy ONE game and play it across mutliple platforms, they can sell more systems to people like me and I say it would even allow for more software sales. I would be willing to buy a game more if it allowed me to play it on multiple systems as opposed to one.
[quote name='nickerous']Wow, guess some fanboys got offended. The hacking comment was about the PS3 streaming, which, I've heard folks have already done with the Vita. I don't expect the homebrew community to create a PS2 emulator. Sony has already put PS2 games on sale through the PSN and it seems to me that they would want to sell as many old games as possible since they don't make any money from used game sales (which is what the majority of PS2 sales are now). Personally, I would re-buy a PS2 game if it meant I could play it in portable form.[/QUOTE]
Well, hacking a Vita won't make the Vita stream PS3 games either.

You can stream all PS3 games right now if you hack the PS3.
PS2's are $40 at Gamestop or cheaper at a yard sale or on Craigslist, so I don't see how this is an issue. If you need a CRT TV to play it on because it looks like crap on a HDTV then you can pick one of those up for free usually these days. I have found multiple PS2's for $10 each or under at yard sales this past summer and I expect to find more in the coming summer. This feature was never promised so I don't see what the issue is here. We can't expect Sony to make its entire catalog of games playable on one system and to retain that capability throughout every system it makes in the future.
lol at Virtua Tennis 4 digital manual.

It's black and white.

Still, the game itself I think is top 3 on the system.
Beautiful graphics, online, and a ton of content.
[quote name='Ogami Itto']You wanna play PS2 games then buy a fucking PS2, you wanna play PS3 games then buy a fucking PS3. Vita was made to play Vita games and that's it, Sony has zero obligation to make PS2 games play on the Vita. If you don't like it don't fucking buy it, videogames are entertainment not a fucking life necessity.[/QUOTE]

Now that's how you rage-text succinctly. I did nothing of the sort.


I'm still very curious how in the world "The Vita's launch is being regarded by many as one of the most successful for any system." Because that's the crazy funniest thing I've read in a looong time. At least in terms of video game arguments.
[quote name='mykevermin']Now that's how you rage-text succinctly. I did nothing of the sort.


I'm still very curious how in the world "The Vita's launch is being regarded by many as one of the most successful for any system." Because that's the crazy funniest thing I've read in a looong time. At least in terms of video game arguments.[/QUOTE]

I have actually read a few reviewers state similar comments on various websites. I don't think the comment means most successful in terms of sales, but instead by the quality of the hardware and launch titles released. The Vita hardware on a whole has been highly praised (though it is not without its faults). The software lineup is definitely more impressive than any other launch lineup I can remember, so I don't think that statement is necessarily untrue. The measurement of success between one person and another is different though, so not everyone is going to feel the same way.
[quote name='mykevermin']Now that's how you rage-text succinctly. I did nothing of the sort.


I'm still very curious how in the world "The Vita's launch is being regarded by many as one of the most successful for any system." Because that's the crazy funniest thing I've read in a looong time. At least in terms of video game arguments.[/QUOTE]

Not saying I agree with the exact quote you have, but the selection of quality titles available at launch (in the launch window at least) is as good or better than any recent system launch that I can recall.
[quote name='lewchief']So I tried transferring a psp mini game from my ps3 to the vita last night and it doesn't show up in the content manager. I was able to download it right to the vita from psn but why would it not show up on the ps3? Is it because it's already installed on the ps3?[/QUOTE]
Is it installed or is it still in install bubble form? They changed how PSP stuff (PSP games, Minis, and PS1 games) installs on the PS3 a few updates ago so that it can only be transferred to a PSP from that install bubble. Try redownloading the game and double check that the install bubble has the copy option in the triangle menu.
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[quote name='Ogami Itto']You wanna play PS2 games then buy a fucking PS2, you wanna play PS3 games then buy a fucking PS3. Vita was made to play Vita games and that's it, Sony has zero obligation to make PS2 games play on the Vita. If you don't like it don't fucking buy it, videogames are entertainment not a fucking life necessity.[/QUOTE]

Mouth, meet soap.
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack got a 9/10 from IGN. I will definitely pick it $8 for what looks like a cool platformer.

My card info was just stolen, so I had to cancel my amazon order (I have $100 in reward points) and wait for the new card before I can order again.

No release day for me.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Is it installed or is it still in install bubble form? They changed how PSP stuff (PSP games, Minis, and PS1 games) installs on the PS3 a few updates ago so that it can only be transferred to a PSP from that install bubble. Try redownloading the game and double check that the install bubble has the copy option in the triangle menu.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I just cleared all of those out from my PS+ buys from last month, I was tired of having them in the way. I guess I'll be stuck with Syphon Filter on the PS3...and not playing it. Wanted to get them on my PSP at some point.

I wonder if you can redownload when you already "own" something that was free last month. Lots of grey when it comes to PS+
[quote name='orntar']SON OF A BITCH!

My card info was just stolen, so I had to cancel my amazon order (I have $100 in reward points) and wait for the new card before I can order again.

No release day for me.[/QUOTE]

Get cash from your bank, go to Best Buy, buy some Kindle gift cards and add them to your Amazon account. Unless you were talking about a credit card. In that case you're screwed unless you want to open an Amazon credit card.
[quote name='Sonne']Damn, I just cleared all of those out from my PS+ buys from last month, I was tired of having them in the way. I guess I'll be stuck with Syphon Filter on the PS3...and not playing it. Wanted to get them on my PSP at some point.

I wonder if you can redownload when you already "own" something that was free last month. Lots of grey when it comes to PS+[/QUOTE]

You can. I got a new PS3 a few months ago and re-downloaded all my old content that had previously been free on PSN+.

Remember, you "own" everything you get for free as long as you're a PSN+ member. Once you stop is when you lose it all, but if you resubscribe then you get all your access restored.
[quote name='dallow']lol at Virtua Tennis 4 digital manual.

It's black and white.

Still, the game itself I think is top 3 on the system.
Beautiful graphics, online, and a ton of content.[/QUOTE]

Do any of the vita physical games come with a manual? The end of an era it seems.
[quote name='omyard']Get cash from your bank, go to Best Buy, buy some Kindle gift cards and add them to your Amazon account. Unless you were talking about a credit card. In that case you're screwed unless you want to open an Amazon credit card.[/QUOTE]

Yea, my credit card was haxxor'd

So I have to wait for the new card number in order to access the points I have banked.
[quote name='orntar']SON OF A BITCH!

My card info was just stolen, so I had to cancel my amazon order (I have $100 in reward points) and wait for the new card before I can order again.

No release day for me.[/QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me last week, thankfully my fiancee covered my pre-ordered games for me while I had to wait... My sympathies.
So what is the ideal memory card to buy for this? Would 4 Gigs be enough, or will that get filled relatively quickly? Can I store data on my PS3 and transfer it back and forth between the Vita memory card?
[quote name='spmahn']So what is the ideal memory card to buy for this? Would 4 Gigs be enough, or will that get filled relatively quickly? Can I store data on my PS3 and transfer it back and forth between the Vita memory card?[/QUOTE]

I got the 4gb and have 3 retail games installed and still have 3100mb left. i don't ever plan on using it for music and maybe an occasional tv show i donwload on my ps3 and copy over. just delete them when done watching. that being said the 8gb is only $10 more than the 4gb. 4gb will be fine if you stick with retail
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Is it installed or is it still in install bubble form? They changed how PSP stuff (PSP games, Minis, and PS1 games) installs on the PS3 a few updates ago so that it can only be transferred to a PSP from that install bubble. Try redownloading the game and double check that the install bubble has the copy option in the triangle menu.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it was installed. Sure enough I re downloaded it and it was there. I heard that certain games not on the list of psp games work. Resistance unfortunately still doesnt work yet which is a same because it would surely benefit from having the dual sticks. Hopefully soon.
[quote name='spmahn']So what is the ideal memory card to buy for this? Would 4 Gigs be enough, or will that get filled relatively quickly? Can I store data on my PS3 and transfer it back and forth between the Vita memory card?[/QUOTE]
If your gonna back thing up to your ps3 or your computer then i would say 4 is enough because you can always just delete some things if you need more room.
Is there no way to completely turn off the auto-sleep mode? I'm trying to download a previously purchased psp game right now but the stupid thing keeps going into sleep mode (after 5 minutes). I'm assuming that it doesn't continue downloading while in sleep mode so I have to keep messing with it to keep the download active. Any advice you owners who have had your system more than a few hours can give me?
I only briefly had mine in sleep mode but it still downloaded. I wasn't using it for an extended period of time but enough to download 2 psp games.
Any impressions of Nyko's Power Grip thing? I got the power Pak+ for my 3DS and I love it. I though that the back touch panel would back any kind of battery add on very cumbersome but if it extends battery as much as they say it will I may just invest in it.
[quote name='handsomepete']Do any of the vita physical games come with a manual? The end of an era it seems.[/QUOTE]

None of the 4 games I own have manuals. :(
On the flip side, I'm just glad Little Deviants came with a game case. It always annoyed me that the PSP bundles never included a real game case for the UMD, just some cardboard sleeve.
Does anyone else think the cases are too big to hold the size of the games? I love the first edition case now that I realize that it has a holder for 4 cartridges.
[quote name='Ogami Itto']If there are no manuals then they should make the game cases even smaller.[/QUOTE]

bread's done