The OTT - Poster #500 gets a weapon named after them!

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[quote name='guinaevere']Hi folks.

The Newnan manager who called and left that message on my machine was dismissed. I was at the Kennesaw Midnight for Madden last night (fun stuff, DJ, Barbeque, Red Bull car thing and Red Bull girls, it was supposed to be a big Tailgate party I guess), and was talking to Cyrics DM.
DM "your friend was dealt with."
Me: "huh? Oh the guy who called. Is he gone from the store?" (I mainly want to know because I don't want to go back there if he is still there.
DM: "Oh yes. He's gone. Fired, and there's more going on with that whole thing..."

I don't know what the company is doing to the guy other than having fired him. I prefer not to know, so I didn't ask. Especially as I wasn't the one who complained in the first place.[/QUOTE]
It probably means that you weren't the first to complain...
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Your avatar and your 9/14 whatever. You know what? Nevermind. I don't care.[/QUOTE]


My avatar is the cover art of the upcoming Linkin Park album 'A Thousand Suns', which releases on 9/14.
My RR test:


My FiOS test:

Yet, youtube videos load slower than they did before. Does that make sense at all?
Rhys Darby might take Steve Carrell's spot in The Office? Oh please make it true. He just has to be the same character he was in Flight of the Conchords.
Morning, OTT.

First day of training camp for Number84. Within 15 minutes, he's complaining about his wrist hurting. 45 minutes later, he's sitting on the sideline chugging water the rest of practice. He's so lazy!

But I had the last laugh...when we got home, I "Albert Haynesworth'd" him. Let's just say, he'll go the full 2 hours tonight.
[quote name='Number83']Morning, OTT.

First day of training camp for Number84. Within 15 minutes, he's complaining about his wrist hurting. 45 minutes later, he's sitting on the sideline chugging water the rest of practice. He's so lazy!

But I had the last laugh...when we got home, I "Albert Haynesworth'd" him. Let's just say, he'll go the full 2 hours tonight.[/QUOTE]

Tell him that he lacks intestinal fortitude.
[quote name='munch']Tell him that he lacks intestinal fortitude.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I did...among other things. :oops:

I have a feeling when he writes his memoirs, I will not be treated kindly.
[quote name='seanr1221']New PoP game is 13.00 shipped at Amazang through Gohastings.[/QUOTE]

But is it worth 13?

[quote name='DrMunkee']Wait. I thought Trix had actual shapes, not just little balls.[/QUOTE]

You thought wrong.
[quote name='panzerfaust']ok, eminem's new stuff was good for about 2 days before you realized it was absolute shit[/QUOTE]

[quote name='DrMunkee']Wait. I thought Trix had actual shapes, not just little balls.[/QUOTE]

Get the fuck out of here. When you guys do you might see JolietJake outside. Tell him to stay there.
[quote name='seanr1221']New PoP game is 13.00 shipped at Amazang through Gohastings.[/QUOTE]

I got it new for $15 at Best Buy a couple weeks back...still in shrink wrap.
[quote name='Number83']Morning, OTT.

First day of training camp for Number84. Within 15 minutes, he's complaining about his wrist hurting. 45 minutes later, he's sitting on the sideline chugging water the rest of practice. He's so lazy!

But I had the last laugh...when we got home, I "Albert Haynesworth'd" him. Let's just say, he'll go the full 2 hours tonight.[/QUOTE]

You could always Great Santini him, but that often backfires and he might end up "playing for the other team."
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Follando a una amiga.[/QUOTE]What does follando mean?

[quote name='DrMunkee']Wait. I thought Trix had actual shapes, not just little balls.[/QUOTE]
I believe they did once upon a time. First they were round, then in the 90s they became fruit shaped Then they went back to balls in like 2000 or so. Unless I'm mistaking the cereal brand. I don't eat cereal, so that could easily be the case.
[quote name='guinaevere']What does follando mean?[/QUOTE]

I bet it would take you only one guess

[quote name='guinaevere']I believe they did once upon a time. First they were round, then in the 90s they became fruit shaped Then they went back to balls in like 2000 or so. Unless I'm mistaking the cereal brand. I don't eat cereal, so that could easily be the case.[/QUOTE]

Who doesn't eat cereal? That's so inhuman!!! Cereal 4 lyfe!!1!!!11!
[quote name='corrosivefrost']what?[/QUOTE]

Thread title change. He's opening the door to the OTTocalypse!!


Cereal...It's not just for breakfast!
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']I bet it would take you only one guess[/QUOTE]I don't get it, I must be missing something. I looked in my dictionary and it isn't there. I could look in my german and swedish dictionaries, but I doubt they would have a spanish word in them.

Who doesn't eat cereal? That's so inhuman!!! Cereal 4 lyfe!!1!!!11!
I have nothing against cereal. But my belly doesn't have the enzymes to digest lactose, and cereal without milk is kinda ...dry.

[quote name='Number83']Thread title change.[/QUOTE]
Ha!! That's brilliant.

Is Liquid still around? Didn't he have a Palm Pre Plus at one point? Or does anyone? Is Palm totally obsolete at this point?
Hi Number 83! :wave: How have you been?

I've decided to cook a ham that I've had in the freezer for ages (it was given to me, and I didn't have the heart to not take it) tonight. I had to look up instructions for it. Never cooked ham before. XD
[quote name='guinaevere']I don't get it, I must be missing something. I looked in my dictionary and it isn't there. I could look in my german and swedish dictionaries, but I doubt they would have a spanish word in them.

I have nothing against cereal. But my belly doesn't have the enzymes to digest lactose, and cereal without milk is kinda ...dry.

Is Liquid still around? Didn't he have a Palm Pre Plus at one point? Or does anyone? Is Palm totally obsolete at this point?[/QUOTE]

(1) Probably slang. Slang doesn't make it into dictionaries for translation, usually... not the *good* slang, at least.

(2) Get some lactose free milk. Then you can revel in the glory of cereal.

(3) Haven't seen him, maybe, and probably. Manthing is the super phone guy these days for sure... he'd know about the Palm Pre or whatever.

[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']hey you guys can i borrow some money i got in a drunk fight last night and my glasses are broken[/QUOTE]

Post the video and charge $5 a viewing.
[quote name='Number83']Thread title change. He's opening the door to the OTTocalypse!!



I had to do something to prevent breaking a record for the longest OTT ever
Man, I'm refinancing my house, and I just got boned on the appraisal.

I own a two story, 4 bedroom and 2 full bath home. And I shit you not, in the appraisal he states it's a 3 bed, 1 bath home with a finished basement. And then he compares it to one story ranchers. I don't have a basement. I'm on a frickin slab! Not a single portion of my house is below grade.
I came into work this morning with 9 messages from the same number left 2 minutes apart with the caller saying nothing. The calls were originally at 12am. Weird.

$1400 to extract four wisdom teeth. Can't I just keep the damn things? :(
I don't doubt it. I bet you don't have insurance. Try a discount dental plan. That's what I have, but I haven't used it yet. You're supposed to only pay half, and you don't have to pay insurance for a year to do big jobs like that. You can get it done after a couple of days. It's like $100 for 15 months.

The shitty dentist I had fucked up putting my crown in, so I have to have something done for $400 to fix it + get a new crown for $1000.
I might wait till my I get insurance again with my employer. I'm scared to go in for a cleaning and a checkup to find out I need a bunch of fillings that will cost more $$.
I hope so, but I don't think this dentist uses nitrous. Made the appointment for Monday.

Cost me $140 for the initial exam (xrays and exam) for him to tell me that it'd be $1400 to remove the stupid teeth.
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