The "Recommend me games." thread. Let's get this to one star, people! We can do it!

My 6 1/2 year old son is enjoying Ben 10 on the wii a lot. He finished it with the credits in 2 days. He is going back to the different levels and replaying them to get all the cards. If your child loves Ben 10 show they will like this.
The game has co-op drop in/drop out mode like the lego star wars game.
I tried it a little as well it was fun. He never usually plays these "kiddie games", I actually rented the game from blockbuster with a free coupon. He usually plays uncharted. and he finished COD4 as well.
I have the Godfather, and it's completely rad. Busting up a store never felt so good. Is Scarface as good as this? I was thinking about picking it up on Xbox, which supports 720p (pretty good for last-gen), but wondered if the motion controls in the Wii version make it worth living with 480p.
From the little that I've read, Scarface is supposed to be a little bit better gameplay-wise than Godfather, but the use of "fuck" every other fucking fuck fuck minute gets (fucking) annoying.
[quote name='The Crotch']From the little that I've read, Scarface is supposed to be a little bit better gameplay-wise than Godfather, but the use of "fuck" every other fucking fuck fuck minute gets (fucking) annoying.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've played the game on Xbox, so I know about the fuckity fuck fuck. Reading the IGN review though, it sounds like the Wii-specific controls are not as great as they are in the Godfather. Plus Scarface looks really nice on the Xbox, and is going to be pretty jaggy on Wii (I still love you Nintendo).
To be fair, most of Godfather looked like crap on the Wii, too.

EDIT: Hey, who bumped this thing up to two Cheapy heads? I wanted this to be the lowest rated thread ever. You're harshing on my dream, man. Even I voted it 1 head.

EDIT2: Dammit, up to three heads. I give up.
I just gave you a 1-cheapy head review.

The Godfather totally looks like a PS2 game, but the motion controls are so fun! I was sold when the tutorial level has you bludgeon a helpless man with your bare hands, and the first mission involved busting up some guy's store. Hopefully you can garotte someone with the Nunchuck cord, but I haven't played much yet so I don't know.
Though it's very hard to do until you get a certain upgrade. You know the one. It's hugely worth it - it turns garroting into one simple, swift motion.

My favourite motion is the strangling. It was very hard at first because I was just shaking my hands rapidly. It got very easy once I started to do it like I would in real life - more of a back and forth motion.
Do u guys think Red Steel is worth trying for 13.99? I bought it and I am nervous to open it and think I wasted even 13.99.
It's kinda a love-it-or-hate-it game. Most people I've ever met hate it. I definitely wouldn't have paid $14 for it. I personally wouldn't touch any pre-Metroid Prime 3 FPS on the Wii.

Doesn't help that there's only one post-MP3 FPS on the Wii. Which is really a shame - I found aiming with the remote to be leaps and bounds better than dual analogue.
Thanks for you opinion. Maybe I will return it and put the $ towards another game. I really want Bully for the wii.

Edit: Returned the game today. Bought Bully, I am very happy with the game so far.
Thanks for the thread. This made me want to get Link's Crossbow Training. I thought it was $30, so it's good to hear that it's cheap. I'll pick it up if I can find one for MSRP.
I'm going to try to get a Wii at Target this Sunday. This thread's really useful! What I'm wondering is, what's the consensus on 2-4 player local multiplayer games? There seem to be an endless number of minigame-games, but I'm not sure which ones are that good.

I was thinking of basically having Wii Sports, probably Wii Play (even though I heard it kinda sucks, I was going to buy a second controller anyway), and SSBB (of course). Beyond that, I might get another good single-player game like Mario Galaxy or Twilight Princess, and then one more good multiplayer game. I'll only have the two controllers at first but eventually I'll have four.

From reading the summaries at the beginning of the thread, nothing seems to stand out. Raving Rabbids maybe? Mario Party? Wario Ware? Carnival Games? Or maybe Elebits for something a bit different? Mainly I'm looking for something simple and fun that anyone can pick up and play, because not all of my friends are gamers who would appreciate the intricacies of SSBB.
[quote name='astromanluca']What I'm wondering is, what's the consensus on 2-4 player local multiplayer games? There seem to be an endless number of minigame-games, but I'm not sure which ones are that good.

I was thinking of basically having Wii Sports, probably Wii Play (even though I heard it kinda sucks, I was going to buy a second controller anyway), and SSBB (of course). Beyond that, I might get another good single-player game like Mario Galaxy or Twilight Princess, and then one more good multiplayer game. I'll only have the two controllers at first but eventually I'll have four.[/quote]
Mario Galaxy is gorgeous but not as good as Mario 64 or (IMO) Mario Sunshine. Only maybe 5/120 stars will give you trouble if you are any good at video games at all. Brawl is amazing. Best game on Wii. WarioWare is good, but has a few minor flaws. You have to beat the single player mode before you get multi player, which takes about an hour.
[quote name='Doomed']Mario Galaxy is gorgeous but not as good as Mario 64 or (IMO) Mario Sunshine. Only maybe 5/120 stars will give you trouble if you are any good at video games at all. Brawl is amazing. Best game on Wii. WarioWare is good, but has a few minor flaws. You have to beat the single player mode before you get multi player, which takes about an hour.[/quote]
Actually, I don't think I'll be getting Mario Galaxy. I get horribly confused most of the time... I might get 5/120 stars before I give up, in fact. But I'm usually decent at Zelda games (though it took me several peeks at a walkthrough to beat Wind Waker, which most people considered really easy).

Based on how I was never able to get anywhere with either Mario 64 or Mario Sunshine, I don't think I'd like Galaxy. But that's okay - there are a ton of good Wii games out there.
[quote name='astromanluca']Actually, I don't think I'll be getting Mario Galaxy. I get horribly confused most of the time... I might get 5/120 stars before I give up, in fact. But I'm usually decent at Zelda games (though it took me several peeks at a walkthrough to beat Wind Waker, which most people considered really easy).

Based on how I was never able to get anywhere with either Mario 64 or Mario Sunshine, I don't think I'd like Galaxy. But that's okay - there are a ton of good Wii games out there.[/quote]

Don't assume that of Galaxy.

Actually I'm kind of the opposite, Zelda games confuse me a lot more. Yet I still love them, and see them as worth the trouble.

But Galaxy is a lot different from the other 3D marios. It's very linear, and even the few more wide open levels are 100 times more linear and easier to follow than anything in 64 or sunshine.

Trust me, you won't have probs and you'll be hitting yourself for ever doubting the game in the first place.
Galaxy = Easy.

Local Multiplayer? I'd go with Ghost Squad, Elebits, SSBB (duh), and House of the Dead. Wasn't a big fan of the last Mario Party. Not big on the minigame thing - hell, the multiplayer thing - in general over here.
Dunno about soccer - Strikers is supposed to be pretty good - but I really haven't followed that in the least.

As far as shooters go? If we're talking FPS, you generally wanna avoid those if you're searching for splitscreen action. Either they have little/no local multiplayer (Medal of Honor Heroes 2) or they use an outdated, pre-Metroid control scheme (Red Steel). Rail shooters, however, are better. Ghost Squad's probably the best one at the moment - Resident Evil's bosses are a little on the too-hard side - but then there's that House of the Dead collection, too. Also, Elebits. And if you want to extend "shooting" to include things like Galaxy Wars or Metal Slug, either one of those would be a good choice.
[quote name='The Crotch']Dunno about soccer - Strikers is supposed to be pretty good - but I really haven't followed that in the least.

As far as shooters go? If we're talking FPS, you generally wanna avoid those if you're searching for splitscreen action. Either they have little/no local multiplayer (Medal of Honor Heroes 2) or they use an outdated, pre-Metroid control scheme (Red Steel). Rail shooters, however, are better. Ghost Squad's probably the best one at the moment - Resident Evil's bosses are a little on the too-hard side - but then there's that House of the Dead collection, too. Also, Elebits. And if you want to extend "shooting" to include things like Galaxy Wars or Metal Slug, either one of those would be a good choice.[/quote]

thanks for the help. I used to play co-op shooting game with my buddy all the time on PS2 like Conflict desert storm and other conflicts game. sound like i might need to try ghost squad but i hear the game is really short. is that true?
what shooting game that i can use my gun with?

also there is a few game out there have wii and 360 copy, since i have both, should i just get the 360 copy? cause the picture is much better than wii
Ghost Squad is short in that there are only three ten-minute levels, but the levels change the more you play them and you unlock new stuff each playthrough - different guns and outfits, mostly. I've been through it four or five times so far and it hasn't gotten old yet. Also gotta recommend HotD 2 + 3 for local multiplayer, and Metal Slug Anthology is a good choice.

You can use your gun for any rail shooter - HotD, Ghost Squad, and Umbrella Chronicles are the only ones worth playing though. You can't use it for Metroid Prime.

As for Wii vs. 360, generally the 360 version is gonna be better, but it depends on the game. Raving Rabbids is way more fun on the Wii, for instance.
[quote name='leung19']thanks for the help. I used to play co-op shooting game with my buddy all the time on PS2 like Conflict desert storm and other conflicts game. sound like i might need to try ghost squad but i hear the game is really short. is that true?
what shooting game that i can use my gun with?[quote name='leung19']As was said above, Ghost Squad is very short, but has a billion unlockables and great replayability. It's ugly, though, as SEGA didn't change the graphics much from the arcade version.

[quote name='leung19'] also there is a few game out there have wii and 360 copy, since i have both, should i just get the 360 copy? cause the picture is much better than wii[/quote]Unless it's tailored specifically to the Wii, it'll likely be better on the 360. There are exceptions to this rule - Godfather was great on the Wii, for example, and the new Bully certainly holds its own - but multiplatform games are generally not what you get the Wii for, sadly.
Now, graphics aren't the most important thing to me (otherwise I wouldn't have gotten a Wii) but I'm wondering, which Wii games are the most graphically impressive? I've heard that Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 are both excellent (figures that I picked up Twilight Princess as my first big Nintendo single-player game). Anything else? I don't even care so much about fancy shaders and high poly counts, just interested in games that look really good. Take Wind Waker, for instance - maybe not the most demanding game, but a very attractive one, simply by virtue of its art style.

It just seems that most Wii games, especially third-party ones, are rushed ports of GameCube, PS2, or PSP games, with little to no improvement in the graphics department from the original. Are Nintendo the only ones who give a rip about how their games look?
[quote name='astromanluca']Now, graphics aren't the most important thing to me (otherwise I wouldn't have gotten a Wii) but I'm wondering, which Wii games are the most graphically impressive? I've heard that Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 are both excellent (figures that I picked up Twilight Princess as my first big Nintendo single-player game). Anything else? I don't even care so much about fancy shaders and high poly counts, just interested in games that look really good. Take Wind Waker, for instance - maybe not the most demanding game, but a very attractive one, simply by virtue of its art style.

Ah, a good question from someone who clearly has good taste.

I think Galaxy and Prime 3 are indeed two of the best looking games on the system, and clearly could not be done on a gamecube or ps2. Zelda is a great game too, but it is by definition a high-end gamecube game in terms of graphics. And although it definitely has rough edges, Brawl has some great-looking moments, especially if you like stylization. It's a few notches up from Melee for sure.
[quote name='astromanluca']Now, graphics aren't the most important thing to me (otherwise I wouldn't have gotten a Wii) but I'm wondering, which Wii games are the most graphically impressive? I've heard that Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 are both excellent (figures that I picked up Twilight Princess as my first big Nintendo single-player game). Anything else? I don't even care so much about fancy shaders and high poly counts, just interested in games that look really good. Take Wind Waker, for instance - maybe not the most demanding game, but a very attractive one, simply by virtue of its art style.

It just seems that most Wii games, especially third-party ones, are rushed ports of GameCube, PS2, or PSP games, with little to no improvement in the graphics department from the original. Are Nintendo the only ones who give a rip about how their games look?[/quote]As was mentioned earlier, No More Heroes is a great one. I've heard that there's a lot of pop-in in the free-roaming bits, but I can't confirm that, as I was always focused on the minimap during those portions. It definitely looks great during fights. Zack & Wiki looks really nice, but the second last level has some really bad slowdown. And of course, RE4 looks as good as ever.
can someone give me a "MUST BUY" wii game list?
some game where i cannot get with either PS3 or 360. OR some game with special wii control.

i have 360 and wii, and would like to get some good games that is good on wii only
[quote name='leung19']can someone give me a "MUST BUY" wii game list?
some game where i cannot get with either PS3 or 360. OR some game with special wii control.

i have 360 and wii, and would like to get some good games that is good on wii only
Thanks[/quote]Let's see...

Wii Only Must-Buys|
Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy
No More Heroes
Wii Play (for the free controller, mainly)
Zack & Wiki
Super Paper Mario

Wii Only... Maybe Buys|
Fire Emblem (See: my recent post in the FE thread for my thoughts. I loved it. FE fans loved it. Others... not so much.)
Trauma Center: New Blood
Excite Truck
Mario Party (I was not a fan...)
Medal of Honor Heroes 2
Worms: A Space Oddity

Not Exclusive, but Very Good on the Wii|
Resident Evil 4
Godfather (This and RE4 are the two best)
Ghost Squad
Geometry Wars

A lot of games are up to personal taste. I could have put a lot more games in that middle category, trust me. You have to do your research big-time.
[quote name='The Crotch']Let's see...

Wii Only Must-Buys|
Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy
No More Heroes
Wii Play (for the free controller, mainly)
Zack & Wiki
Super Paper Mario[/quote]
@leung19, Zelda on Wii is a port of the GC game. Some liked the tacked on Wii controls, others didn't.
Regardless, Twilight Princess is an excellent game in its own right, GameCube game or not. There's really no reason to get the GameCube version unless you already have a GameCube controller and a GameCube memory card and can't stand the thought of using motion controls.
[quote name='The Crotch']Let's see...

Wii Only... Maybe Buys|
Fire Emblem (See: my recent post in the FE thread for my thoughts. I loved it. FE fans loved it. Others... not so much.)
Trauma Center: New Blood
Excite Truck
Mario Party (I was not a fan...)
Medal of Honor Heroes 2
Worms: A Space Oddity

I'm gonna nitpick a little myself and say that Medal of Honor Heroes 2 was not Wii Only , it was also on the PSP. It's kinda weird really since the original MoH Heroes was a PSP port of MoH Vanguard , which was released on the wii , 360 , and PS3. Yet Heroes 2 was a PSP also released on the wii.:whistle2:s

Regardless of whether it's wii only or not it's still supposed to be a good game , and based on reviews is better than the PSP version.

[quote name='Doomed']@leung19, Zelda on Wii is a port of the GC game. Some liked the tacked on Wii controls, others didn't.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was the other way around , they had moved the game over to the wii as the primary release and ported it to the GCN only because enough fans made a stink about it.
[quote name='StarKnightX']
I thought it was the other way around , they had moved the game over to the wii as the primary release and ported it to the GCN only because enough fans made a stink about it.[/quote]
It was always being made for the Gamecube. First Nintendo swore up and down that it was on just GCN and was not going on the "Revolution" (Wii). Then they changed and said it was going to be a simultaneous release on the Wii launch for Wii and GCN. Then they changed again and made the GCN release about 3 weeks after the Wii launch. So basically Nintendo sucks.
[quote name='StarKnightX']I'm gonna nitpick a little myself and say that Medal of Honor Heroes 2 was not Wii Only , it was also on the PSP. It's kinda weird really since the original MoH Heroes was a PSP port of MoH Vanguard , which was released on the wii , 360 , and PS3. Yet Heroes 2 was a PSP also released on the wii.:whistle2:s[/quote]Yeah, I realized that when I was debating where I should put Ghost Squad.

[quote name='StarKnightX'] Regardless of whether it's wii only or not it's still supposed to be a good game , and based on reviews is better than the PSP version.[/quote]The lack of local multiplayer kept me from picking it up.
thanks for the list,
i know for sure i'm gettin a few of those game
Smash, Galaxy, Ghost Squard. i might pick up wii play for cheap, since i dont need extra controller anymore.

How good is No more heroes? is it kinda like GTA? can you fight with both hand?

what about Zelda? is it RPG? I really havent play any RPG b4.

what is Metroid? shooting game? screenshot dont look too exciting?

how is the control on Zack & Wiki?

what is the diff between Super Paper Mario and Galaxy?

Fire Emblem another RPG game?

Trauma Center: New Blood look interesting, but is it one and done kinda game?

i'm mainly looking for game will use the wii controller, game like "winter game" was pretty good.

thanks for all the help

[quote name='The Crotch']Let's see...

Wii Only Must-Buys|
Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy
No More Heroes
Wii Play (for the free controller, mainly)
Zack & Wiki
Super Paper Mario

Wii Only... Maybe Buys|
Fire Emblem (See: my recent post in the FE thread for my thoughts. I loved it. FE fans loved it. Others... not so much.)
Trauma Center: New Blood
Excite Truck
Mario Party (I was not a fan...)
Medal of Honor Heroes 2
Worms: A Space Oddity

Not Exclusive, but Very Good on the Wii|
Resident Evil 4
Godfather (This and RE4 are the two best)
Ghost Squad
Geometry Wars

A lot of games are up to personal taste. I could have put a lot more games in that middle category, trust me. You have to do your research big-time.[/quote]
Oh, my...[quote name='leung19']

How good is No more heroes? is it kinda like GTA? can you fight with both hand?[/quote]No More Heroes is awesome, but it's nothing like GTA. It has an overworld that, on the surface, is sorta GTA-ish, but if you go in hoping for anything like GTA, you will be very disappointed. The overworld is just for driving from A to B. You can't even take damage. Once you've raised enough money doing odd jobs in the overworld, you can play a level - the main bit of the game - decapitating goons and killing bosses. It's a beat-em-up like Double Dragon. Only fucking crazy.

[quote name='leung19'] what about Zelda? is it RPG? I really havent play any RPG b4.[/quote]Arguable, but most people don't consider it an RPG. Ever play Okami? It's a lot like that. If you haven't played a Zelda... man, where the hell have you been?

[quote name='leung19'] what is Metroid? shooting game? screenshot dont look too exciting?[/quote]Though it starts oddly reminiscent of Halo, it's not a shooter. It's more like "Zelda with guns", though it has some of the best shooting controls I've ever used. Just make sure you set them to "Advanced" and have free aiming on. The game looks great, though it does not photograph well. If you haven't played a Metroid before... man, you've missed out. Ever play Castlevania? This is kinda like that.

[quote name='leung19'] how is the control on Zack & Wiki?[/quote]With the exception of a couple of things, they're all very good. Make sure you're used to adventure games like Monkey Island and King's Quest and the like before getting this. And are prepared for the -10 to masculinity.

[quote name='leung19'] what is the diff between Super Paper Mario and Galaxy?[/quote]Super Paper Mario is far slower, has light RPG elements, and... is paper. Everything is paper. SMG is far better, but I still loved Paper Mario. Paper Mario makes minimal use of the remote - SMG is slightly better.

[quote name='leung19'] Fire Emblem another RPG game?[/quote]Yes. It's a Strategy Role Playing Game. And one of the hardest ones you'll ever not play. Doesn't even use the Wii Remote.

[quote name='leung19'] Trauma Center: New Blood look interesting, but is it one and done kinda game?[/quote]Not sure. Only played the one before that. It's supposed to be damn hard, but hey, there's co-op! And it controls damn well.

EDIT: I see you're interested in Ghost Squad. A few things you should keep in mind. First, it's a rail shooter, not a standard FPS. Second, it's a port of an old arcade game, so it doesn't look good. Third, you'll run through it in, like, a half an hour, but it has a lot of replayability.
Just out of curiosity, what systems have you owned, and what are your favorite games? It's hard to explain these games without knowing your frame of reference (Crotch did a great job, though). Never played Zelda or Metroid? What have you played?

[quote name='leung19']thanks for the list,
i know for sure i'm gettin a few of those game
Smash, Galaxy, Ghost Squard. i might pick up wii play for cheap, since i dont need extra controller anymore.

How good is No more heroes? is it kinda like GTA? can you fight with both hand?

what about Zelda? is it RPG? I really havent play any RPG b4.

what is Metroid? shooting game? screenshot dont look too exciting?

how is the control on Zack & Wiki?

what is the diff between Super Paper Mario and Galaxy?

Fire Emblem another RPG game?

Trauma Center: New Blood look interesting, but is it one and done kinda game?

i'm mainly looking for game will use the wii controller, game like "winter game" was pretty good.

thanks for all the help[/QUOTE]
i used to have a PS2, but i gave it to my friend last year. i mainly play sports and sims game.

now i have 360 and wii so i need to catch up on some gaming
[quote name='leung19']i used to have a PS2, but i gave it to my friend last year. i mainly play sports and sims game.

now i have 360 and wii so i need to catch up on some gaming[/quote]

Even if you've played the 360/PS2 version, Madden is a blast on Wii. Definitely check it out if you haven't yet. Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 on Wii is also supposed to be very good, but I haven't tried that yet so I can't say for sure.

If you like The Sims, I'd recommend checking out MySims. It's not really the same as the other Sims games, and many people dislike it, but I had quite a bit of fun with it. It's kind of like a mix of Animal Crossing and Sims; and definitely more focused on building stuff/a community than controlling a Sims life. Worth a rental, anyways.
[quote name='leung19']i used to have a PS2, but i gave it to my friend last year. i mainly play sports and sims game.

now i have 360 and wii so i need to catch up on some gaming[/quote]
Get a GC controller and memory card and catch up on some good GC games:
Zelda Wind Waker/Zelda Twilight Princess
Mario Sunshine
Metroid Prime
Pikmin/Pikmin 2
just to name a few
[quote name='leung19']i used to have a PS2, but i gave it to my friend last year. i mainly play sports and sims game.

now i have 360 and wii so i need to catch up on some gaming[/quote]
Sounds like you weren't much of a gamer before. Maybe you should start off with some Virtual Console classics to get up-to-date? May I recommend:
Super Metroid
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Bros. 3
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64

Those should give you a frame of reference for some of the newer stuff, not to mention six of the best games ever made (and for less than a new 360 game). Oh, and if you pick up some Gamecube controllers and a memory card, you should get Animal Crossing as well; it's sort of the Japanese equivalent of the Sims.
[quote name='leung19']i used to have a PS2, but i gave it to my friend last year. i mainly play sports and sims game.

now i have 360 and wii so i need to catch up on some gaming[/QUOTE]

Oh, man, to be a Nintendo virgin again.

I would start with Mario Galaxy and Zelda Twilight princess for single-player, and Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii for multiplayer action. That's the core Nintendo goodness right there. Then come back and tell us what you liked and didn't like, and branch out from there.

I think if Mario Galaxy was the first Mario game I played, my head would explode.
[quote name='tankexmortis']Sounds like you weren't much of a gamer before. Maybe you should start off with some Virtual Console classics to get up-to-date? May I recommend:
Super Metroid
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Bros. 3
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64

Those should give you a frame of reference for some of the newer stuff, not to mention six of the best games ever made (and for less than a new 360 game). Oh, and if you pick up some Gamecube controllers and a memory card, you should get Animal Crossing as well; it's sort of the Japanese equivalent of the Sims.[/quote]
I wouldn't necessarily be so quick to recommend those older games, for two reasons. First, SNES games are kind of a problem to control on the Wii - you can't use just the Wiimote like you can with NES games, and if you use a GameCube controller the buttons are often arranged inconveniently. The Classic controller's the best for SNES, but it's only useful if you are planning on playing a bunch of VC games. The GameCube controller is fine for N64 games, and is also good for playing several Wii games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

The second reason is that it can be hard to enjoy those old games if you never played them when they first came out years ago. I never had a video game system until a few years ago (other than a GameBoy); I would just play games on my computer. When I try going back and playing those old games, I tend to just get frustrated and lost. Those games aren't bad per se (in fact they're very good), but a lot of their replay value is heavily buoyed by people's nostalgia for them.

There isn't enough continuity from game to game in any of the big Nintendo series (Zelda, Metroid, Mario) for you to need to go back and play the old versions. They might be fun time-wasters for a little while, but they're much narrower in scope than the more recent games, if only because they're limited by the technology that was available when they first came out.

I certainly wouldn't go nuts buying special controllers and lots of VC games right at first, at least. Buy $10 of Wii points and get yourself the web browser and one NES game that you can control with a sideways Wiimote.
bread's done