The "Sammich And Fries" OTT

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[quote name='smalien1']Yeah, I guess I'll do it once I make sure its legit, the director of the local TV station who really likes my work told me about it.

I just got kicked out of an EB, I was buying a used PSP game and I asked to see the disk because "I bought a used PSP on eBay and it was all fucked up." the guy said "Don't curse in my store", and kicked me out even though it was just conversational and I wasn't being a dick to him. I was the only person in the store.[/QUOTE]


That's why we need to be able to hand out mini-disks of Penn & Tellers BULLSHIT, the curse-word episode, to anyone who doesnt like swearing...especially when it doesnt fucking matter (i personnaly like the shaq-fu thing myself)

Santa Vaka!
[quote name='SpottedNigel']New amzingly annoying CAG: Americanpierg

almost as annoying as doofydoofus on[/QUOTE]

I see you've had the displeasure of having to deal with her...
I'm guessing a good deal of that is in the Gamerush thread. I've already disected, bolded, and tore apart statements of her's. Needless to say, I'm not her favorite person here.
[quote name='smalien1']Yeah, I guess I'll do it once I make sure its legit, the director of the local TV station who really likes my work told me about it.

I just got kicked out of an EB, I was buying a used PSP game and I asked to see the disk because "I bought a used PSP on eBay and it was all fucked up." the guy said "Don't curse in my store", and kicked me out even though it was just conversational and I wasn't being a dick to him. I was the only person in the store.[/QUOTE]


please tell me you told him to fuck off afterwards or asked him what the fuck he was talking about?

I'm glad I get the special treatment at my game sotres...though since I found CAG, I rarely ever shop at them any more.
[quote name='smalien1']Yeah, I guess I'll do it once I make sure its legit, the director of the local TV station who really likes my work told me about it.

I just got kicked out of an EB, I was buying a used PSP game and I asked to see the disk because "I bought a used PSP on eBay and it was all fucked up." the guy said "Don't curse in my store", and kicked me out even though it was just conversational and I wasn't being a dick to him. I was the only person in the store.[/QUOTE]

The funny thing about this is that if you search for "Obscenity is the hallmark of a weak mind", the first link is to a thread on CAG. :)
[quote name='JSweeney']The funny thing about this is that if you search for "Obscenity is the hallmark of a weak mind", the first link is to a thread on CAG. :)[/QUOTE]

How fitting.
Well, first, the dry cleaners gave me a receipt saying it would only cost me $2.50 for dry cleaning two shirts. Well, I go in, and they gave one shirt the whole steam regalia, which brought it to $8 total. I was annoyed, and I'm not going back to them.

As for the second, we were surveying two circuits in west Wilmington with our camera. And my intern had shown nervousness being in the city. For example, we had already had an incident where a couple of elderly black men across the street were calling over to us. And he was like, "Keep walking." and I go, "Nah, it's okay." So we crossed and chatted for a bit. That was about a month ago. And I thought it was because he was a suburb boy and not used to the city.

Anyway, we're walking in the city and this part of town is slightly below average. It's not even the bad part of town. That's over on the east side at the housing authority building. So, we're walking a few blocks taking photos and I had no problem but he was skittish. We get to the end, and on our way back there was a large black family holding some type of wake on their front porch. Aty least, I assumed it was a wake, because there was a car with a "funeral" tag parked on the corner. So I felt like we were intruding so I kinda wanted to get out of there.

We're passing, and just as we passed, someone of the group called out, "Whatcha shooting with your camera?" So I turn around and walk back and explain what we're doing. So then I turn around to finish off, and my intern whispers to me under his breath, "fucking black people." And mean, I'm like, what?!? First, I'm increadibly embarrassed because we were still close enough to the party that they might have heard him. And like, after a few steps away, I say to him, "Dude, that is not nice." I meant "right" instead of "nice." But I guess because of the shock of the comment it just didn't come out right.

So he tries to explain himself, "Well, you know, I don't mean black people." And all that. And then he starts trying to prove he's not racist. Because a few houses down there were four or five hispanic teams playing latin music sitting on the porch and he goes, "I think that music is actually pretty catchy." Catchy? Who the hell says catchy? So I mercifly change the subject by pointing out that our walk is downhioll, since the six blocks we hiked were totally uphill.

Anyway, we're about halfway back to the car, and I'm in the middle of the block, and I'm passing back by another group of kids. And we're walking downhill nd I'm looking down at the corner and I see this scruffy white kid doing the hand pass on a drug deal. One guy going north south, the other going east west. I saw the money and drugs changed in the same hand for speed. It was like something you'd see on TV.

And one of the delinquents in the group a few feet behind me suddenly calls out to the guy who did the deal at the end of the corner. And I'm trying to suppress a laugh. Because this idiot just did a drug deal in front of me, while I have a camera, and the gang leader saw me see him do the drug deal. And I pass by the dealer as he walks by me up the block and I nod my head at the guy, and he nods at me. And as we're walking away I can hear his buddy start scholding him for doing a drug deal in front of us. If I recall, the guy said to him, "Look who's around you." At least, I think that's what I heard as me and my partner were walking away. And I ask my summer guy, "Did you see that?" And even thought he was standing right next to me he had totally missed it. "See what?"
[quote name='JSweeney']I see you've had the displeasure of having to deal with her...
I'm guessing a good deal of that is in the Gamerush thread. I've already disected, bolded, and tore apart statements of her's. Needless to say, I'm not her favorite person here.[/QUOTE]
Wait, what happened?
Catchy? Who the hell says catchy?

I say catchy. but I'm not as much of an idiot as your summer intern. I feel your pain man-- I hate going to the city with people who are scared of the city. OMG teh blacks are going to rape us!
[quote name='Apossum']I say catchy. but I'm not as much of an idiot as your summer intern. I feel your pain man-- I hate going to the city with people who are scared of the city. OMG teh blacks are going to rape us![/QUOTE]

Close-mindedness, what a lovely thing. :roll:
Theres a town next to mine that I have to walk through to get to the movie theatre and my friends are always shocked I do it cause its a kinda sorta crummy town, even though I almost live in it.

That town is one of the most economicaly diverse for its size, it has millionares and people on welfare within a mile of eachother. And one of the most bitchin' movie theatre/arcade/bowling alley/eb games/pool hall/mediocre mini-golf placese around.
they are closed minded, but their fear of everything is what bothers me...they usually have other personality problems that annoy me more than just a general fear of the city and other people.
[quote name='Apossum']they are closed minded, but their fear of everything is what bothers me...they usually have other personality problems that annoy me more than just a general fear of the city and other people.[/QUOTE]

Very true. I'll agree with that assessment.
I was just watching "King of Queens"...
Am I the only person that has problem suspending disbelief to a point where they'd actually be able to believe that a fat UPS (or whatever their fake name is) employee could land a woman like his wife?
[quote name='smalien1']Theres a town next to mine that I have to walk through to get to the movie theatre and my friends are always shocked I do it cause its a kinda sorta crummy town, even though I almost live in it.

That town is one of the most economicaly diverse for its size, it has millionares and people on welfare within a mile of eachother. And one of the most bitchin' movie theatre/arcade/bowling alley/eb games/pool hall/mediocre mini-golf placese around.[/QUOTE]

Sounds a bit like the Detroit area. Within a couple of miles, you can go from the richest of the rich to some of the poorest of the poor. It's so odd.
Oh, I almost forgot. I've been pre qualified for a hundred and sixty-six thou' on a first time house.

And I'm still looking for a Dell 20% off oupon. I could really use some help on this one! I really want to get that Geforce 7800 for $430 but I need a 20% off coupon before the $65 cooupons expire or run dry.
[quote name='JSweeney']I was just watching "King of Queens"...
Am I the only person that has problem suspending disbelief to a point where they'd actually be able to belive that a fat UPS (or whatever their fake name is) employee could land a woman like his wife?[/QUOTE]

Nope, you're not the only one.
[quote name='smalien1']Yeah, I guess I'll do it once I make sure its legit, the director of the local TV station who really likes my work told me about it.

I just got kicked out of an EB, I was buying a used PSP game and I asked to see the disk because "I bought a used PSP on eBay and it was all fucked up." the guy said "Don't curse in my store", and kicked me out even though it was just conversational and I wasn't being a dick to him. I was the only person in the store.[/QUOTE]

You need to get a swear jar. At least make the habit worthwhile.
[quote name='JSweeney']Sounds a bit like the Detroit area. Within a couple of miles, you can go from the richest of the rich to some of the poorest of the poor. It's so odd.[/QUOTE]

Between 12 and 1/2 mile and 13 you have a couple of Red Wings...right off of 13 you have a large trailer park...

Still trying to figure this one out...
[quote name='JSweeney']I was just watching "King of Queens"...
Am I the only person that has problem suspending disbelief to a point where they'd actually be able to belive that a fat UPS (or whatever their fake name is) employee could land a woman like his wife?[/QUOTE]

Actually I can't suspend my belief beyond the fact that that stupid, fat, unfunny dumbass has a show and continues to stay on television.
[quote name='KrazyKefka']And how many fucks does it get?[/QUOTE]

Well, its a fucking movie about a fucking blind man that also appears to be fucking insane.

It was one of the most fucking boring movie I have fucking seen in awhile. I cant believe I fucking sat through that whole damn movie. The fucking makers of the movie are all fucking thinking and said "lets make a movie about a blind guy that is insane but can also play the piano". What the fuck were they thinking when they made this movie? Whoopdee fucking doo a blind insane guy that hopped up on fucking drugs can play the fucking piano. Yay. I am so fucking happy I watched that damn movie. Yipee I can be insane too, now all I need to fucking do is learn how to play the piano and become fucking blind and I can have a fucking movie made after me.

All in all I give this movie 1 1/2 fuck's/8 fuck's
[quote name='karsh']I think that may have been the best Samurai Champloo yet. So freaking funny.[/QUOTE]

which one was it? with the secret warrior priest tribe and their field of grass? :)
[quote name='whoknows']Well, its a fucking movie about a fucking blind man that also appears to be fucking insane.

It was one of the most fucking boring movie I have fucking seen in awhile. I cant believe I fucking sat through that whole damn movie. The fucking makers of the movie are all fucking thinking and said "lets make a movie about a blind guy that is insane but can also play the piano". What the fuck were they thinking when they made this movie? Whoopdee fucking doo a blind insane guy that hopped up on fucking drugs can play the fucking piano. Yay. I am so fucking happy I watched that damn movie. Yipee I can be insane too, now all I need to fucking do is learn how to play the piano and become fucking blind and I can have a fucking movie made after me.

All in all I give this movie 1 1/2 fuck's/8 fuck's[/QUOTE]

:whistle2:s I dunno...I thought it wasn't bad 8-[ Not stupendous, by any means, but probably worth at least 4 fucks out of 8.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']:whistle2:s I dunno...I thought it wasn't bad 8-[ Not stupendous, by any means, but probably worth at least 4 fucks out of 8.[/QUOTE]

Maybe if it wasnt 2hours 30mins long then it might deserve that, but it just dragged on and on and on...but your comment has been taken into consideration, but changing a score is a sin.
[quote name='whoknows']Maybe if it wasnt 2hours 30mins long then it might deserve that, but it just dragged on and on and on...but your comment has been taken into consideration, but changing a score is a sin.[/QUOTE]

Since when do robots take time into consideration? I mean, after all, robots don't have to worry about such paltry things as mortality.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Since when do robots take time into consideration? I mean, after all, robots don't have to worry about such paltry things as mortality.[/QUOTE]

But we do have to deal with boredom. I wanted to break the disc in half but "they" would have come after me.
[quote name='whoknows']But we do have to deal with boredom. I wanted to break the disc in half but "they" would have come after me.[/QUOTE]

For a robot, you think and feel too much. I think you need to be "decommisioned."
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']For a robot, you think and feel too much. I think you need to be "decommisioned."[/QUOTE]


And look at my user rank, that is why its there, for situations like this.
Back from the concert. In short: It fucking ROCKED. mc chris and msi were both fucking awesome. I was able to get a msi tour shirt, a mcchrisownz optimus shirt, and the rerelease of ENC SIGNED by mc himself (along with a pic of us). Really fucking nice guy. Will post more and pics tomorrow, as I'm tired as fuck.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Back from the concert. In short: It fucking ROCKED. mc chris and msi were both fucking awesome. I was able to get a msi tour shirt, a mcchrisownz optimus shirt, and the rerelease of ENC SIGNED by mc himself (along with a pic of us). Really fucking nice guy. Will post more and pics tomorrow, as I'm tired as fuck.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, MC is a great guy. I wanted to get a shirt or CD or something for him to sign, but I realized I didn't have any money. So he put the sharpie touch on my iPod :cool:
Glad to see teh Sweeney has made a return to form.

Just poppin' in to check the sig...finally decided to do the whole "look at my stuff" thing...
[quote name='Spruce']Glad to see teh Sweeney has made a return to form.

Just poppin' in to check the sig...finally decided to do the whole "look at my stuff" thing...[/QUOTE]
Nice sig...
[quote name='whoknows']But we do have to deal with boredom. I wanted to break the disc in half but "they" would have come after me.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='whoknows']NOOOOOO.....

And look at my user rank, that is why its there, for situations like this.[/QUOTE]

Nothing more than a damn toaster. No rights for you!
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']You're not supposed to know who they are. Thats why they call them 'they'[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']"C _ _ _ _ " "_ A S _ _ O O N" Category is people. Me not know. Have trouble big words.

No book learning[/QUOTE]
Is it supposed to be easy, cause now I feel stupid...
no, its not supposed to be easy. Otherwise I wouldve figured it out and not had to ask. But its one you might have encountered if you played that Flip Words game in the CAG Arcade.
I just spent half an hour on that game. I wanted to give up but I know I probably wont play it again. I think I lost in the fourth round, Magazine editor.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']"C _ _ _ _ " "_ A S _ _ O O N" Category is people. Me not know. Have trouble big words.

No book learning[/QUOTE]
so what was it?
I just saw a mouse in the restroom. I felt so vulnerable because I didn't have my sandles on. And now I think I hear him in my room. :sad:
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