The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

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But he's going to create JOBS!!!
Well of course. All the Mexicans who pick your food will be shipped back or used to make the 4,000 foot wall so there will be those jobs that need to be filled.

Need to build a wall to keep Mexicans out because they are all rapist. But can't build that flood wall because the planet isn't warming. That's just Chinese BS.

So Trump's friends Giuliani and Scott Baio were on TV today defending those molestation remarks, basically talking like those rape culture reddits you hear about on the internet. Was I shocked that Chuck Todd and Jake Tapper took apart Rude Rudy.

OMG he is doing the sniffing thing again. I didn't really notice it the first debate because I was listening (but not watching), but I notice it this time around.

No, you've got to be fucking kidding me. That's way too much of a coincidence.

The bringing Bill's women wasn't enough for him to throw his little tantrum, but he made his wife wear a shirt with that name? Hell, even if it was her idea he had to know about it.

Look, there's a lot of hyperbole in politics but I feel confident in saying that Trump is the most emotionally immature major presidential candidate we have ever seen. He is a 70 year old man child.
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Speaker Ryan announced to the GOP caucus this morning that he will not campaign for or defend Trump going forward and that all GOP House members should do what's best for their own campaigns.

Seems safe to say that the Republican Leadership was not impressed by last night's performance.

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Speaker Ryan announced to the GOP caucus this morning that he will not campaign for or defend Trump going forward and that all GOP House members should do what's best for their own campaigns.

Seems safe to say that the Republican Leadership was not impressed by last night's performance.
Everybody abandon ship

I'm betting Pence is regretting accepting the ticket right about now. He's pretty much painted in a corner at this point, continue to campaign for his ticket with an unhinged candidate that will sink him, completely jump ship, or just quietly stop campaigning. In any event, the outcome is a negative for him. The only way he can save any hopes of attaining higher office is if they win (and don't screw up the presidency...).

The very public departure of so many prominent Republicans is just amazing. I mean, the Bush's refusing to endorse him and actually saying they would vote for Hillary was one thing but when the Speaker of the House of your party begins shunning you and becomes evasive on supporting you, you're just done. If he keeps this rolling we could see the largest landslide election since Reagan.

Of course, the problem which has been created though is that his diehard supporters have been enabled by his antics through the election...
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This feels like a very amped up version of what happened four years ago with Romney. He was a mediocre candidate, and they knew it. And if children were disowned then, you can be sure the same sh- will happen this year.

2012 Autopsy? The Republicans were saying they weren't communicating their xenophobic class warfare plans enough.

2016? The Republicans were TMI.

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Everybody abandon ship

I'm betting Pence is regretting accepting the ticket right about now. He's pretty much painted in a corner at this point, continue to campaign for his ticket with an unhinged candidate that will sink him, completely jump ship, or just quietly stop campaigning. In any event, the outcome is a negative for him. The only way he can save any hopes of attaining higher office is if they win (and don't screw up the presidency...).

The very public departure of so many prominent Republicans is just amazing. I mean, the Bush's refusing to endorse him and actually saying they would vote for Hillary was one thing but when the Speaker of the House of your party begins shunning you and becomes evasive on supporting you, you're just done. If he keeps this rolling we could see the largest landslide election since Reagan.

Of course, the problem which has been created though is that his diehard supporters have been enabled by his antics through the election...
Pence has already been cancelling events. Rumors were swirling last night that he had asked to be removed from the ticket.

How dare the New York Times drag the Donald through the mud with their transcriptions of what he said and the people they interviewed!

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I'm almost certain the first draft of that letter was written before the times even put up their original article. They were ready for this, they didn't walk into this blind.

In fact, they're probably counting on getting sued at this point for the simple fact that then they can get a court to order him to start giving up certain documents through discovery.
Repeal the 19th! We need trump to win! Also the 13th needs to go and the 1st is only for 'good' christians who agree with me!

It's a global conspiracy, according to Trump. If only he could shut his f-king mouth for a week.
Like I said, the most emotionally immature candidate we've ever seen. He's been in full-on stomping his feet pouting mode for a full week now since the Access Hollywood tape hit. It shows that he himself believes that tape may have been the final nail in the coffin of his candidacy.
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So gogetter Donald Trump who claims to know everybody, didn't know these women. And shows to the media, if he did it, here's how he would do it.

Meanwhile, another reason why you SHOULD vote. Congress is abusing its power and using the power of subpeona to harass scientists doing their work. After many investigations to search for wrong doing, especially if these "men of science" are selling "baby body parts" (the same term used by that guy who shot up that clinic), they didn't find anything. Not just in biosciences, but also in climate sciences as well. Lamar Smith is the head of the House Science committee and he is anti-science as f-k.

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I wonder something, how do dead people vote in this day and age? I mean with our current technology, even from ten years ago, any electoral system could easily purge dead people from the rolls if they crosscheck city records. And aren't absentee ballots put through some kind of wringer? And even with such laziness from officials, what about the laziness of the American people when they can't be bothered to show up for one ballot? Am I supposed to believe that either party has paid hundreds of thousands of people to go to each polling siteand in place of a dead person on the ballot similar to how you can get into a fancy restaurant with the somebody else's reservation? If voter ID is to prevent this from happening, why isn't it easier for people, especially the working poor to get official IDs? Why does the DMV, the valid place to get such an ID, such so much sh- in so many states?

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John McCain- "If Hillary Clinton is elected President, Imma not do my job, but get paid for it."
They really just don't fucking get it, do they?

This is how you created Trump, you numbskulls. You vilified yourselves by holding your party affiliations above all else. You dug in your heels and held this country hostage just because you wanted to play party politics. This simultaneously empowers people who are unwilling to compromise and disinterests the average, center-leaning citizen from participating in politics.
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From what I understand about how elections are conducted, the entire system is decentralized, on a state by state, county by county basis. The governors of each state are supposed to oversee the results. Two thirds of State Governors are Republicans.

When Trump says the election is rigged against him, is is really saying the Republican Party, who is bending themselves and contorting themselves to kiss Trump's ass, is conspiring to throw away the election to Democrats?

From what I understand about how elections are conducted, the entire system is decentralized, on a state by state, county by county basis. The governors of each state are supposed to oversee the results. Two thirds of State Governors are Republicans.

When Trump says the election is rigged against him, is is really saying the Republican Party, who is bending themselves and contorting themselves to kiss Trump's ass, is conspiring to throw away the election to Democrats?
He is hoping to pull bernie supporters. Some people are so far left, they are just as bad as the far right. Bernie's people (I voted for him, but now I will support hilary) believe it was rigged against him, so why would it be a leap to think it is rigged against trump? If he can change non voters into his supporters, then it is worth it...Plus it gives him an excuse. He didn't really lose because the thing was rigged. Still a winner in a broken system...just like bernie.

He is hoping to pull bernie supporters. Some people are so far left, they are just as bad as the far right. Bernie's people (I voted for him, but now I will support hilary) believe it was rigged against him, so why would it be a leap to think it is rigged against trump? If he can change non voters into his supporters, then it is worth it...Plus it gives him an excuse. He didn't really lose because the thing was rigged. Still a winner in a broken system...just like bernie.
While I understand the reasoning and rationale behind the "rigged, vote for the outsider" mentality, I can't believe that any Bernie supporter that believed in what Bernie said can, in good conscience, look at Trump and say, "yeah, he gets my vote."

Oh Classy dems. The evidence of the media being in hillary's pocket is deafening as well, they are terrified to touch this.

It's all true, people! The evidence is everywhere!


Dear Hillary Clinton,

The canon fodder of firing and scapegoating would have rung successful, if not caught red handed by the very mouths thy hand hath fed.

(Bob Creamer)

Bob Creamer, the mastermind behind the “Bird-dogging” techniques used by the left and Hillary supporters to incite chaos and violence at Trump events, has been fired from his high-powered consulting firm!

Read more:

(Scott Foval)

James O’Keefe has claimed his first scalp since releasing his latest bombshell undercover video.

Scott Foval, the National Field Director of Americans United for Change--who can be seen in the video bragging about paying homeless and mentally ill individuals to cause disruptions at political events--has been fired from the organization.

Bob Creamer

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Dear Hillary Clinton,

The canon fodder of firing and scapegoating would have rung successful, if not caught red handed by the very mouths thy hand hath fed.

(Bob Creamer)
Bob Creamer, the mastermind behind the “Bird-dogging” techniques used by the left and Hillary supporters to incite chaos and violence at Trump events, has been fired from his high-powered consulting firm!
Read more:

(Scott Foval)
James O’Keefe has claimed his first scalp since releasing his latest bombshell undercover video.

Scott Foval
, the National Field Director of Americans United for Change--who can be seen in the video bragging about paying homeless and mentally ill individuals to cause disruptions at political events--has been fired from the organization.
Bob Creamer
Oh, you didn't mention it was James O'Keefe. Well that changes everything, I mean it's been what? 6 years since he was convicted of any crimes involving dishonesty?
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Oh, you didn't mention it was James O'Keefe. Well that changes everything, I mean it's been what? 6 years since he was convicted of any crimes involving dishonesty?
Um, there's video, you know like um, video....? you know like recording of these actual human flesh figures saying words and actual mouths moving and stuff..

My, my, how deep the denial digs in pal - E

Anyone else want to take a stab? To deny this is, well - moronic. They were literally recorded and shortly later fired by the desperate, Clinton machine of damage control. Go on and deny all you like, this happened.

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Um, there's video, you know like um, video....? you know like recording of these actual human flesh figures saying words and actual mouths moving and stuff..

My, my, how deep the denial digs in pal - E

Anyone else want to take a stab? To deny this is, well - moronic. They were literally recorded and shortly later fired by the desperate, Clinton machine of damage control. Go on and deny all you like, this happened.
*edited video

That's an important addendum per O'Keefe standard m.o. Which is typically heavily edit video to tell a certain story and further an agenda of his choosing.
bread's done