The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

u can't get out of this that easily, RvB


*edited video

That's an important addendum per O'Keefe standard m.o. Which is typically heavily edit video to tell a certain story and further an agenda of his choosing.
Edited haha sure you're right, sure you're right. Anyone who thinks these full on admissions of guilt are "edited" resign as competent human beings.

That invoice is f-king bullshit, even by the man himself. Anybody who worked a f-king job knows what an actual invoice looks like. And didn't Acorn get shut down because of James O'Keefe's bs video?

So... you ARE saying voter fraud works by paying hundred of thousands of people to vote multiple times in multiple decentralized districts or to rip up sealed absentee ballots per district should they appear. That makes A LOT of sense. I mean think of how much money you can spend on an activity that you can't even get an individual to do! And here we were, suckers for believing that stopping thousands of people from voting. If Trump is so worried he can't win, why can't his party let all Americans just vote to determine if he is right or wrong?

Plus, is she an employee of the Post Office or is she a small business owner, make up her mind for me!

Now she's against old people voting?

Dear Hillary Clinton,

The canon fodder of firing and scapegoating would have rung successful, if not caught red handed by the very mouths thy hand hath fed.

(Bob Creamer)

Bob Creamer, the mastermind behind the “Bird-dogging” techniques used by the left and Hillary supporters to incite chaos and violence at Trump events, has been fired from his high-powered consulting firm!

Read more:

(Scott Foval)

James O’Keefe has claimed his first scalp since releasing his latest bombshell undercover video.

Scott Foval, the National Field Director of Americans United for Change--who can be seen in the video bragging about paying homeless and mentally ill individuals to cause disruptions at political events--has been fired from the organization.

Bob Creamer
That invoice is f-king bullshit, even by the man himself. Anybody who worked a f-king job knows what an actual invoice looks like. And didn't Acorn get shut down because of James O'Keefe's bs video?

So... you ARE saying voter fraud works by paying hundred of thousands of people to vote multiple times in multiple decentralized districts or to rip up sealed absentee ballots per district should they appear. That makes A LOT of sense. I mean think of how much money you can spend on an activity that you can't even get an individual to do! And here we were, suckers for believing that stopping thousands of people from voting. If Trump is so worried he can't win, why can't his party let all Americans just vote to determine if he is right or wrong?

Plus, is she an employee of the Post Office or is she a small business owner, make up her mind for me!

Now she's against old people voting?

So, if O'Keefe is a fraud - how did he get Bob Creamer, Scott Foval, Cesar Vargas and the DNC to go along with the fraud? 

Hmmmmm hmmmmmm hmmmmmm....  :whistle2:k

I wonder how many of the people who are shocked and a gasp that Trump won't state that he'll stand by your the results of the election were around in 2000's Bush v. Gore... and still think Bush stole that election...
The difference being neither Bush nor Gore spent (at least) 4 months leading up to the election telling everyone it was rigged. In fact, no candidate from the 2 major political parties have done that it recent history.
I wonder how many of the people who are shocked and a gasp that Trump won't state that he'll stand by your the results of the election were around in 2000's Bush v. Gore... and still think Bush stole that election...
The difference being neither Bush nor Gore spent (at least) 4 months leading up to the election telling everyone it was rigged. In fact, no candidate from the 2 major political parties have done that it recent history.
And it should be noted the people chose Al Gore. He won the popular vote. I don't think it is unreasonable in a close election to recount.

A couple of things, first the Al Gore thing that people are bringing up.  You guys realize that he lost by only one state right?  Within that state it was only by 500 votes.  If Trump loses by only 1 state then sure he should call for a recount.  If he loses by 50+ electoral votes (which seems likely) then no, this would be nothing like the 2000 election.

The second thing that comes to mind, Trump is saying, "This election is rigged so get out there and vote."  I don't think I need to point out the obvious failure of logic here do I?

Trump has many failures of logic.

I simply don't think that saying he's going to wait for the results before he decides if he's willing to concede is one of them.

But, what do you want a candidate to do if a candidate truly believes the results are rigged? Tell their supporters to blow up DC?
Trump has many failures of logic.

I simply don't think that saying he's going to wait for the results before he decides if he's willing to concede is one of them.

But, what do you want a candidate to do if a candidate truly believes the results are rigged? Tell their supporters to blow up DC?
If you believed something was rigged so you can't win, why would you be part of it?




TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Thousands of Fake Ballot Slips Found Marked for Hillary Clinton!


New reports have surfaced which say that “tens of thousands” of fraudulent ballot slips have been found in a downtown Columbus, Ohio warehouse. In addition, the slips were pre-marked for Hillary and other Democratic candidates.

 From Your News Wire:

Randall Prince, a Columbus-area electrical worker, was performing routine checks of his companies wiring and electrical systems when he stumbled across approximately one dozen black, sealed ballot boxes filled with thousands of Franklin County votes for Hillary Clinton and other Democratic Party candidates.

No one really goes in this building. It’s mainly used for short-term storage by a commercial plumber,” Prince said.

So when Prince, a Trump supporter, saw several black boxes in an otherwise empty room, he went to investigate. What he found could  be evidence of an alleged election fraud operation designed to deliver Clinton the crucial swing state.

Early voting does not begin in Ohio until October 12, so no votes have officially been cast in the Buckeye state. However, inside these boxes were, what one source described as,potentially tens of thousands of votes” for Hillary Clinton.

An affiliate in Ohio passed along a replica of the documents found in the boxes:



It is important to note that the above replica coincides with a ballot that a Franklin County voter would cast at the polling place on Election Day, meaning the Clinton campaign’s likely goal was to slip the fake ballot boxes in with the real ballot boxes when they went to official election judges on November 8th.

Ohio, a perennial swing state in the presidential election, has been a challenge for Clinton and her Democrat counterparts in 2016. Many national Democrat groups have pulled funding from the state entirely, in order to redirect it to places in which they are doing better.

Clinton herself has spent less time in Ohio, and spent less money, in recent weeks as it has appeared that Trump will carry the crucial state.

With this find, however, it now appears that Clinton and the Democrat Party planned on stealing the state on Election Day, making any campaigning there now a waste of time.

This story is still developing, and more news will be published when we have it.
                                  Right up there with the Veritas undercover busts, anyone voting for this words

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Seriously?  A simple google search would have uncovered that as a hoax.

COLUMBUS, Ohio - There is a fake story ripping through the Internet about a Columbus, Ohio, warehouse full of bogus ballots filled out for Hillary Clinton. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, has one word for it: hoax.

“That is a completely 100 percent fabricated story. The photo they used to try to sell their story was from an election that occurred in Europe. They didn’t even contact the Franklin County Board of Elections or our office about it. It is a complete hoax and fabrication,” Husted told WHIO Radio on Tuesday morning. “There is no truth to it at all.”

People should really avoid those ridiculous right-wing blogs that spam hate and lies.  How many times do they need to be caught fabricating things before you admit they're wrong?  It seems you're willing to accept anything bad said about Clinton but when it's proven that those sites lie, you don't care.  Check out the photos from 10:34 AM on the link below.  Nice pictures your site stole from the UK from last year.

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You can also get straight ticket ballots for either side, so you don't have to manually fill everything out if you only vote on party lines. I'm not a retouching expert, but that type is not on the boxes. The angle isn't right. I'm not going to bother investigating further.

On top being debunked you don't even cite a source for that article...

Ya know, like that link at the top of the post debunking your post.
On top being debunked you don't even cite a source for that article...

Ya know, like that link at the top of the post debunking your post
I understand bias untrustworthy Snopes is the end all fact checker for many, but they aren't something you hang your life on..Sure, the word 'ballot' is photoshopped but how about the actual reporting? I mean, can anyone even find a source besides Snopes to verify or not? Not any source who piggybacks off Snopes either.

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So, more importantly, if O'Keefe is a fraud - how did he get Bob Creamer, Scott Foval, Cesar Vargas and the DNC to go along with the fraud? 

Snopes isn't a reliable source, but there wasn't/isn't any other reporting on the article, so, moving along.
They're certainly more reliable than you between your fake expense listing of the Clinton Foundation and made up article about pre-filled ballots.
Sure, sure, but let us get back to this, shall we..

So, more importantly, if O'Keefe is a fraud - how did he get Bob Creamer, Scott Foval, Cesar Vargas and the DNC to go along with the fraud? 

Sure, sure, but let us get back to this, shall we..

So, more importantly, if O'Keefe is a fraud - how did he get Bob Creamer, Scott Foval, Cesar Vargas and the DNC to go along with the fraud?
Those people aren't the DNC, they're superpacs claiming to be aligned with the campaign to drum up donations. Puffing themselves up to seem like more than they actually are. Show me Clinton, or hell anyone publicly and widely known to be employed by her campaign confirming the statements from that video and we got ourselves a convo.

Until then, I guess it's just locker room talk, only without all the sexual assault admissions.

Unless you want to have a talk about getting rid of superpacs for both parties, then we're on the same page but something tells me your only concern is to attack Hillary.
Facts, truth, and reality don't matter to the Republican base. That's how bad it is when any centrist is considered a liberal.

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 Welcome, ultra liberal Michael Moore, Welcome - Hop On Board, welcome to reality! :D/

                                                 ....Everyone is welcome....

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This speaks volumes, while Hillary bribes and pays off people to speak for her - Donald Trump has the Generals of America stand at his side!

..and who were you voting for again?

88 US Generals Stand Together Against Hillary Clinton In One Massive Act Of Defiance

According to recent reports, 88 retired U.S. Generals and Admirals wrote an open letter, claiming they support Trump and his “commitment to rebuild our military, to secure our borders, to defeat our Islamic supremacist adversaries and restore law and order domestically.”

“As retired senior leaders of America’s military, we believe that such a change can only be made by someone who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world,” the letter reads.

“For this reason, we support Donald Trump’s candidacy to be our next Commander-in-Chief.”

Trump was quick to respond to the glowing endorsement. From the beginning, he has thrown his support behind our men and women in uniform.

“It is a great honor to have such amazing support from so many distinguished retired military leaders,” Trump commented. “I thank each of them for their service and their confidence in me to serve as commander-in-chief.”

“We can only Make America Great Again if we ensure our military remains the finest fighting force in the world, and that’s exactly what I will do as president,” Trump concluded.

The letter was reportedly organized by Major General Sidney Shachnow, the only survivor of the Holocaust that went on to become a U.S. General. He partnered with Rear Admiral Charles Williams, who received the Legion of Merit.

In his statement, Williams suggested the letter demonstrates that military leaders believe “Donald Trump is more trusted to be commander-in-chief than Hillary Clinton.”

“Hillary Clinton has made clear she is running as a staunch defender of the status quo when it comes to the issues facing our military, and she has shown through her foreign policy decisions and her mishandling of classified information that she lacks the judgment to do the job,” Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn added in the press release.

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Don't care, theres a reason the commander in chief of our armed forces is not only an elected position but also a civilian. In fact, I'd prefer a president our military leaders aren't fond of. And if you don't get why that's important, then you never will.
Trump says the election is rigged and everyone of Hillary's supporters, including Obama himself, is all 'Dude, shut up.'

Head of the FBI sends Congress a legally required letter and... 'OMG it's so rigged..'
It already is rigged. All we got is Hillary Clinton doing politician things with email. Everybody's shrugging that our next President is already in a mess of scandals that we need more than two hands to count.  Steven Seagal 2020!

Snopes is in hillarys/soros pocket, stop trusting Snopes.

Evidence obtained by police has revealed that, which markets itself as “the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation,” has a history of accepting money and favors from left-leaning and pro-Islamic political groups and individuals for helping them to advance their cause by rigging public discourse with selective fact-finding and deliberate manipulation of public opinion.

Snopes started out fact checking news of the weird and eventually tried to remake itself as a political fact checking site.  But now it has been exposed as a fraud.  The main fact checker is   Kim Lacapria, who was formerly with Inquisitr, a site known for publishing fake quotes and hoaxes.  Lacapria was a huge disaster as a writer with many of her stories getting just 10 to 20 shares.  She was a vitriolic far left wing blogger.  While at Inquisitr she described herself as an openly left leaning liberal.

Liberal hack.

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Donald Trump would be very successful if he were to venture into politics in the future.”

“And I think that goes especially for Donald Trump, whose successful projects and business ventures have made him synonymous with big business and, more importantly, creating thousands of jobs. I also think he understands the philanthropic and charitable side of things quite well, which is a crucial skill for any politician. I think he has a lot to offer to this country and its people, especially when we’re talking about the economy. Donald Trump has single-handedly helped stop the recession, more so than dozens of other so-called billionaires. And I don’t know how the experts on the matter feel, but in my book that’s hard evidence of the man’s business prowess and integrity, as well. And I think everyone would agree those are commendable character traits for anyone looking to tackle the most difficult problems and challenges in the world, quite literally. So, yes – Donald Trump is someone I could very easily see winning the support of the people. And I don’t think he would do that with his flammable rhetoric and negotiation skills – which are both things he’s known for – but with common sense and respect for his fellow countrymen. But, most of all – I think his relationship with the opposite sex would bring him the most political points. I think he respects women and treats them as equals and I also think that would bring him a significant lead over anyone unlucky enough to be running against him,” she ominously concluded in her 2013 speech.

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Bahahaha, that's where you're at now (hint, the mutual praise went back and forth for quite a while):

These 2 were pretty much best friends until about a year ago (wrong)


"These 2 were pretty much best friends until about a year ago" - Um, no. you've no idea what sort of friendly level they were at. Donald is a gentleman, he was merely being himself speaking what he knew without assumption. Crookedhillary was always crooked, she hid everything from public eye.

Hillary is like hitler, but thank God for Wikileaks - because we've caught hitlery red handed before deceiving the entire nation.

So, yes, Donald may have had different views, but the views he had were innocent as they were through his personal lens

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bread's done