The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

That is why I edited the post. I thought for a second and realized not once have I ever seen Silky have an intellectual debate. I can not think of once someone went back and forth with him on an issue. He handles "discussions" like a libertarian that just read Ayn Rand for the first time. Light on the substance and facts heavy on the snark and condescension.

Thanks though dohdoh! I just took it as time to give the board a break. Between politics boards and the range in hearthstone I need to give my blood pressure a break! Damn fiery Armenian Irish blood.
Pick a topic. Lets see how you hold up.

I am not pillsbury and do not rely on memes to defend myself.

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Texas Governor Greg Abbot wants to bring back Constitutional Conventions to add a few more amendments to the GREATEST DOCUMENT IN THE WORLD.

Apparently, Greg Abbot failed Social Studies, and would most certainly fail the US citizenship test.
The only way his "plan" could be more transparent is if he just outright said he wanted a constitutional amended to get rid of the Supreme Court (in retribution for letting the gays get married).

Also, "IX. Allow a two-thirds majority of the States to override a federal law or regulation."

If only the states had some way to have a representation in the passage of new federal laws...

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2 & 3 seem like simple ones that most people would get behind.

I'd like to see a definition of "general welfare" so governments would have to stop handwaving questions about the constitutionality of every law as being for the "general welfare".

Here's the thing that makes America great and what some folks don't seem to understand - ANYONE can propose changes to the law, the government, the legal system, etc. Now, just because this guy says he wants to get rid of the Supreme Court, it doesn't mean it's going to happen, should happen, or would even get enough support to get past the initial stage of this guy spewing it from his mouth. But he's allowed to say it. Just like there are those on the other side of the fence who would propose striking the second amendment (which would likewise require a Constitutional Convention or the other process for ratifying an amendment to the Constitution via Congress and state sign-offs).
#1 is rather tricky, considering there are many activities that go beyond state/country boundaries.

I can't support #2, not at the expense of our Defense budget.

#3... That's not how government works. It's the special interest lobbyists that write the laws and Congress has to pass them. You know that by now. The President can suggest, but ultimately he has to sign the law into passage.

#4... You forget that the Constitution sets limits on what laws the State and Federal governments are supposed to pass and enforce.

#5 We're going to complain if we ever have majority Democratic State Legislatures.

#6 Please read the Constitution, and learn how the Supreme Court works, I recommend Bob Woodward's "The Justices" for the simple version.

#7 But don't limit the powers of State Legislatures as expressly permitted by the Constitution.

#8 Don't let Federal officials sue State officials when they overstep their bounds.

#9 Yeah... See # 4.

And I'm the stupid one!

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They're clearly not aware of how the internet works. A table worth of dildos? They're gonna have a truckload soon...

#1 is rather tricky, considering there are many activities that go beyond state/country boundaries.

I can't support #2, not at the expense of our Defense budget.

#3... That's not how government works. It's the special interest lobbyists that write the laws and Congress has to pass them. You know that by now. The President can suggest, but ultimately he has to sign the law into passage.

#4... You forget that the Constitution sets limits on what laws the State and Federal governments are supposed to pass and enforce.

#5 We're going to complain if we ever have majority Democratic State Legislatures.

#6 Please read the Constitution, and learn how the Supreme Court works, I recommend Bob Woodward's "The Justices" for the simple version.

#7 But don't limit the powers of State Legislatures as expressly permitted by the Constitution.

#8 Don't let Federal officials sue State officials when they overstep their bounds.

#9 Yeah... See # 4.

And I'm the stupid one!
You don't want to cut the DoD budget? Nuclear warhead maintenance and VA costs should be placed in the DoD budget, and it still should be cut in half from its current levels. As a start. looks like they're going to get some sugar-free haribo gummy bears in a couple days...

Here are the reviews:

PSA: Don't read them if it's not appropriate to burst out laughing at work. This is your only warning.
I don't need to read the effects in the reviews, I made the mistake of living through that horror myself. I've never touched a sugar free candy since that day almost 15 years ago...
Paul Ryan after trashing the fed and actions they have taken in recent months, today gave the Fed credit for the economy when asked if Obama deserves credit for the drop in unemployment. I know we focus on the big classless acts, but sometimes just good ole double speak can make such a classless ass out of you.  Also, he needs to bring the beard back!

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley says America never passed laws based on race and religion... This is coming from an Indian woman who married a White Guy.

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Not a Republican but Claire McCaskill deserves a mention here. She has been making the media rounds saying Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be President and that it says a lot about him that none of his colleagues are endorsing him. If he ends up being the nominee then she will have to work so hard to walk that back. It is just a classless thing to say about someone in your own party unless you have a damn good reason.

If true it is also incredibly classless(but not shocking)that both Debbie Stabenow and McCaskill are pressuring Elizabeth Warren to "finally" endorse Hillary Clinton. That one is not confirmed, but I completely would not be shocked by it. It is disgusting that the Democratic establishment is working so hard to have a coronation. I have lost a lot of respect for a lot of Democrats this cycle. Between the circling of the wagons around Clinton, the reckless bashing of a potential nominee and the fact that Schultz has been allowed for so long to endanger the party as its head....I dont know if I will be able to bring myself to keep voting. I know the alternative is absolutely bat shit, but I am hitting my fill of party politics and lets be honest, when was the last time Dems were not just pussies and rolled over anyways? Ugg!

Not a Republican but Claire McCaskill deserves a mention here. She has been making the media rounds saying Bernie Sanders is not qualified to be President and that it says a lot about him that none of his colleagues are endorsing him. If he ends up being the nominee then she will have to work so hard to walk that back. It is just a classless thing to say about someone in your own party unless you have a damn good reason.

If true it is also incredibly classless(but not shocking)that both Debbie Stabenow and McCaskill are pressuring Elizabeth Warren to "finally" endorse Hillary Clinton. That one is not confirmed, but I completely would not be shocked by it. It is disgusting that the Democratic establishment is working so hard to have a coronation. I have lost a lot of respect for a lot of Democrats this cycle. Between the circling of the wagons around Clinton, the reckless bashing of a potential nominee and the fact that Schultz has been allowed for so long to endanger the party as its head....I dont know if I will be able to bring myself to keep voting. I know the alternative is absolutely bat shit, but I am hitting my fill of party politics and lets be honest, when was the last time Dems were not just pussies and rolled over anyways? Ugg!
The sad thing is Warren's politics and views are more in line with Sanders than Clinton but if she doesn't endorse Clinton she won't get the party's support when/if she decides to run for President thus setting her up as the Sanders-type outsider.

Is anyone else starting to think who vice presidential picks will be? It would be very interesting o see Trump's pick of running mate. Sanders has been pushed into such an outsiders role that it's a complete toss up who he'd go with. Clinton, I could see her trying to capitalize on Sanders' youth following by asking him, even though I don't see him even considering it.
The sad thing is Warren's politics and views are more in line with Sanders than Clinton but if she doesn't endorse Clinton she won't get the party's support when/if she decides to run for President thus setting her up as the Sanders-type outsider.

Is anyone else starting to think who vice presidential picks will be? It would be very interesting o see Trump's pick of running mate. Sanders has been pushed into such an outsiders role that it's a complete toss up who he'd go with. Clinton, I could see her trying to capitalize on Sanders' youth following by asking him, even though I don't see him even considering it.
My hope is that Warren is too princapled to back Clinton, even with the establisment breathing down her neck. My back up hope is that if she is going to do the typical politician thing and worry about her future that she just stays out of the race. As you said a lot of Democrats would be pissed off at her if she backs Clinton because we would know its not what her heart wants.

And damn I never thought of it. It would be interesting to see who Trump names his running mate! As for the Dems I really do not see Clinton naming Sanders as he is waaaaay too old and she is waaaaay too political minded. She knows the media would hound her about them both being old and the risk of one of them dying in office. I also just do not think she would want to risk that Ryan then became President if they both croaked. Sanders I would guess Warren. After beating Clinton picking a women is smart and she is the only one left in the Senate I believe he has faith in. I know he lost respect for Sherrod Brown(who would have been the other obvious choice)after he endorsed Clinton. Man did I lose respect for Sherrod Brown with that one.......

Joaquin, but Julian would be more likely than Sanders at any rate.

EDIT: Guessing for Republicans is, uh... a little harder. Really couldn't say.

EDIT2: Warren for Sanders makes sense from the "just fuckin' hit as many checkboxes as you can before the election" perspective, but the Democrats do not want to take a senator - let alone such a high-profile one as Warren - and put them in such a historically unimportant position. Warren would be a mistake.

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Why aren't we talking about how cost-cutting by the state of Michigan saved $36,000 - but corresponded with 87 illnesses, 10 deaths, and now the national guard has been called in (they don't work for free, FYI).

Snyder is a criminal.
There are also schools in Detroit with black mold growing on ceilings and tiles falling in!. Another school has started teaching kids en mass in the gymnasium. I live in Lansing at the moment and I am having such bad knee pain I cant even walk my dogs....yet I think im going to have to put that aside to do some protesting soon.

It makes me soooooo god damn mad because I love the shit out of this state. Water and trees everywhere allowing us some of the best hunting, fishing and out door fun in the country. We have incredible diversity with one of the largest melting pot of immigrants you will find outside of new york or another big city. The U.P alone deserves its own special list of features from the water falls to the incredible little European style restaurants you wont find anywhere else. And Ann Arbor is the best damn littlle big city in the nation, you can find or do anything you want there, yet its not congested like New York or Philly or other big big cities. We should be the best fucking state in this union hands down no contest and instead we are just rotting.

Growing up I did not realize how lucky I was. As an adult im getting fighting mad that this treasure of a state is being so badly neglected by as you said, a criminal. Its no wonder the guy shielded himself from any requests of public record. Only state in the union if I recall to do that! Joy!

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Starting to think Sanders stands a chance at winning with the entire Clinton family reverting to their classless ways. As always it seems like panic mode just tosses any semblance of class out the window for that family. All 3 have been claiming Sanders is running an attack ad and using it as their excuse to start blasting Sanders claiming he is trying to overturn Obamacare and return medicaid to the hands of Republican governors. They claim this is comparing and contrasting even though its an outright lie and at the same time speak out the other side of their mouth claiming its ok to run aggressive ads because Sanders is attacking them. Only problem is everyone both in the media and at any forums/social media I visit is smart enough to see the ad the Clintons are referring to is not an attack but doing what Clinton claims she is, comparing and contrasting.

This has always been one of Hillarys biggest problems. People dont like her all that much in the first place, at some point her numbers drop and then when panic sets in she brings out the real her and the people who couldnt see through it before start to see how classless she really is. I just wish Chelsea would have stayed out of it. I have always defended her and had a moderately positive few of her til now.

Starting to think Sanders stands a chance at winning with the entire Clinton family reverting to their classless ways. As always it seems like panic mode just tosses any semblance of class out the window for that family. All 3 have been claiming Sanders is running an attack ad and using it as their excuse to start blasting Sanders claiming he is trying to overturn Obamacare and return medicaid to the hands of Republican governors. They claim this is comparing and contrasting even though its an outright lie and at the same time speak out the other side of their mouth claiming its ok to run aggressive ads because Sanders is attacking them. Only problem is everyone both in the media and at any forums/social media I visit is smart enough to see the ad the Clintons are referring to is not an attack but doing what Clinton claims she is, comparing and contrasting.

This has always been one of Hillarys biggest problems. People dont like her all that much in the first place, at some point her numbers drop and then when panic sets in she brings out the real her and the people who couldnt see through it before start to see how classless she really is. I just wish Chelsea would have stayed out of it. I have always defended her and had a moderately positive few of her til now.
Are you making reference to the Sanders ad that contains almost literally nothing other than a video of Clinton saying "democrats shouldn't attack other democrats for supportin universal healthcare"?
Has anybody seen 13 Hours yet? All the reviews I heard say it doesn't hurt Hillary Clinton as much as say the United States Government as a whole due to the slow churning of bureaucracy. Of course the Republicans say it will hurt Hillary sooo much. They do conveniently forget the number of times embassies were attacked under Condi Rice or Colin Powell. Of course, not an American ambassador died in those attacks, but plenty of people did. Good ole nationalism/racism.

Edit: Well, looks like Ride Along 2 earned more than Michael Bay's flick. I guess the American people are a bit tired of the shrieking from both sides, but there's always Sunday Nights. Though it's a football month.

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Well, the star of 13 Hours is pissed at politicians for using the movie as their own tool. Apparently he did enough research on his role that he figured out the same type of politicians who support the military industrial complex are basically screwing over the American people, especially the Americans who died in Benghazi.
Disappointing, but unsurprising.

I saw the movie yesterday and I really enjoyed it. Hillary isn't mentioned once, there's certainly some aspects of disappointment in the government's support during the crisis but no one is really specifically called out. John Krasinski is right though, the movie is really about the 6 contractors that put their necks on the line and went through hell.

It felt mostly apolitical, particularly in comparison to American Sniper, which I couldn't stand at all and felt like nothing more than a 2 hour recruitment and military diety worship movie.

Overall, I'd say it's somewhere in the same neighborhood as Black Hawk Down both in terms of quality, entertainment value, and not playing too far into the controversial aspects of the real life story.
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Dollars-to-doughnuts the script of the movie originally had nothing to do about Benghazi, it was just tacked on by the studio for marketing reasons. Happens all the time: some screenwriter shops a script around for a while, gets a few nibbles, the whole thing goes cold, then two years later someone wants to make a GI Joe movie out of it.

Dollars-to-doughnuts the script of the movie originally had nothing to do about Benghazi, it was just tacked on by the studio for marketing reasons. Happens all the time: some screenwriter shops a script around for a while, gets a few nibbles, the whole thing goes cold, then two years later someone wants to make a GI Joe movie out of it.
I don't see how they could have done that. It stays very tight to the timeline of actual events. I'm sure there were some Hollywood embellishments but they stay pretty close to the actual events.
So... the Donald is afraid of a certain Fox News anchor (not Shepard Smith), that he won't show up for his handy-j of a debate? Though, I don't think it'll really matter for him at this point, considering he is by far the #1 contender.

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So... the Donald is afraid of a certain Fox News anchor (not Shepard Smith), that he won't show up for his handy-j of a debate? Though, I don't think it'll really matter for him at this point, considering he is by far the #1 contender.
I long ago stopped thinking anything he does will cause his poll numbers to go down. He said it himself this week, he could shoot someone in the street in broad daylight and his numbers wouldn't go down.
The Brazilian Government, like many other countries, are dealing with a Zika virus epidemic. The UN has urged the government to relax abortion restrictions because people are gonna have sex anyway, and Zika is also sexually transmitted and affects pregnant women. What does Brazil do? Increase restrictions. I hope the Brazilian Government is ready to take or neglect all those babies because their parents weren't given a choice long before it was plausible.

Criminalize sex? What are ya gonna do? It's a male dominated society. And contraception is immoral as well.

Yes. Hold your nose and pick Ted Cruz. I always thought he was quite similar to Mitt Romney, in that you need to put in a lot of effort to like the guy, but guess what? Lindsay Graham and Marco Rubio, the spineless politicians they are, decide to stake their strategy in stopping Trump by endorsing the Texas Senator. Come on, endorse Trump, he's got class shooting out of his giant dick.

So the Democratic Governor of Virginia wrote an executive order to restore the voting rights of ex-felons, men who did their time like Michael Vick the great football hero. The GOP quickly jumped on this accusing of McCauliffe of fattening the voter roles of "democratic cronies," because they assume most ex-felons are black men.

Fact check says that an overwhelming majority of ex-felons don't vote Democratic, it's more like 50% - 60%. Nobody really expects people to vote for their own self interests. If people in general actually voted for their self interests, we'd get things like better roads, health care, education, taxes, jobs, etc.

Even if Gov. McCauliffe is a questionable figure, he's at least showing some class by appealing to the Catholic ideal of repentance.

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Voting is a fundamental right, and taking it away has seemed extraordinarily unethical at best, unconstitutional at worst.

Good on McAuliffe, and I'm deeply saddened at anyone who wants to make the cornerstone of our participatory government a difficult or impossible task.

Ted Cruz, even more unlikable than Satan.

But I'll be excited when he takes the White House. Nope. Can't muster that enthusiasm.


Cruz is running anti-LGBTQ scaremonger ads to get people to vote for him. Never mind that statistics show that child molestation is usually done by people the victims know and is usually a White cis-male.

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bread's done