The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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Quick tutorial impression of Defiance:

Really like this. Even from the tutorial I can tell this isn't going to be Gears of War type shooting or missions or whatever, so it's likely to get a little grindy and repetitive, but definitely digging the look, feel, and story line so far.

I think my aversion to MMOs was really more an aversion to fantasy based games than anything else. Nothing against them, just not my first choice in gaming. Give me guns and some alien or supernatural crap and I'll be MMOing away happily.
Has anyone played both Tabula Rasa and Defiance? I'd assume they're fairly similar? I enjoyed Tabula Rasa, despite it's failings.

The option to switch to the coupon is there but it's greyed out and it doesn't let you select it.

This isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened either, I remember last December Remedy gave out keys for a coupon to get Death Rally for 99 cents but then they ran this sale on it that was higher priced like 50% off or something like that and people couldn't use the coupon because it didn't stack and the sale was going on.

I would have thought Valve would have gotten that situation figured out by now but I guess not.
That particular situation ended up being fixed, but not on Valve's part. Remedy extended the expiration on the coupons so that they would still be good after the sale after being hit with tons of complaints.

Seeing as how Quakecon is this weekend, it's a safe bet to predict that id and Bethesda games will be the weekend madness..

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Probably a slightly bigger promotion -- they usually have the 'Quakecon' sale.  Can't say I'm eager to buy any of that stuff, though.  Unless they make Brink like $2.50.

One of the reasons I loved Rogue Legacy so much was because it's super parent friendly. Pause anywhere, play in 15 minute increments and make progress, don't forget where you are in a story or controls.
This brings up the point that games that don't allow you to save at will are not only illogical, but annoying for busy people/parents as well. Let ME decide when I want to take a break. A lot of times I'll look at a game, knowing that I'd have to commit at least an hour for the possibility of getting to the next checkpoint... and I just click on something else.

I love Borderlands 2, but some of the levels have surprisingly few save points (I'm looking at you, Bloodshot Ramparts!). There's no good reason I should have to do a level and a half all over again should I have other real life commitments I have to fulfill.

I just started playing Giana Sisters again, heartened by the new Easy mode. I ended up having to stop a level halfway through because I was having problems with one section and had a family obligation that took priority.

Instant saves should be a given on non-MMO/Multiplayer PC games.

Probably a slightly bigger promotion -- they usually have the 'Quakecon' sale. Can't say I'm eager to buy any of that stuff, though. Unless they make Brink like $2.50.
I keep hoping Hunted will show up on one of their sales, but I realize Bethesda is only the publisher and that really hurts its chances.

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Seeing as how Quakecon is this weekend. It's a safe bet to predict that id and Bethesda games will be the weekend madness..
They've got this "Quakecon Trials" event going on at the convention this year which might correspond to when certain games appear as daily deals:

Thursday August 1st:

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – Opening Sewer

Scenario: Using a created save, all users will start from the moment following character creation within the player’s prison cell. Players will be timed on how quickly they can get to the end of the sewer level (where they’re asked one last time to adjust their character information).

Wolfenstein 3D Level 1:

Scenario: Players will be timed on how quickly they can get through the first level of Wolfenstein 3D while completing all side tasks.

Friday August 2nd:

Dishonored – Coldridge Prison

Scenario: Players must play through the first level of Dishonored in a stealthy fashion and in the fastest time.

RAGE – Mutant Bash (Chamber of Laughs)

Scenario: From the “Scenario Selection” players will compete in the first leg Bash TV (Chamber of Laughs) using the “Settler Loadout”.

Saturday August 3rd:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – The First Dragon

Scenario: Travelling from Whiterun, players will battle the game’s first dragon, Mirmulnir on Legendary difficulty.

DOOM Level E4M5:

Scenario: Players will be timed on how quickly they can get through this level of DOOM while killing all enemies and getting and finding all the level’s secrets.

Sunday August 4th:

No trials here but, traditionally, the last day of Quakecon is reserved for the QUAKE franchise.

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This brings up the point that games that don't allow you to save at will are not only illogical, but annoying for busy people/parents as well. Let ME decide when I want to take a break. A lot of times I'll look at a game, knowing that I'd have to commit at least an hour for the possibility of getting to the next checkpoint... and I just click on something else.


Instant saves should be a given on non-MMO/Multiplayer PC games.
This is exactly why I can't bring myself to play more of Shadowrun Returns unless they fix their archaic save system. It's crazy that I was so pumped for this Kickstarter (and tbh they nailed most of my expectations), but one small, measly thing such as sparse auto save and lack of manual saving makes me lose all interest in actually playing. Same thing happened with Bioshock Infinite, but there wasn't as much experimentation or setup involved so I just plowed my way through the game. For Shadowrun Returns, I'd hate to think I can spend 30 minutes setting my character up and then realizing I can't just quit but instead need to find the next auto-save so I can leave the game...

Shadowrun Returns turned out to be extremely underwhelming.  At best they provided people with a good editor to make their own content.  The content/campaign itself is average, arguably too easy even on the highest difficulty, lacks any kind of meaningful C&C, and basically consists of going from one combat vignette to another.  The background world is pretty but almost completely non-interactive.

I remember played the Genesis version of Shadowrun more than the SNES version

Don't know what have to do with the thread, but wanted to say it
I remember my kids caught me playing AvP (the new one). And yes, I was playing as Predator. And yes, I just collected a head in one of the most violent manner. I had to explain them those were all robots and monsters, no humans involved (luckily there were also aliens nearby)

That was an awkward situation.
A question about how CAGs deal with backlogs:

I scored a ridiculous bunch of new games during the Steam Summer Sale, GMG and Amazon sales not to mention the backlog I had before the sales. I started Borderlands 2 and I imagine that with the DLC, I'm looking at 80+ hours. Generally, if I set a game aside for a while I find it very hard to come back to, but I'm itching to try some of the other new (to me) games. RPGs are huge time sinks and strategy games have learning curves that take tome to come to grips with.

So how are other CAGs dealing with their backlogs? Are you juggling multiple games? Powering through games in serial? My time is so limited at the moment, I don't even want to start the strategy or RPG games due to the time commitment, and I'm reluctant to stop playing Borderlands.


I play none and buy more
This ^

Shadowrun Returns turned out to be extremely underwhelming. At best they provided people with a good editor to make their own content. The content/campaign itself is average, arguably too easy even on the highest difficulty, lacks any kind of meaningful C&C, and basically consists of going from one combat vignette to another. The background world is pretty but almost completely non-interactive.

Color me underwhelmed. My first though was 'This is all 2 million dollars gets?' but apparently Microsoft got a hefty chunk of that.

I pretty much think of it at this point as a Shadowrun editor program with a simple demo campaign to provider an example.

I'm glad I only paid $10 for it on eBay. It's probably not even worth that really.

To anyone pondering it, wait and see what kind of mods the community puts out. By the time there's a decent sale on it, it might be worth looking at if there's some decent mods.

I remember my kids caught me playing AvP (the new one). And yes, I was playing as Predator. And yes, I just collected a head in one of the most violent manner. I had to explain them those were all robots and monsters, no humans involved (luckily there were also aliens nearby)

That was an awkward situation.
it could be worse, wait till they see you running around with a giant pink dildo terrorizing the general populous.

oh, got my 3rd booster drop this time for universe sandbox

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According to backlogs...

My hobby is hunt for games offers, too. I have a lot of fun doing it. The thought is: "I will play it. Someday".
I remember my kids caught me playing AvP (the new one). And yes, I was playing as Predator. And yes, I just collected a head in one of the most violent manner. I had to explain them those were all robots and monsters, no humans involved (luckily there were also aliens nearby)

That was an awkward situation.
Playing Mafia II with your kid in the room and passing a Playboy collectable. Pick it up and see some 1960's era boobies on the screen or pass it by? Decision, decisions.

I remember my kids caught me playing AvP (the new one). And yes, I was playing as Predator. And yes, I just collected a head in one of the most violent manner. I had to explain them those were all robots and monsters, no humans involved (luckily there were also aliens nearby)
Assassin's Creed had no story at all to worry about, and no violence to speak of, when I was playing it with my son around. Instead, it was simply "the climbing game."

It was actually still pretty fun.

I managed to play through all of Dark Souls with a 3 month old (6 month old now). Largely during a week when it was just he and I as well (mom was out of town on business). It's possible, you just have to completely change the way you look at gaming and change the way you game. It requires planning your play schedule and selecting games that are 'parent' friendly (Dark Souls is NOT). One of the reasons I loved Rogue Legacy so much was because it's super parent friendly. Pause anywhere, play in 15 minute increments and make progress, don't forget where you are in a story or controls. Having a good partner who is gamer friendly is key too - of course why you'd stick your junk in or have junk stuck into you by anyone who isn't gamer friendly is beyond me. MMOs and multiplayer in general are pretty much off the table. Unless you play the MMO largely solo, which some people do, but I don't get the point. If you want to do multiplayer, it's going to have to be with a devoted group of people who know your circumstance (and are accepting) and you have to plan with your significant other - and it's going to have to be something with sub-15 minute matches/events/levels.

I've actually been strongly considering making a blog of my experience - because I've learned a lot about how to game as a parent and just the amount of shit they don't tell you or you don't consider is astronomical. I spent a good month after the birth of Baby McDickface lamenting the loss of my favorite hobby - and fully believing it was dead for the next 10-12 years - but with some creativity and persistence, I've actually ended up gaming a bit more and certainly more effectively.

Beaten with Baby (generally hover around 70% completion rate as far as collectibles and crap):

Tomb Raider

Sleeping Dogs


Saints Row 3

Rogue Legacy


Mark of the Ninja

Spec Ops: The Line

Thomas Was Alone

Bioshock 1

Portal 2

Max Payne 3

Dark Souls - ~700 achievement points - I view this as the pinnacle of my gaming career. Playing such a deadly game, with literally no pause button, while being the solo care provider for a 3 month old is pretty damn beast.
Do you have any older kids? I actually think it's a TON easier with very small kids. The main downside with very small kids is their sleep schedule, but other than that, they are pretty predictable with eat/poop/sleep. They sleep a ton more too. I think once they hit 3+, it becomes a ton harder since they don't sleep as much, don't crawl and run all over the place. There's also the issue where they want all your attention so if you go and do something else, they interrupt you and try to get your attention. As they get older, they can get pre-occupied with games/dvd players etc...but 2-3 has been a tough age to game when they're awake/

I used to game when I would baby bjorn the baby before he went to bed.

My wife and I have 4 under 6, but I still need my gaming fix. She's not much of a gamer, but a couple times a week, we'll turn on the Wii and play Mario Bros/Kart/Party or DK. My PC saving grace is that she works 3 nights a week. That's when I get my Tomb Raiding on (currently). After the housework and the honey-to-do's, of course. Since it takes at least an hour or more to progress anywhere in big games, if I don't have time for that, I'll mix in a few Sonic races or a couple levels of a platformer before bed. That being said, I've conditioned myself to live on 5 hours of sleep a night just so I can play a few games a week.
I'm currently on that 4-5 hour sleep schedule. I don't know if it really works since I'm always sleep deprived, but have been following a Polyphasic sleep schedule for over a year...Aim for 4 hours total, and every so often, go over, etc...if I have a lot of physical activity the day before, I tend to sleep 1.5 hours more. You do need a block of time to play some of the games so it's hard during the day if work/kids or other people are around. I think gaming is sorta like therapy/relaxation so it's nice to be able to get it...

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Actually, the books (5 full novels and a short story collection) revolve almost entirely around Geralt's adopted daughter, Ciri.

They're good, read 'em.
Have they translated the other 4 novels, or do you read Polish?

(Though, having read the original short story collection, I can confirm that one is a very entertaining read.)

I hand my 3 year old a gamepad that isn't on and let him play with me. He is loving Borderlands 2 right now. The key for me is to not play it for epic sessions. That tends to draw the wrath of my wife. Also, I sacrifice sleep to game.

The biggest thing that annoys me about my backlog is that it always puts a negative tinge during my gaming. I'm enjoy Borderlands a lot right now, but I have an appetite to consume some TSW. And this puts a dark cloud over my BL2 experience. I just want to blaze through it to get to TSW. I don't play multiple games at once. That's trampy. 

Also, some great backlog advise, that was already stated, put down a shitty game. It took me a long time to get to this place. Growing up unfortunate I didn't have this mindset. I'd play the crap out of shitty games. Now that I have a ton of games I have options. If a game sucks I don't have to see it through. With a huge backlog I can simply fire up a new game. 

Also, some great backlog advise, that was already stated, put down a shitty game. It took me a long time to get to this place. Growing up unfortunate I didn't have this mindset. I'd play the crap out of shitty games. Now that I have a ton of games I have options. If a game sucks I don't have to see it through. With a huge backlog I can simply fire up a new game.
Amen, brother. And don't feel like you have to enjoy something just because it's critically acclaimed either. After about seven hours with Spec Ops I was bored so I haven't returned to it since, but to my great embarrassment I lost twelve hours to Triple Town the first weekend I installed it. The great thing about the current state of PC gaming is that with console crossover, the indie market, and more than anything else, the incredibly low price of games, we have this huge variety and quality of entertainment to choose from at unprecedented prices. There really is something for everyone now.

Have they translated the other 4 novels, or do you read Polish?

(Though, having read the original short story collection, I can confirm that one is a very entertaining read.)
There are actually two short story collections, but the publisher skipped translating the Sword of Destiny because they didn't think it would sell well. Blood of Elves is out and Time of Contempt paperback comes out next month. I assume if Time of Contempt sells well we'll get the other 3 translated sometime in the future.

I'm sure there's probably fan translations of all of them around the internet somewhere though.

So further thoughts on...

Defiance:  Just unlocked my vehicle.  Wonky driving ATV, but it was exciting to get it and just drive around a little.  I notice this one is more MMO-y than TSW.  I was doing a mini boss fight and other people kept running in and helping me, which was good I guess since I probably couldn't solo it, but still was a little like "those are my kills!"

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - I like being able to save at any time like any game should be.  That said, if I save in the middle of the freeway when I come back it loads up a stopped truck in the middle of the freeway and I have to start my engine and go.  For realism's sake they should have made truckstops the only save points. 

There are actually two short story collections, but the publisher skipped translating the Sword of Destiny because they didn't think it would sell well. Blood of Elves is out and Time of Contempt paperback comes out next month. I assume if Time of Contempt sells well we'll get the other 3 translated sometime in the future.

I'm sure there's probably fan translations of all of them around the internet somewhere though.
I was travelling for work in Indiana last year and I saw a copy of the second book at a used bookstore, but I didn't buy it because I hadn't read the first one. I've been kicking myself for that ever since.
anyone played Expeditions: Conquistador? It looks kinda interesting. A turn based RPG set in that time period as a conquistador. The only thing is $10 isn't much of a sale. Im tempted to wait for 75% off or so. ANyone played it, is it any fun? Worth 10 bucks?

Just popping in to say anyone tempted to get Realms of Arkania, Wait. Seriously. It's a Hot German Mess right now and they're needing to do multiple patches. Also it looks like Gothic 1 and yet inexplicably still runs like ass on my PC that runs everything else just fine including some graphically intensive newer games.

Wait for a sale and then check back to see what the general consensus regarding the state of the game at that point.

I should know better and yet somehow my curiosity gets the better of me.

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anyone played Expeditions: Conquistador? It looks kinda interesting. A turn based RPG set in that time period as a conquistador. The only thing is $10 isn't much of a sale. Im tempted to wait for 75% off or so. ANyone played it, is it any fun? Worth 10 bucks?

I don't think anyone here has actually played it. General consensus is that it looks interesting but not at that price. It was up for a community vote during the summer sale for $5 but it lost and it might be a bundle candidate, but who knows when.

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