The Steam Deals + Cards Thread V9 | Torchlight II Weekend

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V9! I'm your new host, Psydero.
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hexen-heretic1-notheretic2 collection was the game #31 added to my inventory. I don't like that number... thinking about removing recettear (and playing it BTW xD)
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the undergarden is a terrible 'game' and is only worth playing if you're tripping balls, and in that case there's probably a million better things to be doing than playing the undergarden.

iHo? I would go there.
I'd go to iHo like it was Steve's Job. ;)

So, my account is sitting at 999 games. I have a bunch of games that I'm gonna add to my account, and I need to decide which one gets to be the one to get me to 1,000. Which one should it be?

Agricultural Simulator 2011: Extended Edition

Bionic Commando

Bionic Commando: Rearmed




Freeze Tag Fun Pack #1

Freeze Tag Fun Pack #2

Haunted House

iBomber Attack


Mole Control

Operation Flashpoint Complete

Puzzle Quest 2

Ridge Racer Unbounded Bundle

Skyrim - Legendary Edition

The UnderGarden

The Wonderful End of the World

World in Conflict: Complete Edition

All of those are either sitting in my inventory, or I have a key waiting to be redeemed. So they're all gonna get added. It's just a matter of which one gets to be number 1,000.
I vote Dinner Date.
Unless, you already have it. :shock:

Thanks for this!

Worse than Borderlands 1?!
BL1 had an ending?

"A game on your wishlist is on sale"... Then I see Call of Cthulhu... And then that awful number: "25%"

Steam trolling maximus achievement unlocked
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I'd go to iHo like it was Steve's Job. ;)

I vote Dinner Date.
Unless, you already have it. :shock:

Thanks for this!

BL1 had an ending?
Yes, BL1 did...


And It trolled the hell out of gamers, in so many ways - it was so incomplete, full of cliffhangers & there was no real "treasure" there.

And BL2 base game's ending wasn't so hot, either...

"A game on your wishlist is on sale"... Then I see Call of Cthulhu... And then that awful number: "25%"

Steam trolling maximus achievement unlocked
We need to be able to set a minimum percentage-threshold on it, so Steam only sends us mail on if something on the wishlist 75% off or better. ;)

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Rage had the worst ending of any game I've played in my life. It was all right other than that, for the $10 I paid.

Thanks for the tip on Skullgirls beta.
I wouldn't say it was the worst ending ever, but it was a drag. Plus a sequel is not going to be made, as far as I can tell, so knowing that makes it suck even more.

Think there is a chance call of Cthulhu will see a deeper discount? I am kinda doubting it myself.
I doubt it, but what do I know?

I was slighty disappoint to see its only 25%, I mean wow. Really. Fallout NV is cheaper even with all the DLC.

It's pretty good and was worth the money it was on sale, but don't expect the story to "wow" you into amazement. Id doesn't normally do that.

This isn't a game from BioWare or Irrational.

What Id does - they make awesome shooting games. If you like Id shooters, you'll like this - as long as your PC can handle this game; you can tolerate some muddy/blurry textures in the game-world; and you ain't looking for a story as amazing as something from BioWare or Irrational.

Actually - the characters in the game were pretty good and have more personality than I've seen anything Id has done before.
What MysterD said. The shooting feels great (as do all of the weapons) and being able to craft/use things like spider bots and turrets is fun (you'll definitely need them in MutantBash TV). Also, the animation is excellent. The NPCs are pretty lifelike. There's one enemy that does some free running type stuff while he's charging you. I had a hard time shooting the bastard a couple of times and he was shanking me in the face when he was at the other end of the corridor only seconds before. It's kind of startling how fast he is the first couple times you run into him. The ragdoll physics are much better than the Havok/Source ragdolls we're used to.

Be warned though, if you have an AMD card, be prepared to do some tinkering. I have a AMD 6950 and I had to go through a few hoops involving third party programs to get the game to run at a decent, constant framerate. A buddy of mine couldn't get it to run at all. He spent at least 3-4 hours trying all the solutions and the end result was a checkboard pattern on the environment and multiple glitchy looking stuff on everything else.

Get off the bandwagon hate of Rage's ending. Most games have poor stories. Beginning, middle and end. Rage's ending is no worse than the average game out there. Rage is a solid shooter and worth a play.
Rage's story isn't terrible, it just isn't very present or important. The setting is pretty decent though.

The problem with the ending is there was a promise of a good story climax with an epic moment and instead you walk up to that door, knock on it, open it, and then... nothing.

It's almost like they were intentionally setting up for a sequel with the entire game's story...

EDIT: My biggest complaint about the game is that I hated the driving sections. I feel like the PVP driving crap was a missed opportunity for some awesome PVP with the game's neat guns.

There needed to be more upgrades too, IMO.

If Rage 2 does become a thing, I hope they go a little bit more RPG-shooter with it, but avoid the Borderlands problem of generic crap weaponry.

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Be warned though, if you have an AMD card, be prepared to do some tinkering. I have a AMD 6950 and I had to go through a few hoops involving third party programs to get the game to run at a decent, constant framerate. A buddy of mine couldn't get it to run at all. He spent at least 3-4 hours trying all the solutions and the end result was a checkboard pattern on the environment and multiple glitchy looking stuff on everything else.
And I'll just offer another experience. I have a Radeon 5870 and did nothing but press play to get the game to run flawlessly. I like Rage. I have a new belief for life in general that seems to apply to many things: Have high standards, but low expectations. Cynical...maybe, practical...yep.

Rage's story isn't terrible, it just isn't very present or important. The setting is pretty decent though.

The problem with the ending is there was a promise of a good story climax with an epic moment and instead you walk up to that door, knock on it, open it, and then... nothing.

It's almost like they were intentionally setting up for a sequel with the entire game's story...

EDIT: My biggest complaint about the game is that I hated the driving sections. I feel like the PVP driving crap was a missed opportunity for some awesome PVP with the game's neat guns.

There needed to be more upgrades too, IMO.

If Rage 2 does become a thing, I hope they go a little bit more RPG-shooter with it, but avoid the Borderlands problem of generic crap weaponry.
The story was ok, but the setting was much, much better. I was pretty upset about the ending though. I was hoping for some epic boss battle that required good juggling of weapons and craftables. Not what I got.

I was also hoping for a little bit of RPG in Rage as well, but I'm still satisfied with what I played.

Also, I take issue with your Borderlands "generic crap weaponry." Do you mean, that there are copious amounts of white/green drops that are crap? Or that all of the guns in the game are crap?

Get off the bandwagon hate of Rage's ending. Most games have poor stories. Beginning, middle and end. Rage's ending is no worse than the average game out there. Rage is a solid shooter and worth a play.
RAGE + Scorchers DLC spoilers....

Dropping the RAGE base game's ending extremely abruptly w/ hinting at a sequel w/ a short video - i.e. it just really puts things into motion w/ the Resistance movement, given what it is implying: that every location of the Ark is revealed. This ending actually doesn't feel like the end of a game - but feels like the first 1/2 or maybe in the first 1/3rd of some kind of bigger story, actually. To me, it sounds like Zenimax told Id, "You been working on this for 7 years? FINISH IT NOW or else...!" and Id just said, "Okay, we have to stop w/ what we got - make one last level!"

All of this - this is right after a level of tons of closet-monsters and no real boss - yeah, not a good way to end at all, if you ask me. I have no problem w/ a level full of closet-monsters, when it ain't beat to death. It's kind of a classic Id staple, actually. I just think it was VERY poorly placed - i.e. at the end of the game.

The Scorchers DLC actually felt like its own story & that story itself actually felt complete, from start-to-finish. And it actually has a pretty good final boss fight w/ a big airship.

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The story was ok, but the setting was much, much better. I was pretty upset about the ending though. I was hoping for some epic boss battle that required good juggling of weapons and craftables. Not what I got.

I was also hoping for a little bit of RPG in Rage as well, but I'm still satisfied with what I played.

Also, I take issue with your Borderlands "generic crap weaponry." Do you mean, that there are copious amounts of white/green drops that are crap? Or that all of the guns in the game are crap?
I'm a borderlands hater these days. Sorry :(

It feels like I hate the guns, but it's probably the bullet sponge enemies that require being thoroughly soaked with AK47 ammunition before their shield drops and I do it all over again.

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I think I would like Rage a lot more if it was a bit more rpgish.
See, I liked RAGE as it was - NOT too RPG'ish at all. It felt like what Id would do, if they even tried to do an open-world game w/ linear missions. Plus, the combat feels more pure shooter and Id-like, if it don't swing into either the ARPG or RPG direction.

I like the fact that it isn't ARPG loot-crazy like Borderlands series.

I like that RAGE you didn't have this ridiculous inventory + skill system + weapons based on stats + decision-making system + any other RPG elements w/ Fallout 3 & New Vegas.

I didn't need every game to try to be like every other game out there. We have enough of that going on in the industry.

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Think there is a chance call of Cthulhu will see a deeper discount? I am kinda doubting it myself.
It's weird that they never seem to discount it.

I got it years ago from Gamefly (Direct2Drive at the time) for 75% off and still haven't tried it, but it was only $2.49 or $3.74 at the time. Glad I picked it up when I did, I guess.

Rage's story isn't terrible, it just isn't very present or important. The setting is pretty decent though.

The problem with the ending is there was a promise of a good story climax with an epic moment and instead you walk up to that door, knock on it, open it, and then... nothing.

It's almost like they were intentionally setting up for a sequel with the entire game's story...

EDIT: My biggest complaint about the game is that I hated the driving sections. I feel like the PVP driving crap was a missed opportunity for some awesome PVP with the game's neat guns.

There needed to be more upgrades too, IMO.

If Rage 2 does become a thing, I hope they go a little bit more RPG-shooter with it, but avoid the Borderlands problem of generic crap weaponry.
I like that Borderlands series is as loot-crazy and ARPG-like as it is - but, w/ most of the trappings of a FPS. It feels like it's its own thing.

I really didn't have much problems w/ the way the game dealed loot out, though.

I like that RAGE doesn't do any of the above that Borderlands did.

I can absolutely go for a RAGE 2 - especially w/ the way the original base game ended. It's just screaming for a sequel VERY badly. I really liked the setting itself, the actual characters & especially the Id-style of combat.


You know what I'd really like to see from Id, though?

Quake 5.

And that it'd have some more elements like Quake 1, in setting & style w/ the mix of gothic architecture and medieval influence w/ Id-style FPS elements. They've done plenty already w/ the sci-fi Quake games (Quake 2, 3, 4).

I'd have no complaint if say Id did have both of mixture w/ some levels having sci-fi Quake and some levels having gothic Quake.

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And eggy bread hasn't even entered the discussion yet

That's French Toast for Yankee Imperialists.
hmmm, thought this read soggy bread, well there goes my asshole response of it's fried. :)

Damn stayed up too late hoping gamersgate would actually honor something I bought lol

thanks fox!!!!!

It's weird that they never seem to discount it.

I got it years ago from Gamefly (Direct2Drive at the time) for 75% off and still haven't tried it, but it was only $2.49 or $3.74 at the time. Glad I picked it up when I did, I guess.
until you're actually going to play it or sell it, you've still wasted your money even if you only payed $1, haha.

I'm pissed cuz just last night TONS of these games were 75% off. Well I of course forgot about it. So i worked 10 hours today and got home around 730, went to check... back to 25% off. I was looking forward to getting Commander Keen, Heretic+Hexen collection, Quake Collection, and wolfensetein coleltion all dirt cheap. I cant in good conscience get them now, knowing that they were so much cheaper (8 quake games for $7.50?! Tons of Keen games for less than $2?! Heretic+Hexen collection for $3.50?! ugh).

I dont really play PC games but when i do, its classic and old games. And I was looking forward to it. Is this how steam normally does things? crazy sale one day then 24 hours later gone? I only own 3 games on steam and all were free ones so I dont really use it much. Not a PC gamer as far as new games go, just older ones.

I'm pissed cuz just last night TONS of these games were 75% off. Well I of course forgot about it. So i worked 10 hours today and got home around 730, went to check... back to 25% off. I was looking forward to getting Commander Keen, Heretic+Hexen collection, Quake Collection, and wolfensetein coleltion all dirt cheap. I cant in good conscience get them now, knowing that they were so much cheaper (8 quake games for $7.50?! Tons of Keen games for less than $2?! Heretic+Hexen collection for $3.50?! ugh).

I dont really play PC games but when i do, its classic and old games. And I was looking forward to it. Is this how steam normally does things? crazy sale one day then 24 hours later gone? I only own 3 games on steam and all were free ones so I dont really use it much. Not a PC gamer as far as new games go, just older ones.
This is what Steam does during a special occasion & event - in this case, Id's QuakeCon 2013 is going on this weekend.

So, they have a different sale for a dev/publisher every 24 hours.

Sometimes there's a special week for one publisher/dev even to have a major sale - w/ every day having special 24 hour deals, too.

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And I was looking forward to it. Is this how steam normally does things? crazy sale one day then 24 hours later gone?
I can't tell if I'm being trolled. This is pretty much how Steam does their major sales. Every year. Same thing. A daily deal, a mid week deal, a weekend deal. Then for stuff like Quakecon, it's a daily deal (normally a SERIES of games), followed by a wrapup on the last day.

Man that sucks so much ass. Haha I guess it wasn't meant to be. I got home, forgot abuot it, remembered this morning but was like "meh it was only 1 day, it says the quakecon sale is 4 days" but apparently 4 days of different sales. Well thanks. Thats good to know for the future. I guess I'll have to wait until they hit 75% off again, and if they dont, well then I guess i am all set and won't bother. Thanks for the heads up. Ill remain hopeful for the next 2 days. Todays isnt for me since ive killed fallout on consoles already

Man that sucks so much ass. Haha I guess it wasn't meant to be. I got home, forgot abuot it, remembered this morning but was like "meh it was only 1 day, it says the quakecon sale is 4 days" but apparently 4 days of different sales. Well thanks. Thats good to know for the future. I guess I'll have to wait until they hit 75% off again, and if they dont, well then I guess i am all set and won't bother. Thanks for the heads up. Ill remain hopeful for the next 2 days. Todays isnt for me since ive killed fallout on consoles already
For more details on QuakeCon daily sales on Steam - click below:

Yesterday, was Id's games.

Today is Fallout games.

Saturday is Elder Scrolls.

Sunday is Dishonored.


GameFly is doing a VERY similar QuakeCon sale, as well:

You'd have to check on there to see what games will activate-up on Steam, though.

It should say if it does, on the game's actual page - if it actually does.
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haha nah im not trolling. I downloaded steam ages ago just because i got a free super crate box and magicka (if they were always free dont mind me) but I havent thought to check as I didnt know classic games were on here. But word of this quakecon pack surfaced, i checked it out and I was super excited to see all these older games i havent played in forever. So I was going to get them last night, but I was unaware that steam constantly changes deals. I assume, like a moron, since the quake con sale is 4 days, that all 4 days the deals remained. I didnt know it was a different deal focus each day. Lesson learned. haha

I am a compelte PC gaming noob. The last game I bought new for PC was Warcraft 3 frozen throne. haha I am a 99% console gamer, only using PC for classics like doom and whatnot. But i have doom BFG on xbox 360 so I dont even use PC for that (i suck witha  keyboard and mouse, a controller is 100% more comfortable to me and always has been). I think its because controllers used to suck and many didnt work right for PCs or they were crazy expensive so i just got into consoles as a kid. But with technology being awesome, i am sure i could find a good controller for PC and play some classics. But yea i missed the 75% off so better luck next time i guess. Thanks for the help guys, now I know. And knowing is half the battle.


So, I'm downloading all the OSTs from all my bundle purchases and I have to say that the Legend of Grimrock Main Theme is kinda like lush epicness.

That is all.  You may resume whatever activity you were previously engaged in.

until you're actually going to play it or sell it, you've still wasted your money even if you only payed $1, haha.
If the game ever is never cheaper anywhere, goes off the shelves, out-of-print, has licensing issues, and for some other reason is not being sold anymore - and the buyer still has the game and can get it to run and actually does get to it and play it, gamer wins.

Also - on CAG, it's often about getting the crazy deals & sometimes not about the game you're buying.

bah I dont need elder scrolls and I dont care about dishonored. I guess ill just keep my eyes out for other deals during this time. man i feel like garbage that I forgot all about it. I Hate that feeling, dont you?

But i have doom BFG on xbox 360 so I dont even use PC for that (i suck witha keyboard and mouse, a controller is 100% more comfortable to me and always has been). I think its because controllers used to suck and many didnt work right for PCs or they were crazy expensive so i just got into consoles as a kid. But with technology being awesome, i am sure i could find a good controller for PC and play some classics.
^ Ummm, problem solved?

haha nah im not trolling. I downloaded steam ages ago just because i got a free super crate box and magicka (if they were always free dont mind me) but I havent thought to check as I didnt know classic games were on here. But word of this quakecon pack surfaced, i checked it out and I was super excited to see all these older games i havent played in forever. So I was going to get them last night, but I was unaware that steam constantly changes deals. I assume, like a moron, since the quake con sale is 4 days, that all 4 days the deals remained. I didnt know it was a different deal focus each day. Lesson learned. haha

I am a compelte PC gaming noob. The last game I bought new for PC was Warcraft 3 frozen throne. haha I am a 99% console gamer, only using PC for classics like doom and whatnot. But i have doom BFG on xbox 360 so I dont even use PC for that (i suck witha keyboard and mouse, a controller is 100% more comfortable to me and always has been). I think its because controllers used to suck and many didnt work right for PCs or they were crazy expensive so i just got into consoles as a kid. But with technology being awesome, i am sure i could find a good controller for PC and play some classics. But yea i missed the 75% off so better luck next time i guess. Thanks for the help guys, now I know. And knowing is half the battle.
The standard S-style X360 gamepad will work on a PC.

If it's USB-based, plug it into a PC's USB-port.

If it's wireless - you need a wireless adapter.

You'd also have to check if a game natively supports a controller. too.

If it supports it - sweet; good to go.

If that fails - you could get a controller-program like say XPadder, run that when you run a game, that'll let you map keyboard keys/commands however you like to your gamepad.

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thanks for the tips guys! My 360 controllers are all wireless. Can I use the plug and play adapter to hook to a computer? it has a USB end to it. I guess if it boiled down to it i could find a wired 360 controller as its my favorite. if that Xpadder thing would work I'd much rather use a 360 controller as I find it the most comfortable.

The USB end of a wireless controller is strictly power.  No communication.  There is a dongle .. kinda looks like one of those car alarm beepy things (not a good description).  Honestly, I picked up a wired Tron controller on the cheap and have been using it ever since for my gaming needs. 

thanks for the tips guys! My 360 controllers are all wireless. Can I use the plug and play adapter to hook to a computer? it has a USB end to it. I guess if it boiled down to it i could find a wired 360 controller as its my favorite. if that Xpadder thing would work I'd much rather use a 360 controller as I find it the most comfortable.
Hehe, all my X360 controllers are actually USB-wired.

I know you need an adapter so the X360 wireless gamepad signal gets sent to the PC, but I don't know exactly which one it is! Maybe someone else can point you in the right direction on that?

I've honestly never looked into it - b/c I never needed it.

XPadder supports X360 S-style controller, yes - that's the controller that I use.

I actually use XPadder for my old copy of MK4 PC.


Thanks for pointing out that X360 Wireless Controller Signal Adapter!

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The USB end of a wireless controller is strictly power. No communication. There is a dongle .. kinda looks like one of those car alarm beepy things (not a good description). Honestly, I picked up a wired Tron controller on the cheap and have been using it ever since for my gaming needs.
DS3 controllers support data over USB.

Since Grimm mentioned Hexen + Heretic, what are people using for Source Ports for old 2.5D Id games like Doom, Hexen, & Heretic these days?

I used to use Doomsday Engine, back in my Win XP days.
I would like to know this as well. My modding experience with those Doom engine games is very limited. I used zDoom and the Brutal Doom mod to play through Doom1&2, but don't know anything about modding Heretic/Hexen.

Worse than Borderlands 1?!
The ending of that game was rage-inducing. Just horrible. In fact, they kind of poke fun at it in BL2. The "real" ending to the game, as far as I can tell, came in the Claptrap DLC. The ending bookended the main story nicely.

I'm a borderlands hater these days. Sorry :(

It feels like I hate the guns, but it's probably the bullet sponge enemies that require being thoroughly soaked with AK47 ammunition before their shield drops and I do it all over again.
Are you playing UVHM?

I agree they are spongey to an extent, but it makes a tremendous difference if you use complimentary class mods and shields. Using weapons with the right element can make all the difference in the world too. If you're having trouble getting rid of their shields, for instance, switch to an electrical weapon and it'll come right off. Slag helps also.

There's much more of an emphasis on choosing the right combinations in BL2.

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