The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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The only thing more satisfying than playing games on their own merit is smugly berating people who derive different enjoyments from games than you do.
People enjoy things differently? This can't possibly be true.

You remind me of a quote I heard somewhere, "If everyone liked the same things then everyone would be after your grandma". The source of the quote escapes me at the moment, but I still laugh every time I hear it.

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so.... any steambros getting a ps4?
I will be, as I'm too much of a geeked out technology enthusiast not to. Friday is looking good and that Target B2G1 deal was too amazing to pass up.

It looks like a few of us will after scanning the thread, nice. It might be an unpopular opinion but I support both sides of the gaming race, although I lean PC-heavy more often than not. It's just good to have options, I'm sure a good percentage of us CAGs would agree.

Edit: I don't mind being a test subject.

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so.... any steambros getting a ps4?
Eventually, for the exclusives. I started out a console gamer but after switching primarily to PC around 2.5 years ago there's been hardly any games I've bought on console. If I'm gonna drop $400+ on a machine it better have a good amount of exclusives games I want to play, so I put that $400 toward upgrading my video card instead. I just hope they hurry up and put out MGS 5 on PC, I can wait for the rest.

BF4 added to the AMD Never Settle program, its Origin though so fuk dat shite.


Check it out... AMD is also adding Thief to the Never Settle program starting tomorrow. Unsure if it'll be redeemable for Steam or for Uplay. Kind of bizarre since Thief isn't supposed to be released until February 25th, 2014 though.


Edit: Here's a sneak peak at the page I came across but it's not live yet.

Edit #2: As to why I thought it might be Uplay is beyond me. Thanks for the correction Eldredpe.

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Check it out... AMD is also adding Thief to the Never Settle program starting tomorrow. Unsure if it'll be redeemable for Steam or for Uplay though. Kind of bizarre since Thief isn't supposed to be released until February 25th, 2014 though.

Thief is Square Enix, so it should be Steam like the rest of their games.

Check it out... AMD is also adding Thief to the Never Settle program starting tomorrow. Unsure if it'll be redeemable for Steam or for Uplay though. Kind of bizarre since Thief isn't supposed to be released until February 25th, 2014 though.

I have no idea what to expect from Thief. I wouldn't be surprised if it wound up getting some GOTY consideration, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it wound up being really disappointing, either.

Check it out... AMD is also adding Thief to the Never Settle program starting tomorrow. Unsure if it'll be redeemable for Steam or for Uplay though. Kind of bizarre since Thief isn't supposed to be released until February 25th, 2014 though.

Hell yea!


I have no idea how the reboot of the Thief franchise might be either. Here's to hoping it might be worthwhile. The fact it's included months in advance in an AMD bundle is a little disconcerting. Although, if it turns out to be as good as Tomb Raider was this past year I'll be happy. I just wish TR (2013) would have had more challenging puzzles and... well... Tombs.

I'm sure Square Enix liked the idea of receiving that lump sum of money upfront from AMD.

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I think the lack of soda vs pop debating drove them away. LONG LIVE THE SODA WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now where is my craft beer?
YOU DARE INSIGHT YOUR BLASPHEMING WAYS UPON MY HOUSE!? I shale procure the grandest of military intrigue and design to unleash the gates of hell into your very soul. The nightmarish feeling of horror and regret for your alignment will bolster great turmoil within you for centuries. Only upon full submission to the ways of the pop can you full attain a fragment of salvation.

My brothers! My sisters! May we band together to vanguish this evil from our rehashed minds. The one and only truth in our existence is that of the naming convention of such beverages shale forever be blessed as Pop. The war was ended, and the the outcome was clear. It is the demons such as yourself, oman, that insighted lies and deceit into minds of my countrymen, nei, my fellows humans.

My sword and shield to me, I will squash your meandering ways most hastily. Your time in our realm is at an end, penance is your only course of clearing your conscious for the coming doom. I will grant you leniency in the face of your crimes if you full pledge your being to that of our grand Pop design at this juncture; else as we move forward in the coming times, you ought wish to avoid me on the battlegrounds for justice. For I shale lay waste to your very existence!

Pop is king, all hail the king!

Before the thread went down we had a bit of a moment :grouphug:
It was short and sweet, but full of lustful joy

The only thing more satisfying than playing games on their own merit is smugly berating people who derive different enjoyments from games than you do.
MmmHmmm, that really gets my motor going

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The only thing more satisfying than playing games on their own merit is smugly berating people who derive different enjoyments from games than you do.
smug? i didn't mean it to come off like that. playing for steam achievements is just weird imo ... no gamerscore equivalent, no easy way to look at friends achievements in game, games with different drm schemes giving you achievements on other services. it's all kinda wonky. but to each their own i guess.

It's an EA game, what did you expect?
Gog release

smug? i didn't mean it to come off like that. playing for steam achievements is just weird imo ... no gamerscore equivalent, no easy way to look at friends achievements in game, games with different drm schemes giving you achievements on other services. it's all kinda wonky. but to each their own i guess.
Agreed. I really like my xbox achievements, and on games I really enjoy, I typically get at least 75% or more of the cheevos. Steam achievements...not so much. No addicting "pop," no score, etc. On xbox achievements either change the way I play a game, pad my playtime, or I'll do a second run through to knock out a number of achievements I missed the first time. On Pc, achievements don't even cross my mind.

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I have no idea how the reboot of the Thief franchise might be either. Here's to hoping it might be worthwhile. The fact it's included months in advance in an AMD bundle is a little disconcerting. Although, if it turns out to be as good as Tomb Raider was this past year I'll be happy. I just wish TR (2013) would have had more challenging puzzles and... well... Tombs.

I'm sure Square Enix liked the idea of receiving that lump sum of money upfront from AMD.
I haven't played the original Thief games (though I did win Deadly Shadows on Steamgifts), but the consensus about this new Thief from the cynical, elitist PC nerds who comment at PC Gamer is that it's "console garbage." When they showed Garrett earning XP for kills in that E3 video, everybody lost their shit. Even when the dev said they were removing that mechanic, people just said that they were indecisive and had no idea what they're doing and the game would still turn out to be crap. The "thief vision" or whatever it's called is also a hating point. Having ledges and other intractable objects highlighted for you instead of finding them on your own. Scripted escape sequences with bridges collapsing just isn't Thief they say. "Thank god games like dark souls are sticking to their roots and basically saying fuck people that want something easy." one person said. :roll: Why I still read the comments there is a mystery.

I'm sure they aren't wrong and maybe the game will be a disappointment. Overwhelming cynicism and calling everything "console garbage" that has the slightest hint of a streamlined mechanic (which is a dirty word to the PC elitist, since it means that the game will appeal to a wide audience and therefore become said "console garbage.") just drives me insane.

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so.... any steambros getting a ps4?
Not here.. I actually cancelled my launch preorder like a month ago... Maybe I should have tried to sell it but knowing my luck yhe PS4 would have been an unimaginable bomb and I would have gotten stuck with something unsellable. (Also, no XBone... I cancelled my preorder at the same time and that was a far smarter decision. I would have kept the XBone, no way I could have walked away from Forza 5.)

Maybe in like 5 years when the price goes down and I can compare which system has the better exclusives (if this past generation carries any further indications, it'll be ps4). I'm just now preparing to buy a PS3...hoping for some good bundle deals when the PS4 drops. I know this will catch flak, but the only system I'm buying for sure is Wii U.
Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3... Nuff said.

Uncharted 2 might be the best game of this generation... Uncharted was a little short and had some question control decisions (no doubt shoe horned by Sony) but is really solid and the must start from point for anyone new to the series. (Honestly, play them in order.) Uncharted 3... Decent enough but was a disappointment in every way imaginable.

The rest of Sony's exclusives... to me, at least, are overrated... There decent enough but nothing I would buy or consider buying the system for on there own. (Minus the core LBP games, they're really solid. I just don't know how long the community and/or their work will stay online with Sony's movement to PS4.)

Unfortunately, there's nothing less interesting than a multiplayer game with fewer than multiple players.
Yeah, hopefully someone new can come and mine the game for a new one that does hit it off...

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Now the question is are they applying the Never Settle Bundle to the new 280x series.  Dammit I was pretty much sold on Nvidia... but now... hmmm.

I can tell you fo shure that Fox is not a girl (unless his wife hijacks his CAG account occasionally).
I wouldn't be so sure. When we did the hangout for the BCGQ live draft thingy, Fox was wearing a suspicious looking cap. Pretty sure he (she) was hiding his (her) ponytail under there.

I also know that BigSpoonyBard is the brawniest looking of all the brawny gents.
Never buy a GPU based on what free games are included. That's how they get you.
Such true words...

If it helps Mooby the 770 will be cheaper on your energy bill but probably not enough to truly matter over the life of the system... (about $3.20 every 1000 hours of usage. Assuming a .16 cents a kilowatt/hr)

Having ledges and other intractable objects highlighted for you instead of finding them on your own. Scripted escape sequences with bridges collapsing just isn't Thief they say. "Thank god games like dark souls are sticking to their roots and basically saying fuck people that want something easy." one person said. :roll: Why I still read the comments there is a mystery.
Really, console games have gotten ridiculously easier over the last 20 years. The earlier joke about the consoles being made by Mattel et al is largely spot on. I wish more games took the route that Witcher did for difficulty. On easy the player gets lots of obvious and blatent visual and audio cues on what to do and where to go, but as the difficulty is ramped up, those are slowly removed.

If anything, developers could just put all of that stuff into 'gameplay' options and allow the player to customize the difficulty on a more selective level. This could allow developers to really open up gameplay possibilities by putting in options for the interface, saves, combat mechanics, world interface, quest log/markers, maps, etc. It is obvious that plenty of people are desiring of these things by just looking at the modding community for many games.

The "thief vision" or whatever it's called is also a hating point. Having ledges and other intractable objects highlighted for you instead of finding them on your own.
This is a hating point? Oh geez, let me remove the runner vision on Mirror's Edge for you. Oh wait, that can be turned off. Some people act like fussy babies over niche things.outraged? demand they delay their game until 2017 because it doesn't act like GTA enough. I was primarily a console gamer, but never found the games any more harder on PC. The only exception is SpaceChem, but that's because I didn't read the tutorial. and the Dark Souls Argument is odd too, considering Demon Souls was on PS3, then Dark souls was on PS3/Xbox360. People who make games make games, not just for the difficulty. Imagine not finding Would You Kindly? because every time you tried to fight the first splicer you'd die from him being OP. Some people need to get off their difficulty high horse, and realize devs are pouring in a lot more time and money these people ever could. Not saying don't complain, just don't threaten to unravel the entire basis over a game because of a minor nuisance.

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Let's see, what do I need to respond to?  

*I'm sitting on a Never Settle Silver coupon waiting to see what shows up before it expires in December sometime.  BF4 would be cool.  Nevermind.

*My roommate and I are splitting a PS4, and in the end it's mostly because we never had a system Day 1 (so basically, hype) and also I want to play NFS on a pretty system that also maintains a user base 2 months in.

*Humble store deals don't look bad - Antichamber in particular for $6 is tempting as hell and I honestly doubt that will get bundled because of its initial price point.

Also i really kicked someone's ass in fantasy football this week.

Oh - and in case anyone else had an issue, I had to verify the cache on XCOM after it downloaded the 4GB update because it actually has a launcher now where you select original or expansion, and I wasn't getting that at first.

Another edit - BF4 is NOT part of the Never Settle promo - it is just being bundled in some AMD cards.  Way to get my hopes up :(

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I'm looking forward to the new Thief because I'm a sucker for good stealth games and Square Enix did a good job with the recent Deus Ex and Tomb Raider. From seeing all the videos and information (and there's been a whole lot of them, like they did with Tomb Raider, which was pretty vilified before release as well), it looks like the gameplay mechanics are there for a fun game. 
The big issue is that it doesn't really feel like Thief. And I don't even mean the difficulty or "Thief vision" or QTEs or other things that have been added and that can be turned off or not used. The City does not feel as engaging and Thief was more than just a good stealth game. Also, Garret's voice, which was truly one of a kind, has been changed to a younger and unremarkable one. There was no reason to put a XP system if Garrett is supposed to be a master thief, so I'm glad they changed it back to money you acquire on missions, like it was on previous games, but that they even considered it is a warning sign.
I think Dishonored did a lot of things right in terms of what a Thief could be nowadays: the stealth was a lot of fun and the atmosphere was wonderful. Hell, to me it was a fake attempt at a new Thief. So it'll be disappointing if the new game in the franchise is a step down from Dishonored.
Really, console games have gotten ridiculously easier over the last 20 years. The earlier joke about the consoles being made by Mattel et al is largely spot on. I wish more games took the route that Witcher did for difficulty. On easy the player gets lots of obvious and blatent visual and audio cues on what to do and where to go, but as the difficulty is ramped up, those are slowly removed.

If anything, developers could just put all of that stuff into 'gameplay' options and allow the player to customize the difficulty on a more selective level. This could allow developers to really open up gameplay possibilities by putting in options for the interface, saves, combat mechanics, world interface, quest log/markers, maps, etc. It is obvious that plenty of people are desiring of these things by just looking at the modding community for many games.
This. I wish there were more extensive gameplay options by which to modify difficulty.

All in all though, I don't mind games getting a bit easier. If you want a bit of a challenge, you can always put a game on hard. And there are still games (Dark Souls, Spelunky, Binding of Isaac, etc) out there that provide a good natural challenge even w/out game difficulty options.

I wouldn't be so sure. When we did the hangout for the BCGQ live draft thingy, Fox was wearing a suspicious looking cap. Pretty sure he (she) was hiding his (her) ponytail under there.

I also know that BigSpoonyBard is the brawniest looking of all the brawny gents.
I actually used to have a ponytail...don't ask me what I was thinking :whee:

Really, console games have gotten ridiculously easier over the last 20 years. The earlier joke about the consoles being made by Mattel et al is largely spot on. I wish more games took the route that Witcher did for difficulty. On easy the player gets lots of obvious and blatent visual and audio cues on what to do and where to go, but as the difficulty is ramped up, those are slowly removed.

If anything, developers could just put all of that stuff into 'gameplay' options and allow the player to customize the difficulty on a more selective level. This could allow developers to really open up gameplay possibilities by putting in options for the interface, saves, combat mechanics, world interface, quest log/markers, maps, etc. It is obvious that plenty of people are desiring of these things by just looking at the modding community for many games.

This. I wish there were more extensive gameplay options by which to modify difficulty.

All in all though, I don't mind games getting a bit easier. If you want a bit of a challenge, you can always put a game on hard. And there are still games (Dark Souls, Spelunky, Binding of Isaac, etc) out there that provide a good natural challenge even w/out game difficulty options.
Despite the idiotic comments I read at, they do have a point. I'm not one for difficult games, but I do turn up the difficulty occasionally. I agree that putting the multiple effects of "thief vision" should be in the gameplay settings. So that you can customize your experience on every difficulty level. I know that in Deus Ex: HR, on the hardest difficulty, the highlighting was turned off for everything (among other things, I forget what else). It'd be nice if you could turn that off when playing on Normal/Easy so you would have to explore and pay attention and not have to worry about getting 2-shotted.

Super late notice, but I don't think I've seen any mention here of the 66% off, $4.99 sale for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on the Humble Store.  It's not the magic 75%, or a likely pack discount w/ Juarez, but from Enhanced Steam it looks like this is the historical low price. 

Unfortunately it's only available until 11 PST, for another hour..

Indie greenlight bundle:

Includes full bore, which is currently on sale at indie game stand, so if you want it, you may as well buy it here, along w/6 other games.
Normally I wouldn't care too much about a repost, but it's not even a page old :oldman:

Did Humble add the Batman Origins DLC yet? Does anyone know what the DLC consists of? Saw it for cheap in the trade thread.

Nevermind, it's a skin pack. I'd pay up to .25 if anyone wants to give it up. A kind CAG gave me his code, thanks!

Wow, I just noticed that skin pack DLC contains the skin you unlock by beating the game. You can't even use alternate skins until you beat the game. Why would they add that into a DLC pack?

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Did Humble add the Batman Origins DLC yet? Does anyone know what the DLC consists of? Saw it for cheap in the trade thread.
They just did. It's called The Millennium Skins Pack for Batman™: Arkham Origins

Here's what it includes:

The Millennium Skins Pack for Batman™: Arkham Origins contains six bonus skins based on a variety of classic and modern storylines pulled from the comics*. The content can be used in challenges maps, as well as the single-player campaign upon completion of the main story and in multiplayer for players that reach Level 2.

Included in the pack are:

  • Red Son Batman
  • Blackest Night Batman
  • 1st Appearance Batman
  • New 52 Graphic Batman
  • Batman™: Noe
  • One Year Later Robin (available in multiplayer mode only on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC)
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