The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

[quote name='Kenrik']When do we figure out what the Weekend deal is?[/QUOTE]

It's usually posted sometime around noon PST on Thursday, but it's not like a set-in-stone thing that you can set your clocks by. Technically, it's not really a set-it-stone thing that we're guaranteed two sales every week. But chances are, it'll be sometime within a few hours.
Is there a good place to find out how well certain laptop chipsets perform on certain games? Specifically I'm looking to see how certain Macbooks booted into Windows (XP or 7) would perform.
[quote name='foltzie']Is there a good place to find out how well certain laptop chipsets perform on certain games? Specifically I'm looking to see how certain Macbooks booted into Windows (XP or 7) would perform.[/QUOTE]

Regular Macbook will run most things like Shit... Really.... don't bother.

Macbook Pro is a kickass gaming laptop, I can run just about every game out now at medium or maximum settings.

Macbook Pro 8600M GT OC. I get 35 - 40 FPS in Crysis Medium to High Settings @ 1440x900.

Check youTube you can usually find videos of how different games will play on your Macbook.
If I am being honest my sweet spot is at 2.49.... I will give darn near any game a chance at the price. Funny, considering I didn't bite on Jade Empire at 3.74 but would have at 2.49. Outside of that my sweet spot is a percentage - 75% or more off gets my attention at any price point, then it depends on how much I want that game.
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']If I am being honest my sweet spot is at 2.49.... I will give darn near any game a chance at the price. Funny, considering I didn't bite on Jade Empire at 3.74 but would have at 2.49. Outside of that my sweet spot is a percentage - 75% or more off gets my attention at any price point, then it depends on how much I want that game.[/QUOTE]

Lol wow you are cheap.. I bit on anything that seems like a good deal/I want.
I think it really depends upon genre and reviews for me. I probably wouldn't buy most sports games even if they were awesome and $2. But I bought Armored Princess (stupidly) when it first came out and it was only $5 off! I don't do that anymore.
My sweet spot is $5. I don't buy any game under that though, but am way more likely too. I bought 4 weeks of weekend deals in a row because they were $5 or under and reality I never ever play Lost Planet.....

My sweet spot does change depending on how many games are in the pack or what games they are. Like Jesse_Dylan said, I wouldn't buy sports games if they were awesome and $2 either.
$20 is the max I will ever pay for a PC game.

In 2025, I may go up to $25. Maybe.
[quote name='Kenrik']The Computer from Portal has taken over Steam! V V V V[/QUOTE]

That sig had me laughing so loud that a court officer scolded me!

*currently, with clients in family court playing some games while we wait for judges.....*
[quote name='Megazell']$20 is the max I will ever pay for a PC game.

In 2025, I may go up to $25. Maybe.[/QUOTE]

I said this too but I broke it to spend $25 on Borderlands since it was on steam sale so shortly after launch for so cheap. I figured yeah $25 was more then the $10-$20 I spend on games usually but I really wanted to play it and it would probaly take close to another year to find it for that price! I will also break that rule for Diablo 3 which I would pay $200 for day 1 if I had to....

Only other 2 games iv broke the $20 rule for are Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank a CiT. Love both of those series to death and gladly will spend $30-$35 for them(though to be fair im now trying to flip them for near the same price I bought them).
Since its currently for sale, anyone know much about AI War? So far there has been one negative comment here, but wondering if anyone has anything good to say about it
I thought somebody said it was awesome and we should all buy it.

I downloaded the demo but haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Yeesh. So many demos, so little time.
[quote name='VGmnk']Since its currently for sale, anyone know much about AI War? So far there has been one negative comment here, but wondering if anyone has anything good to say about it[/QUOTE]

I love it. It isn't a game for everyone as it makes heavy use of strategy.

I suggest trying out the demo and seeing how you like it. The demo has tutorials to ease you in to everything so you understand.

The game makes you actually plan out your attack paths and such. If you just go conquering and taking over each planet the AI you are fighting against will become stronger and stronger. So instead you need to take key planets for strategic reasons/poisitions and not just take them all for resources cause the enemy will become more powerful and adept.

The expansion just came out yesterday and added a lot of new content.

The developer is an awesome guy that really loves his game. He is extremely active on the Steam AI forums as well as the offical AI forums (he goes by the name of x4000). Is open to new ideas for things in the game and all their DLC will be free expect for expansions, but he stated that free units and other such things would be free in regular updates.
Just got done with the introduction mission to GA and so far I'm liking it. The game appears to be VERY slow to start though. I can't disclose too much because I'm under NDA (I know I don't need to take it extremely seriously but I'd hate to get any repercussion.) but once you pick up the pace it really starts to show its strengths. I'm playing the Robotics class (Think Tribes defense buildings, turrets, walls etc) The game feels a bit wonky in controls but I imagine that's a bit of beta-itis.

If I had to make a direct comparison I'd call it TF2 meets Tribes meets MMORPG. I'll post some more once I get in to the PvP and the PvE.

Also, I'd love freelancer!
[quote name='MSI Magus']I said this too but I broke it to spend $25 on Borderlands since it was on steam sale so shortly after launch for so cheap. I figured yeah $25 was more then the $10-$20 I spend on games usually but I really wanted to play it and it would probaly take close to another year to find it for that price! I will also break that rule for Diablo 3 which I would pay $200 for day 1 if I had to....

Only other 2 games iv broke the $20 rule for are Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank a CiT. Love both of those series to death and gladly will spend $30-$35 for them(though to be fair im now trying to flip them for near the same price I bought them).[/QUOTE]

That last game that I bought that was near $20.00 was Starcraft Battlechest Set back in 1999...I think.

Most of the games after that came my way through some free method...I got HL as a gift from an old job, HL2 from an ATI card, L4D and L4D2 from Citibank a host of others.

In fact, the day I broke down and said OK to buy Freedom Force 2 for $ rung up at the register for $ was damn near the date it was released. I kept my mouth shut and got home like I just took the Mona Lisa...
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[quote name='Kenrik']Best Space Game Ever.. >>> Freelancer.

Seriously if you have not played it check it out RIGHT NOW.[/QUOTE]

There is a free version of it out. I will post it tonight.
[quote name='KaOTiK']I love it. It isn't a game for everyone as it makes heavy use of strategy.

I suggest trying out the demo and seeing how you like it. The demo has tutorials to ease you in to everything so you understand.

The game makes you actually plan out your attack paths and such. If you just go conquering and taking over each planet the AI you are fighting against will become stronger and stronger. So instead you need to take key planets for strategic reasons/poisitions and not just take them all for resources cause the enemy will become more powerful and adept.

The expansion just came out yesterday and added a lot of new content.

The developer is an awesome guy that really loves his game. He is extremely active on the Steam AI forums as well as the offical AI forums (he goes by the name of x4000). Is open to new ideas for things in the game and all their DLC will be free expect for expansions, but he stated that free units and other such things would be free in regular updates.[/QUOTE]

That sounds kinda cool. Is it heavy on micromanagement?
[quote name='boneless']That sounds kinda cool. Is it heavy on micromanagement?[/QUOTE]

No it isn't heavy on micromanagement. Your factories you can load up with queues and they will automatically keep building and you can pause them when needed. Getting resources is as simple as just building the structore on the astoroid and it is automated. You have engineer ships/drones for building structures as well as helping factories build quicker. If you select one engineer to build something any nearby automatically help.

Controlling your fleet (which will number into the thousands sometimes) is easy as well. On the screen there is an icon for each ship type you currently have at that planet as well as how many of them you have you can simply select them like that or just draw a big box to select them and a hotkey to select all units on screen.

The most micromanagment thing I have found is actually scouting. Sending a group of scouts around to get into on other planets and such and even that is easy.

You can capture some higher end advance structures from the enemy as well (like adv factories for example), your ships wont automatically attack capturable structures so you dont need to watch out for it you need to manually tell them to destroy them.

Tryout the demo and see how you like it. It is a bit to take in at first but youll know if it is your type of game or not after playing for a bit
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']Ha! That's usually a turn off for me, too.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I haven't figured out whether it is me or the controls. The controls feel a little loose on it and the boost is oddly placed for me, but I am not used to having to use my pinky

There is a soccer mode that seems like a ton of fun... but I felt like a bull charging and missing the ball every single time...
Just beat trine on easy mode lol. Worth the $5 I spent on it =) Now I should get back to my full featured games.. Dragon Age Origins has been waiting for me after I took a break from it.. as well as Crysis.. hmmm so many games so litte time.
$2.50 for any title priced at $10-20$

$5 for any title priced originally at $20-$30

$10 for any product priced originally at $40

$15-$20 for any mainline retail release after the initial $50 unless it is a huge critical sucess, like Dragon Age I would have paid $30 for shortly after release.

I do use Metacritic scores to help justify any price range. The lowest rated game that is not part of a package deal I've bought from Steam is Mount and Blade which has a "Metascore" of 72. I just don't have time for average or slightly above average games. Which a score of lower than 70 usually indicates. It isn't always the case, but in my opinion it is more times than not.
[quote name='Megazell']There is a free version of it out. I will post it tonight.[/QUOTE]

Dead LINKs :(

I will keep looking for it - I know there was a remake of it back in 2002 and it went freeware...but the original sites that hosted it are gone.

[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']Dang!! I'd totally love to try that out.

Microsoft still has a demo of it up. ha...[/QUOTE]

M$ are being super pricks...MechWarrior went freeware but they are not releasing the OFFICIAL word and files yet...

Come on Penguin...grow stronger!!!!
Somehow doesn't surprise me.

Seems as good a place as any to say I wish someone would make really awesome RPGs of the old FASA properties. Shadowrun in particular, but Mechwarrior would be really fun. Crimson Skies was a really rad game (and would make a rad RPG).

I want more RPGs based on paper RPGs in general. Vampire, Palladium, etc etc etc.
Freelancer was made in 2003

I have not seen a free version... hmm Maybe you're thinking of Starlancer?

Still sells for $15 - 20 on ebay.
Oh! Now I need to look up what Starlancer is.

Oh yeah, the Chris Roberts one. I can't even remember if I played it or not. I guess not! Wouldn't have had a proper PC then.
[quote name='Kenrik']Freelancer was made in 2003

I have not seen a free version... hmm Maybe you're thinking of Starlancer?

Still sells for $15 - 20 on ebay.[/QUOTE]

IMHO, it's worth it.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Iv been thinking of writing reviews for a little bit now. Just finished my first one(though ill need to do some more grammar editing)and figured id post it here since its the game I wanted to discuss as overlooked!

Nation Red

It seems the market has been flooded with Zombie games recently. Off the top of my head we have Plants Vs Zombies, World at Wars Zombie mode, Zombie Appocalpse, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Zombie Driver, Zombie bowling…..I think ill just stop there! So, many people might see Nation Red and think who needs another zombie game! I would argue though that Red Nation isnt just another cheap zombie cash in, but a great classic arcade style survival game.
Red Nation sets you as a survivor who looks to be a white soldier in an Asian zombie wasteland! I guess setting your game to allow you to create a somewhat acceptable genocide simply because the Asians are zombies at least sets it apart from the rest of the flood of zombie games! Political correctness aside though the game is actually pretty good. The controls are solid, you use the WASD keys to move, E key to barrel roll/dodge and the mouse controls where you are shooting as well as your round house kick via right click. The most recent patch also added the option to use your 360 controller which is pretty darn sweet IMO. While the mouse allows a little better accuracy with your shooting I prefer the 360s twin stick scheme. With the mouse and keyboard I found myself trying to dodge and accidentally heading the wrong direction thanks to the E key being so close to WASD. The 360 controller makes it much easier to use the jump/dodge button which lets you do a barrel roll to try and escape zombies. I will gladly trade a little accuracy for the ability to not dodge in the wrong direction, PC vets may prefer WASD though!

One of the main things that makes Nation Red so fun though and sets it apart from many zombie games is the leveling up and the item drops. As you kill zombies in most of the game modes you will gain levels which grant you perks such as extra damage with your weapons, poisoned darts that periodically burst from your charcter or a counter attack. The zombies you kill besides giving experience also have a chance to drop new weapons such as machettes, uzis, shotguns and even some rather cool and unique weapons like the steam gun. Zombies can also drop power ups from time to time that will last for a few seconds giving benefits like a sentry gun that mows down enemies, invisibility, a doppelganger that fights with you or double experience. All in all there are dozens of perks, weapons and power ups that keep the game fresh!

There are several different modes you can play, most of which I find a blast. The main mode is mission mode which has you fighting massive waves of zombies in 18 different levels. Each level looks and plays the exact same as the rest of the game, but will have a twist over the other stages. One stage may have you surronded by zombies from the start, another has you protecting a civilian whom if he even gets hit once dies and others toss in tough boss zombies such as a zombie with a machine gun or meat hook. The next mode is survival mode which is the one mode I find really boring. Survival mode has a timer and asks you to survive as long as possible….problem is that you cant get any perks, new weapons or power ups. I usually love survival modes since if the base gameplay is good its just the same game with a tough objective. However without the perks, weapons and power ups it just feels boring and like any other arcady twin stick game. The final mode is free play mode which is what survival should have been! It removes the timer but technically there is still no end to a stage as far as I have seen. It just tosses you in there with wave after wave after wave of zombies including the bosses from mission mode and asks you to survive while racking up the biggest score possible. Outside the timer the big difference here is that you can now gain perks and new weapons/power ups again returning much of the fun to the game.

Outside the fun gameplay the game does offer a few nice options such as steam achievements, steam leader board for tracking your rank against other players, hell there is even a difficulty slider to make the game easier or harder on the fly when playing a non ranked game! For $10 I think this game is a fun little buy, and if you can find it cheaper on a steam sale as I did(whoo $5)it’s a steal. If nothing else the game has a demo so give it a try![/QUOTE]

I didn't want this to get lost in the mix, I finally got the hang of the game and am having a blast with it. I bought it because it was a zombie shooter, but at this point I wouldn't care what I was shooting at. The pace is frenzied and difficult, but can still be mastered with a little strategy. I am learning not to pick up every single weapon and using specific ones to my advantage. I am getting to the stages where not all the zombies are the same so you have "bosses" in a way show up among the generic waves. Definitely will be a challenge, but looking forward to it.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']Somehow doesn't surprise me.

Seems as good a place as any to say I wish someone would make really awesome RPGs of the old FASA properties. Shadowrun in particular, but Mechwarrior would be really fun. Crimson Skies was a really rad game (and would make a rad RPG).

I want more RPGs based on paper RPGs in general. Vampire, Palladium, etc etc etc.[/QUOTE]

Hey Jesse, I don't know if you've already played them, but if you *haven't*, the Sega Genesis Version is a must play for Shadowrun imho, one of my all-time favorite games....I also liked the SNES version too, but the Genesis just seemed to capture the Shadowrun feel a bit more for me, whereas the SNES version has a bit more story going for it.

I don't usually advocate looking for a game for free when it isn't exactly in the public domain, but I don't think you'll find them available for play outside of ROMS and Emulators...just hoping my enthusiasm of these games hasn't blinded me too much to the dated graphics & sound, which I barely notice since I did play them back when they did come out many years ago:), so heads up on the old graphics, hopefully it won't be too much of a hindrance should you decide to give em a go....

Which, if I may rant a little, I still can't for the life of me figure out *WHY* Microsoft decided to release an FPS of the Shadowrun Universe a few years back on the Xbox360, and a mediocre one at that, which if I'm not mistaken, didn't even have a 1-player mode, and a broken-moneygrab multiplayer mode (for the PC version at least)...I could only imagine if it was even barely an RPG (action-adventure, diablo-like click fest, etc.), it would have been an instant much as I love Shadowrun (have a lot of 4th ed. books, as well as Shadowrun novels), couldn't bring myself to buy it.
[quote name='KaOTiK']I love it. It isn't a game for everyone as it makes heavy use of strategy.

I suggest trying out the demo and seeing how you like it. The demo has tutorials to ease you in to everything so you understand.

The game makes you actually plan out your attack paths and such. If you just go conquering and taking over each planet the AI you are fighting against will become stronger and stronger. So instead you need to take key planets for strategic reasons/poisitions and not just take them all for resources cause the enemy will become more powerful and adept.

The expansion just came out yesterday and added a lot of new content.

The developer is an awesome guy that really loves his game. He is extremely active on the Steam AI forums as well as the offical AI forums (he goes by the name of x4000). Is open to new ideas for things in the game and all their DLC will be free expect for expansions, but he stated that free units and other such things would be free in regular updates.[/QUOTE]

Great review and much more informative than the other post mentioning it. Thanks for the heads up, I'll check it out....somewhat a fan of strategic space games, be it Sins of a Solar Empire, to Masters of Orion II (yeah, I know, different genre's, but I'm a fan of strategy space games).
[quote name='VGmnk']Hey Jesse, I don't know if you've already played them, but if you *haven't*, the Sega Genesis Version is a must play for Shadowrun imho...[/QUOTE]

One of my all-time faves, too. :) I bought it when it first came out and played it like a maniac (I think I was in grade school at the time, wow). Not sure what happened to my original copy, but I actually bought another copy a few years back from eBay or somewhere. I think I played it most emulated on my computer. It's awesome emulated on PSP!

I don't know if it's technically a very good game, but it's sure a lot of fun... :) I wish they'd do something more like THAT on a modern system!

I liked the SNES one, too, but I never had as much fun, and I hated the combat system. Just standing there shooting... no ducking for cover or moving... (Then again, in the Gen version, I spent most of my time running from thugs, turning and shooting, and running again... ha)

I miss the Genesis version. Now that music is stuck in my head. Thanks a lot.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Question of the day!
Ok yesterdays question didnt get many responses so hopefully it was just considered a dumb question! Todays QotD is where/what exactly is your sweet spot when buying games on steam? By this I mean what's your magical price or discount amount that gets you to buy a game without thinking, or at least breaks down your defense's making you much more likely to buy it?[/QUOTE]
$9.99 for a game I really want and $4.99 for a game I am on the fence about.
[quote name='Kenrik']Freelancer was made in 2003

I have not seen a free version... hmm Maybe you're thinking of Starlancer?

Still sells for $15 - 20 on ebay.[/QUOTE]

My bad, I got confused btw that one and Free Space.
*is starting to think there will be no weekend deal*

I do wish Steam would have some consistency. I listed my biggest complaint of steam as the fact that too many games stay at too high of a price(again I mean stuff like Dead Space thats more expensive for a digital copy then a hard copy)but man o man I would also list the inconsistency of sales in there too. One week we have a midweek sale and a weekend sale, the next no midweek sale but a weekend sale then we have a developer sale but no other sales.....its kind of confusing and annoying.
Does Valve focus on their own games too much?

Personally, I don't think they focus enough.

Blizzard has a great track record and history of how properties should be treated...with the exception of Starcraft 64 (CONSOLES LOL).

I think all of their titles should be like worlds they develop or support with easy to read sites on what's going on with those games.
bread's done