The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

[quote name='kilm']view
games list


then on the right side, you have three options to the right of "view" above your games list
detailed/ list/ grid
click list[/QUOTE]

Did that, but it still sticks out a good 800pixels or so. I'm trying to return it to something similar to the Sidebar type thing old steam used to have.
[quote name='Salamando3000']Did that, but it still sticks out a good 800pixels or so. I'm trying to return it to something similar to the Sidebar type thing old steam used to have.[/QUOTE]

Oh, like the mini list? Yeah, I don't see an option for that yet... You'd have to go back to the old UI, maybe

I'm having a problem with blank pages (testshell-error: ) for everything other than Library. Anyone else have this problem?
Things I like:
-Games Library. It's nice to have more customization options.
-Community Activity box on the main store page
-The new "News" page.
-Being able to view screenshots without opening up a separate window.

Few complaints though:
-HUGE space above the chat box in the chat window
-Some things feel a bit too big.
-I don't like that trailers automatically begin playing when I venture to a game's page.

Overall I like it. It's definitely a step in the right direction. A few tweaks need to be made, but this is why it's in beta, right?

EDIT: The official page for the UI update.

A Brand New Steam
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Not bad, for a beta. A little chunky, but I've been able to customize it to about the way I want. I don't much like the new storefront, though, especially the individual game pages. Also, I would like to be able to use small (16x16) icons in the "classic" game list again. I don't need the larger banners.

Still, it was getting pretty old, so, I guess it was time to update. Not bad, so far.
This layout desperately needs the ability to supplement added games with my own imagery. It's bugging the hell out of me. I also wish I could remove games from my list (I'm looking at you, Speedball)

EDIT: Also, I can't rename my added games. I hate them being called by their exe names.
Man that looks slick as shit. Personally ill wait till they get the kinks worked out and its no longer in beta, but excited to see the upgrade!
My biggest complaints are I wish the old game list view was still in.

Meaning I had a list of my games with just the small icon next to them. Also would like to separate installed from non installed and keep non installed hidden if desired like in the current non beta client.

Also would like a small "News" section back on the front page to get a good look at like the last 6-7 or whatever things they did on Steam were. I do not like having to go to the news tab just to check now.

While some stuff seems a bit to big, I wouldn't mind if they scaled back on the size of somethings but overall I like most all the changes so far.
I like the new Custom Categories feature. For people with hundreds of games, you can create custom categories (such as FPS, RTS, Multiplayer, whatever) and assign those categories to any game. You can then use the "Show All Games v" button to show only those categories. That button also allows you to only see favorites/installed/etc.

You can also turn off the images column in List view. Wish I could just shrink that column and have it get replaced with an icon once it gets suitably small though.

Overall though, can't wait to see what other improvements they make to it.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Just click "Show All Games" and change it to "Show Installed."[/QUOTE]

Then I don't see a list for my non installed games. In the current non beta client you have a list for just installed games and one for non installed, both of with are collapse able. I'd like back, by selecting just Show Installed that is all I see and that is not what I want.
I really like what I've seen of the update so far. Unfortunately the only thing I can really do right now is look at my games list. The store, community, and news pages don't load up for me at the moment. I get a "testshell-error" message when I try to load those pages up. According to the official Steam forums I'm not the only one having this issue. But it's no big deal just a little inconvenient, I'm sure it will be fixed soon enough.
[quote name='cgarb84']I really like what I've seen of the update so far. Unfortunately the only thing I can really do right now is look at my games list. The store, community, and news pages don't load up for me at the moment. I get a "testshell-error" message when I try to load those pages up. According to the official Steam forums I'm not the only one having this issue. But it's no big deal just a little inconvenient, I'm sure it will be fixed soon enough.[/QUOTE]

I had the same issue. A member of the Steam forums posted a solution that worked for me and others

Open Internet Explorer
Internet Options
Lan Settings
Uncheck Automatically detect settings
Restart Steam
MSI, might wanna update the thread title to let passive users know about the beta. Can't hurt to have more people checking it out and submitting feedback, amirite?
I love the new beta. I really like the new detailed view for games.

One thing I wish Steam did was keep track of hours of non Steam games played locally (it doesn't have to show up on my account but it would be nice to know). I play all my retail purchased games through the steam overlay because I chat to my best friends through steam.
Ooh, pretty. But it shows how many friends I have online, reminding me that I don't have any on Steam =( anyone want to be friends? :wave:
I like the look of the new client. Losing the News headlines on the main page is kind of a bummer, but it is made up for by having a longer list of headlines available on the news page. Plus the new news page gives you time and date for the updates, which is cool.

Installed vs non installed doesn't seem like a big deal to me since the non installed are greyed out on my list.
[quote name='Ryukahn']I like the look of the new client. Losing the News headlines on the main page is kind of a bummer, but it is made up for by having a longer list of headlines available on the news page. Plus the new news page gives you time and date for the updates, which is cool.

Installed vs non installed doesn't seem like a big deal to me since the non installed are greyed out on my list.[/QUOTE]

I think they should just give news its own tab much as my media, my games etc etc has its own tab. Would be even better if you could customize the news tab to only show news you want to see(such as telling it to not tell you news about upcoming games, or only tell you news about sales or something).
[quote name='MSI Magus']I think they should just give news its own tab much as my media, my games etc etc has its own tab. Would be even better if you could customize the news tab to only show news you want to see(such as telling it to not tell you news about upcoming games, or only tell you news about sales or something).[/QUOTE]
Pick and choose the news I want to see would be great.
[quote name='kilm']I had the same issue. A member of the Steam forums posted a solution that worked for me and others

Open Internet Explorer
Internet Options
Lan Settings
Uncheck Automatically detect settings
Restart Steam[/QUOTE]

Yeah I found that post this morning on the Steam forums but thanks for the help anyways. I'm just glad it was an easy fix.
I've been going through the .layout and .style files, and I am pretty fucking hyped. Whereas before, all you could really do to customize the Steam client was rudimentary skinning, by swapping out the TGA graphics files, you can now get in there and change pretty much EVERYTHING about all of the styling and layouts. The graphics, the fonts, the positions (and the actual functions) of buttons, all of the graphics, all the text strings. Everything. I've already swapped positions of a lot of things, changed some border sizes, changed some text, etc. I've also changed the whole thing to sepia-tone, for the hell of it.

The new client is wide open for modding and customization. It's amazingly flexible. This is by far the most exciting thing about the new client.
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[quote name='CoffeeEdge']The new client is wide open for modding and customization. It's amazingly flexible. This is by far the most exciting thing about the new client.[/QUOTE]

Damn this gets me hot.

Anyhow, for people who want a less bulky list view, there's a fix. Switch it to list view and right click the bar that says Games and click images. This makes it much smaller and way more manageable, only no 20x20 icons.
I've got two cranky-ass complaints.

#1--Is Assassin's Creed seriously $59.99? Or am I misreading again? If it is, then good Lord, they're fools if they expect anyone to pay this (and anyone who does is either desperate, not a cheap ass, or a fool). It's easily had for $35 on consoles. Even $49.99 would be too much, but it wouldn't be shocking. $59.99? God. The day PC games become as bloated in price as Xbox and PS3 games is the day I never buy a new game again.

#2--Why does the Steam client HAVE to use Internet Explorer? I don't use it myself. I wish it would just use its own software or let you choose a browser.

When I'm using the store, I just open it in FireFox or Chrome. I don't like being forced into using IE. It clunks around like crazy, especially on my XP machine.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']#1--Is Assassin's Creed seriously $59.99? Or am I misreading again? If it is, then good Lord, they're fools if they expect anyone to pay this (and anyone who does is either desperate, not a cheap ass, or a fool). It's easily had for $35 on consoles. Even $49.99 would be too much, but it wouldn't be shocking. $59.99? God. The day PC games become as bloated in price as Xbox and PS3 games is the day I never buy a new game again.[/QUOTE]

Yes it is, their reasoning is that it includes the DLC of the console versions even though, yeah as you said you can get the game for 35 easy and that + the DLC is still less than if they did a 50 dollar release. Ubi has made me lose all faith in them as what I though to be a decent company who makes pretty good games.

[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']#2--Why does the Steam client HAVE to use Internet Explorer? I don't use it myself. I wish it would just use its own software or let you choose a browser.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't anymore with the beta client using WebKit.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']
#2--Why does the Steam client HAVE to use Internet Explorer? I don't use it myself. I wish it would just use its own software or let you choose a browser.

When I'm using the store, I just open it in FireFox or Chrome. I don't like being forced into using IE. It clunks around like crazy, especially on my XP machine.[/QUOTE]

Well the beta has now switched to using the Chromium Webkit frameworks so that is half of #2 addressed.

Steam, not unlike say, iTunes, needs a rendering framework to display content, reusing a web renderer is a far better use of resources than creating something new, it also has the benefit of making the website available containing the exact same info.

Shorter version, it doesnt have to, but it would be really stupid to reinvent the wheel.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']I've got two cranky-ass complaints.

#1--Is Assassin's Creed seriously $59.99? Or am I misreading again? If it is, then good Lord, they're fools if they expect anyone to pay this (and anyone who does is either desperate, not a cheap ass, or a fool). It's easily had for $35 on consoles. Even $49.99 would be too much, but it wouldn't be shocking. $59.99? God. The day PC games become as bloated in price as Xbox and PS3 games is the day I never buy a new game again.

#2--Why does the Steam client HAVE to use Internet Explorer? I don't use it myself. I wish it would just use its own software or let you choose a browser.

When I'm using the store, I just open it in FireFox or Chrome. I don't like being forced into using IE. It clunks around like crazy, especially on my XP machine.[/QUOTE]

1. Sadly yes it is $59.99, Ubi's reasoning is because they are giving the PC edition the 2 DLC packs that sell for $10 each on the console so they increased the base price of the game by $10. Also don't forgot the lovely DRM that the game has with having to be connected at all times to Ubi's servers to play.

2. As others have mentioned in the beta UI they don't require it anymore as it uses webkit iirc. One of the reasons why it did use IE to render was cause every windows computer had it, nothing additional to DL or support.
One of the major problems a lot of people had with the new UI is that when you go to a game's store page, the trailer would start playing automatically and very loudly. Lot of people hated that. Now, the trailer still plays, but at least it's muted!
Spellforce franchise is 75% off for the weekend deal.

Great deal, they are good games and worth it, there is a demo of Spellforce 2 (not on Steam) you can find and try out.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Most everyone supports DRM. Steam is DRM. Bawwwwww.[/QUOTE]

yeah but steam doesnt paus the game and force me to start from last save or checkpoint if i loose connection to it :p
[quote name='freddy_']yeah but steam doesnt paus the game and force me to start from last save or checkpoint if i loose connection to it :p[/QUOTE]

Indeed, Steam is DRM done right that adds value to both parties and digital content presented in such a user friendly manner that it enables impulse purchases.
I can't decide whether to buy Spellforce or not. I suck at RTS and they generally make me feel like I have to either urinate or punch through a monitor, depending upon whether I'm winning or losing.
[quote name='foltzie']Indeed, Steam is DRM done right that adds value to both parties and digital content presented in such a user friendly manner that it enables impulse purchases.[/QUOTE]
Yea, but you can illegally download anything that is on steam.

Random point: You know how you can redeem codes on Xbox Live or even steam? What keeps people from making Key Generators that randomly generate codes for Free 12 Month Xbox Live cards or free point cards?

And why can't game companies use those codes for their games instead of the hackable Cd Keys? Does it just have to do with Downloading vs. DVD?
Shit, the Steam Update news thingie makes it look like it's a package deal of everything for $7.50, but that's just for Spellforce 2 Gold. Well, looks like it's just another $3.74 to get everything, but still.
On the main forums, it was posted that you can get Dawn of War II for ~$8 through the UK THQ store. If anyone is interested, you should check it out. I decided to buy it since I was interested in it back during the Steam Holiday sale and was hoping for $10, and now it is cheaper!
[quote name='Ryukahn']On the main forums, it was posted that you can get Dawn of War II for ~$8 through the UK THQ store.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the heads-up. I think I would have missed this otherwise!
[quote name='Ryukahn']On the main forums, it was posted that you can get Dawn of War II for ~$8 through the UK THQ store. If anyone is interested, you should check it out. I decided to buy it since I was interested in it back during the Steam Holiday sale and was hoping for $10, and now it is cheaper![/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm so gald I found that, DoW2, Red Faction and Stalker were really pulling me in to that THQ pack but now I've gotten all 3 for 20 (Stalker for $2 at the holiday sale, RFG for 10. Now DoW for ~8)
bread's done