The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

With the UI update, all of my friends info text at the bottom left of the in-game interface seems to be missing - has there been a fix for that yet?
Finally beat Kings Bounty The Legend, according to Steam it took me 83.8 hours to beat. A few were afk from alt tab but wow.

Great game, I really enjoyed it. Need a lil break for awhile before I start up Armored Princess lol.
Currently downloading the Supreme Commander 2 Demo, hope my system can handle it.

Anyone want to schedule another night of playing games?
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Currently downloading the Supreme Commander 2 Demo, hope my system can handle it.

Anyone want to schedule another night of playing games?[/QUOTE]

You might want to create a totally new topic with the game and time and see if people respond. Or maybe go through the CAG Steam group.
[quote name='dfg']Sounds like a pain? How so?

I never uninstalled Portal so I may have to check this out...[/QUOTE]

Looks like the "Send Garden Gnome to Space" from HL2: Ep2 which I tried to do, but never completed. Maybe this new achievement is easier. We'll see...
[quote name='neverletthem']Wow, the thread based on the new update for Portal is BLOWING UP with information, seems to be turning into an ARG. Thread for those who want it:[/QUOTE]

The somethingawful forums have actually gotten the most progress from what I've seen thus far. Found out from someone on another forum.

Here is a summary so far basically since they are stuck at the part to actually login now, but this is all the info they have complied, pretty impressive.


- Game updated, Radio achievement added.
- People find out that bringing the radios in-game to different spots in each map give soundclips
- Digging through the GCFs reveals that there are 26 sounds in all.
- Four are morse code:


#1-Dinosaur 1

#2-Dinosaur 5
(Which sanitysama says is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")

#3-Dinosaur 12

#4-Dinosaur 17



And if you turn all those Beeps into individual morse code it spells LOL.

- The other 22 are all images after decoding with SSTV software. Click for a Steam Forums thread with all of them.

- Some of the images clue letters/numbers; each has a number out of 32 in the bottom right of it. Putting these together leads to an md5 hash of a BBS number. Figuring out the login is what we're currently stuck on.
I wonder if Steam is holding back on the Midweek Madness deal this week? It's usually up between 9-10 AM PST. I mean, not that I need to add to my ginormous backlog or anything.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I think it's the Football Manager 2010.[/QUOTE]

Na, that and Virtual Tennis 2009 are week long sales.
oo we lucked out and did get a midweek madness sale.

Indie pack, not too bad, bought Altitude and might get Bullet Candy, not interested in the rest though, but good deal non the less
Altitude and BOB are great games (well Altitude is much better), I recommend these. The others... dunno why are on Steam and who plays those.
I remember space giraffe on xbox live, and it was $5. While it may not have a large appeal to everyone, I thought it was a great shooter game with an interesting mechanic...can't remember the name, but you bullrushed your enemies as they came down, and reach the top of the lane...which sort of plays like tempest. I don't know if there is a demo, but worth a look at, at least, if you can get over the bizzare graphics and sound effects.
Hmmm ill def grab Altitude, was tempted but not sold when it went on sale for $5 awhile back. Ill buy one for my little bro too.....not sure about the complete indy pack though. Only 2 of the games have Demos....
This is almost surely the greatest deal in Steam history. I'm not kidding. Even better than OutRun 2006 for $2.49. Gridrunner Revolution was the best PC game of 2009, easily (and one of the better games of the decade), and getting it for $2 is amazing.

If you don't agree, quit gaming forever.
Well, okay, you can keep playing games, but you have to brand your forehead with the phrase "I am a babby scrub who doesn't know what he's talking about and wouldn't know a good game if it punched him in the face and was also on sale for $2 on Steam. I only want to play bullshit corporate-manufactured games, so please have mercy on my ignorance." You will probably need to use a pretty small typeface to fit all that on, unless you are some sort of neanderthal with a gigantic forehead, which, considering that you don't agree with me, is possible, I suppose.

Seriously, y'all's loss. :/
Na, it just isn't my cup of tea is all. And to be fair, the majority of games I really enjoy nowadays are actually indie titles (besides a few "big" name games)

I love Altitude that is on sale currently, I played the demo quite a bit a few weeks back and was almost ready to bite on it but held out some hoping for a sale :D
Not Steam related but on Impulse they now have Total Annihilation + Core Contingency Expansion for $9.99

One of the best RTS of all time. I'm tempted to buy it on there even though I still have both my disc's :D
source + osx is awesome. It already ran really well through CrossOver games on OS X so glad to see steam headed toward OSX.

Also if anyone is interested, I have a retail Supreme Commander 2 steam key for sale, asking $35 via paypal for it. It ties to your steam account just like L4D, MW2, The Orange Box, etc so you can download the game that way. PM me.
[quote name='aznguyen316']source + osx is awesome. It already ran really well through CrossOver games on OS X so glad to see steam headed toward OSX.

Also if anyone is interested, I have a retail Supreme Commander 2 steam key for sale, asking $35 via paypal for it. It ties to your steam account just like L4D, MW2, The Orange Box, etc so you can download the game that way. PM me.[/QUOTE]

Steam + OS X is awesome, Source + OpenGL is a potential boon for Linux and Mac users.

It will be interesting to see if Steam supports some sort of cross licensing.

One other benefit for Mac users and Steam developers is that there is a rather finite number of Mac hardware combinations. Valve and others can generate a current complete Mac testbed for under 10K and go back to and grab one of everything with a Intel chip for maybe ~15K more.
[quote name='foltzie']Valve and others can generate a current complete Mac testbed for under 10K and go back to and grab one of everything with a Intel chip for maybe ~15K more.[/QUOTE]

Huh? They all use Intel chips, now, and have for years. No way in hell is Valve going to be writing anything for the old PowerPC systems.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Huh? They all use Intel chips, now, and have for years. No way in hell is Valve going to be writing anything for the old PowerPC systems.[/QUOTE]

Of course not, my statement was confined to Intel based Macs. Despite the small number of machines (under 30 I think) there have been some stark differences between models. The Mac Mini has had three different kinds of motherboards, two kinds of graphics cards, two kinds of memory, and three kinds of processors, for example.
Just Cause 2 demo is up, it's free play but with a 30 minute timer. The game seems like it could be awesome but there really isn't much to do in the demo. I'll grab it when it hits 20, methinks.

also predicting a Just Cause 1 weekend/midweek deal soon.
grrrrr I just wanted to come in here and vent. GFWL downloader BLOWS!! I got in on that Batman AA deal last week and I still can't get it downloaded and installed. WTF. I got it finally fully downloaded (after it had told me it was corrupt the last time). And it didn't give me the install button. It was just downloaded but still said pause or cancel. No options. So I copied the files in the folder to external HDD and then did a cancel and retry to see if it would recognize the files there and just say it was done d/l. Well it just deletes those files and restarts! So there's no real backup option since it won't see your original download rars in the first place. And the fact that the game takes forever to download puts me off. I don't want to d/l 7.5 gigs again in slow mo... fuck lol now I'm thinking just find an ISO and use the live key I was given, but then that might give me issues with needing a disc instead of a real digital d/l. this is why I
Exactly why I didn't buy it last weekend. I want the game quite a bit, but I'll be damned if I use GFWL. The system sucks balls and with MS I can see them totally shafting people in the future when they close the system down.
[quote name='aznguyen316']grrrrr I just wanted to come in here and vent. GFWL downloader BLOWS!! I got in on that Batman AA deal last week and I still can't get it downloaded and installed. WTF. I got it finally fully downloaded (after it had told me it was corrupt the last time). And it didn't give me the install button. It was just downloaded but still said pause or cancel. No options. So I copied the files in the folder to external HDD and then did a cancel and retry to see if it would recognize the files there and just say it was done d/l. Well it just deletes those files and restarts! So there's no real backup option since it won't see your original download rars in the first place. And the fact that the game takes forever to download puts me off. I don't want to d/l 7.5 gigs again in slow mo... fuck lol now I'm thinking just find an ISO and use the live key I was given, but then that might give me issues with needing a disc instead of a real digital d/l. this is why I
aznguyen; had the same issue with the download not giving you an install button. just go into users\NAME\appdata\local\microsoft\gfwlive\downloads and extract the archives it saves, install, bingo, working copy. I'm going to assume you can save the archives to another location for backup as well.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Just Cause 2 demo is up, it's free play but with a 30 minute timer. The game seems like it could be awesome but there really isn't much to do in the demo. I'll grab it when it hits 20, methinks.

also predicting a Just Cause 1 weekend/midweek deal soon.[/QUOTE]

Really? Like there aren't any missions to do or there isn't enough to destruction to be done? All the videos I've seen and previews I've read make it seem like it'd be constant chaos. Wish I could try out the demo for myself, but Windows XP isn't supported. Which sucks.
Just played the demo for about 15 minutes. They sort of just put you out there without any direction (or maybe they did, I probably missed any mission briefing since I was feeling hurried due to the time limit). The 30 minute timer actually starts after a cutscene and about 5 minutes of basic tutorials, and then you're free to go anywhere/do anything. In the time I played, I found two locations with lots of stuff to blow up and people to shoot. It was actually really fun; seemed like a pretty sick sandbox type game. Would consider picking up at $20/$25 :whistle2:o (haven't bought a game over $10 in a while).
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Really? Like there aren't any missions to do or there isn't enough to destruction to be done? All the videos I've seen and previews I've read make it seem like it'd be constant chaos. Wish I could try out the demo for myself, but Windows XP isn't supported. Which sucks.[/QUOTE]

Well, it starts you out at the top of a hill. First thing I did was grab some guns and jump off. I drove for maybe 3 minutes and it was pretty much all road and then a gas station or some building every 45s. Maybe there's a map and I could find more interesting places but the demo kinda just drops you off with very little explanation. I'm sure the full game will be awesome but the demo feels very lackluster.
bread's done