The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

Ya, it's mainly a matter of deciding between the Qeynos (Erudite/Human/Barbarian/Halfling) side of the world or the Freeport (Elves/Gnomes/Humans) side of the world
[quote name='MSI Magus']I wish I could pick up a second copy! Like I said I bought one during the $5 sale for that very reason. Every few months I get the urge for an MMO and I buy a new copy of EQ, WoW or EQ2 for $10-$15 then jump back in just to be bored in 2 weeks since I tend to solo(since I dont have friends that play). Buying a copy at $5 just meant next time I get the itch I could meet it for a lot less.[/QUOTE]

Oh but you can, just make another steam account and buy it and save it on that account!

Hell when Steam was selling Eve Online for $5 I made a ton of accounts to did refer a friend with my main accounts to those new ones I made from the new cheap steam keys. Each time a friend you refer buys the game or pays for their first month you get a free month (can be done 3 times a month per account).

So I paid $15 for 3 months of game time that is normally $15 per month and never used the dummy accounts. I did that same thing for all 3 of my main accounts haha.
hehe at least next time it goes on sale you'll know to do it :D

Seems to go on sale here and there, I need to stock up on a few more myself. I have only a few extra accounts left to do refer a friend. I only made like 6 extra (not counting the 9 others I made for the initial 3 months of time) because, well frankly I was getting tired of making accounts after like 12 but forced myself to make 3 more hehe.
[quote name='KaOTiK']Oh but you can, just make another steam account and buy it and save it on that account!

Hell when Steam was selling Eve Online for $5 I made a ton of accounts to did refer a friend with my main accounts to those new ones I made from the new cheap steam keys. Each time a friend you refer buys the game or pays for their first month you get a free month (can be done 3 times a month per account).

So I paid $15 for 3 months of game time that is normally $15 per month and never used the dummy accounts. I did that same thing for all 3 of my main accounts haha.[/QUOTE]

Bah, wish I would have thought of that!
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Will that be a buy-in like TF2 or a freebie like R.U.S.E.?[/QUOTE]

It's for folks who pre-order, as far as I know. The beta will be starting either this week or next, and the full game will launch in early April (on Steam and PSN; XBLA release will lag behind a bit) for $15.
I have AvP and would suggest passing till it is cheaper. The game is cool if you are a fan of Aliens and Predator but it is short and the multiplayer community has from what I read really thinned out.

Save your money for now, Steam will find away to get it from you soon enough :p
CoffeEdge, from your list of games coming soon games for Steam, any idea when to expect:
- Descent: FreeSpace - The Great War
- Freespace 2

I lost them due to a fire a few years back and been having the urge to play them again, but I'd love to have it on Steam instead of buying another retail copy. So any type of time frame would you happen to know? Like a few weeks, a month etc?
[quote name='KaOTiK']CoffeEdge, from your list of games coming soon games for Steam, any idea when to expect:
- Descent: FreeSpace - The Great War
- Freespace 2

I lost them due to a fire a few years back and been having the urge to play them again, but I'd love to have it on Steam instead of buying another retail copy. So any type of time frame would you happen to know? Like a few weeks, a month etc?[/QUOTE]

A few weeks, probably.

If you're really dying to play them right away, both are available from, completely DRM-free, for $5.99 each.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']A few weeks, probably.

If you're really dying to play them right away, both are available from, completely DRM-free, for $5.99 each.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the response. I'll wait as the urge is just starting and I can ignore it for a bit with so many other games to play still lol. I forgot GOG had them, if all else fails I can get them there. Thanks for the heads up.
I think I'll bite on L&G though I'd be happy to hear from beta folks before I do. AvP is a huge pass for me, I'll grab it when it shows up on a GoGamer madness for < 10.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']
Incidentally, does anyone remember when PC games had "hint books" instead of strategy guides? They came with a little red film strip which you laid over the scrambled text to read it. You could get a small hint, medium hint, or an outright spoiler.

I loved those damn hintbooks, even after they stopped using the red strip. I never cared about spoilers as a kid, though, sadly, and just brought the hint books to school and read them joyously, excited to go home and play my face off.

Nostalgia is such a funny thing. I know at least someone here will feel me...[/QUOTE]

I feel ya! I cut my adventuring teeth on the classic Sierra games on my Apple IIGS. I think I bought hint guides for every one of those games - they were just too freaking hard! In Space Quest II, there was NO WAY you could tell that that little alien was rubbing berries on his skin before skipping across the swamp - it looked like the little f'er was having a seizure or something. The Sierra books came with pens (same as the ones used with those old Yes/No quiz books I grew up with, too) that you used to color over answer sections to reveal the answers. There was always way more in the game than you'd find on your own, so the hint books allowed you to see everything there was to see.

Funny what life was like before the Internet.
[quote name='yeah-yeah']I feel ya! I cut my adventuring teeth on the classic Sierra games on my Apple IIGS. I think I bought hint guides for every one of those games - they were just too freaking hard! In Space Quest II, there was NO WAY you could tell that that little alien was rubbing berries on his skin before skipping across the swamp - it looked like the little f'er was having a seizure or something. The Sierra books came with pens (same as the ones used with those old Yes/No quiz books I grew up with, too) that you used to color over answer sections to reveal the answers. There was always way more in the game than you'd find on your own, so the hint books allowed you to see everything there was to see.

Funny what life was like before the Internet.[/QUOTE]

I still have a lot of the original manuals to many of my old PC games just for that nostalgia feeling.

There is a equally as awesome thing happening with recent games that's not all in the know and kind of cool when you stumble upon them.

Hidden animation in images and ARGs. My kid was showing me a Star Wars game cover that came with a cereal box and when you put it up to your webcam it showed a animated seen. Another game I was playing recently had hidden clues in the cut-scenes that lead to websites that pretended to exist in that game world but was really just giving you hints for your next puzzle.
looking forward to dragon age that i got from the steam deal last week.
i originally got itfor the ps3 but hated the controls and i dont see how they allowed that game to be released with such bad fps for a console game.

one thing that i remember from the ps3 version that i find sort of funny i was telling my coworker i spend about 3 days trying to sway the vote of a drawf election and he was like you're such a dork. ;)
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Been playing a decent amount of Lead and Gold, sad to hear no one talking about it. Looks and feels great.[/QUOTE]

Considering the low number of active posters and the types of games discussed in the PC subforum, it's not at all surprising to notice an inactive discussion on a newly released or soon to be released game.
havent played lead & gold very much but the little i have played was really fun.
though the aiming feels a bit weird imo but i hope stuff like that gets fixed.
I wish I would have kept all my old PC games and manuals and stuff. And all my old console games! Sigh.

Seriously, any comments on Avencast or Saira?
I'm kinda hoping Steam doesn't have at least 1 sale this week I don't want or at the very least $5 or under deals :p

Ending up buying Sanitarium and The Longest Journey from GOG this weekend. Sanitarium I remember being awesome but don't really remember the game itself and I never played TLJ but liked the demo :D
Will I be able to register Just Cause 2 that I bought on Amazon on Steam and attach it to my account like I did with the download of Dawn Of War II that I bought elsewhere?
[quote name='Decker']Will I be able to register Just Cause 2 that I bought on Amazon on Steam and attach it to my account like I did with the download of Dawn Of War II that I bought elsewhere?[/QUOTE]

Yes, it uses Steamworks.
Wow! Are there a lot of new games doing this? Or are these two anomalies?

I bought Sanitarium and Longest Journey, too. Sometimes I prefer GoG for older games, because they make sure the damn things work. Sometimes Steam is flaky about that.

I'm hoping for good deals this week. There are still a ton I'm looking for and waiting for price drops on.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Been playing a decent amount of Lead and Gold, sad to hear no one talking about it. Looks and feels great.[/QUOTE]

Sell me on Lead and Gold before the inevitable Holiday Sale. The screens look great and I enjoy the Wild West but give me a mini review on the beta please. Like is it 4 Vs. 4 only, etc. Thanks!
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']Wow! Are there a lot of new games doing this? Or are these two anomalies?


What games using Steamworks?

It is becoming a lot more common recently now. Alien vs Predator (new one), Supreme Commander 2, Napoleon Total War, Metro 2033, Just Cause 2, and Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising all use Steamworks and have come out this year so far.

It definitely has picked up a lot of steam (har har) lately.
Whew, no midweek madness buy for me this week.

Left 4 Dead 2 single and 4pack are 50% off ($18.75 per game for the 4 pack)

Not a bad deal, but I don't really care for the Left 4 Dead Series, I got L4F2 for $2 and change at gamestop with the after christmas sale and just dont care for it much
Woulda bit if I hadn't gotten LnG but I feel I'm spending a bit too frivolously. I do have a ton of Gamestop credit though, it'd be nice if they had it on sale for Gamesday.

@Mike, I made a mini review in the deal forums post, here it is.

[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Thought I'd give a mini beta review, I just bought the game and played it for an hour or so.

Aesthetically - Really good looking game with solid animations. Lack of visual options and Anti-Aliasing kinda blows but the game looks fine as is. Depth of field makes up for AA though so that jaggies aren't as noticeable. The game does lack voice acting though so aside from a few from some grunts and yells, there's not much else. Nothing spectacular as far as music and ambient sounds either.

Gameplay - With the current P2P system lag is pretty bad but they've said time and again dedicated servers are coming so I'm not worried. The game controls very well though, movement feels tight running and jumping across rooftops and guns feel accurate but not too accurate. Each of the classes feels very diverse. Though with any class based game, it needs a lot of balancing. I can't tell if it's just the lag or the class itself but sniping feels like a mess. The other 3 classes have their uses but I found the majority of players playing the all around character, 'The Deputy' because of his accurate but suitable for close range carbine.

In the end I'd say if you're jonesing for a new shooter and have a few bucks laying around you'll probably find it's worth it. But unless the developers are very dedicated in adding new content (Train map please!) and fixing and balancing what we have, the game won't have a great shelf life. I'm glad I bought it though.[/QUOTE]
The lag though, it's bad compared to dedicated servers, but it's like pretty much all P2P game set ups. And even here it's not really P2P like CoD, the host basically runs the server while playing the game.

Anyway I can deal with it until ded. servers make it in.
[quote name='JUDOHAWK']The lag though, it's bad compared to dedicated servers, but it's like pretty much all P2P game set ups. And even here it's not really P2P like CoD, the host basically runs the server while playing the game.

Anyway I can deal with it until ded. servers make it in.[/QUOTE]

Well the nice thing about the lag is it doesn't cause any problems client side so there's no rubber banding or anything. It's just enemies skip a bit. I guess I shouldn't say the nice thing, just the not as bad as it sounds thing.
Yeah, really not great at all. I played a bit of Quake Wars and had some fun, but chances are it's dead online now. And yeah, why bother with Q3 when there is Quake Live? For FREE?

But no biggie, since Steam deals tend to make me spend money I don't have because I get the "but when will it be this price again???" mentality.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']I haven't really been interested in any sales they've had since the Christmas sale. I feel sort of disappointed about it![/QUOTE]

Not even Psychonauts?!?! Communist! Witch! Burn him!
Haha, I already had that, poopy-toes. :)

Actually, I think I did buy that during the post-Christmas sale. Well, at any rate, I do have it, and I'm sure I got a good deal on it, whenever it was, because I'm ultra-cheap.

(Got ripped a few years back buying the Xbox version on Live tho for $15 or whatever it was. Meh. I've bought that game at least three times in my life.)
I've had a different problem. It's been hard for me to impulse buy anything from Steam, even at a great price, because I feel that come Thanksgiving/Christmas they will be incredibly discounted.
[quote name='Jesse_Dylan']I haven't really been interested in any sales they've had since the Christmas sale. I feel sort of disappointed about it![/QUOTE]

The 5-game (Space Giraffe, Gridrunner Revolution, Galcon Fusion, Altitude, Bob Came In Pieces) indie pack for $10 a few weeks ago was more or less the best deal in Steam history.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Just got finished with all 5 campaigns of L4D2, I'm still incredulous that this game only took them a year to make.[/QUOTE]

Meanwhile me and my group are dying waiting for the new official content to come out.

Also, I can't believe the community hasn't done a decent/complete conversion of the original maps.

Finally, I miss voice spamming.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']The 5-game (Space Giraffe, Gridrunner Revolution, Galcon Fusion, Altitude, Bob Came In Pieces) indie pack for $10 a few weeks ago was more or less the best deal in Steam history.[/QUOTE]

TF2 for 2.50 called. It wants its spot back.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']TF2 for 2.50 called. It wants its spot back.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but practically everyone already has TF2. The vast majority of the unwashed masses have not been graced by the glorious Gridrunner Revolution. Hence, better deal.
bread's done