The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Consoles* Amazon did not take preorders, see note.

Best Buy
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Toys R Us
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Wii U Bundle Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken
Wii U Deluxe Sold out online & in store
Wii U Basic Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in-store pre-orders were not taken

Deluxe Bundle Bundled with New Super Mario Bros U, Black Ops 2, and Zombi U-Out of Stock

Consoles/Games Reservation List Only for NTSC Basic & Deluxe models

Fry's Electronics
Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location.

Nebraska Furniture Mart
Consoles Both models sold out online

:hot:Nintendo World Store
Consoles: Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location in NYC.


  • Newegg, as of now (Friday before launch) is selling the deluxe console as a bundle only. It is listed for immediate shipping, not as a pre-order.

  • *Amazon email sent out to those who signed up for Wii U pre-order notification:
Dear Customer,

Thank for you signing up to be notified when the Wii U is available.
Unfortunately the Wii U console is not available at at this time but please check back in the future, as availability may change. We do have the latest Wii U games and accessories available now so check them out. Thank you for shopping with Amazon Video Games.
System Information

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[quote name='mpaullin']Just posted this in the GS preorder thread because I didn't see this one. I just did an order for store pickup. I plan to stockpile some store credit between now and release by trading some games. Do you guys think they will give me trouble about cancelling my store pickup so I can pay with my credit? This has been okay in the past with small items, but I didn't know if this would be a problem since this will probably be a highly sought item.[/QUOTE]

Return; rebuy. May need to wait a day after pickup. But, usually they can do it pretty quickly after a pickup.
[quote name='Slight Defect']I used to work at a Gamestop as SM, let me just tell you, incase you have not heard, that SM is full of it. He/she would say the same thing to get you to preorder ANYTHING, there is no way to know his allocation, as its not even up to him....
I was there for the 360 launch, I had to make several phone calls telling people that they were not getting their system at launch and had to wait a week, it was a BIG problem that happened all over the country, not just Gamestop, but there we were, selling preorders the same way because thats what corporate wanted......[/QUOTE]

I can confirm this. Dont listen to the promises. Preorder early as possible. Its not up to Gamestop how many Nintendo ships out on week 1.
[quote name='waldo21212']Didn't see this mentioned - remember that only Wii motion + remotes work with the Wii U.

Not sure if that means regular Wii remotes with the motion plus attachment will work or not, but be warned if you think your regular Wii remotes will work with this.[/QUOTE]

Reggie has said multiple times that all Wii peripherals will be Wii U compatible.
[quote name='showtimefolks']Can someone explain why this system is using a 2008 chip/gpu?[/QUOTE]Probably to keep the overall cost of the system in check after accounting for the excessive costs involved with the controller.
Dear Lord, I hope to never have to camp out again. I did for the PS3 and 360 and it was nasty cold. I bought 5 PS3's and didn't sell one for a profit and ended up returning all but one for a store refund. Big fail on my part. I sold 2 extra 360's for a profit. My timing was right twice when a truck was delivering Wii's and bought 2 each time. Doubled my money for them in the BB parking lot the same day. I plan on getting a couple of extra Wii U's and see what happens.
I know this does not confirm any shipment numbers but Michael Pacher who has been bashing the system since e3 had a change of heart today. He s estimating 1million produced a month starting this month and sell outs till April. Now 1 million divided among three territories during x mas season... Might be right.
Just be aware that if you are ordering from BestBuy, you'll randomly see those temporary charges maybe every 2-3 weeks as well. I have stuff on pre-order that doesn't ship until sometime in December and each 2-3 weeks BestBuy will re-try your card to make sure it's still valid and hold the full amount of the order against your credit for a few days. Just make sure you always have the $349.99 plus tax if applicable free on your card or they will cancel the order if they can't get that authorization to the card.
[quote name='spauldingfan']I know this does not confirm any shipment numbers but Michael Pacher who has been bashing the system since e3 had a change of heart today. He s estimating 1million produced a month starting this month and sell outs till April. Now 1 million divided among three territories during x mas season... Might be right.[/QUOTE]
ugh, Pacher..... Whenever I see that name I shudder. He is barely ever even close to being on the money. He talked about how the 3DS launch would be a success among other of his major bloopers:roll:
well i waited all day for amazon and i finally decided to head to my GS, put $25 down on the premium, guy said they only had 4 other preorders today so i should be good for launch day,

can anyone confirm their sku for deluxe is 020358?
[quote name='henry00x']well i waited all day for amazon and i finally decided to head to my GS, put $25 down on the premium, guy said they only had 4 other preorders today so i should be good for launch day,

can anyone confirm their sku for deluxe is 020358?[/QUOTE]
check the first post in the thread........;)
[quote name='vlv723']Thanks OP. I'll be laughing at the campers when I pick up my Wii U Deluxe and NSMBU on Sunday morning.[/QUOTE]

The only way to make this scenario happen is to take a walk in a National Park with your WiiU.

Looks like the entire CAGCast crew got the pricing/package predictions wrong. Nintendo gives you dick-all for $300.
I really like the direction that nintendo is heading so far. Promising exclusives such as Bayonetta 2, Zombie U, Aliens: Colonial Marines and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge really get a more adult gamer, such as myself, intrested in what this system will turn out.
[quote name='Slight Defect']check the first post in the thread........;)[/QUOTE]

lol thanks didnt realize it had been updated with the sku's
[quote name='Techman16']I really like the direction that nintendo is heading so far. Promising exclusives such as Bayonetta 2, Zombie U, Aliens: Colonial Marines and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge really get a more adult gamer, such as myself, intrested in what this system will turn out.[/QUOTE]
Colonial Marines isn't exclusive and NG is a revamped port ala Sigma... Also Bayonetta has no ESRB yet, and with Nintendo actually publishing it, just watch it turn into a high end T rating.....
So they announced that the Gamepad will not be sold in NA as a separate accessory since there are no launch games that uses both. They want to maximize the amount of consoles the can produce. O.K. That is fine but what if I break mine? Will I need to lay down $300 for a whole new system? Seems like this will cause problems.
[quote name='Wanderlai']Dear Lord, I hope to never have to camp out again. I did for the PS3 and 360 and it was nasty cold. I bought 5 PS3's and didn't sell one for a profit and ended up returning all but one for a store refund. Big fail on my part. I sold 2 extra 360's for a profit. My timing was right twice when a truck was delivering Wii's and bought 2 each time. Doubled my money for them in the BB parking lot the same day. I plan on getting a couple of extra Wii U's and see what happens.[/QUOTE]
Why assholes feel the need to hoard to earn a small profit is beyond me, if you think you are gonna be able to sell a WiiU for more than $350 ($400 if you are lucky) you deserve whatever destitution you get. It's a shame the store let you refund the consoles....
[quote name='shawnmelo']how much do you have to put down in store at best buy to pre-order this?[/QUOTE]

Just got back from there, $5. The guy before me put 7 pre-orders in.
Pre-Ordered the deluxe version(SKU 020358) after work 4:30EST I was the 7th person to pre-order today from that store. He said the first 10 people would have priority at the midnight launch(whatever that means).

Put $25 deposit as a Power Up Rewards Pro member.

Its normally $50 deposit if not a member.
So this is my 2nd console launch (if you count the 3DS) that I'll be able to get a system at launch, what now that I am a working man and all so I'm hoping more experienced CAG'S can help me out. Is there any chance at all someone will have some pre-order bonuses on a WiiU? Maybe a free game or gift card? I was able to get $25 gift card at Best Buy when I bought my 3DS on launch day but that was a local thing, I seem to remember K-Mart giving away a free game to anyone who bought 3DS at launch...

I was just going to pre-order at Amazon since I have tons of credit with them, but apparently that's not going to be an option for some reason....
[quote name='rcerboss']So this is my 2nd console launch (if you count the 3DS) that I'll be able to get a system at launch, what now that I am a working man and all so I'm hoping more experienced CAG'S can help me out. Is there any chance at all someone will have some pre-order bonuses on a WiiU? Maybe a free game or something? I was able to get $25 gift card at Best Buy when I bought my 3DS on launch day but that was a local thing, I seem to remember K-Mart giving away a free game to anyone who bought 3DS at launch...[/QUOTE]

Who knows though with a Christmas launch, very unlikely. Now if you are willing to wait until after Christmas you might see something.
[quote name='Youngnoble']Just got back from there, $5. The guy before me put 7 pre-orders in.[/QUOTE]

ok thanks will pre-order in store tomorrow
[quote name='Youngnoble']Just got back from there, $5. The guy before me put 7 pre-orders in.[/QUOTE]

this is exactly why bestbuy will turn into a madhouse, how do they let 1 person put in SEVEN preorders smh...
[quote name='rcerboss']Why people feel the need to hoard to earn a small profit is beyond me, if you think you are gonna be able to sell a WiiU for more than $350 ($400 if you are lucky) you deserve whatever destitution you get. It's a shame the store let you refund the consoles....[/QUOTE]

here on CAG people are out to save money or sometimes make money. Not sure why this is so unheard of. When the 360/PS3 came out they were going on ebay for 800-1000 (double the price) so one would have to assume that the Wii U if sold out should be able to fetch at least $500 each...more than enough to warrant the 5 seconds it takes to place the extra order.
I decided not to go and preorder at GS today. I felt like after 5 PM when I got out of work, I would of already been shafted out of first go. I might check this redneck one tomorrow after work, but not getting my hopes up.

I will probably just grab it off Amazon or Newegg. Nintendo lists Amazon as a preorder location on their website so who knows.
[quote name='XT14']here on CAG people are out to save money or sometimes make money. Not sure why this is so unheard of. When the 360/PS3 came out they were going on ebay for 800-1000 (double the price) so one would have to assume that the Wii U if sold out should be able to fetch at least $500 each...more than enough to warrant the 5 seconds it takes to place the extra order.[/QUOTE]
I don't understand why people would pay more than the MSRP just to get it a bit sooner. But even so, it's just greedy.

How would you feel if you were interested in Game X, and you rush to the store to buy it at launch just to see some asshat standing outside, waiting to sell it to you at double the cost? It's doubly despicable at X-Mas, some kid who really wants a WiiU under the tree probably won't get it cause El-Hordo needed to line his pockets with an extra buck or two.

If you aren't gonna play it you shouldn't buy it. Or at the very least, don't buy more than one copy.

I really wish retailers would institute some "no return" policy on all pre-orders. That would nip this BS in the bud really quick.
[quote name='henry00x']this is exactly why bestbuy will turn into a madhouse, how do they let 1 person put in SEVEN preorders smh...[/QUOTE]
That gamestop employee was probably smiling because Gamestop employees are forced to push preorders. Why would they deny one person 7 preorders in chance that they lose out on 6 more. Sure people are fucking scumbags to resell at launch but then again the Gamestop employee is doing his job technically.
I think I would like to have one big Wii U pre-order wiki thread that encompasses all the retailers. What do you think?

I could just edit the OP of this thread and turn it into a wiki.
I'm not really so sure about the Wii U. I mean it looks compelling, but honestly there are SOOOO many Xbox games I need to play and I can barely keep up with the releases this holiday as it is. The obvious better deal here is the Deluxe Set, but I cant conjure up how they think 32GB is enough storage for an HD-era console. Plus I think once the new Xbox/Playstation units are out there it will make third-party development for the system slow down to a crawl. It will require dedicated development since it is not as powerful (presumably) and it will likely end up having a bunch of ports from this generation. Zombie U and NSMBU look very compelling however.... as does Nintendo TVii.... I'm such a sucker when it comes to nintendo :(
[quote name='CheapyD']I think I would like to have one big Wii U pre-order wiki thread that encompasses all the retailers. What do you think?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that would probably be for the best Cheapy. It could start getting out of hand when Amazon and other retailers chime in.
[quote name='CheapyD']I think I would like to have one big Wii U pre-order wiki thread that encompasses all the retailers. What do you think?

I could just edit the OP of this thread and turn it into a wiki.[/QUOTE]
You have good ideas of which I am a fan.

Do it!
[quote name='xbox_mole']Just be aware that if you are ordering from BestBuy, you'll randomly see those temporary charges maybe every 2-3 weeks as well. I have stuff on pre-order that doesn't ship until sometime in December and each 2-3 weeks BestBuy will re-try your card to make sure it's still valid and hold the full amount of the order against your credit for a few days. Just make sure you always have the $349.99 plus tax if applicable free on your card or they will cancel the order if they can't get that authorization to the card.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, except I use an AMEX card and the authorizations are always there for me. I check my account just about every day and sometimes the authorizations are even there twice. They renew the authorization just before the first are about to expire. This could vary with the credit card you use, I guess.
[quote name='io']Yeah, that would probably be for the best Cheapy. It could start getting out of hand when Amazon and other retailers chime in.[/QUOTE]

Will Amazon be chiming in? I hope so... its pretty quiet over there at the moment.
[quote name='Youngnoble']Just got back from there, $5. The guy before me put 7 pre-orders in.[/QUOTE]

How did you preorder in-store at BB? I was at 2 locations earlier today, and the console wasn't listed in the touch-screen preorder kiosk.
Well, I put down a preorder on the deluxe edition, but it came out as "Availabue Sku 1", should I be worried?

The employee said that it'll be fine.

EDIT: Just read the first post and found the sku to be at the beginning of the receipt.
[quote name='CheapyD']I think I would like to have one big Wii U pre-order wiki thread that encompasses all the retailers. What do you think?

I could just edit the OP of this thread and turn it into a wiki.[/QUOTE]
Please do this, it would be for the best. I need a place to know what retailers go live. Because right now I need a place to preorder that isn't gamestop nor charges/authorizes your account for the full amount on an online purchase.

Also Best started listing them for preorder but don't they charge you the full amount or at least authorize it?
Threads have been merged and posts from users insulting each other have been deleted.

Also, earlier in the thread someone noted that only Wii Motion Plus controllers are compatible. This does not seem to be the case:
The Wii U console is capable of supporting two Wii U GamePad controllers, up to four Wii Remote™ (or Wii Remote™ Plus) controllers or Wii U™ Pro Controllers, and Wii™ accessories such as the Nunchuk™, Classic Controller™ and Wii Balance Board™
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[quote name='rcerboss']Why assholes feel the need to hoard to earn a small profit is beyond me, if you think you are gonna be able to sell a WiiU for more than $350 ($400 if you are lucky) you deserve whatever destitution you get. It's a shame the store let you refund the consoles....[/QUOTE]

Well, here's my shot back at you rcerboss. Go F yourself. My opinion is go get your ass in line or order if you want one. This isn't some socialist video game console world where everyone who wants something gets it. I've missed out on many things I wanted but don't begrudge the people who scored something first. Whether you like it or not, that's the way things work. People are free to spend their money how they want. Maybe you'll learn that in time when you stop trying to be a rcerboss. Boss my ass...http

Sorry Mods.
[quote name='rcerboss']I don't understand why people would pay more than the MSRP just to get it a bit sooner. But even so, it's just greedy.

How would you feel if you were interested in Game X, and you rush to the store to buy it at launch just to see some asshat standing outside, waiting to sell it to you at double the cost? It's doubly despicable at X-Mas, some kid who really wants a WiiU under the tree probably won't get it cause El-Hordo needed to line his pockets with an extra buck or two.

If you aren't gonna play it you shouldn't buy it. Or at the very least, don't buy more than one copy.

I really wish retailers would institute some "no return" policy on all pre-orders. That would nip this BS in the bud really quick.[/QUOTE]

In this economy times are tuff anything to make a quick buck. If someone if really that stupid to pay 2x-3x times mrsp to aquire such a item than oh well that's the way the cookie crumbles my friend. Than do what everyone else does hopefully get there early/wait in line/pre-order/sign your soul to the devil....
[quote name='CheapyD']Threads have been merged and posts from users insulting each other have been deleted.[/QUOTE]

My apologies. I've been around long enough to have known not to respond.

On to Wii U holiday madness!
[quote name='Youngnoble']Just got back from there, $5. The guy before me put 7 pre-orders in.[/QUOTE]

I pre-ordered the 3DS the day they went up way back, and when I went to pick it up, they had a list of people in order, and I wasn't on the list because I pre-ordered too early. :roll:

I had to bring a manager out and show them my receipt that I pre-ordered months before anyone on that list. Conveniently for them, they had plenty of extras, but would they have screwed me over, or bumped the last person off the list had they not?

I'm a bit wary to pre-order this early at my Best Buy for that reason, but what the hell; I'll stop by tomorrow and drop a Lincoln..

..that sounds gross...
[quote name='ShadyAve']Zombi u looks cool along with the bayonetta 2 announcement. I love bayonetta. Thought it was a great game.[/QUOTE]

Bayonetta was highly underrated IMO.
[quote name='CheapyD']Threads have been merged and posts from users insulting each other have been deleted.

I can already tell this thread will be 50/50 deal, flame war, thread sadly. Anyway yeah Nintendo said every Wii accessory will work, and the Motion Plus was basically an attachment to the classic old Wii controllers so I don't know why it wouldn't work. I mean unless you have some third party controllers, I don't see any problems with compatibility.

Well except for Gamecube controllers I am assuming.
[quote name='Kaiser499']Bayonetta is a great new IP, I'm glad Nintendo decided to pick it up.[/QUOTE]
I almost shit my pants seeing Bayonetta 2. I mean Bayonetta 1 is weird as fuck and violent. It's not very Nintendolike to pick up games like this, but hey works for me.
[quote name='winterlane']How did you preorder in-store at BB? I was at 2 locations earlier today, and the console wasn't listed in the touch-screen preorder kiosk.[/QUOTE]

The guy at the gaming register did it for me. Here is the sku 6775874.
Here is how it shows on my receipt.
6775874 Test SKU FO
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