The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Consoles* Amazon did not take preorders, see note.

Best Buy
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Toys R Us
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Wii U Bundle Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken
Wii U Deluxe Sold out online & in store
Wii U Basic Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in-store pre-orders were not taken

Deluxe Bundle Bundled with New Super Mario Bros U, Black Ops 2, and Zombi U-Out of Stock

Consoles/Games Reservation List Only for NTSC Basic & Deluxe models

Fry's Electronics
Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location.

Nebraska Furniture Mart
Consoles Both models sold out online

:hot:Nintendo World Store
Consoles: Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location in NYC.


  • Newegg, as of now (Friday before launch) is selling the deluxe console as a bundle only. It is listed for immediate shipping, not as a pre-order.

  • *Amazon email sent out to those who signed up for Wii U pre-order notification:
Dear Customer,

Thank for you signing up to be notified when the Wii U is available.
Unfortunately the Wii U console is not available at at this time but please check back in the future, as availability may change. We do have the latest Wii U games and accessories available now so check them out. Thank you for shopping with Amazon Video Games.
System Information

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[quote name='loomis1975']Glad ZombiU made it as a day one launch title.[/QUOTE]

I played ZombiU at the Seattle Nintendo Wii-U preview party, and came away unimpressed.
[quote name='irighti']thank you.

the stands hold little appeal for me. I personally do think it is kind of poor to not include nintendoland with the basic console as well. I know games are going to be scarce in my location, based on previous console launches. it would have been nice to have something to play right out of the box.[/QUOTE]

No problem. :)

I don't think you will have to worry about the games, though. Even at Wii launch there were plenty of everything (and since the biggest game was really Zelda, there were easily enough everywhere I saw for that and other titles - I bet they had a Zelda for every console from what I saw).

I pre-ordered Batman from Amazon because I wanted to use some Amazon rewards I had, and I can wait a day or two to get it via Amazon Prime. Since Nintendoland is coming with the system, and I figure Mario will be easily found like Zelda was, I haven't pre-ordered any yet. Next time I'm at the Best Buy I preordered from I think I'll throw down for Mario just to simplify the process when I pick up.

If you still want to preorder any games, Best Buy seems to still have all of them available in-store for $5 down, same way you did the system, if you really want to make sure you get what you want.
[quote name='PrincessAdora']I'm glad it seems Batman is now, too - really wanted that one because of the unique UI implementation.[/QUOTE]

Will this be like a GOTY edition including all the DLC from other versions?

Cuz that would definitely make this the definitive edition. I've been waiting for GOTY price drop on Xbox, but if this has all that content AND the gamepad functionality so my whole screen doesn't have to constantly be in detective mode..... then I would get this one.
[quote name='speedracer216']Will this be like a GOTY edition including all the DLC from other versions?

Cuz that would definitely make this the definitive edition. I've been waiting for GOTY price drop on Xbox, but if this has all that content AND the gamepad functionality so my whole screen doesn't have to constantly be in detective mode..... then I would get this one.[/QUOTE]

Yup, as deader said - this is the "definitive" one, it has everything +.

It's why I held off playing the other version, because I cannot wait to have a clean screen and all the gadget stuff happen on the Gamepad. That's what annoyed me so much about the first game - all the menu hopping.
[quote name='WilliamG']I played ZombiU at the Seattle Nintendo Wii-U preview party, and came away unimpressed.[/QUOTE]

After watching some of the E3 gameplay videos I decided this was definitely a wait-for-reviews kind of game. Some good ideas, but it looks like the gunplay and melee are pretty weak. Also noticed a number of bugs, but that ought to be fixed by launch. I am reminded of when Red Steel came out during the Wii's launch: New IP from a third party developer that was trying to show off the system's new features, but they ended up making a frustrating mess. Hope I'm wrong because I could go for a game on launch day that is not a sidescroller or something I played a year ago.
I played Arkham City 4 times between Xbox 360 and PC. I am interested in trying the Wii U version to see how the gamepad comes into play. I just don't think I feel like playing the game a 5th time to find out.
[quote name='PrincessAdora']Yup, as deader said - this is the "definitive" one, it has everything +.

It's why I held off playing the other version, because I cannot wait to have a clean screen and all the gadget stuff happen on the Gamepad. That's what annoyed me so much about the first game - all the menu hopping.[/QUOTE]

Do we know for sure if Batman will support the pro controller?
[quote name='WilliamG']I played ZombiU at the Seattle Nintendo Wii-U preview party, and came away unimpressed.[/QUOTE]

I'm really hoping the graphics and gameplay are cleaned up a bit for the final version. With all of the preview footage, we kept being reminded that it was a work in progress, but the graphics (especially the hand and arm animation) just don't cut it...and the gameplay looks a little one note.

I still have hopes that it'll be a fantastic mean nothing if the game is good...but lets just hope the game is good. Mario and Rayman are probably going to be my only 2 day one purchases as it is now.
A couple things...

  • I'm glad Nintendo made the game pad and pro controller in shapes that wont cause the market to be flooded with tennis racket and baseball bat shells. That being said, I hope when the inevitable Mario Kart game comes out, it will support the Wii remote. I play MKWii primarily with the gamecube controller, but my 2nd preferred option was the Wii remote wheel.
  • I believe that Nintendo is doing a far better job with this launch than they did with GameCube and Wii. We all know the clusterfuck that was the Wii launch and the GameCube launch was like the PS3 launch. Scarce for a week or so, then everywhere and it made it seem like nobody wanted it. Like others have said, I think the deluxe will be impossible to find (gets them publicity as being a must have Christmas item) whereas the basic will be quite common (they avoid the bad publicity of it being nowhere and pissing parents off).
  • The launch line-up is excellent. I have NSMBU preordered at GameStop for pickup with my consoles, and Rayman and ZombiU at Newegg with $12 off codes.
  • Stores are saying they don't know exactly how many deluxe models they'll be getting. Yet they had to have at least some kind of clue from Nintendo as to when pre-orders would be cut off. I sincerely hope that wasn't just Nintendo saying "stop pre-orders in three days" and was an actual number amount. Remember, Nintendo is not beyond under estimating their own products demand. Super Smash Bros Brawl was delayed in the USA for an extra month just one week before it's Feb 10th scheduled release simply because Nintendo didn't actually print enough discs to cover pre-orders.

Now...I do have a bit of a worry about this launch getting messy:
Again, pre-orders for the deluxe are sold out but stores don't know exactly how many they will have available. Yet they are all ensuring if you pre-ordered, you WILL get it upon release. It leaves one to wonder if there will be any deluxe models available at all for walk-ups. And if not, will stores be wise enough to inform people of this before hand? I can already see it: stores setting up their line up ares, with the traditional console launch "Wii U line starts here" sign at the front. And people will line up somewhere between 1 week and 1 day early and will camp out in tents, possibly with TV's and whatnot like what happened with Wii and PS3.

The store, about 4 hours in to people waiting sends somebody out to tell the crowd "We have six consoles available for walk-ups. We're sorry but the rest have been claimed by pre-orders. Then the normal pissed-offed-ness ensues. The first six people in line feel relieved and start feeling excited, smiling and hi-fiving each other. Everybody behind them is enraged. The minimum wage employee who is in charge of and responsible for nothing, but had the misfortune of making that "only 6 consoles" announcement gets bombarded by comments from dads who claim "when the fuck did you sell pre-orders for it? You're selling your stock before its in the store? That's fucking bull-shit. What's corporates phone number? What's your name?" and mom's who plead "I just waited outside in the freezing cold for four hours. This is the only thing my son asked for this year for Christmas and I told him Santa would bring it if he was a good boy. You're going to break a promise from Santa? Surely you can bring more consoles in from another store. Look at all these people who waited and you're just telling us this now?" Other people in line that weren't the first six start yelling in agreement. One of the first six shits his pants because he doesn't want to lose his place in line to go to the mcdonalds in the parking lot to use the bathroom.

The minimum wage employee, not wanting to deal with the complaints nor knowing what answers to give brings out the manager. The manager has been through many a console launch before and knew this would happen. He is a steel wall that complaints and insults bounce off of, simply repeating "i'm sorry, we simply do not have the stock", "pre-orders sold out a month ago, we made sure to keep some available for walk-ups but we can only sell what we're shipped", "try the store again next week, we'll be getting eight more consoles but we don't know what day they'll be arriving", "sorry no, we aren't doing rain-checks today because this isn't a sale or a promotion".

After angry parents, re-sellers, and not-so-angry high-school/college kids that weren't the first six in line leave, there are only eight people in line waiting. The six who will be getting the console (and their husbands/wives who came with to periodically go get coffee and mcmuffins and hold a spot for bathroom breaks) and two others who refuse to take no for an answer and decide to wait anyway. One angry the entire time, waiting there to prove some sort of point. One begging the other people in line to sell their spots. This guy eventually leaves. Another thirty minutes in, the angry guy leaves because "he has to go to work" or "i have better things to do fuck fuck shitassfuck".

Now it's about and hour or less before the store opens. And about 8-12 other cars start to show up and the people in them walk up to the end of the line. The six in line confidently tell the first one of them that walks up that they are too late and the store is already sold out. This person doesn't seem worried and walks over the employee working the line-up area and says "Hey, I pre-ordered the Wii U deluxe. Do I wait here?" and the employee simply says "oh hi, actually pre-orders can wait over here" and points to the other side of the door. The pre-order folks aren't in any sort of line, they are all just hanging out and talking. Some of them are playing 3DS/DS/PSP/Vita/iOS games with each other. Some of them have a pizza. They're talking about games and the launch, making a few slightly voicey comments like "i'm so glad i pre-ordered this fucking thing". It very slightly annoys the lined-up folks.

Finally, the store opens. A few other early Christmas shoppers come in and get in the line thinking it's just to enter the store, but quickly pass by them and walk in to the walmart/best buy/gamestop/toys r us/wherever. The people in the walk-up line try enter the store and nearly-run to the counter they are told to go to. The pre-order folks walk in casually, one or two go over to the video game area or the soda cooler and grab something and then bring it up the counter. The outside line re-forms inside, making sure to remain in the same order they were in outside. The manager gets behind the counter. "Ok, Wii U customers just step over here. Pre-orders first." This annoys somebody in the walk-up line. "Why does it need to be pre-orders first? You said you had enough for pre-orders and enough for the six of us right?"

The first pre-order customer goes up. "Hi. Deluxe model for me. I still owe $XX.xx, and i'd also like (game) and (controller/accessory)." This happens about four more times. The manager calls out "any more pre-orders?" Nobody else comes up, so it's time for the walk-ups.

The first guy "Hi! Man it's chilly out there. How are you doing today? I'd like a deluxe model and Mario please. Also give me a pro-controller and a wii-remote if you can." The manager rings him up, and he happily goes on his way. The next person "Same for me deluxe model and..." this person gets cut off. "I'm sorry but we actually only have the basic model left". Upon hearing this 4 out of the remaining five in line are furious. "I WAITED ALL THAT TIME IN LINE, WAS ENSURED A SYSTEM BY YOU AND YOUR STAFF, AND NOW I'M BEING TOLD YOU DON'T HAVE ONE?" and the manager comes back with "Mam/sir, we have a system for you, we only have the basic console left though". The customer comes back with "I see several of the deluxe model sitting right there! I'd like one of those!" and the manager comes back with something that just irritates the hell out of walk-ups: "sorry, those are for pre-orders. Not everybody who pre-ordered has picked theirs up yet and we hold them for x amount of days." Now this customer is pissed the fuck off, but buys the basic console anyway, angrily. The next person doesn't care and gets a basic, nintendo land, and mario and happily leaves. The remaining walk-ups are either furious (one walks away buying nothing) or say "You've got no deluxe's left, huh?" in a desperate-hope kind of way, hoping they somehow just misunderstood what the manager said.

Another pre-order customer walks out of the bathroom, grabs some games, a digital camera, some av cords, etc and walks up to the counter to claim his deluxe pre-order. The manager sells it to him no problem. This happens a few more times. After this is over, there is one deluxe pre-order remaining to be picked up and one basic un-sold. Both are gone by the end of the day.

I suspect what I just typed could happen many times on launch day at stores across the country. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.
[quote name='bgame2']Is there a Cliffs notes version? :)[/QUOTE]

LMAO. I started to read that then scrolled down a bit and saw the actual length. Decided to just move along to the next post.
[quote name='Gareee']G4 just announced the launch release list, as well as titles available by the end of the year:

Games to be Released on November 18:
  • Assassin's Creed 3
  • Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
  • Darksiders 2
  • Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
  • ESPN: Sports Connection
  • Game Party Champions
  • Just Dance 4
  • Madden NFL 13
  • Marvel Avengers: Battle For Earth
  • Mass Effect 3: Special Edition
  • NBA 2K13
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Nintendo Land
  • Rabbids Land
  • Rayman Legends
  • Scribblenanuts Unlimited
  • Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
  • Tekken Tag Tournament 2
  • Transformers Prime
  • Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013
  • Zombi U
Games to be Released before the end of 2012:
  • Ben 10: Omniverse (Fall)
  • Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade (December)
  • Funk Barn (November)
  • Jeopardy! (November)
  • Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (November)
  • Rise of the Guardians (November)
  • Sing party (November)
  • Skylanders Giants (Holiday)
  • Tank! Tank! Tank! (November)
  • Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper (Holiday)
  • Wheel of Fortune (November)

Actually pretty disappointed. Was looking forward to the Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3.
only mario for me at this point. I did order rayman legends off newegg though since it was cheap. I played at PAX and liked it.
[quote name='Drclaw411']A couple things...

Another pre-order customer walks out of the bathroom, grabs some games, a digital camera, some av cords, etc and walks up to the counter to claim his deluxe pre-order. The manager sells it to him no problem. This happens a few more times. After this is over, there is one deluxe pre-order remaining to be picked up and one basic un-sold. Both are gone by the end of the day.

I suspect what I just typed could happen many times on launch day at stores across the country. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.[/QUOTE]

Bestbuy has a policy for iPhone pre-orders and I think it will be the same for WiiU.

If a customer didn’t pre-order a new iPhone 5, will Best Buy have any available for non-pre-order sales?
All available inventory will be used to fulfill pre-orders first. Only after the store has confirmed that they have more than enough to fulfill all pre-orders will they allow one to be sold without a pre-order.

I guess the same will go for the WiiU
[quote name='Drclaw411']---quote deleted by Io - really, you had to quite this whole thing for your comment below? ;)---[/QUOTE]

Who else got the backorder email from fry's?
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[quote name='Drclaw411']A couple things...

  • I'm glad Nintendo made the game pad and pro controller in shapes that wont cause the market to be flooded with tennis racket and baseball bat shells. That being said, I hope when the inevitable Mario Kart game comes out, it will support the Wii remote. I play MKWii primarily with the gamecube controller, but my 2nd preferred option was the Wii remote wheel.
  • I believe that Nintendo is doing a far better job with this launch than they did with GameCube and Wii. We all know the clusterfuck that was the Wii launch and the GameCube launch was like the PS3 launch. Scarce for a week or so, then everywhere and it made it seem like nobody wanted it. Like others have said, I think the deluxe will be impossible to find (gets them publicity as being a must have Christmas item) whereas the basic will be quite common (they avoid the bad publicity of it being nowhere and pissing parents off).
  • The launch line-up is excellent. I have NSMBU preordered at GameStop for pickup with my consoles, and Rayman and ZombiU at Newegg with $12 off codes.
  • Stores are saying they don't know exactly how many deluxe models they'll be getting. Yet they had to have at least some kind of clue from Nintendo as to when pre-orders would be cut off. I sincerely hope that wasn't just Nintendo saying "stop pre-orders in three days" and was an actual number amount. Remember, Nintendo is not beyond under estimating their own products demand. Super Smash Bros Brawl was delayed in the USA for an extra month just one week before it's Feb 10th scheduled release simply because Nintendo didn't actually print enough discs to cover pre-orders.

Now...I do have a bit of a worry about this launch getting messy:
Again, pre-orders for the deluxe are sold out but stores don't know exactly how many they will have available. Yet they are all ensuring if you pre-ordered, you WILL get it upon release. It leaves one to wonder if there will be any deluxe models available at all for walk-ups. And if not, will stores be wise enough to inform people of this before hand? I can already see it: stores setting up their line up ares, with the traditional console launch "Wii U line starts here" sign at the front. And people will line up somewhere between 1 week and 1 day early and will camp out in tents, possibly with TV's and whatnot like what happened with Wii and PS3.

The store, about 4 hours in to people waiting sends somebody out to tell the crowd "We have six consoles available for walk-ups. We're sorry but the rest have been claimed by pre-orders. Then the normal pissed-offed-ness ensues. The first six people in line feel relieved and start feeling excited, smiling and hi-fiving each other. Everybody behind them is enraged. The minimum wage employee who is in charge of and responsible for nothing, but had the misfortune of making that "only 6 consoles" announcement gets bombarded by comments from dads who claim "when the fuck did you sell pre-orders for it? You're selling your stock before its in the store? That's fucking bull-shit. What's corporates phone number? What's your name?" and mom's who plead "I just waited outside in the freezing cold for four hours. This is the only thing my son asked for this year for Christmas and I told him Santa would bring it if he was a good boy. You're going to break a promise from Santa? Surely you can bring more consoles in from another store. Look at all these people who waited and you're just telling us this now?" Other people in line that weren't the first six start yelling in agreement. One of the first six shits his pants because he doesn't want to lose his place in line to go to the mcdonalds in the parking lot to use the bathroom.

The minimum wage employee, not wanting to deal with the complaints nor knowing what answers to give brings out the manager. The manager has been through many a console launch before and knew this would happen. He is a steel wall that complaints and insults bounce off of, simply repeating "i'm sorry, we simply do not have the stock", "pre-orders sold out a month ago, we made sure to keep some available for walk-ups but we can only sell what we're shipped", "try the store again next week, we'll be getting eight more consoles but we don't know what day they'll be arriving", "sorry no, we aren't doing rain-checks today because this isn't a sale or a promotion".

After angry parents, re-sellers, and not-so-angry high-school/college kids that weren't the first six in line leave, there are only eight people in line waiting. The six who will be getting the console (and their husbands/wives who came with to periodically go get coffee and mcmuffins and hold a spot for bathroom breaks) and two others who refuse to take no for an answer and decide to wait anyway. One angry the entire time, waiting there to prove some sort of point. One begging the other people in line to sell their spots. This guy eventually leaves. Another thirty minutes in, the angry guy leaves because "he has to go to work" or "i have better things to do fuck fuck shitassfuck".

Now it's about and hour or less before the store opens. And about 8-12 other cars start to show up and the people in them walk up to the end of the line. The six in line confidently tell the first one of them that walks up that they are too late and the store is already sold out. This person doesn't seem worried and walks over the employee working the line-up area and says "Hey, I pre-ordered the Wii U deluxe. Do I wait here?" and the employee simply says "oh hi, actually pre-orders can wait over here" and points to the other side of the door. The pre-order folks aren't in any sort of line, they are all just hanging out and talking. Some of them are playing 3DS/DS/PSP/Vita/iOS games with each other. Some of them have a pizza. They're talking about games and the launch, making a few slightly voicey comments like "i'm so glad i pre-ordered this fucking thing". It very slightly annoys the lined-up folks.

Finally, the store opens. A few other early Christmas shoppers come in and get in the line thinking it's just to enter the store, but quickly pass by them and walk in to the walmart/best buy/gamestop/toys r us/wherever. The people in the walk-up line try enter the store and nearly-run to the counter they are told to go to. The pre-order folks walk in casually, one or two go over to the video game area or the soda cooler and grab something and then bring it up the counter. The outside line re-forms inside, making sure to remain in the same order they were in outside. The manager gets behind the counter. "Ok, Wii U customers just step over here. Pre-orders first." This annoys somebody in the walk-up line. "Why does it need to be pre-orders first? You said you had enough for pre-orders and enough for the six of us right?"

The first pre-order customer goes up. "Hi. Deluxe model for me. I still owe $XX.xx, and i'd also like (game) and (controller/accessory)." This happens about four more times. The manager calls out "any more pre-orders?" Nobody else comes up, so it's time for the walk-ups.

The first guy "Hi! Man it's chilly out there. How are you doing today? I'd like a deluxe model and Mario please. Also give me a pro-controller and a wii-remote if you can." The manager rings him up, and he happily goes on his way. The next person "Same for me deluxe model and..." this person gets cut off. "I'm sorry but we actually only have the basic model left". Upon hearing this 4 out of the remaining five in line are furious. "I WAITED ALL THAT TIME IN LINE, WAS ENSURED A SYSTEM BY YOU AND YOUR STAFF, AND NOW I'M BEING TOLD YOU DON'T HAVE ONE?" and the manager comes back with "Mam/sir, we have a system for you, we only have the basic console left though". The customer comes back with "I see several of the deluxe model sitting right there! I'd like one of those!" and the manager comes back with something that just irritates the hell out of walk-ups: "sorry, those are for pre-orders. Not everybody who pre-ordered has picked theirs up yet and we hold them for x amount of days." Now this customer is pissed the fuck off, but buys the basic console anyway, angrily. The next person doesn't care and gets a basic, nintendo land, and mario and happily leaves. The remaining walk-ups are either furious (one walks away buying nothing) or say "You've got no deluxe's left, huh?" in a desperate-hope kind of way, hoping they somehow just misunderstood what the manager said.

Another pre-order customer walks out of the bathroom, grabs some games, a digital camera, some av cords, etc and walks up to the counter to claim his deluxe pre-order. The manager sells it to him no problem. This happens a few more times. After this is over, there is one deluxe pre-order remaining to be picked up and one basic un-sold. Both are gone by the end of the day.

I suspect what I just typed could happen many times on launch day at stores across the country. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.[/QUOTE]

I like this story a lot, the only thing I see is people not exactly getting irate over not having any blacks. Sure there will be minor disappointment, but anyone rabid enough to stand in line that long will just be happy to get one at all.
The Nintendo World Store let me pre-order a Deluxe Wii U today with no problems, so if you're in NYC you should be able to as well... I'll probably regret this post when in line to pick mine up on launch day... :cry: But wanted to spread the love!

I updated the wiki entry at the top of the page - please update it if you find out they've stopped taking pre-orders!
[quote name='Drclaw411']A couple things...

Another pre-order customer walks out of the bathroom, grabs some games, a digital camera, some av cords, etc and walks up to the counter to claim his deluxe pre-order. The manager sells it to him no problem. This happens a few more times. After this is over, there is one deluxe pre-order remaining to be picked up and one basic un-sold. Both are gone by the end of the day.

I suspect what I just typed could happen many times on launch day at stores across the country. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.[/QUOTE]

The sad thing is this is almost to a word what happened when I waited in line for the Wii back in '06. I showed up something like 8 hrs before gamestop opened for after thanksgiving shopping and only the first 4 people in line got one. I was number 3 and they had those of us who got a Wii drive up to the door of the store, jump out, grab our bag from the manager who was waiting at the door, and floor it out of the parking lot so we wouldn't get attacked by the mob of pissed off people. I really was worried I would get mugged in the parking lot and was glad when the manager said to go and get our cars. We had over 100 in line when they announced they only had 4.
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As long as the post stays for the most part on topic I have no problem with long posts. The people who come into pre-order or sale threads just to trash whatever that game or system is are the ones who need an infraction or ban. If you don't want to read a long post it's very easy to scroll past, I do it all the time.
I ordered one of the Deluxe models on 9/16(not a bundle) and it still says, "Your order is being processed. It will arrive on Tuesday 11/20/2012." Is this a good indication that my order won't be canceled and I will be getting one a couple days after launch? Has anyone ordered one and walmart canceled it?
[quote name='Drclaw411']A couple things...

Another pre-order customer walks out of the bathroom, grabs some games, a digital camera, some av cords, etc and walks up to the counter to claim his deluxe pre-order. The manager sells it to him no problem. This happens a few more times. After this is over, there is one deluxe pre-order remaining to be picked up and one basic un-sold. Both are gone by the end of the day.

I suspect what I just typed could happen many times on launch day at stores across the country. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.[/QUOTE]

I truly hope that someone publishes this sweet piece of fan fiction a'la 50 shades of grey. You just need to clean it up a bit and bam!! I will pre-order the book on amazon. Promise.
[quote name='henry00x']man this thread is only going to get more interesting on launch day lol[/QUOTE]

I know! I can't wait to read all of the hilarious and horrific launch day stories!
[quote name='Drclaw411']A couple things...

  • I'm glad Nintendo made the game pad and pro controller in shapes that wont cause the market to be flooded with tennis racket and baseball bat shells. That being said, I hope when the inevitable Mario Kart game comes out, it will support the Wii remote. I play MKWii primarily with the gamecube controller, but my 2nd preferred option was the Wii remote wheel.
  • I believe that Nintendo is doing a far better job with this launch than they did with GameCube and Wii. We all know the clusterfuck that was the Wii launch and the GameCube launch was like the PS3 launch. Scarce for a week or so, then everywhere and it made it seem like nobody wanted it. Like others have said, I think the deluxe will be impossible to find (gets them publicity as being a must have Christmas item) whereas the basic will be quite common (they avoid the bad publicity of it being nowhere and pissing parents off).
  • The launch line-up is excellent. I have NSMBU preordered at GameStop for pickup with my consoles, and Rayman and ZombiU at Newegg with $12 off codes.
  • Stores are saying they don't know exactly how many deluxe models they'll be getting. Yet they had to have at least some kind of clue from Nintendo as to when pre-orders would be cut off. I sincerely hope that wasn't just Nintendo saying "stop pre-orders in three days" and was an actual number amount. Remember, Nintendo is not beyond under estimating their own products demand. Super Smash Bros Brawl was delayed in the USA for an extra month just one week before it's Feb 10th scheduled release simply because Nintendo didn't actually print enough discs to cover pre-orders.

Now...I do have a bit of a worry about this launch getting messy:
Again, pre-orders for the deluxe are sold out but stores don't know exactly how many they will have available. Yet they are all ensuring if you pre-ordered, you WILL get it upon release. It leaves one to wonder if there will be any deluxe models available at all for walk-ups. And if not, will stores be wise enough to inform people of this before hand? I can already see it: stores setting up their line up ares, with the traditional console launch "Wii U line starts here" sign at the front. And people will line up somewhere between 1 week and 1 day early and will camp out in tents, possibly with TV's and whatnot like what happened with Wii and PS3.

The store, about 4 hours in to people waiting sends somebody out to tell the crowd "We have six consoles available for walk-ups. We're sorry but the rest have been claimed by pre-orders. Then the normal pissed-offed-ness ensues. The first six people in line feel relieved and start feeling excited, smiling and hi-fiving each other. Everybody behind them is enraged. The minimum wage employee who is in charge of and responsible for nothing, but had the misfortune of making that "only 6 consoles" announcement gets bombarded by comments from dads who claim "when the fuck did you sell pre-orders for it? You're selling your stock before its in the store? That's fucking bull-shit. What's corporates phone number? What's your name?" and mom's who plead "I just waited outside in the freezing cold for four hours. This is the only thing my son asked for this year for Christmas and I told him Santa would bring it if he was a good boy. You're going to break a promise from Santa? Surely you can bring more consoles in from another store. Look at all these people who waited and you're just telling us this now?" Other people in line that weren't the first six start yelling in agreement. One of the first six shits his pants because he doesn't want to lose his place in line to go to the mcdonalds in the parking lot to use the bathroom.

The minimum wage employee, not wanting to deal with the complaints nor knowing what answers to give brings out the manager. The manager has been through many a console launch before and knew this would happen. He is a steel wall that complaints and insults bounce off of, simply repeating "i'm sorry, we simply do not have the stock", "pre-orders sold out a month ago, we made sure to keep some available for walk-ups but we can only sell what we're shipped", "try the store again next week, we'll be getting eight more consoles but we don't know what day they'll be arriving", "sorry no, we aren't doing rain-checks today because this isn't a sale or a promotion".

After angry parents, re-sellers, and not-so-angry high-school/college kids that weren't the first six in line leave, there are only eight people in line waiting. The six who will be getting the console (and their husbands/wives who came with to periodically go get coffee and mcmuffins and hold a spot for bathroom breaks) and two others who refuse to take no for an answer and decide to wait anyway. One angry the entire time, waiting there to prove some sort of point. One begging the other people in line to sell their spots. This guy eventually leaves. Another thirty minutes in, the angry guy leaves because "he has to go to work" or "i have better things to do fuck fuck shitassfuck".

Now it's about and hour or less before the store opens. And about 8-12 other cars start to show up and the people in them walk up to the end of the line. The six in line confidently tell the first one of them that walks up that they are too late and the store is already sold out. This person doesn't seem worried and walks over the employee working the line-up area and says "Hey, I pre-ordered the Wii U deluxe. Do I wait here?" and the employee simply says "oh hi, actually pre-orders can wait over here" and points to the other side of the door. The pre-order folks aren't in any sort of line, they are all just hanging out and talking. Some of them are playing 3DS/DS/PSP/Vita/iOS games with each other. Some of them have a pizza. They're talking about games and the launch, making a few slightly voicey comments like "i'm so glad i pre-ordered this fucking thing". It very slightly annoys the lined-up folks.

Finally, the store opens. A few other early Christmas shoppers come in and get in the line thinking it's just to enter the store, but quickly pass by them and walk in to the walmart/best buy/gamestop/toys r us/wherever. The people in the walk-up line try enter the store and nearly-run to the counter they are told to go to. The pre-order folks walk in casually, one or two go over to the video game area or the soda cooler and grab something and then bring it up the counter. The outside line re-forms inside, making sure to remain in the same order they were in outside. The manager gets behind the counter. "Ok, Wii U customers just step over here. Pre-orders first." This annoys somebody in the walk-up line. "Why does it need to be pre-orders first? You said you had enough for pre-orders and enough for the six of us right?"

The first pre-order customer goes up. "Hi. Deluxe model for me. I still owe $XX.xx, and i'd also like (game) and (controller/accessory)." This happens about four more times. The manager calls out "any more pre-orders?" Nobody else comes up, so it's time for the walk-ups.

The first guy "Hi! Man it's chilly out there. How are you doing today? I'd like a deluxe model and Mario please. Also give me a pro-controller and a wii-remote if you can." The manager rings him up, and he happily goes on his way. The next person "Same for me deluxe model and..." this person gets cut off. "I'm sorry but we actually only have the basic model left". Upon hearing this 4 out of the remaining five in line are furious. "I WAITED ALL THAT TIME IN LINE, WAS ENSURED A SYSTEM BY YOU AND YOUR STAFF, AND NOW I'M BEING TOLD YOU DON'T HAVE ONE?" and the manager comes back with "Mam/sir, we have a system for you, we only have the basic console left though". The customer comes back with "I see several of the deluxe model sitting right there! I'd like one of those!" and the manager comes back with something that just irritates the hell out of walk-ups: "sorry, those are for pre-orders. Not everybody who pre-ordered has picked theirs up yet and we hold them for x amount of days." Now this customer is pissed the fuck off, but buys the basic console anyway, angrily. The next person doesn't care and gets a basic, nintendo land, and mario and happily leaves. The remaining walk-ups are either furious (one walks away buying nothing) or say "You've got no deluxe's left, huh?" in a desperate-hope kind of way, hoping they somehow just misunderstood what the manager said.

Another pre-order customer walks out of the bathroom, grabs some games, a digital camera, some av cords, etc and walks up to the counter to claim his deluxe pre-order. The manager sells it to him no problem. This happens a few more times. After this is over, there is one deluxe pre-order remaining to be picked up and one basic un-sold. Both are gone by the end of the day.

I suspect what I just typed could happen many times on launch day at stores across the country. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.

[quote name='KanYozakura']I'm still debating whether to get NSMB Wii U at launch or just wait for the inevitable NSMB Wii $20 price point. Decisions decisions...[/QUOTE]

Are you getting the system at launch? If so, imo NSBM is one of the two "no brainers" to get if there is one. It's Mario, it's a first-party title so you know it'll utilize the gamepad well,'s fucking Mario in HD.

The other title to get at launch is Zombie U.

And Rayman Legends...and possibly Black Ops 2 if it supports 3D.
Never having played the other games anyone think Scribblenauts Unlimited will be worth a buy? With the coupon at newegg it's only 39.99
[quote name='raptor3076']Never having played the other games anyone think Scribblenauts Unlimited will be worth a buy? With the coupon at newegg it's only 39.99[/QUOTE]

Looks like it could be a good sleeper title.
[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']NSMB Wii U is the 1st mario games to be sold at launch.[/QUOTE]

Super Mario 64 launched with the Nintendo 64 in 1996.
[quote name='KanYozakura']I'm still debating whether to get NSMB Wii U at launch or just wait for the inevitable NSMB Wii $20 price point. Decisions decisions...[/QUOTE]

Normally I'm with you there but Nintendo 1st party games rarely go on sale or have price cuts. Look at DS games from 2005. They are still at $34.99
[quote name='JaylisJayP']Are you getting the system at launch? If so, imo NSBM is one of the two "no brainers" to get if there is one. It's Mario, it's a first-party title so you know it'll utilize the gamepad well,'s fucking Mario in HD.

The other title to get at launch is Zombie U.

And Rayman Legends...and possibly Black Ops 2 if it supports 3D.[/QUOTE]

Zombie U isnt a launch title.(ok maybe it is. the release date is different everywhere)

And its got some major mixed reviews (that said I preordered a copy anyway since its a pretty weak release selection)
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[quote name='Josh5890']Normally I'm with you there but Nintendo 1st party games rarely go on sale or have price cuts. Look at DS games from 2005. They are still at $34.99[/QUOTE]

No kidding. Super Mario Galaxy 2, which came out over 2 years ago, has remained at $49.99 since then!
[quote name='WilliamG']I played ZombiU at the Seattle Nintendo Wii-U preview party, and came away unimpressed.[/QUOTE]

I really feel that ZombieU will be to the Wii-U what Red Steel was to the Wii, over hyped, average at best, and getting labeled a killer app before it's even out.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']Are you getting the system at launch? If so, imo NSBM is one of the two "no brainers" to get if there is one. It's Mario, it's a first-party title so you know it'll utilize the gamepad well,'s fucking Mario in HD.[/QUOTE]

It's Mario and it's HD are enough reasons alone. However, you might be disappointed in the gamepad usage. It is really only for a secondary player to create platforms and stun enemies. That can be fun (I played that role at PAX) but I'm not sure it is even used if you are playing single-player. If so, they certainly didn't emphasize that in their demos. It was 4 people on Wii remotes and 1 on the gamepad with much chaos ensuing. But perhaps for single player you can use the gamepad analog sticks to control Mario too (and create platforms?). I also hope it allows for Pro Controller usage. I just absolutely detest holding Wii remotes sideways and using the D-pad to control a game.

The best use of the gamepad will surely be NintendoLand since that was designed with the pad in mind.

[quote name='raptor3076']Never having played the other games anyone think Scribblenauts Unlimited will be worth a buy? With the coupon at newegg it's only 39.99[/QUOTE]

Probably. Of all the other games (besides NSMB U) it is the closest to a "sure bet" quality game. It just depends on if you like the concept or not. I haven't jumped on that yet because I still haven't even played Super Scribblenauts on the DS yet, though I did play the original. From what I gather they have refined the formula for this Wii U release so I'm sure it will be a good game. The strange thing about this game is that you can play it pretty much just on the pad without looking at the TV - so that might be a nice game to have for when the TV is being used for other stuff.
edited my post just read that elsewhere

I dunno whats goin on with that game

I read that it was confirmed not to be @ launch, then that it was.

[quote name='caMOFOg']Who else got the backorder email from fry's?[/QUOTE]

Everyone should quote drclaw411's book to make this thread more fun lmfao
[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']NSMB Wii U is the 1st mario games to be sold at launch.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='TrumpetDan']Super Mario 64 launched with the Nintendo 64 in 1996.[/QUOTE]

Super Mario Land hit store shelves at the Gameboy's launch. ;)
[quote name='RiPPn']I really feel that ZombieU will be to the Wii-U what Red Steel was to the Wii, over hyped, average at best, and getting labeled a killer app before it's even out.[/QUOTE]

I agree, from what I see it's just a generic fps with tacked on WiiU gimmicks
[quote name='JaylisJayP']Are you getting the system at launch? If so, imo NSBM is one of the two "no brainers" to get if there is one. It's Mario, it's a first-party title so you know it'll utilize the gamepad well,'s fucking Mario in HD.

The other title to get at launch is Zombie U.

And Rayman Legends...and possibly Black Ops 2 if it supports 3D.[/QUOTE]

Normally I would be all over it, however from October through mid November I have to get RE6 Antho and ACIII CE for the wife, and MoH:Warfighter, Halo 4 CD and Black Ops 2 HE 360 for me. I might have to let Blops 2 slide as it is, which kills me since I have every CoD LE on the 360 thus far and I'm afraid of repeating what happened with the Blops 1 HE. Plus I have Rayman Legends for $38 through NewEgg and I'm way more excited about that...should get to my house launch week. Maybe I'll just get NSMB after the holidays.

[quote name='Josh5890']Normally I'm with you there but Nintendo 1st party games rarely go on sale or have price cuts. Look at DS games from 2005. They are still at $34.99[/QUOTE]

True but Nintendo has the Wii Nintendo Selects line now...I'm hoping they cut first party Wii games down to $20 to capitalize on the Wii U's backwards compatibility. I remember them cutting first party GameCube prices during/after the Wii lauch (most notably SSB Melee).
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