The Wii's popularity pisses me off!

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[quote name='dallow']Ummm, if it meant no established franchises on nice next gen systems, then hell yes thank goodness.

Wii satisfies another need.
You bought that 360 for a reason right?[/QUOTE]

Nothing wrong with having established franchises.....otherwise not much reason to own a Nintendo console since their best games are generally long established franchises.

I get consoles appeal to different needs, just wish the Wii had appealed to more of mine thus far to justify paying a launch day premium. But as I've said repeatedly, at least I've finally learned my lesson about buying consoles at launch!
seriously think its over the top panic really Nintendos not going to suddenly stop making Mario games or Zelda games because they are selling Wii's like gangbusters. I mean seriously tell me how rational this sounds.

Problem is that Nintendo is too fucking slow in making games to keep the remotely serious gamer satisfied with having enough to play on their console.

I mean I know they're are high quality, but game like Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper were damn fine games too and they manage a sequel a year, not one a generation like Mario!

So that puts the burden on third parties to pick up the slack, and they've not come through yet for the most part. Just lots of ports, shovelware, minigames, and niche games like Zak and Wiki. Not much to excite those of us who just play AAA games (personal 9.0 or above) in mainstream genres (platformers, action, FPS, RPG etc.).

Now, like you say, it could get better as it's still early. And I've noted that repeatedly. I'm just hesitant to be opitimistically giving how badly the N64 and GC sucked in terms of 3rd party support. Furthered by worry that 3rd parties may be more apt to just make big bucks cheap to make games like Carnival Games and that the real, substantive traditional offerings will be few and far between on the Wii compared to the other two platforms.
[quote name='dallow']Most of the games aren't for me, I bought it for Nintendo.
And I don't have a big problem with it unless it takes away from other systems (ala Monster Hunter 3) and my overheating graphics chip.

But I know it's doing well, and it has worthwhile titles for others.
It has a lot of crap, but so does every other system, it's just magnified now because of how past-gen the games look.

I was at Frys and they had the Wii and Chicken Shoot hooked up to a big screen.
Chicken Shoot.

Freakin' Chicken Shoot.
It's worse than a flash game, I couldn't believe it.[/quote]

Dude this is Fry's fault not Nintendo. I don't think any Nintendo rep in their right mind would put Chicken Shoot in a Wii to demonstrate the system. Not with the games they have out now they'd put something like Zack and Wiki or Mario Galaxy in it.
I can understand that consern dmaul but given the way this is system moving off the shelves compared to the Gamecube I'd definatly say its still premature and probably inaccurate to say it will get the same 3rd party support. Developers just can't ignore an established base of around 10 million consoles thats a large chunk of change to be had if your a good developer.
What? I wasn't blaming that on Nintendo.
Just a personal anecdote with my experience with an especially crappy game.

I said I felt Nintendo is doing fine with the Wii.
[quote name='dallow']I don't think you get what I'm saying, but that's ok.[/QUOTE]

Don't see how I could missed it, unless you wrote it poorly.

1. You're apparently sick of established franchises, as indicated by you're comment of being glad if there were none on next gen consoles.

But that is baffling if you have a Wii for Nintendo games, since all they're franchises worth playing IMO, were established N64 or earlier.

2. Said the Wii has it's types of games, and the other systems fill others.

I agree, and that is why I bought a 360. Would have liked to have just bought one console this gen since I game much less than I used to, but the Wii offerings were just too few and far between, and lack of HD was killing me on my new TV.

My other point was basically that I wished I'd waited and not bought at launch as I'd probably just have picked up a 360 and not bothered with the Wii at all (at least not yet anyway) after seeing the slim pickings of games I like.

I'm sure the next response will be "then just sell the Wii." Trust me I'm tempted to after Mario (dying to play it, been out of town since the 10th), but not sure if I want the hassle of trying to get good value out of it, the controllers and all my GC games and crap. But at the same time, I kind of just want to keep around for Smash Bros, Mario Kart etc. and see what else comes out next year. *shrugs*
[quote name='PhoenixT']I can understand that consern dmaul but given the way this is system moving off the shelves compared to the Gamecube I'd definatly say its still premature and probably inaccurate to say it will get the same 3rd party support. Developers just can't ignore an established base of around 10 million consoles thats a large chunk of change to be had if your a good developer.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I have no doubt it will get more support. I'm just worried about how much of it will be games I want to play vs. pointless mini-games, party games, motion controlled silliness, non-games (wii fit) etc. vs real, traditional games.

Time will tell on that one. All we can do is wait and see how real games sell versus the cheap to make casual games, and how that subsequently affects what 3rd parties put out on the Wii.
[quote name='dallow']See ninja edit.[/QUOTE]

Yep, caught, that, but after my ninja delete. :D

That makes more sense.

And to that all I can do is offer another fuck You Nintendo for making a graphically gimped next gen system, as I agree that I wouldn't really want to play those big established franchises "dumbed down" for the Wii.

I'm 100% buying no multiplatfrom games for Wii as graphics will always trump waggle that's no doubt tacked on to any cross platform game.

Nintendo games I deal with the 480p jaggy graphics as it's the only way to play those games, and they're still damn fun regardless.
[quote name='jkam']Well it seems as all is not lost, some people are buying a good "real" game.[/quote]

This makes me feel better. You'd have to be pretty damn incompetent to feel intimidated by this game, while the first 10 minutes can be slighlty disorienting the game overall is supremely approachable relative to Metroid, Zelda, RE: 4, or the other "heavy hitters" available on the Wii.
I've been thinking about buying a Wii if I see one and then selling it on the secondary market for profit.. but I'm not sure a) how feasible it is and b) if I got my hands on it there's no way I could resist keeping it (I'm still Wii-less)
it's an easy mistake to make as it is one I encourage, but nope, not yet. soon as I get some disposable money.

Until then I'm working thru my cube backlog.
Personally, I'd rather just play short games too. For example, MoH: Heroes 2 Multiplayer. I can get in and start playing. Sure, there's campaign mode, but it's kind of boring playing by myself. I usually like playing Multiplayer or playing with my friends, which is usually why I have a lot of games that involve multiplayer or some form of Online play. I can play like Zelda:TP and Super Mario Galaxy, but pretty much lasts me a very long time. :p
I don't really get all the hype about this game (galaxy) so far. I just watched my son play it for about 2 hours today and I couldn't help thinking it was a lot like mario 64 with small spherical levels. It doesn't seem like anything groundbreaking so far, certainly not a "10" by any scale of the imagination.

Frankly, if one were to apply the "Legend of Frank" theory to this game, it wouldn't have been scoring 9.5's and 10+.
[quote name='bmulligan']I don't really get all the hype about this game so far. I just watched my son play it for about 2 hours today and I couldn't help thinking it was a lot like mario 64 with small spherical levels. It doesn't seem like anything groundbreaking so far, certainly not a "10" by any scale of the imagination.

Frankly, if one were to apply the "Legend of Frank" theory to this game, it wouldn't have been scoring 9.5's and 10+.[/quote]

It's not groundbreaking or revolutionary or any other adjective of that level. But it does slowly reveal a sublime perfection that I haven't felt since Mario 64. It's something that I didn't consciously realize until I saw that I'd already acquired 80 stars. It's simply the sort of game that compels you to play it. It may not take as large a leap forward as Mario 64 did into 3D, but Galaxy's use of that 3D space is among the most invigorating I've seen. After a few hours of playtime, I was ready to give the game an 8/10. Now that I've seen everything it has to offer I'd give it a 9 but I certainly wouldn't bother to argue with anyone who scores it an 8.
[quote name='bmulligan']
Frankly, if one were to apply the "Legend of Frank" theory to this game, it wouldn't have been scoring 9.5's and 10+.[/QUOTE]

You know, the whole "Legend of Frank" idea is bullshit.

Do you know why?

Because if Nintendo - or any other big name developer - were to create a game perfectly suited to a particular franchise, and then suddenly decide to throw it out and make it into unknown characters, the development would INSTANTLY plunge.


It is because a game is meant to be a Mario/Zelda/Halo/Call of Duty/___Shock/Half-Life/etc etc game that attention to detail, big budgets, and all the other perks that aren't normally reserved for devteams are suddenly granted.

I know a lot of people think they are super smart for being on Cheapy's nuts, but the whole theory is retarded through and through.

It's funny how I see the same nonsense repeated across the 'net in various venues, often times using the exact same phrases. But this "Legend of Frank" is just that - bullshit.

I could make the exact same arguments against Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania, Silent Hill, Mega Man, Street Fighter, on and on and on and on and on.

I think everyone likes to do this with Nintendo because they've been making Mario games for 20+ years, and this is thought of as "stale." No one ever stops to think about the fact that is is remarkably difficult to be able to use the same characters in some instances. (And no, idiots, I'm not talking about "Mario DDR" and such. I'm talking about the true Mario platformer games.) Hell, how many mascots lived shorter lives and/or were one-shot wonders? Gex the Gecko, Bubsy, Parappa the Rappa, countless titles from third parties. All of them destined to be big franchises, and all of them either dead, dying, or slowly rotting away (Sonic).

If you think you're being smart when you say something like this, without giving any thought at all to what you are saying, then you are saying bullshit.

Plain and simple.

Also, it is retarded to talk about how "the game doesn't look fun" when you haven't even played it. I don't think a lot of things look fun until I try them out.

Son of a bitch. I bet the guy who first thought up DDR got shit poured on him left and right, until all those same motherfuckers actually tried playing it.
[quote name='bmulligan']I don't really get all the hype about this game (galaxy) so far. I just watched my son play it for about 2 hours today and I couldn't help thinking it was a lot like mario 64 with small spherical levels. It doesn't seem like anything groundbreaking so far, certainly not a "10" by any scale of the imagination.

Frankly, if one were to apply the "Legend of Frank" theory to this game, it wouldn't have been scoring 9.5's and 10+.[/QUOTE]I just plain disagree. Mario Galaxy has a very high glee factor o it when your playing. I could maybe agree that if it was not mario it would never reach 10 but it would still be 9+. There is a great joy in playing Galaxy kinda like playing the Hulk game I'm on currently . It' sjust fun to run around and smash things and break things. The same with spiderman when it was really fun to just swing around the city and not have it suck. Mario Galaxy has that plus it's polished completely. So where that was the high point of the other games with mario G it's just one high point among many.
[quote name='Strell']You know, the whole "Legend of Frank" idea is bullshit.

Do you know why?

Because if Nintendo - or any other big name developer - were to create a game perfectly suited to a particular franchise, and then suddenly decide to throw it out and make it into unknown characters, the development would INSTANTLY plunge.


It is because a game is meant to be a Mario/Zelda/Halo/Call of Duty/___Shock/Half-Life/etc etc game that attention to detail, big budgets, and all the other perks that aren't normally reserved for devteams are suddenly granted.

I know a lot of people think they are super smart for being on Cheapy's nuts, but the whole theory is retarded through and through.

It's funny how I see the same nonsense repeated across the 'net in various venues, often times using the exact same phrases. But this "Legend of Frank" is just that - bullshit.

I could make the exact same arguments against Ratchet and Clank, Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania, Silent Hill, Mega Man, Street Fighter, on and on and on and on and on.

I think everyone likes to do this with Nintendo because they've been making Mario games for 20+ years, and this is thought of as "stale." No one ever stops to think about the fact that is is remarkably difficult to be able to use the same characters in some instances. (And no, idiots, I'm not talking about "Mario DDR" and such. I'm talking about the true Mario platformer games.) Hell, how many mascots lived shorter lives and/or were one-shot wonders? Gex the Gecko, Bubsy, Parappa the Rappa, countless titles from third parties. All of them destined to be big franchises, and all of them either dead, dying, or slowly rotting away (Sonic).

If you think you're being smart when you say something like this, without giving any thought at all to what you are saying, then you are saying bullshit.

Plain and simple.

Also, it is retarded to talk about how "the game doesn't look fun" when you haven't even played it. I don't think a lot of things look fun until I try them out...

I never said Galaxy wasn't FUN. I said it wasn't groundbreaking. In a nutshell it's: Mario Sunshine 2- happy planet land" And it doesn't even have a new coat of paint. Popping in Sunshine for 5 minutes makes me wonder if this game was really developed for the Wii specifically at all as it could easily have been a cube game sans Wii control.

And games like R&C, metal Gear, et. al. have the benefit of an actual STORY to make their characters endearing enough to live through multiple instances of a franchise. Shallow as they may be they are immensely more complex than collecting Pure hearts, or Stars, or Sunshines, for that matter, or because big, old DK or Bowser took princess daisy to the top level. Yes, all mario games are nothing more than the original Donkey Kong in 3 brightly, primary colored dimensions. No story necessary, please, keep moving please, thanks for the $50. Here's more, thanks for another $50.

It doesn't mean they aren't fun . But, it also doesn't mean they need to be automatically worshiped as the pinnacle of gaming before the shit's even out of the box. Mario games get the benefit of the doubt and bonus review points when they're announced, and only lubricated further by the overworked salivary glands in the year of anticipation before it's release.

Honestly, with all the railing against Madden fans eating up each years reprint like it was filet mignon, I really don't see that Mario fans are much different.
[quote name='bmulligan']I never said Galaxy wasn't FUN. I said it wasn't groundbreaking. In a nutshell it's: Mario Sunshine 2- happy planet land" And it doesn't even have a new coat of paint. Popping in Sunshine for 5 minutes makes me wonder if this game was really developed for the Wii specifically at all as it could easily have been a cube game sans Wii control. [/quote]

I should stop reading here, because it's obvious I'm talking to someone who is entirely clueless, but I've got some time to spare. Which is a shame, because this is one of those things that could be factually/objectively argued, since the hardware of the Wii outclasses the Gamecube, and there's no way it could have been a GC game.

Are you the type of guy that says "Gosh, fucking luxury cruises! I could just as easily float on the water in the ocean with a piece of wood! AND I could take some Cheetos! I DON'T SEE WHAT ALL THE FUSS IS ABOUT."

Christ. That's about as lame as "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" as an argument.

And games like R&C, metal Gear, et. al. have the benefit of an actual STORY to make their characters endearing enough to live through multiple instances of a franchise. Shallow as they may be they are immensely more complex than collecting Pure hearts, or Stars, or Sunshines, for that matter, or because big, old DK or Bowser took princess daisy to the top level. Yes, all mario games are nothing more than the original Donkey Kong in 3 brightly, primary colored dimensions. No story necessary, please, keep moving please, thanks for the $50. Here's more, thanks for another $50.

If you fail to understand that there is a story in Mario, then you're not paying any attention, and you are an utter failure.

There is a story inherent in Mario games. There always is. And as much as you'd like to see it as nothing more than a 2 dimensional shallow attempt, it's every bit as meaty as a LOT of other games out there.

You're already reducing it to "big bad DK takes the Princess and Mario must go get her," which is retarded. You could reduce any game like that. I'm sure the majority of video games are "the world is under attack by big bad X, and you are hero ____ must defeat him."

Just like every Final Fantasy, every Metal Gear Solid, every Halo, etc etc. So if you want to be that ignorant about it, then sure - Mario is nothing more than the same thing over and over.

It doesn't mean they aren't fun . But, it also doesn't mean they need to be automatically worshiped as the pinnacle of gaming before the shit's even out of the box. Mario games get the benefit of the doubt and bonus review points when they're announced, and only lubricated further by the overworked salivary glands in the year of anticipation before it's release.

Then you know who you take that up with? The reviewers. The fact that you rail against Nintendo is retarded. I could understand getting onto some of the more boisterous fans, but even that is ridiculous because you're basically getting mad that we are enjoying something so much.

Fact is that you're sitting there - like a goddamn pompous prick I might add - and bellowing a lot of bullshit against a large group of people who are really enjoying the game. Which - again - is REALLY hypocritical when I consider you haven't even played it, fail to understand that it does have a story, and are so eager to pass it off as nothing more than "the original Donkey Kong in 3 dimensions."

Honestly, with all the railing against Madden fans eating up each years reprint like it was filet mignon, I really don't see that Mario fans are much different.

How many Mario games - true honest platformers - come around on console systems each year? Maybe you could fucking tell me.

Since 1996 - the year of Mario 64 - there's been exactly 3. I might even be generous and say there's been 4 if we're including New Super Mario Bros., even though I specifically said console 3D platformers.

We're lucky to get more than one Mario platformer per Nintendo platformer. Hell, on the SNES, there was Mario World 1 and 2. That was it. The only system with more than that was the SNES, which you could argue had 4 if you count both Mario 2s.

I'm sorry there are people like you who are so adamant against Mario Galaxy that you can't honestly see what's good about it. And if you ARE so stubborn as to pass it off as nothing more than the same old thing, then you ought to take your precious time to go play something that DOES come out every year like Madden, so then you won't be bothered by getting so upset that those of us who have waited 4+ years for another Mario platformer are suddenly very, VERY happy that a pedigree game that's excellent is finally satiating our thirst.

I could understand if there WERE Super Frank Brothers clones coming out of Nintendo every year, so that at least all the Mario fans could sit back and say "alright, no Mario for another 4 years, but we've got a very good facsimile to play with." But that doesn't happen either.

So in short, stfu about it. Goddamn. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who think their own "I hate X" opinion has to flare up like a case of goddamn hemorrhoids when they run into someone who happens to like X.
Got back in town, powered through the last three levels of Halo 3 last night and this afternoon and fired up Mario Galaxy this evening.

What an incredible game. Only 5 stars in, and I'm already blown away. It's just flat out FUN. Graphics aren't shabby either, wasn't all that jarring (some jaggies aside) going from playing Halo 3 in glorious HD for several hours to Mario. So nice to see a Wii game that finally looks a good bit better than a GC game.

Level design has already been great. I was skeptical of the little planets, but it's a blast to shoot from planet to planet as you never know what's around the corner.

Having costumes back is great as well, Bee Mario is fun to play around with. :D

Can't wait to play some more, probably fire it up again tonight.
The Wii bored the fuck out of me and annoyed me, I tried very hard to convince myself to keep mine, but couldn't do it. The games sucked, the controls sucked, the batteries died constantly. Enjoy your non-game games Nintendo, I'll stick to my Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I'm a total dumbass![/QUOTE]

Thank you for your steroid-induced posts in a forum you do nothing but constantly troll in.

We all enjoy them.
[quote name='Strell']... the hardware of the Wii outclasses the Gamecube, and there's no way it could have been a GC game.[/quote]

I should stop right there because, obviously, your myopic condition prevents you from seeing correctly more than 4 feet in front of your face. Either that you're off your medication and are hallucinating more powerful graphics on the Wii compared to the gamecube.

If you fail to understand that there is a story in Mario, then you're not paying any attention, and you are an utter failure.

There is a story inherent in Mario games. There always is. And as much as you'd like to see it as nothing more than a 2 dimensional shallow attempt, it's every bit as meaty as a LOT of other games out there.

You've got to be kidding me if you believe a mario platformer has a meaty story. My hypothesis about your undermedicated state is proving correct. Yes, any videogame can be reduced to a one sentence description based on it's most simplistic elements. But some games take the time to flesh out an actual story, make an attempt at actual dialog, and create some semblance of character development. The fact that you can even begin to compare a mario story to "Final Fantasy, every Metal Gear Solid, every Halo, etc etc." further proves my point that you are insane.

I'm not railing against Nintendo fans, I am one. I just can't take everything they produce as shiny platinum perfection simply because it has Mario stamped on the cover. I'll be the first one to agree that I'm a pompous prick, but it seems like I'm in good company. Unfortunately that lobster claw's got too hard a hold on your pecker for you to see anything objectively through your nintendo colored Sunshine glasses.

How many Mario games - true honest platformers - come around on console systems each year? Maybe you could fucking tell me.

Since 1996 - the year of Mario 64 - there's been exactly 3. I might even be generous and say there's been 4 if we're including New Super Mario Bros., even though I specifically said console 3D platformers.

We're lucky to get more than one Mario platformer per Nintendo platformer. Hell, on the SNES, there was Mario World 1 and 2. That was it. The only system with more than that was the SNES, which you could argue had 4 if you count both Mario 2s.

Bow down and worship at the altar of the NES when you re-purchased super mario 2 for the fourth time. Then again for the virtual console. Then wake up and realize the mario tennis, strikers, golf, and donkey wonking, is the same fucking iteration you bought 3 times over already as well.

It's not just about platformers either, it's about the entire Mario brand being milked ad infinitum, every generation, with slight improvements, yes, but no major earthshattering revolutions. Tell me Mario Baseball Wii is going to be better than the GC version ? I'll bet you already have your opinion without even seeing the cover art. I just have two words to prove my point that Nintendo and Mario fanboys don't give a shit about how crappy a game is as long as it has Mario in the title: Mario Party.

I'm sorry there are people like you who are so adamant against Mario Galaxy that you can't honestly see what's good about it. And if you ARE so stubborn as to pass it off as nothing more than the same old thing, then you ought to take your precious time to go play something that DOES come out every year like Madden,...

So in short, stfu about it. Goddamn. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who think their own "I hate X" opinion has to flare up like a case of goddamn hemorrhoids when they run into someone who happens to like X.

The only one being so goddamned adamant and angry is you. You started it - as you always seem to do when anyone blasphemes against the Nintendo Gods and the prophets of the videogame universe. All I did was make an offhand comment that I didn't know what all the fuss was about and you got your panties in a twist. I don't hate Nintendo and I don't hate Mario so just relax. If you enjoy it so much then you shouldn't give a rats ass what anybody else thinks.
Mario Galaxy has a story. I think things get lost in translation, though, because every time a Mario game has a story with cut scenes, it seems like it involves someone getting really high and telling some longwinded story that's completely abstract and makes zero sense.

Seriously, what the fuck happened in that final cutscene? It wasn't as bad as Super Princess Peach's "Umbrella Chronicles," but what the hell happened at the end?
Did everyone fucking die in a supernova and get resurrected in an alternate universe where everyone was fucking friends? Jesus.

Gameplay was hella fun though. I skipped the entire last galaxy because I had like 65 stars by the time I got to it, and the "center of the universe" unlocked at the same time and I wasn't sure if it would be the final level or not.

I need to go back and get all the stars now.
[quote name='bmulligan']I should stop right there because, obviously, your myopic condition prevents you from seeing correctly more than 4 feet in front of your face. Either that you're off your medication and are hallucinating more powerful graphics on the Wii compared to the gamecube. [/quote]

That's hilarious, because there's a lot of proof that the system is more powerful. You can ask Julian Eggebrecht for more proof if you'd like, one of the big honchos over at Factor 5. You know, the guys who made Lair, who are currently only developing products for the PS3, and thus have absolutely no reason to talk at all about how much power the Wii has.

You might as well tell me next that Halo 2 could have been done on the Xbox, since both iterations use the same main character.

You've got to be kidding me if you believe a mario platformer has a meaty story. My hypothesis about your undermedicated state is proving correct. Yes, any videogame can be reduced to a one sentence description based on it's most simplistic elements. But some games take the time to flesh out an actual story, make an attempt at actual dialog, and create some semblance of character development. The fact that you can even begin to compare a mario story to "Final Fantasy, every Metal Gear Solid, every Halo, etc etc." further proves my point that you are insane.

I didn't compare them. I said if you want to reduce all games to one sentence - which YOU did first, by the way - it's not difficult to do at all. And since you seem fit to think it's absolutely devoid of any kind of story, then I thought I'd take it a step further and call you out on your bullshit hypothesis.

Now I'll admit - you got me on character development, since there's zero amount of that in Galaxy. Bravo. But I guess if that were the only thing available in the realm of story-telling, there would be a problem. One that pompous jerks could twist around on their tiny little fingers while pretending that made them feel so much smarter than everyone else.

I'm not railing against Nintendo fans, I am one. I just can't take everything they produce as shiny platinum perfection simply because it has Mario stamped on the cover. I'll be the first one to agree that I'm a pompous prick, but it seems like I'm in good company. Unfortunately that lobster claw's got too hard a hold on your pecker for you to see anything objectively through your nintendo colored Sunshine glasses.

Once again, "I hate the fact other people are enjoying something else, and while I'm at it, I'll make some other dumbshit comments about how everyone who likes something more than me is an idiot."

Good god. I don't care for a lot of popular games, but I don't go around bashing the fans OR taking it out on the fact that said game might be held in high regard. I'll leave it simply that the game isn't for me and that everything after that is trivial.

For example, if I purchased a PS3 and complained none of the games appealed to me, I'd get railroaded by a trail of mindless fanboys (though, sadly, they are without their figurehead, TMK). Which is why I don't have a PS3. I know the games aren't interesting to me, and I leave it at that. If anyone else wants to pick up the system and enjoy it, then ok.

Bow down and worship at the altar of the NES when you re-purchased super mario 2 for the fourth time. Then again for the virtual console. Then wake up and realize the mario tennis, strikers, golf, and donkey wonking, is the same fucking iteration you bought 3 times over already as well.

So how many games in the last year have you bought that have no resemblance at all to anything before it? I imagine there's less than a handful at best, since everything builds on everything before it and tends to be a reiteration of a reiteration of something prior.

Also, bravo on changing your argument. So you've gone from "the game is stupid/I don't like it/everyone who likes it is a dumdum" to "REPURCHASE IT ON THE VIRTUAL CONSOLE YOU SHEEPLE!"

There should be a rule somewhere that you lose the argument the moment you start talking about other shit that has nothing to do with what you started talking about, because you're a simple minded fool who has to run away to different retarded half-points to bitch and moan about because you can't defend anything else you said previously.

Oh wait, there is a rule.

It's not just about platformers either, it's about the entire Mario brand being milked ad infinitum, every generation, with slight improvements, yes, but no major earthshattering revolutions.

Oddly enough, I don't think SMG is revolutionary. I think it is evolutionary. And I think it is a spectacular game.

Now, sadly, there's always going to be tards like you running around screaming at me for liking the game and putting a lot of works in my mouth, and looking rather idiotic while they do so. The only reason you can get away with this shit is because inevitably there's going to be some other mouth-breather drag himself in here and say the exact same thing, all the while completely ignoring anything contrary to their narrowness.

Tell me Mario Baseball Wii is going to be better than the GC version ? I'll bet you already have your opinion without even seeing the cover art.

I never played Mario Baseball. Don't own it, didn't rent it, no one around me is really a gamer. And I'm sorry, where did we have to bring this up at?

Oh, yes, that's right. You can't say anything, so you have to think of more shit to talk about.

But to be fair, I imagine it'll mirror Strikers - a few more players, slightly upgraded graphics, maybe some more items or something. Hell if I know. What the fuck was there in the original? They might even slip in multiplayer Wifi. And it'll either be a good game or not.

I've said this before and I'll say it again - I think Mario as a character is milked. But I damn sure don't think 3 platformers over the course of 10 years is outrageous, especially when his rival mascot characters get FAR MORE games in the same span of time. Nintendo can milk some shit pretty bad, but they can also be surprisingly restrained when they want to be. I think one Mario game on the last two platforms and only one on the Wii so far is pretty odd, don't you think? Same with Smash Bros. They could release Smash Bros every year and watch it sell a few million copies around the globe if they want. And they could have release Wii Sports 2 by now if they wanted.

The jury is out if Wii Sports 2 will come out or not. Or Wii Play 2.

Do go on and tell me how any of this has any fucking thing to do with the original topic at hand.

I just have two words to prove my point that Nintendo and Mario fanboys don't give a shit about how crappy a game is as long as it has Mario in the title: Mario Party.

I don't think it's any kind of secret that even the diehard Nintendo fans tend to not give a shit about Mario Party. It's also no secret that Hudson makes them, and that Hudson is a shitty developer, and that their review scores get lower and lower with each iteration. The graphics are terrible, the minigames are rehashes of rehashes of rehashes, absolutely no redeeming qualities out of the games beyond the fact that they MIGHT be good for one rental provided you have a ton of drunk friends over.

But again, what does that have to do with anything? I'm getting tired of talking to a pompous moving target.

The only one being so goddamned adamant and angry is you. You started it - as you always seem to do when anyone blasphemes against the Nintendo Gods and the prophets of the videogame universe. All I did was make an offhand comment that I didn't know what all the fuss was about and you got your panties in a twist. I don't hate Nintendo and I don't hate Mario so just relax. If you enjoy it so much then you shouldn't give a rats ass what anybody else thinks.

I said the Legend of Frank bullshit is just that - bullshit. I gave reasons why, I backed up the argument, and I made a very good case for myself. You, meanwhile, have come back and totally turned it into a gigantic attack on the entirety that is the system, its games, its developers, and its fans.

What I'm tired of is the exact same retarded arguments in this forum. I think it's no secret that the gaming community as a whole didn't like Nintendo prior to the Wii, and that the story really hasn't changed much. Which doesn't bother me - they've done quite a bit to earn some of those negative opinions. That's all good and fine. But I'm tired of the idiotic arguments being brought up that could be leveled at ANY number of developers across the entire industry, but for some reason, they aren't.

I don't bother to go into the 360 or PS3 forums, because there's no reason for me to be in there. But I'm willing to bet there's just as many stupid things said with no other reason but to bash Sony or Microsoft, such as "The 360 only has shooters" or "The PS3 is too expensive." And I'm sure there's just as many people in there who just want these stupid arguments to stop because it's nothing more than bullshit opinion after bullshit uninformed ignorant opinion spoken like it's fact.
[quote name='Strell']That's hilarious, because there's a lot of proof that the system is more powerful. You can ask Julian Eggebrecht for more proof if you'd like, one of the big honchos over at Factor 5. You know, the guys who made Lair, who are currently only developing products for the PS3, and thus have absolutely no reason to talk at all about how much power the Wii has.

You might as well tell me next that Halo 2 could have been done on the Xbox, since both iterations use the same main character.

I didn't compare them. I said if you want to reduce all games to one sentence - which YOU did first, by the way - it's not difficult to do at all. And since you seem fit to think it's absolutely devoid of any kind of story, then I thought I'd take it a step further and call you out on your bullshit hypothesis.

Now I'll admit - you got me on character development, since there's zero amount of that in Galaxy. Bravo. But I guess if that were the only thing available in the realm of story-telling, there would be a problem. One that pompous jerks could twist around on their tiny little fingers while pretending that made them feel so much smarter than everyone else.

Once again, "I hate the fact other people are enjoying something else, and while I'm at it, I'll make some other dumbshit comments about how everyone who likes something more than me is an idiot."

Good god. I don't care for a lot of popular games, but I don't go around bashing the fans OR taking it out on the fact that said game might be held in high regard. I'll leave it simply that the game isn't for me and that everything after that is trivial.

For example, if I purchased a PS3 and complained none of the games appealed to me, I'd get railroaded by a trail of mindless fanboys (though, sadly, they are without their figurehead, TMK). Which is why I don't have a PS3. I know the games aren't interesting to me, and I leave it at that. If anyone else wants to pick up the system and enjoy it, then ok.

So how many games in the last year have you bought that have no resemblance at all to anything before it? I imagine there's less than a handful at best, since everything builds on everything before it and tends to be a reiteration of a reiteration of something prior.

Also, bravo on changing your argument. So you've gone from "the game is stupid/I don't like it/everyone who likes it is a dumdum" to "REPURCHASE IT ON THE VIRTUAL CONSOLE YOU SHEEPLE!"

There should be a rule somewhere that you lose the argument the moment you start talking about other shit that has nothing to do with what you started talking about, because you're a simple minded fool who has to run away to different retarded half-points to bitch and moan about because you can't defend anything else you said previously.

Oh wait, there is a rule.

Oddly enough, I don't think SMG is revolutionary. I think it is evolutionary. And I think it is a spectacular game.

Now, sadly, there's always going to be tards like you running around screaming at me for liking the game and putting a lot of works in my mouth, and looking rather idiotic while they do so. The only reason you can get away with this shit is because inevitably there's going to be some other mouth-breather drag himself in here and say the exact same thing, all the while completely ignoring anything contrary to their narrowness.

I never played Mario Baseball. Don't own it, didn't rent it, no one around me is really a gamer. And I'm sorry, where did we have to bring this up at?

Oh, yes, that's right. You can't say anything, so you have to think of more shit to talk about.

But to be fair, I imagine it'll mirror Strikers - a few more players, slightly upgraded graphics, maybe some more items or something. Hell if I know. What the fuck was there in the original? They might even slip in multiplayer Wifi. And it'll either be a good game or not.

I've said this before and I'll say it again - I think Mario as a character is milked. But I damn sure don't think 3 platformers over the course of 10 years is outrageous, especially when his rival mascot characters get FAR MORE games in the same span of time. Nintendo can milk some shit pretty bad, but they can also be surprisingly restrained when they want to be. I think one Mario game on the last two platforms and only one on the Wii so far is pretty odd, don't you think? Same with Smash Bros. They could release Smash Bros every year and watch it sell a few million copies around the globe if they want. And they could have release Wii Sports 2 by now if they wanted.

The jury is out if Wii Sports 2 will come out or not. Or Wii Play 2.

Do go on and tell me how any of this has any fucking thing to do with the original topic at hand.

I don't think it's any kind of secret that even the diehard Nintendo fans tend to not give a shit about Mario Party. It's also no secret that Hudson makes them, and that Hudson is a shitty developer, and that their review scores get lower and lower with each iteration. The graphics are terrible, the minigames are rehashes of rehashes of rehashes, absolutely no redeeming qualities out of the games beyond the fact that they MIGHT be good for one rental provided you have a ton of drunk friends over.

But again, what does that have to do with anything? I'm getting tired of talking to a pompous moving target.

I said the Legend of Frank bullshit is just that - bullshit. I gave reasons why, I backed up the argument, and I made a very good case for myself. You, meanwhile, have come back and totally turned it into a gigantic attack on the entirety that is the system, its games, its developers, and its fans.

What I'm tired of is the exact same retarded arguments in this forum. I think it's no secret that the gaming community as a whole didn't like Nintendo prior to the Wii, and that the story really hasn't changed much. Which doesn't bother me - they've done quite a bit to earn some of those negative opinions. That's all good and fine. But I'm tired of the idiotic arguments being brought up that could be leveled at ANY number of developers across the entire industry, but for some reason, they aren't.

I don't bother to go into the 360 or PS3 forums, because there's no reason for me to be in there. But I'm willing to bet there's just as many stupid things said with no other reason but to bash Sony or Microsoft, such as "The 360 only has shooters" or "The PS3 is too expensive." And I'm sure there's just as many people in there who just want these stupid arguments to stop because it's nothing more than bullshit opinion after bullshit uninformed ignorant opinion spoken like it's fact.[/quote]

tl; dr

I'm just in this thread for teh lulz.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I'm enjoying Mario Galaxy, thank you very much.[/QUOTE]

this is how you do it. I'm not reading pages and pages of rants
the wii is revolutionary because of the motion sensitive controller. anyone that can flick their wrist left, right, up or down can pretty much play. if you take the motion sensitivity, its just a gamecube. and im afraid that mario galaxy had already exceeded the power of the system.

i sorta agree to this argument though. i barely touched my wii until mario galaxy came out. even my son (4 yrs old) who i basically bought the system for doesn't even play wii sports anymore. they pushed brawl until next year because they really had nothing else after that unless they announce a new IP or yet another sequel. or maybe another party game.
[quote name='phear3d']the wii is revolutionary because of the motion sensitive controller. anyone that can flick their wrist left, right, up or down can pretty much play. if you take the motion sensitivity, its just a gamecube. and im afraid that mario galaxy had already exceeded the power of the system.

i sorta agree to this argument though. i barely touched my wii until mario galaxy came out. even my son (4 yrs old) who i basically bought the system for doesn't even play wii sports anymore. they pushed brawl until next year because they really had nothing else after that unless they announce a new IP or yet another sequel. or maybe another party game.[/quote]

Its definitely a quirky system. Generally, it always gets some use -- between the backwards compatable GameCube library, the internet channel, the VC, and the actual Wii games...although its primary use isn't always playing Wii stuff.

I love mine, though.
[quote name='bmulligan'] I never said Galaxy wasn't FUN. I said it wasn't groundbreaking. In a nutshell it's: Mario Sunshine 2- happy planet land" And it doesn't even have a new coat of paint. Popping in Sunshine for 5 minutes makes me wonder if this game was really developed for the Wii specifically at all as it could easily have been a cube game sans Wii control. [/QUOTE]

I know you watched your son play, but I really think you need to play Super Mario Galaxy. I could see how it would appear at a glance to be very similar to Sunshine, but there is a lot more gameplay variety in Super Mario Galaxy. The galaxies concept is brilliant because it throws out the traditional planar platformer and makes you utilize every 3d direction. This just adds to the variety provided by the motion controls, and the varying objectives for each star.

[quote name='bmulligan'] And games like R&C, metal Gear, et. al. have the benefit of an actual STORY to make their characters endearing enough to live through multiple instances of a franchise. Shallow as they may be they are immensely more complex than collecting Pure hearts, or Stars, or Sunshines, for that matter, or because big, old DK or Bowser took princess daisy to the top level. Yes, all mario games are nothing more than the original Donkey Kong in 3 brightly, primary colored dimensions. No story necessary, please, keep moving please, thanks for the $50. Here's more, thanks for another $50. [/QUOTE]

This is the crux of why I beleive Mario gets improperly painted with the rehash brush more than other franchises. For many gamers, story is the primary element used to differentiate and define games. Even though Mario Galaxy has more new gameplay elements and gameplay variety than most other platformers combined, because it is a Mario game, with the same story, is receives the rehash label. IMO it's easier to throw in a new story, but do nothing to change the gameplay (MGS), than the opposite.

[quote name='bmulligan']Honestly, with all the railing against Madden fans eating up each years reprint like it was filet mignon, I really don't see that Mario fans are much different. [/QUOTE]

Are you referring to games with Mario in them or Mario platformers?
Im going to make a large guess and say that the wii is a stepping platform. Every console they turn a profit. I could see them putting out a powerfull system 2 years from now to compeat with sony. Sonys ps3 is ment to last... how long did they say... 8 years? in 2 years nintendo could make a stronger system for less. nintendo is in a very good position right now. They dont have to wait to turn a profit and that gives this amazing flexibility.
[quote name='bmulligan']And games like R&C, metal Gear, et. al. have the benefit of an actual STORY to make their characters endearing enough to live through multiple instances of a franchise. Shallow as they may be they are immensely more complex than collecting Pure hearts, or Stars, or Sunshines, for that matter, or because big, old DK or Bowser took princess daisy to the top level. Yes, all mario games are nothing more than the original Donkey Kong in 3 brightly, primary colored dimensions. No story necessary, please, keep moving please, thanks for the $50. Here's more, thanks for another $50.[/quote]Story isn't everything. Just because there's no story doesn't make it a good game. A good story is awesome yes but Mario is about gameplay and I think it can stand on it's own with gameplay.
Random Thought:

The Wii's popularity does not piss me off. It's controls are the real-deal but I think that for $250 it should have had HD. It's a little disappointing to have such a nice new system with great new controls (and online compatibility) with graphics that look worse than the Xbox (just my opinion).

The jaggies and textures look pretty rough (yes, even SMG) on an HDTV even with component cables. Graphics cards with HD res are so cheap!

As far as the games being ports and shallow, etc...that's not really the Wii's fault. It's just what Developers think is the cheapest and what the fanbase wants (based on sales). That's just economics.
[quote name='Strell']That's hilarious, because there's a lot of proof that the system is more powerful. You can ask Julian Eggebrecht for more proof if you'd like, one of the big honchos over at Factor 5. You know, the guys who made Lair, who are currently only developing products for the PS3, and thus have absolutely no reason to talk at all about how much power the Wii has.

You might as well tell me next that Halo 2 could have been done on the Xbox, since both iterations use the same main character.

I didn't compare them. I said if you want to reduce all games to one sentence - which YOU did first, by the way - it's not difficult to do at all. And since you seem fit to think it's absolutely devoid of any kind of story, then I thought I'd take it a step further and call you out on your bullshit hypothesis.

Now I'll admit - you got me on character development, since there's zero amount of that in Galaxy. Bravo. But I guess if that were the only thing available in the realm of story-telling, there would be a problem. One that pompous jerks could twist around on their tiny little fingers while pretending that made them feel so much smarter than everyone else.

Once again, "I hate the fact other people are enjoying something else, and while I'm at it, I'll make some other dumbshit comments about how everyone who likes something more than me is an idiot."

Good god. I don't care for a lot of popular games, but I don't go around bashing the fans OR taking it out on the fact that said game might be held in high regard. I'll leave it simply that the game isn't for me and that everything after that is trivial.

For example, if I purchased a PS3 and complained none of the games appealed to me, I'd get railroaded by a trail of mindless fanboys (though, sadly, they are without their figurehead, TMK). Which is why I don't have a PS3. I know the games aren't interesting to me, and I leave it at that. If anyone else wants to pick up the system and enjoy it, then ok.

So how many games in the last year have you bought that have no resemblance at all to anything before it? I imagine there's less than a handful at best, since everything builds on everything before it and tends to be a reiteration of a reiteration of something prior.

Also, bravo on changing your argument. So you've gone from "the game is stupid/I don't like it/everyone who likes it is a dumdum" to "REPURCHASE IT ON THE VIRTUAL CONSOLE YOU SHEEPLE!"

There should be a rule somewhere that you lose the argument the moment you start talking about other shit that has nothing to do with what you started talking about, because you're a simple minded fool who has to run away to different retarded half-points to bitch and moan about because you can't defend anything else you said previously.

Oh wait, there is a rule.

Oddly enough, I don't think SMG is revolutionary. I think it is evolutionary. And I think it is a spectacular game.

Now, sadly, there's always going to be tards like you running around screaming at me for liking the game and putting a lot of works in my mouth, and looking rather idiotic while they do so. The only reason you can get away with this shit is because inevitably there's going to be some other mouth-breather drag himself in here and say the exact same thing, all the while completely ignoring anything contrary to their narrowness.

I never played Mario Baseball. Don't own it, didn't rent it, no one around me is really a gamer. And I'm sorry, where did we have to bring this up at?

Oh, yes, that's right. You can't say anything, so you have to think of more shit to talk about.

But to be fair, I imagine it'll mirror Strikers - a few more players, slightly upgraded graphics, maybe some more items or something. Hell if I know. What the fuck was there in the original? They might even slip in multiplayer Wifi. And it'll either be a good game or not.

I've said this before and I'll say it again - I think Mario as a character is milked. But I damn sure don't think 3 platformers over the course of 10 years is outrageous, especially when his rival mascot characters get FAR MORE games in the same span of time. Nintendo can milk some shit pretty bad, but they can also be surprisingly restrained when they want to be. I think one Mario game on the last two platforms and only one on the Wii so far is pretty odd, don't you think? Same with Smash Bros. They could release Smash Bros every year and watch it sell a few million copies around the globe if they want. And they could have release Wii Sports 2 by now if they wanted.

The jury is out if Wii Sports 2 will come out or not. Or Wii Play 2.

Do go on and tell me how any of this has any fucking thing to do with the original topic at hand.

I don't think it's any kind of secret that even the diehard Nintendo fans tend to not give a shit about Mario Party. It's also no secret that Hudson makes them, and that Hudson is a shitty developer, and that their review scores get lower and lower with each iteration. The graphics are terrible, the minigames are rehashes of rehashes of rehashes, absolutely no redeeming qualities out of the games beyond the fact that they MIGHT be good for one rental provided you have a ton of drunk friends over.

But again, what does that have to do with anything? I'm getting tired of talking to a pompous moving target.

I said the Legend of Frank bullshit is just that - bullshit. I gave reasons why, I backed up the argument, and I made a very good case for myself. You, meanwhile, have come back and totally turned it into a gigantic attack on the entirety that is the system, its games, its developers, and its fans.

What I'm tired of is the exact same retarded arguments in this forum. I think it's no secret that the gaming community as a whole didn't like Nintendo prior to the Wii, and that the story really hasn't changed much. Which doesn't bother me - they've done quite a bit to earn some of those negative opinions. That's all good and fine. But I'm tired of the idiotic arguments being brought up that could be leveled at ANY number of developers across the entire industry, but for some reason, they aren't.

I don't bother to go into the 360 or PS3 forums, because there's no reason for me to be in there. But I'm willing to bet there's just as many stupid things said with no other reason but to bash Sony or Microsoft, such as "The 360 only has shooters" or "The PS3 is too expensive." And I'm sure there's just as many people in there who just want these stupid arguments to stop because it's nothing more than bullshit opinion after bullshit uninformed ignorant opinion spoken like it's fact.[/quote]Christ man, I don't like my MOM enough to post that much to defend her, let alone a videogame company.

I think a lot of the Wii hate is directed more towards the Nintendo fanboys, who are by far my loyal and dedicated than their Sony and Microsoft adversaries. My roommate for example. If I even jokingly say something bad about Miyamoto or Nintendo, he takes it personal.
[quote name='mega_n00bzer']this is how you do it. I'm not reading pages and pages of rants[/quote]

QFT, It's hard to know how full of shit Strell is when his posts are too damn long to read.
[quote name='bmulligan']
The only one being so goddamned adamant and angry is you. You started it - as you always seem to do when anyone blasphemes against the Nintendo Gods and the prophets of the videogame universe. All I did was make an offhand comment that I didn't know what all the fuss was about and you got your panties in a twist. I don't hate Nintendo and I don't hate Mario so just relax. If you enjoy it so much then you shouldn't give a rats ass what anybody else thinks.[/QUOTE]

Well said. While I disagree with you on many points, I'll never understand why the fanboys get so riled up about relatively innocuous comments such as you saying that you don't see what the fuss is about.

I fucking love the game so far, think it's absolutely amazing, but I couldn't care less if some people don't see what the fuss is about.

I just like to play games I enjoy. Don't care what others are playing, don't care what console sales how many machines, and certainly don't care what the loser fanboys are posting on the net from their mommy's basement.

Just STFU and enjoy the games you like people!
[quote name='dmaul1114']Well said...I'll never understand why the fanboys get so riled up about relatively innocuous comments such as you saying that you don't see what the fuss is about.

I fucking love the game so far, think it's absolutely amazing, but I couldn't care less if some people don't see what the fuss is about.

I just like to play games I enjoy. Don't care what others are playing, don't care what console sales how many machines, and certainly don't care what the loser fanboys are posting on the net from their mommy's basement.

Just STFU and enjoy the games you like people![/quote]

:applause: That last sentence is sig worthy. :applause:
[quote name='Strell']That's hilarious, because there's a lot of proof that the system is more powerful. You can ask Julian Eggebrecht for more proof if you'd like, one of the big honchos over at Factor 5. You know, the guys who made Lair, who are currently only developing products for the PS3, and thus have absolutely no reason to talk at all about how much power the Wii has.

You might as well tell me next that Halo 2 could have been done on the Xbox, since both iterations use the same main character.[/quote]

Um, Halo 2 WAS done on the Xbox. Perhaps you mean Halo 3. More evidence that your emotions are getting the better of your judgment. And Since Halo 3 was only running in 720p, I'll hazard a guess that it too could have been done on the original Xbox.

The Wii may be more powerful, wherever you require to obtain your 3d party proof, but when it's not discernible to one's naked eye, it can't be part of an argument that a game is awesomely more powerful just because the system is.

Once again, "I hate the fact other people are enjoying something else, and while I'm at it, I'll make some other dumbshit comments about how everyone who likes something more than me is an idiot."

Good god. I don't care for a lot of popular games, but I don't go around bashing the fans OR taking it out on the fact that said game might be held in high regard. I'll leave it simply that the game isn't for me and that everything after that is trivial.

You really get off on your own imagination. You take great leaps to be so certain I hate the fact you and everyone else are having fun with a game. This persecution complex of yours is also a sign of mental illness. I'm glad you are enjoying your new mario game. I'm glad you can get joy from something in this world because everything else just seems to make you angry.

So how many games in the last year have you bought that have no resemblance at all to anything before it? I imagine there's less than a handful at best, since everything builds on everything before it and tends to be a reiteration of a reiteration of something prior.

Yup, it's the problem I have with the videogame industry as a whole, especially the consumers who eat the same shit up like it was cocaine on a tit. It's also the same shit you complain about - graphics don't matter, the games are the same, madden fans are idiots cause they buy the same shit over and over again.

For the record, I also don't have a PS3 as I can't find anything interesting to drop $500 to play that I haven't already wasted my money on before. I played Halo and Halo 2 into boredom so I'll use the same argument on that franchise as well.

Also, bravo on changing your argument. So you've gone from "the game is stupid/I don't like it/everyone who likes it is a dumdum" to "REPURCHASE IT ON THE VIRTUAL CONSOLE YOU SHEEPLE!"

There should be a rule somewhere that you lose the argument the moment you start talking about other shit that has nothing to do with what you started talking about, because you're a simple minded fool who has to run away to different retarded half-points to bitch and moan about because you can't defend anything else you said previously.

Jesus freaking christ, are you that desperate that you need to put words in my mouth? I never said I hate Mario/the game is stupid/you are a dum-dum, although the last one is becoming more and more apparent that you are filled up with some kind of dum-dum material. And no one is screaming but you. You seem to think that a stream of insults replaces evidence and proves your point. All it does is take away from your credibility. It's nice to say that my argument has failed, but it doesn't make it so just becuase you feel it so passionately. I literally feel like I'm arguing with a woman.

I've said this before and I'll say it again - I think Mario as a character is milked. But I damn sure don't think 3 platformers over the course of 10 years is outrageous, especially when his rival mascot characters get FAR MORE games in the same span of time. Nintendo can milk some shit pretty bad, but they can also be surprisingly restrained when they want to be. I think one Mario game on the last two platforms and only one on the Wii so far is pretty odd, don't you think? Same with Smash Bros. They could release Smash Bros every year and watch it sell a few million copies around the globe ithey want. And they could have release Wii Sports 2 by now if they wanted.

The wait between mario platformers only exacerbates the anticipatory ejaculation upon a mario release. It's like only getting sex once every 3-4 years. You think about it so godamn much in reflectionary orgasm that when the time finally comes, you blow your wad as soon as you open the package. And in all your post ejaculatory stupor, you always claim it's the best sex you've ever had - yet it's the same damn whore you've been fucking since grade school, only now she wears more makeup and has a stash.

Your tirade is so outrageous I can't tell if you are serious or not anymore. Your argument consists of the fact that you love mario and everyone else can fuck off. That's fine, you're entitled to your opinion even if it can't be based in reality or anything other than your past emotional attachment to Nintendo. Have fun playing your game, I'll get to it eventually when my kid has finished with it. I'm sure I'll enjoy it - but jesus, I'm not going to buy it a freaking diamond ring and call it swetheart for the rest of my life.

psssst......BTW, someone out there hates you because you are happy !
[quote name='Wolfkin']Story isn't everything. Just because there's no story doesn't make it a good game. A good story is awesome yes but Mario is about gameplay and I think it can stand on it's own with gameplay.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I agree. I never said mario wasn't good, or wasn't good because of it's lack of developed story. Some games can be fun, and play well no matter what the story's content is. Undoubtedly I've played games before there were stories and enjoyed them. Some just feel the need to defend every point about Mario and allude that every bit of Mario story is at par with any other game.
[quote name='dmaul1114']...don't care what console sales how many machines...[/quote]

while I agree with what you have said for the most part, i must digress on this issue. Its important for the console you get to be supported or it will end up like the dreamcast, and sales is a good indicator if it will be supported by 3rd parties because it indicates the absolute maximum number of units of a specific game that can be sold.

The wii though is in a strange location. Its not directly competing with the xbox and ps3. I think sales numbers is more important between xbox and ps3. still the number of units for a console sold is a indicator of the consoles health. no one wants a working console with crappy games.
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