Things that annoy you xD

Especially the ones who will nitpick a a great/pretty good scifi movie/show to death with Star Wars references or praise, almost always to the original 3 movies.

Get over it people, the last good Star Wars movie came out over 30 years ago. Take Firefly, BSG, Continuum, WH13, Riddick and countless other modern scifi movies/shows for what they are and support them. I don't give a shit about your godsent old ass movie that you can't move past.

Man I know exactly who you are describing.

Someone sounds bitter.

haha I hope not I just wrote them down all at once because I knew I would forget if I didn't.

You're a nerd who hates nerds. Just don't do midnight launches and you'll be fine.

Well I wouldn't really label myself a nerd and I don't really hate nerds just people that go out of their way to point it out. Like I don't understand why you can't just be a person that likes anime or comics. Why do you want/need the label. You don't call people with licences drivers. End rant.
People at work who just yell out.

"What's this mean?"  "What am I supposed to do now?" "I don't understand this thing" and then expect someone to come over to help them.

It's usually me going over to help because everyone else has given up on this person years ago.

Look, you've been here 20+ years. You should know how to load the reagents by now. You know how to footnote a delta check, stop asking me.

You've SEEN that type of cell before, stop yelling about it and asking people to come look at.

1. People who refuse to apologize. They could hit you with their car, leave you in a coma for a year, and they would still refuse to apologize or express any sympathy.

- Sportsbooks that lower my limits, so instead of one big play I have to do multiple bets and possibly influence the line for the worse. 

- People who tail/speed/drive recklessly during peak traffic hours. Bitch, it ain't gonna get you to your destination any faster, and only greater increases the probability of an accident or influencing others to get into accidents. So stupid.

- Sportsbooks that lower my limits, so instead of one big play I have to do multiple bets and possibly influence the line for the worse.
Unless you're some real big shot (and if you are, I'm not sure what you're doing on CAG), I doubt you're moving the line.

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Where do I begin...

People that judge others based on how they act,talk and other things.

People that act like they are better than someone and know everything.

People that don't wash their hands.

People that let their car roll to the point I don't know if their going to stop or pull out from side streets.

People that keep staring at me.

People that use the term YOLO, U mad bro or you salty bro. Its all really stupid.

People that correct my grammar online like it matters.

People that make fun of people in general. Also, it pisses me off people make fun of handicap,fat people or people in general.

People on psn,xbl that sings or acts like a complete dumbass or that is just rude in general for no reason.

People that are loud or rude in general.

Kids running around and parents not making them behave. Kids crying and screaming in general in a public place.

People that act nice to your face and talk shit behind your back.

People that tell me what I should do when I never asked for advice.

I think that's pretty much everything that annoys me...

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People on psn,xbl that sings or acts like a complete dumbass or that is just rude in general for no reason.

People that are loud or rude in general.

Kids running around and parents not making them behave. Kids crying and screaming in general in a public place.

People that act nice to your face and talk shit behind your back.
My wife thinks out loud about those two..........I always have the feeling that I am the one going to be punched in the face. :whistle2:\

People that don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze in public.
Well some studies have shown that covering your mouth with your hand actually makes it more likely for someone to get what you have because most people don't wash their hands afterwards. Now sneezing away or to a corner is actually better.

I don't know why but people around me lately are obsessed with using hand sanitizers.

It annoys the HELL out of me when I see people with friends and significant others that are WAAAY hotter than them. Granted, I've done the same thing but sometimes the gap is just laughably huge. It's like...brah, u blind!? :boxing:

Since this happened to me today: I hate when people come to a complete stop to turn. C'mon people, my top-heavy Blazer can take corners going 50mph, I'm sure your Corolla can handle one at more than 3mph.
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I can't stand when people constantly talk during a movie, especially when their cell phone goes off. This is one of the main reasons why I only go to the theater a couple of times a year.

I agree with all the driving ones. I'm also not a fan of people who decide to be "backseat drivers" and think you need to switch lanes and drive faster at their whim. People who are in a hurry while driving always bugs me, although I laugh whenever we end up at the same stop light. Who knew people were in such a hurry to use their brakes?

I can't stand internet trolls who just like to pick fights. I also hate when people say "you know" (yes I know. Get out of my head.)  and "I mean" (yes because you just said it).

Also not a fan of people who love to say "like" over and over. I'm talking to you, Miley Cyrus.

when mother insists on opening my door when I'm masturbating

like I purposely put the audio higher so she can know what I'm doing ugh

- Re-releases of albums (with a few new songs) less than a year after the original album or multiples stores having their own exclusive edition of a CD. There should be an easier way of finding out how many versions of an album there are and where to get them.

-Anxiously awaiting for the release of a new video game only to put it in your backlog once you purchase it on release day.

When the wife clogs the dvr with teen mom, catfish, the voice or any other music reality show.   Or when a show I want to DVR happens to be in the same time as two of her other shows...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

People that do not know how to use simple electronics like a ATM, gas pump, or self check out at a grocery store. I spent 20 minutes waiting in the COSTCO gas pump line cause the guy right in front of me couldn't figure out how to swipe his costco card and then atm card at the pump.
Wait what? That comment it self sounds creepy.
Well... I could see how that would be creepy. This usually happens when I take my mother and grandmother shopping. I'll just hang out at a mall sofa and wait until they are done.

Maybe I should just stop playing in public....

Or maybe I should just remove my Slime Decal



Anyways oh yeah that too.

People who pay, pump, close up, go inside and hold the damn slot for 5 mins! :(

Other times this one station that I have gotten soooo pissed of with lately that I don't go to anymore.  Anyways while pumping gas, some employees come out with that cleaner shit that they want to sell you while you stuck at the pump.  As soon as they walk up I tell them I am not interested and of course they taunt me trying to pass off their annoying product advertisement as a friendly greeting.   Sometimes I wish I could wave a gun for them to back off, but that wouldn't be a good idea.  Because of that I don't go to that station anymore.

- Re-releases of albums (with a few new songs) less than a year after the original album or multiples stores having their own exclusive edition of a CD. There should be an easier way of finding out how many versions of an album there are and where to get them.
This, this, this, this, and all of this. Record labels pull this crap so often especially with multiple stores getting exclusives that in the end it's too much of an headache and I'll end up passing on buying whatever album it is. Not to mention all the money one would waste just to get a few extra songs or whatever. Oh and the record labels also wondering why people pirate well stuff like this certainly doesn't help their cause in getting people to buy their product legitimately.

This, this, this, this, and all of this. Record labels pull this crap so often especially with multiple stores getting exclusives that in the end it's too much of an headache and I'll end up passing on buying whatever album it is. Not to mention all the money one would waste just to get a few extra songs or whatever. Oh and the record labels also wondering why people pirate well stuff like this certainly doesn't help their cause in getting people to buy their product legitimately.
well i feel the very same way about how "DLC" is done with games. people are buying unfinished games imo. i miss the days when you really got the best of a company or at least an attempt. i also strongly agree with you on point on why people pirate, now i'm not saying its right but retail practices are becoming very shady.

One thing that really annoys me is having to unlock shit in fighting games. I just wanna jump online but no, I gotta unlock the character/costume first by fighting the cheap AI

Lets add more shall we?

-You go up to someone (like an office jockey), ask/talk to them, they give you one second look and go back to looking at their screen while answering your question.  Then someone else comes into the room they know and they give them 100% attention.

-Students who find it necessary to EAT in class.

-Students who have one ear piece up and the other one down OR both looped over their ears so they can drown out what you are saying during class.

-Parents who let their kids RUN around a crowded restaurant without supervision and get pissed when their kids bump into you causing the kids to fall down.  

-Stupid Walmart self check out systems that have a melt down when something isn't bagged right causing it to lock you out until a supervisor comes..  Had that happened twice over the weekend.

- Parents who can't see fault in thier own children's shitty moves. Was driving home going 10mph through my neighborhood, which is a 25. (trust me, on the interstates, I drive -fast-). Kid jumps out from behind a parked vehicle to dash across the road, almost getting hit. Parent yells at me. F you and your dumb ass kid.

I'm sure teachers have to deal with this shit all the time. My precious, he would never do -anything- wrong or make a bad judgement!

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- Parents who can't see fault in thier own children's shitty moves. Was driving home going 10mph through my neighborhood, which is a 25. (trust me, on the interstates, I drive -fast-). Kid jumps out from behind a parked vehicle to dash across the road, almost getting hit. Parent yells at me. F you and your dumb ass kid.

I'm sure teachers have to deal with this shit all the time. My precious, he would never do -anything- wrong or make a bad judgement!
That's why the country is full of entitled dipshits. I'm not even talking about a political issue. You see plenty of them on Cag.

@ITDEFX - I got a guy at my work that does that shit. He won't be working there much longer. My rule is always pay 100% attention. If you cannot, excuse yourself and address that person later.
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-When people at my office stop what they are doing for 20 minutes and complain about their kids.  Not just complain while they're working, literally STOP what they are doing and complain about the kid for 20 minutes every hour, then wonder why they didnt get much done during the day.  We're not all robots but learn the fuck how to multitask.

-Drivers who dont use their blinker on the highway

- CAGS who pass on so many good games they are legit interested in at $15-$20 because "it will hit $9.99" but buying any shitty game that goes for $7.99 or $9.99 on sale because "hey its only $10!"

Co-workers who have been doing the same job as me for 20+ years longer than I have complaining about how "things are so confusing".

We had to add a R to the Fire Alarm RACE Acrornym. (RACER) Someone actually said "Great, one more thing to remember!"

You're an idiot if an extra R is going to cause you mental strain,

Co-workers who have been doing the same job as me for 20+ years longer than I have complaining about how "things are so confusing".

We had to add a R to the Fire Alarm RACE Acrornym. (RACER) Someone actually said "Great, one more thing to remember!"

You're an idiot if an extra R is going to cause you mental strain,
I would either slap them on the spot or be the first one out while everyone tries to remember that what that fucking R means.

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well i feel the very same way about how "DLC" is done with games. people are buying unfinished games imo. i miss the days when you really got the best of a company or at least an attempt. i also strongly agree with you on point on why people pirate, now i'm not saying its right but retail practices are becoming very shady.
Totally agree on "DLC" these days. I wouldn't mind DLC if it was worthwhile stuff being added to an already great game. But instead it's turned into a few map addons for Call Of Duty: Madden Of FPS Games that could of easily been included with the game but nope Activision wants to milk money from you as much as they can but make you think you are getting a "deal."

Okay here's a few things that annoy me:

- People who have to tell you every single freaking detail of something they are about to do. Seriously I get it you are about to go get lunch or something but you see my face here? It's the face of I really don't care much at all.

- People who interrupt you mid-sentence. Especially annoying when you are say telling them how to fix something then they cut you off to go into some off topic nonsense rant.

- People who feel the need to speed ahead of you on the highway which probably has them speeding to get ahead of you only to... slow down to below the speed limit. Really?

I hate it when people bitch that all amazon does it copy bf sales. SO THE fuck WHAT?! You get to sit at home and get the same prices instead of getting out in the cold (some of us) and leaving your family.

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- People who feel the need to speed ahead of you on the highway which probably has them speeding to get ahead of you only to... slow down to below the speed limit. Really?
Nonono, it's so they can get to the red light faster. :)

I despise cashier humor, such as "I printed it last night!" or "I have a bag already. Left her at home" and stuff like that. Mainly because I hear each and every joke about 20 times a day.

Also, we got new PIN Pads a few months ago. The touch screen buttons are slightly smaller and have smaller hit boxes, leaving some white space between the button and the bottom of the screen. Yet people continue to hit that bottom area and get annoyed when it doesn't take.

Those same pads also have a tendency to "lock" on a button from time to time, causing the confirmation beep to keep ringing. And it doesn't stop until another active button is pressed. So, of course, most of the time it happens on the last button the customer presses.
first world problems.

pepsi is on sale 4 for $12 at target.
they dont have diet pepsi with lime or diet vanilla pepsi. i cannot buy 4 differnet flavors like i planned. i am annoyed.
- People who interrupt you mid-sentence. Especially annoying when you are say telling them how to fix something then they cut you off to go into some off topic nonsense rant.
This. I have a friend who does it regularly even when he knows it. Bad habits die hard I guess. Another thing that annoys me is when I say something like "this game is awesome" and he says "NO!!! This is so fucking awesome". Why say no like I said something wrong and basically agree with me? :censored:

One thing I'd like to add here; people who really have to draw dicks on your cast. I broke both my legs earlier this year and through the course of my recovery, I had had two sneaky dicks that went unnoticed, written under my foot so I couldn't see. On the up side, the casts were like chick magnets. I got asked by random girls all the time (waitresses were the best). They also mostly seemed eager to sign my casts and they wrote the nicest things. :p

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I have a friend who lives by video game scores. Not the actual content of the review, just the score. To him anything bellow an 8.5 isnt worth playing. He loved the Hitman franchise (even liked the movies) but refuses to even try Absolution because it got  mediocre reviews. Even when he could pick it up for $10 he will not even give it a shot.

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-People who come into a movie LATE , stand on the sidelines right next to you (if you are at the end row) so they can find a seat to annoy you.

-People who TAKE pictures with their phones during the OK?!?!?!?!?!  Had one guy behind me take pictures during the trailers BEFORE Oblivion.  I was like WTF dude?! because his flash illuminated the entire theater and a good dirty look got him to stop.


One thing that bugs me a lot is when people think they're far superior than others, and act like they can do whatever they want. I'm sure many agree with me on this one. 

I used to belong to a site that got press releases from Cartoon Network (among other stations). I still belong to the mailing list. Every month, they send out a programming highlight email for them and AS.

All well and good, except that almost every programming email highlights "new" episodes of Young Justice, Green Lantern, Thundercats, Morel Orel, Lucy Daughter of the Devil, and Harvey Birdman, along with the series premiere of Beware the Batman.
My pet peeve is while eating at a fast food joint and customers leave their trash on the trays. Some people don't have the common courtesy to throw away their garbage after they stuff their fatasses.
bread's done