This is the first OTT forum thread of 2007!!

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Joseph had a boner simply because he never got to score with Mary.
Picture my friend just texted me


Low point in my life there
[quote name='seanr1221']I was puking.[/QUOTE]
The correct answer was:

Shitting on the floor was funnier.
[quote name='seanr1221']Picture my friend just texted me


Low point in my life there[/quote]
That's one for the family photo album, right there. :D

"God, fuck... why didn't I jump on that TRU deal?! I'm such a fool! *barf*"
It's cool, sean. The first time I got super drunk, I was at a friend's house with my gf. I ended up stumbling into the bathroom and puking all over the place, clogging up his drains. He brought me a bucket, which I had to keep near me when I went home.

I was bed ridden the next day with a stomach ache, but no head ache!

I guess that's what 4 margaritas, an electric lemonade, and 4 shots of tequila will do to ya though.
I've been in that situation lots of times... the worst was at some public restroom, at a pool in some housing complex, puking into the urinal.
[quote name='Strell']It's cool, sean. The first time I got super drunk, I was at a friend's house with my gf. I ended up stumbling into the bathroom and puking all over the place, clogging up his drains. He brought me a bucket, which I had to keep near me when I went home.

I was bed ridden the next day with a stomach ache, but no head ache!

I guess that's what 4 margaritas, an electric lemonade, and 4 shots of tequila will do to ya though.[/QUOTE]

10 beers, some lemon/vodka slushie thing and spinach dip did me in.

Although Im fine now, no hangover :cool:

And brak...:lol:
[quote name='seanr1221']Picture my friend just texted me


Low point in my life there[/QUOTE]

I concur. That shirt is fucking dreadful. Better luck in '07.

;) If it makes you feel any better, we had to help out someone who finished a whole bottle of pinot noir and two hefty glasses of pinot grigio, so I feel your pain (though I didn't puke because I can handle my liquor).
So thats actually you in your avatar? Huh... Not a bad lookin boy. ;)

It could be worse though, man. One time I went to puke, but was too drunk to turn the light on. Subsequently, that made it too dark to see if the lid was up. So I throw my head forward to get my hurk on and I bash my face into the toilet seat so hard, I knock myself unconcious and give myself a bloody nose. I wake up wrapped around the toilet covered in blood. On the bright side, I didn't puke. :lol:

[quote name='seanr1221']Picture my friend just texted me


Low point in my life there[/quote]
[quote name='seanr1221']Yes thats really me in my that you in yours?[/QUOTE]

If it is, then Saddam really didn't get hung.

Or he's posting from beyond the grave. Which I could totally see happening.
... Comedy Central is gonna premier Napoleon Dynamite? God fucking dammit, and I thought they couldn't get any lower after showing Ladie's Man last night. At least they made up for it by showing Friday again.

[quote name='seanr1221']So if people remember my story from a past OTT, I didn't know what to do for new years. I ended up going to that guys party, and throwing up :whistle2:/

THIS is why I don't drink liqour...I was doing fine with beer.

Oh and 6669, I texted that girl when I was drunk, but nothing big :p[/QUOTE]
I hope you didn't text her anything too stupid. Nothing beats those drunken phone calls/texts to a girl you might possibly like. You might have just told her that you like her now :lol:

[quote name='Brak']Joseph had a boner simply because he never got to score with Mary.[/QUOTE]
and never will ;)
[quote name='Roufuss']
Or he's posting from beyond the grave. Which I could totally see happening.[/QUOTE]


Hey, relax buddy!
[quote name='Roufuss']If it is, then Saddam really didn't get hung.

Or he's posting from beyond the grave. Which I could totally see happening.[/quote]

I wose fwum my gwave to wescue de wizarts dotter.
[quote name='Kayden']I wose fwum my gwave to wescue de wizarts dotter.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Roufuss']If it is, then Saddam really didn't get hung.

Or he's posting from beyond the grave. Which I could totally see happening.[/QUOTE]
you mean in hell ;)

edit. like strell said, but much slower
Work is boring.

I just crank called my friend's grandma twice. Gotta nice, bitter "You fuckin' asshole!" out of her.
[quote name='6669']I hope you didn't text her anything too stupid. Nothing beats those drunken phone calls/texts to a girl you might possibly like. You might have just told her that you like her now :lol:[/QUOTE]

I think I said something like "happy newy ear! i hax 8 beers so fr"
[quote name='Brak']WISE FWUM YOW GWAVE![/QUOTE]

It's like the shittiest game I've ever played... it really didn't age well.

What ever happened to that PS2 remake / sequel?

Wtf, there was also a GBA remake?
[quote name='Roufuss']CAN YOU TURN INTO A WOLF AND A DRAGON?!?[/quote]

Wolf down my Draggin' balls.

[quote name='Roufuss']It's like the shittiest game I've ever played... it really didn't age well.

What ever happened to that PS2 remake / sequel?[/QUOTE]
That game is fucking. Hard.

I haven't thought of the remake in a while. They probably canned it.

And let me borrow your NFS:MW when you're done with it. Gotta get those achievements I missed before I traded it! ;)
[quote name='Brak']Something tells me that remake isn't worth playing.

And is it $7 used? Would it be the same price at GS? (I'm none too EB/GS savvy.)[/QUOTE]

Yea, it's the same price at both, $7 used.

I'd probably pick it up if I ever saw it but I'm not gonna go out of my way to grab it.
I just hope they don't can the next-gen Golden Axe. More than that, I hope it doesn't suck dick.

[quote name='Roufuss']Yea, it's the same price at both, $7 used.

I'd probably pick it up if I ever saw it but I'm not gonna go out of my way to grab it.[/QUOTE]
That'd be pretty sweet if I found a copy that wasn't in a generic DVD case, wasn't smothered in boogers and didn't have "Timothy" written on the data side of the disc.
[quote name='Brak']
That'd be pretty sweet if I found a copy that wasn't in a generic DVD case, wasn't smothered in boogers and didn't have "Timothy" written on the data side of the disc.[/QUOTE]

Well it's for GBA so no need to worry ;)

And Timothy? Mine always have the most assholeish names on them...

[quote name='seanr1221']I think I said something like "happy newy ear! i hax 8 beers so fr"[/QUOTE]
Then its a really good thing you didnt call her.
I get to pick up a new fish tank tomorrow. It's 120 gallons! I wonder if the floor in here can support all the weight or not...
Oh, and my friend has the best used game little kid's name written on his copy of Donkey Kong Country for the SNES:

[quote name='Dead of Knight']Also Kayden, WTF? I loved your old baby avatar. :cry: At least PM me the image so I can save it.[/quote]
Here ya go, love. ;)

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