True Blood Official Discussion: Season 3 starts Sun. June 13th!

[quote name='tcrash247']Didn't she say that about herself already when talking to Arlene? I seem to remember that.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure she did either before or during the night ritual.
yeah didnt like the finale either and im really getting tired of snookie and her damn whining. i cant trust you but i want you or do i want you or you ? its annoying and with so many of the other characters having more interesting storylines of their own itd be nice if they dailed back the love triangle and focused more on everyone else.
[quote name='lokizz']yeah didnt like the finale either and im really getting tired of snookie and her damn whining. i cant trust you but i want you or do i want you or you ? its annoying and with so many of the other characters having more interesting storylines of their own itd be nice if they dailed back the love triangle and focused more on everyone else.[/QUOTE]Snookie? Do you know about a spin-off we don't, True Blood: Jersey Shore? :lol:

I think with things as they are at the end of the season, we should see less of the love triangle and more of the other characters.
[quote name='tcrash247']Didn't she say that about herself already when talking to Arlene? I seem to remember that.[/QUOTE]
Did she? I thought it was just kind of implied. I wonder if that means their will be some sort of fighting between the witches/wiccans.
[quote name='javeryh']I just googled Nina Dobrev - she looks 14! You guys are nuts.[/QUOTE]

You cannot honestly say that you wouldn't hit that (if the opportunity were to present itself, and you weren't married, of course).
[quote name='javeryh']I just googled Nina Dobrev - she looks 14! You guys are nuts.[/QUOTE]

Haha, come on. She doesn't look 14.



She looks young (maybe 18)...but she's 21. Hard to feel gross about thinking a 21 year old woman is attractive. I guess she needs to do more hard drugs so she can look like she's in menopause like Lindsay Lohan (who is only 2.5 years older). And she's more than a year older than Kristen Stewart. But just because Kristen Stewart looks more manish, it's ok for people to say she's attractive? lol...that seems terribly unfair.
This whole season was a dud. That's why this show never beats anything at the Emmys. It has a huge following but only the first season had any real power. The rest just feels like a broadcast network drama where they drag shit on.

The Game of Thrones stuff that was on BEFORE True Blood's finale had be 100x more excited. Emilia Clarke looks soooo much better as Dany Targaryen than Tamzin Merchant would have. That girl who is playing Arya is cute as hell, fucking perfect for that role of a little wiseass tomboy. Loras Tyrell's armor looks straight out of Demon Souls.
[quote name='shieryda']You cannot honestly say that you wouldn't hit that (if the opportunity were to present itself, and you weren't married, of course).[/QUOTE]

married or unmarried i'd hit it
[quote name='shrike4242']Snookie? Do you know about a spin-off we don't, True Blood: Jersey Shore? :lol:

I think with things as they are at the end of the season, we should see less of the love triangle and more of the other characters.[/QUOTE]

lol damn i dont know how i got those names mixed up i hope youre right though because the triangle is as dead to me as the maryanne orgies.
Anyone still watching this train wreck of a show?  I am about 2 episodes behind and the only reason I'm forcing myself to watch this god awful mess is because it has become a legitimate comedy and I want to see just how bad it can get.  I'm pretty sure we are at rock bottom but each week they go a little deeper.  This is an all-time historically bad show.  I guess I expect more from HBO.

Haha, wow. Surprised to see this thread bumped. Yeah, I'm still watching this with my wife. We've been bored of it for some time as well. I think HBO is lucky the show doesn't require a huge time commitment. Probably another benefit of these shorter season shows, that people can just go "'s only 10-13 episodes". I don't know if this show was just a victim of its own popularity or what, but it pretty much never went anywhere after the first season. I mean, it definitely has its moments, and some of the dialogue can be pretty great at times. But in terms of overall's just your basic "villain of the season" campy show.

I feel like I can point back to the Mary Ann storyline all the way back in season 2 that just dragged on and on, and killed the fun vibe the show had going for it. Since then, it's been one pointless story arc after another, mixed with one pointless Sookie relationship after another. Then they fuck up a feel good Jessica/Hoyt storyline for pretty much no reason (she and Jason were together for what...5 minutes?), make Bill even more unlikable than he already was (though the name Billith cracks me up every time I hear it), make Alcide an asshole, and make Eric a pussy. You know it's bad when Andy Bellefleur and Pam are the most entertaining characters. Now, it's just another one of those shows that my wife and I watch because "well, we've made it this far..." Just waiting on someone to give it "the true death", lol.

Anyone still watching this train wreck of a show? I am about 2 episodes behind and the only reason I'm forcing myself to watch this god awful mess is because it has become a legitimate comedy and I want to see just how bad it can get. I'm pretty sure we are at rock bottom but each week they go a little deeper. This is an all-time historically bad show. I guess I expect more from HBO.
I've actually been enjoying this latest season, it's been much better than Seasons 4 and 5 so far. Alcide's total character change sucked, and Terry's death sucked, but otherwise I really like it. Shit be crazy.

I've actually been enjoying this latest season, it's been much better than Seasons 4 and 5 so far. Alcide's total character change sucked, and Terry's death sucked, but otherwise I really like it. Shit be crazy.
I like how Javery specifically said he hasn't seen the last couple episodes and then you drop a huge spoiler bomb on him. Good job, lol. :applause: I responded and then there was another response. If that was intentional moderation, that's pretty ridiculous. We're not allowed to talk about this show?

I just sent a PM to shrike to see if he knew anything about it since he's posted in this thread and at least used to watch the show. Hoping it was just a site glitch or something weird because considering none of that discussion was inappropriate, it's kind of discouraging to participate in forum discussions when you don't know if your comments will just be randomly deleted.

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Someone deleted my post? Really?
Looks like we are back so thanks to whoever fixed that.

I like how Javery specifically said he hasn't seen the last couple episodes and then you drop a huge spoiler bomb on him. Good job, lol. :applause:
I already caught up before seeing it - so ha! I'm current now so spoil away!

The best characters on the show are Vampire Pam, and non-medium Lafayette (giving him a "power" was probably the worst decision ever). Andy is pretty good for a laugh too. All the unnecessary swearing and over the top sex scenes are just laughable. When Pam banged the shrink I was like "why don't we get to see that?" LOL. The glowing wang scene in the graveyard was so freaking funny - it is amazing that they can somehow make Anna Paquin and her slamming body completely unsexy with all the ridiculousness (notwithstanding the fact that she is a wreck up from the neck up).

They could kill off over 1/2 of the cast and I wouldn't bat an eye. These characters are in a gots to go situation (in no particular order):

- Alcide (and all of his "wolfpack" - I just keep thinking of The hangover every time they say it)

- Sam (and Nicole or whoever he is hanging out with at any particular time)

- Tara (she has been absolutely worthless and should have just died instead of being turned - they have done nothing with her character)

- Bill (his character is completely off the rails and just so uninteresting at this point)

- Arlene (she serves no purpose)

- Holly (same)

- Warlow (awful name and the writers clearly had no idea what they were doing here)

- Sarah Newlin (WORST actress on the show by far and that is saying a lot)

- maybe Steve Newlin too although he is good for a laugh

Am I forgetting anyone?

Looks like we are back so thanks to whoever fixed that.

I already caught up before seeing it - so ha! I'm current now so spoil away!

The best characters on the show are Vampire Pam, and non-medium Lafayette (giving him a "power" was probably the worst decision ever). Andy is pretty good for a laugh too. All the unnecessary swearing and over the top sex scenes are just laughable. When Pam banged the shrink I was like "why don't we get to see that?" LOL. The glowing wang scene in the graveyard was so freaking funny - it is amazing that they can somehow make Anna Paquin and her slamming body completely unsexy with all the ridiculousness (notwithstanding the fact that she is a wreck up from the neck up).

They could kill off over 1/2 of the cast and I wouldn't bat an eye. These characters are in a gots to go situation (in no particular order):

- Alcide (and all of his "wolfpack" - I just keep thinking of The hangover every time they say it)

- Sam (and Nicole or whoever he is hanging out with at any particular time)

- Tara (she has been absolutely worthless and should have just died instead of being turned - they have done nothing with her character)

- Bill (his character is completely off the rails and just so uninteresting at this point)

- Arlene (she serves no purpose)

- Holly (same)

- Warlow (awful name and the writers clearly had no idea what they were doing here)

- Sarah Newlin (WORST actress on the show by far and that is saying a lot)

- maybe Steve Newlin too although he is good for a laugh

Am I forgetting anyone?
Ha, wow...thanks to whoever put those posts back. Looking at them again, I have no idea why anyone would delete them. Even though CAG 3.0 still having weird issues where posts are just randomly deleted isn't exactly comforting, I prefer that excuse to thinking the moderating could be that tight.

Anyway, here's the problem I have, pretty much ANY character that Sookie gets with becomes absolutely worthless after she's done with them. It's happened to every one of them. Bill, Sam, Eric, and Alcide. They all had fairly interesting characteristics and their own personality quirks. Then, after they had "fullfilled their purpose", the writers just abandoned developing them completely. I guess you could say they're still working on Bill, but I feel like that's more out of necessity than anything. And even saying his character has "developed" is generous. They've just turned him into a ridiculous tool. Eric is barely hanging on, and Alcide and Sam are completely irrelevant.

Completely agreed about Tara too. She should have been killed off a long time ago. Really, even Lafayette really doesn't have much of a purpose anymore (other than comic relief). I feel like they've written so many of their characters into a corner...there's just nowhere to go. Once they killed off Jesus, that was pretty much it for Lafayette. Now, he's just hanging around. Same with turning Tara into a vampire. And now the same with Arlene. These characters have nowhere to go but dead.

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Apparently some more key characters will be kicking the bucket before the end of the season.

Alcide should get killed by his pack, Tara should have died when she was turned, Sam should maybe, I dunno, run his bar? How does a business function when it's owner hasn't been working in years?

I do think the show is much better this year. It definitely went down a road that doomed Heroes, everyone can't have powers cause then nothing is special.
Just watched last night's episode, by far the worst episode of the season but that's not saying much, this season has been pretty bad.  Nobody gives a fuck about Terry, why do we need half an episode of happy memories?  I wish they would just end this show already, I'd like a final conclusion instead of stopping all together.  The producers of Dexter know it's time to end, the producers of True Blood should take note.

As crappy as the last couple seasons have been, I actually feel like they made a positive turn in the season finale. I found an interesting interview with the new showrunner who talks about what the show did wrong (apparently, most of this was under the previous showrunner). He talks about how he had to kind of wrangle things in and the direction the show is going to go in for next season. This entire season was basically "unfucking up" the show, lol...which obviously couldn't be done overnight. It's probably too little too late, but I agree with most of what he's saying.

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I read that Eric is still going to be a regular next season.  *Sigh*.

At this point this show is a mockery of what it was in it's 1st season which I liked immensely.  Ever since then they just keep upping the crazy every year.  Werewolves? Sure. Shifters? Why not? Fairies? fucking go ahead.  Fairy Vampires? *Throws hands up* Sure, why not?  Now we got Hep V infected Zombie Vampires (although they aren't calling them that.).  I ...I just...I can't. lol.

Teen Wolf is a million times the show that this show could ever hope to be.  Every week the show is tense, suspenseful and rarely predictable.  I'm a few episodes behind of Teen Wolf, though.  Last episode I saw you found out what Lydia is. So I think I have two or three eps to go to get caught up.

But Teen Wolf is one I expected to loathe out of the gate, because A. it's MTV B. It's based on the movie Teen Wolf (Which I love) and C. It's MTV!!!!.

Shockingly it is a fantastic show that just keeps getting better and better, as opposed to True Blood which just seems to get worse and worse.  I will say that this season, imo was much better than some of the other seasons, but that's by TB standards.  Maybe it was just all the other show runner, I dunno.  They need to get this shit on track though.

Thought i'd give the thread a bump since the final season is now airing.  I personally am ready for it to be over. Though I am quite curious if they are going to go where I think they're going to go with a certain character's off-screen death:

I read talk about how more would be revealed of Lettie Mae's past this season, so it makes me wonder if the off-screen death of Tara is leading to a future scene where they'll reveal that it was Lettie Mae that killed Tara

Just finished the series. These last few seasons were not very good. They tried to be funny too often this last season. Remember when Eric was a badass? sigh. Not the worst series finale, but hardly satisfying.

The MAIN problem with the "happy ending" they decided to go with? The writers' lack of foresite to sketch in the character who could possibly have been Sookie's future baby daddy. You can tell they had no real idea how to wrap up the show (minus Bill's death), and just went with the "everything's pretty great in the future now" kinda ending. Everybody who's still alive = having kids, in a relationship, and lovin' life. LAME. And seeing Eric being reduced to little more than a bored businessman is utterly disheartening.

The MAIN problem with the "happy ending" they decided to go with? The writers' lack of foresite to sketch in the character who could possibly have been Sookie's future baby daddy. You can tell they had no real idea how to wrap up the show (minus Bill's death), and just went with the "everything's pretty great in the future now" kinda ending. Everybody who's still alive = having kids, in a relationship, and lovin' life. LAME. And seeing Eric being reduced to little more than a bored businessman is utterly disheartening.
I was behind on this season basically the entire way through, so I couldn't partake in much discussion, haha. But I kind of hate that they abandoned the "town is under attack" storyline. I mean, I guess they had to sort out a lot of character arcs, so they didn't really have time to be telling new stories. But that could have been a great jolt for the show had it been done last season.

Anyway, on the least it didn't pull a "How I Met Your Mother" and just completely change the entire tone of the show with its ending. My wife started to suspect "Bill is going to turn human!" with Sookie being able to hear his thoughts and the "I've felt more human than ever" line. I guess those were intentional red herrings...but I'm really glad they didn't go that cornball route.

I mean, yeah, maybe the final scene they gave us was a little cheesy, but it was a reasonable way to wrap up a show. Maybe it seemed "too happy"...but I think that's mostly because of the utter chaos that had been happening ever since the Tru Blood factories were bombed. With that problem rectified, it's not unthinkable that life could return to normal, or that people would grow up and settle down.

As for "Sookie's Baby Daddy", to me it felt like they intentionally avoided the "who is it?" because that was the point and proved Bill right. The WHO didn't matter...but just that she did move on and lived a normal life. It's not like there was some obvious candidate that they just ignored. It's not Bill, Eric, or Alcide. It was 5 years after Bill died. She met somebody. Good enough for me.

Anyway, what a show, haha. Could have been so much more, but my wife and I saw it through to the end. Looking back at my old posts in this thread, I still stand by my Mary Ann assessment. She fucked up the entire show, lol. It totally jumped the shark during that plotline.

I do have to say though, I really, really enjoyed the episode that explained how Fangtasia came to be. I couldn't believe Eric and Pam ran a video store for 24 years. And freaking Ginger came up with the entire concept, lol. That was probably a shining moment for this season. :)

I do have to say though, I really, really enjoyed the episode that explained how Fangtasia came to be. I couldn't believe Eric and Pam ran a video store for 24 years. And freaking Ginger came up with the entire concept, lol. That was probably a shining moment for this season. :)
Yeah, the whole Ginger subplot this season was gold. One of the few things that actually wrapped up nicely and didn't feel out of character. Wish the same could be said for Lafayette (good that he found love, but the whole Elly Mae storyline was TERRIBLE and a waste of his time IMO).

I do have to say though, I really, really enjoyed the episode that explained how Fangtasia came to be. I couldn't believe Eric and Pam ran a video store for 24 years. And freaking Ginger came up with the entire concept, lol. That was probably a shining moment for this season. :)
Yup. This was the best thing the show did since season 1 besides Jessica's first kill.

True Blood just turned into a soft core soap opera quickly after that great first season. I'm glad it's over. It really lost all of it's edginess once it was basically assured no character could die so I never felt any threat. Tara should have just been killed when she was, if not sooner, and turning her was just such a cop out. Her stories after season 2 were worthless.

Like I said. The ending wasn't Dexter quality bad, but it was bad. Though I could understand Bill wanting to die. He was always more human but then that doesn't exactly explain his stint as the god vamp. lol
My main complaint is that the characters were acting out of character. I understand "people change" (though I don't entirely agree with that) and that they can grow as characters, but most of the characters were no where near where they started in the show.

I also thought they were going to change Bill into a human, so he could live a normal life with sookie. When she was at the grave and she was looking at her powers, I figured they would say some thing like "She understands her power, and she can shape its effects, blah blah, love can purify, blah blah, etc." Part of me wishes they did that because I would rather have a fairy tale ending for them specifically since the show started around them.

Or they could have gone the route that sookie's blood looked like it was accelerating the spread of the disease, but it was actually curing Bill.

If they did something like this, I would have accepted that if the world is still messed up and Eric and Pam were using Sarah for money and power, so they could become the vampire King/Queen or whatever you would want to call it.

I think something like that would be "more believable" since it would be more of a real world take on things, but I figured the "life will carry on" approach was fine.

I do have to say the death scene was emotional, especially since she straddled/got in the coffin with him. Though now that I think about it...It seemed like she was making the sacrifice, but really, she wasn't. She was sticking to her character as "stubborn sookie" and kept her powers which really takes away the sacrifice Bill was making for her. Just like real life...He gives up everything for her and she finds another guy. lol


I loved the fangtasia origin story. That was dead on.

I'm so glad it is finally over.  I'm also really glad they killed Bill because that basically assures there will be no movie in the future.  This show was disappointing on so many levels and pretty much everything past the first season was a complete mess in terms of writing and acting.  Everyone (especially Sookie) just seemed to forget how evil Vampire Bill was in Season 6 and that whole nonsensical "Lilith" plot and the Authority, etc.  Ugh - just thinking about all of it annoys me.  I was even tired of Pam by the end, which should have been impossible. 

bread's done