Ultimate Warrior memorial wrestling thread 1959-2014

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It's more about not having decent gimmicks on these dudes. Racism is a bit of a stretch, as it really implies there aren't any purely black champions. There have been several non-whites who've held the belt: Mysterio, Guerrero, Rock, Khali, and Del Rio just in recent memory.

Which fully black athletes even have the gimmick to pull off being champion? Kofi sucks on the mic even though he's fun to watch. R-Truth wouldn't be a bad choice, but he's the type of guy who's just happy to perform for the crowd.

Side note: Why the fuck aren't Truth and Woods tag champs? C'mon wwe..

It's more about not having decent gimmicks on these dudes. Racism is a bit of a stretch, as it really implies there aren't any purely black champions. There have been several non-whites who've held the belt: Mysterio, Guerrero, Rock, Khali, and Del Rio just in recent memory.

Which fully black athletes even have the gimmick to pull off being champion? Kofi sucks on the mic even though he's fun to watch. R-Truth wouldn't be a bad choice, but he's the type of guy who's just happy to perform for the crowd.

Side note: Why the fuck aren't Truth and Woods tag champs? C'mon wwe..
I really like R Truth, but his problem right now is his age at 42. The years he could have been champ were spent in TNA where he was a 2 time champion. Mark Henry may be a year older, but I think he could be given a short reign just before he retires.

I know they've cooled a bit on Big E, but I still think he has room to grow as a performer and he has the build that Vince loves.
Don't forget Truth got a Wellness suspension in the middle of his big push, so he was probably put in the same category as Regal was when he did the same.

Xavier Woods - I don't think there's a world championship in his future but there's certainly a place on the card for him.  Plus I bet the corporate side loves him and he'll be one of the guys doing childrens and charity events for the company.

Big E and Titus O'Neil probably have the best shot out of the guys on the current roster given their look.  I bet there's a good Mark Henry level dominant heel in him somewhere. 

That finisher needs to go though. Dude can bench press 530 pounds and Nikki fuck ing Bella has a more legit looking finisher.  Doesn't need to be anything fancy...hell, let him do a bearhug and throttle the other guy until they pass out.

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I caved and bought the 2K14 season pass while it was on sale for $9.99. I probably wouldn't have bought it with real money, but I used some of the free Xbox money that Gamestop gave away. Time for an nWo takeover. Now I'm debating on buying Biker Taker for an extra $1.99.

edit - bought him. I hate myself a little.

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X-Pac turned 42 yesterday. It seems like he should be older than that.  I guess that's because he's been out of the spotlight pretty much for the last decade or so. With Trips in charge, I can't believe he hasn't given Waltman another run. It must be because of all the out of the ring issues. From what I've seen, he can still put on a decent match.

X-Pac turned 42 yesterday. It seems like he should be older than that. I guess that's because he's been out of the spotlight pretty much for the last decade or so. With Trips in charge, I can't believe he hasn't given Waltman another run. It must be because of all the out of the ring issues. From what I've seen, he can still put on a decent match.
Doesnt he have Hep C or something like that? That could be the reason.

Maybe that is why, but he still gets booked on Dreamer's HOH shows. He also bled everywhere when he blew out his asshole on that bronco buster last year at the Jerry Lynn retirement show.
Wow. I almost totally forgot about him "blowing out his asshole." LMAO. Thanks again for bringing that gem of a botch back to life. Chances are though it has more to do with his antics outside the ring. Remember, there is the phrase "X-Pac Heat" exists for some reason.


2k15 just got my preorder. 

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I haven't been watching Raw, but has anything happened regarding
7.14.14 tweet? From what I've read, it's likely about him appearing in 2K15, which is enough to make me preorder again like I did for Warrior last year.

edit - Well shit. I guess that answers my question. Beaten by the ninja posts.

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Well, I totally pre-ordered it. I've never pre-ordered a wrestling video game before, but the promise of exclusive Sting DLC and being on the PS4 was enough to get me to do it. Hopefully WWE will be nice enough and give us an alternate Sting cover (or really anything that's not Cena).


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Hopefully that Rollins injury was just an odd way to get him out of the way for the finish so they didn't have to do another cash-in spot.

Isn't that just a reprint of an old WCW shirt with a WWE logo slapped on? Seems like it's pretty much the same design they used back in '97.
It's similar but not the exact same. It's actually kind of cool, if not for that WWE tag I'd consider buying my first wrestling shirt in... I dunno, at least 10 years.


Seeing that promo from tonight now makes it kind of upsetting they didn't make Sting/Undertaker happen before, and I'm assuming now never will. There's so much cool stuff they could have done just in video packages alone to build it up. Heck, they could have had an orchestra play both guys to the ring at Mania.
Good enough way to send it off....certainly better than running around with the two belts strapped together into one giant one like Cena was doing.

Sting will end up on TV eventually .. it just won't be at a throwaway show. He's likely a sure bet for Wrestlemania this year... but this isn't news to anyone, really.

Sting will end up on TV eventually .. it just won't be at a throwaway show. He's likely a sure bet for Wrestlemania this year... but this isn't news to anyone, really.
you mean next year? or is sting somehow going to find a time machine and change the outcomes of this years mania :)

I say we either see Sting at summerslam or at the Nov PPV.

Didnt someone say brock wins the title at summerslam, if not i would not shock me to see Sting run in at battle grounds and cause a STING VS whoever is the champ at summer slam

I know I am a little late, but Faarooq (WCW) and Mark Henry were already world champions.

Also, guess who is world champion in TNA? Bobby Lashley.
I am sure that Darren Young will have the WWE title on him in a few years. I just hope his skin is dark enough shade for those hate-spreading Liberals to consider him black. But WWE having the first openly gay wrestler as their champion, plus being black, is a win/win as far as public relations go.

I am sure that Darren Young will have the WWE title on him in a few years. I just hope his skin is dark enough shade for those hate-spreading Liberals to consider him black. But WWE having the first openly gay wrestler as their champion, plus being black, is a win/win as far as public relations go.
Best possible ending? He gets it off Cena by passionately kissing him for the stun and upset win.

Also, Lashley is as good in the ring as Lesnar is and fuck anyone who says otherwise.
Best possible ending? He gets it off Cena by passionately kissing him for the stun and upset win.

Also, Lashley is as good in the ring as Lesnar is and fuck anyone who says otherwise.
I agree with your Lashley statement. I honestly believe his baby face (literally) and tiny voice hurt him badly. Give him a manager (like Lana or Heyman) and you're golden. I hear the guy got super greedy near the end of his WWE run though.

If I had to put money on one man of African descent on the WWE roster to have a run with the WWE title I'd choose David Otunga. He has amazing potential and has "connections" in hollywood which I feel WWE isn't done exploiting yet; could make for a great heel. He'd surely pull off the "hollywood asshole" gimmick better than the Miz.

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Best possible ending? He gets it off Cena by passionately kissing him for the stun and upset win.

Also, Lashley is as good in the ring as Lesnar is and fuck anyone who says otherwise.
Technically speaking, I agree that he is as good as Lesnar. His lack of facial expressions in the ring hurts a lot though. If they put a mask on him I think he would be a lot better off.

I am sure that Darren Young will have the WWE title on him in a few years. I just hope his skin is dark enough shade for those hate-spreading Liberals to consider him black. But WWE having the first openly gay wrestler as their champion, plus being black, is a win/win as far as public relations go.
is adam rose gay some reason he just seems to act like it

Does it really matter which World Title that they've held with the company?
It's probably cause most of the time WWE treated the ECW & World Heavyweight titles are mid-tier titles compared to the WWE titles. As they can put the World Heavyweight title on people like the Great Khali & Christian and say "he's a world champion" without giving them the WWE title. Because you know those two examples would never be WWE champion.

Also, the world title belt is apparently considered so worthless that it can just be given away with zero fanfare. I mean, I get the reasoning, but they it played out was terrible.
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